Nema Cetyri

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Nema Cetyri
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keepers of the Moon
Citizenship Ul'dah
Nameday 13th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon
Patron Deity Rhalgr, the Destroyer
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Primary Class Black Mage
Family Mana Cetyri (sister)
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Basic Info

Nema is a Miqo'te Keeper who currently resides in Ul'dah, studying the way of the Thaumaturge at the Guild. Although she is a diligent – perhaps obsessive – student, she is by no means a humble one. She possesses confidence disproportionate to her ability, and despises being told what to do. Her impatience to be a powerful Black Mage often leads her to take on challenges that are beyond her, placing her in frequent and serious danger, but Nema is not one to heed a warning.

Her boldness has made an impression on the Flame General, Raubahn Aldynn, who recently enlisted her services as an independent contractor. It is neither honour nor charity that compelled Nema to accept this duty, but the prospect of what she could gain from it; fame, glory, wealth, and power. Doing favours for powerful people is certain to have its benefits. She could not care less about the cause.


Raised in a matriarchal society by a small tribe whose male members where little more than servants and breeders, Nema grew up to believe that females were all-important. Although the tribe’s males weren’t necessarily mistreated, what Nema took away from her years as an elevated female was twisted in her mind, to the point where she no longer saw males as individuals. That crooked view was compounded by her own narcissistic personality disorder.

By the time she was old enough to leave on her own, Nema was convinced that only her needs and wants mattered. Instead of continuing to respect females in society outside of the tribe, Nema decided that she alone was deserving of respect. All females were dismissed as irrelevant, and all males were labelled tools or toys. She wandered far, without looking back. She had never developed genuine feelings for the people who had called her ‘family’, since she was incapable of feelings beyond selfish ones.

A young Nema soon discovered that respect was not automatically given - instead, many foreigners actually treated her with contempt. This affront to her almighty ego was unbearable. She had to make certain that all would recognise her for how important she truly was. Watching, thinking, waiting - Nema studied the ways of these outsiders and learned how they ticked. She figured out what they wanted, why they did what they did, how they came to be that way. Then she started to learn how to use that knowledge to her advantage. She became a master manipulator - using an individual’s basest motivations to get whatever she wanted from them. She lied, she stole, she seduced, she flattered, and she ruined. She found that her greatest weapon was her beauty, and so she focused her resources on honing it.


Nema is a textbook narcissist; self-absorbed, attention seeking, and extremely manipulative. Being raised in a matriarchal Keeper tribe instilled in her an unbalanced belief in female supremacy, while her own ego ensured that she assigned respect to no females but herself.

She gives little consideration to the feelings of others, seeking only to fulfil her own desires. Despite her callous disregard for everything and everyone, Nema is not inherently evil – she is ruled by whim, not malice. She desires power, wealth, glory, and pleasure. Whether she attains such things by heroic or villainous means is irrelevant to her. In fact, she does not believe in the concepts of good and evil, but instead believes that the universe is random and meaningless. Death comes to all, so Nema has no problem with helping someone get there a little faster – so long as it benefits her in some way.


Though Nema holds to no belief system and identifies with no group, she was born a Keeper of the Moon. Unlike her tribe, she does not revere Menphina, the Keepers’ patron deity – simply because she reveres none above herself. What little she inherited from her people includes her preference of night over day, her hunting abilities, and her sexual liberality.

She never developed any real bonds – even with her own kin. Her younger sister was a source of bitter envy from an early age, and Nema cultivated no love for her. As soon as she was able, she left her tribe in the Shroud and never looked back. With nowhere to go, and no one beside her, she simply wandered.

Nema provides mercenary services for the Maelstrom, but her disdain for organizations and rules keeps her from fully committing to the company. She swears allegiance to no one.

RP Rules

If you’re interested in RPing with Nema Cetyri, here are a few things you should know:

  • She is a high functioning sociopath. This means she is unable to comprehend the emotions of others, lacks empathy, and can be quite cold. This does not mean she is a psychopath. She is not unhinged or sadistic - merely indifferent.
  • Her views - which are often harsh - do not reflect the mun’s. Please don’t mistake her rudeness for mine.
  • Although she is a sexually empowered polysexual woman, she is very particular about the people she hooks up with. If she is not interested in your muse in that way, they have no chance at all. (Nema makes the rules, not me)
  • If you’re looking for a friendly muse, a possible girlfriend for yours, someone to have fun with or engage in fluffy scenes, Nema is not the muse for you.

Where to find her: (Balmung) Usually Ul’dah, Limsa Luminsa, taverns, docks.


Tumblr blog for Nema & Mana Cetyri

Nema Gallery