Aoba Suzukaze

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Ffxiv 04122017 060225.png


Aoba Suzukaze is a young, mute, fisherwoman from the coasts of Doma. She spent most of her life, smelling like the sea and feeding herself with the fish she caught! She learned to fish farther back than her memories allow. She used it as her only way of income, as her parents died of a mysterious illness when she was very young. Of course the fishermen were suspicious of a small female occupying their waters, so they often shunned her or even chased her away from their boats. She would get around their cruelty by drawing little maps of where unoccupied waters laid. This kept her fed for years and even rewarded her with the lust for exploration. She ventured on beyond her village, mapping roads and shortcuts to neighboring towns. While she explored, she learned how to cook, read and write, a talent uncommon in her home town. This allowed her to communicate with others easier, writing down her thoughts rather than constantly finding the need to over exaggerate through her hands and body language. She lived this way peacefully, that is, 'till the Garlean invasion hit. Torn between her love for exploration and her love for her country, she chose the former and escaped with the refugees to Eorzea. There she expanded her maps and fishing experience, learning the ways of Eorzea and her people.

Appearance & Personality

Aoba has sun kissed skin, undoubtedly gained from years in the sun. Her hair is a dark peach color, nearly matching the tones of her skin. She has eyes the color of the very waves she calls home! She has conch-like horns and a fat "crocodile" like tail. Her scales are a bright pearl color, bleached by the sun and stand as a very big contrast to her skin. She could be described as having a pear shaped body, brandishing a few extra pounds from all the food she eats! What she lacks for in her voice, she makes up in a gentle personality. She is a bit nervous and clumsy at times, but this comes from her fear of disappointing or upsetting others. Unfortunately, the poor auri could not defend herself whatsoever, lacking talent in any fighting stances or even the ability to manipulate aether. She's adventurous and brave despite her inability to defend herself, though she's quick if in need of an escape. She gets rather giddy about the things she cares about most, like bugs, fishing and food!


She has a poor relationship with people from her village, mostly due to the scorn she gained growing up. She tends to like people in Eorzea more, accepting her love for fishing right away and not seeing her as just a disability.


"She stinks of fish! Does she ever take a shower?" -passing woman in Ul'dah "She only ever writes in those notebooks, can she hear?" -drunkard in her village "How do her scales not blind anyone Momma!?" -nosy child

Likes & Dislikes

-Mountainous regions, they're the most fun to graph!
-Exploring ruins, even if they seem dangerous...
-Drawing pictures of different bugs, she's not scared of even one!
-Being called a bother
-Seeing any abuse towards any creature.
-Waste in the water or disrespect to the beaches.

OOC Notes

Aoba is actually a sweetheart and was made after doing much research about living with this particular disability!


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