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Niraan Banner 01.png



Niraan stands 86 tall and possess a dark aura around him. Though faint, one who is spirtully attuned enough might be able to catch it. The 'shadow' that resides there appears to be that of a Mi'qote. Niraan's body is displayed as thicker than the average of his kind, the dense tissue of his frame explaining how he might survive the strikes of one even blessed with advanced strength. Other than, he is as a normal hunter and warrior of the Xaela who engages in rigorous training. His weight is said to be closer to 300lbs.
Aspects That Stand Out:
■ Niraan cannot use his left eye though it remains he keeps it covered most times.
■ He is unable to use any form of magic, save teleportation. Doing so can result in death. When struck with magic the dark aura around him brightens lightly, as his body seems to be absorbing it to try and replenish.
■ His hair is rarely seen pinned as he enjoys the look of it flowing.


Niraan is blunt and to the point no matter what the situation is. This is proven to be a good and a bad thing. While he has learned to plan and let plans work out, he holds little patience for doing so. He is often loud and commands attention when he shows up to a location. He is prideful and very much so boastful of his victories but loyal to no fault. He is also quick to allow himself to be struck if it means gaining the upperhand in a battle.


Being Drunk


Unfocused Rage
Wasted Potential
Useless Information


Friendly Fights
Saving People






To be seen truly as Mighty in the eyes of all

Family Involved Romantic Platonic Physical Friend Acquaintance $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure
Ozbeg of the Buduga, Father
Character's Thoughts: " My father is truly mighty. Even in the face of the certain death does he hold his position and dare any fool to advance. I will stand as he does even though I myself may perhaps be weak in comparison."
Even though Niraan no longer claims his ties to the Buduga tribe, his love of his father and the respect he holds for the man causes him to always refer to himself as his father's son to show his true alignment to the proud warrior of an otherwise tribe he has cursed as the bane of his existence.
Maral of the Moks, Mother
Character's Thoughts: " My mother, Maral of the Moks, is an honorable woman who holds within her grasp mine own heart though I rarely speak of her. I have not honored her enough to say her name proudly.. Though I would hope to be capable of doing so ere long."
Niraan regards his mother with a level of respect that he rarely yields to any. With but a word, she could crush him with ease and yet she holds true to him. His quest for might and the respect of those around him is driven by his need to prove himself worth of his mother's name.
Sora Kihoshi, Promised
Character's Thoughts: " I would be the first to admit that the woman who stands at my side was not, at first, one I so eyed. But upon speaking with her and finding her position on mine own history - her willingness to trust in the words of a dishonored thief and a criminal- I have found a respect that yields non but my mother. And in that time, that respect has become an ensnaring love which threatens to consume my most righteous thinking on any given night."
Niraan did not know much of Sora when he first returned from the void, but he has since grown far closer to her than any others in his life. Through their continued conversations did he realize just how akin they had been to one another all along, and her sense of duty and duty- and knowledge when to abandon it- have bowled him over. This, alongside his appreciation of her physique as a whole have led him to seek her as an eventual mate.
Khantyer of the Qalli, Tribal Sister - Khatagtai
Character's Thoughts: " It is my desire to return to her side that has summoned me back from the void. Despite the fact that we have gone our seperate ways, I am both indebted and drawn to stand as she would need. So long as the son of Ozbeg draws breath, will he stand in defense of her. This is the oath I took, this is the path I will walk."
Though he originally wished to court her, Niraan has always viewed Khantyer with a strong sense of respect. It is that respect that drives him forth in their standing. Their split has not changed this fact; as a knight for their queen or king does he stand ready to do battle for her and her tribe as a whole.
Aca Savage, RELATION - Brewery Master and Founding Visionary
Character's Thoughts: " Only a fool would ever perceive Aca as anything less than a genius. Despite his simple nature and his humbled words, the man stands as a fierce force of nature that may indeed yield a painful result to any and all who would dare present him with mal intentions."
Niraan regards Aca with a high level of respect given the effort he has made and his own advancements through their time together. Niraan would call on Aca as an extremely close runnerup to aid him in battles of any form. This is not a state of trust the son of Ozbeg takes lightly.
Celina Venexcious, - Herald
Character's Thoughts: " In spite of our hardened journey together, Celina stands truly mighty in mine own eyes. Though wayward at the time, I believe when my place upon this plain has come to an end... She will honor me with her ascension to leader of the Visionaries."
Though it is often a strained and argumentive relationship, Niraan has come to respect Celina as both a small sister and a being worthy of taking the mantle of Lead Visionary upon his death. His harsh treatment and training often appears cruel- it all stems for the endgoal he has in mind for the Mi'qote.



Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
Arrogant: Many believe Niraan is not as bright as he is arrogant, quick to stand in order to serve a selfish need to be viewed as strong in the eyes of others. This, however, is false. Niraan acts as he does mostly for the sake of doing his mother, Maral, a strong justice, so that he may one day assume his rightful place as her son in the eyes of all.
Voidsent: Tons who have learned of his death assume him to be a monster crawled from the void. While not entirely false, Niraan stands confident in his control of himself, and willingly submits himself to those who are blessed to prove his altruistic intentions.
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
Visionary Backing: There are rumors that stir of his involvement with the Syndicate to create his company. The 'helping hand' he received might have very well been from the Syndicate, but Niraan has since paid back every dime loaned and stands ready to defend his rights to how the Visionaries are run.
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
Deals with Garleans: Very rarely is it heard that he has ties to possibly exiled members of the Garlean Empire. Though it is not certain these individuals stances on Eorzea, the son of Ozbeg stands confident in his alliance and that it will present the realm as a whole an alliance worthy of protecting the it.


Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"Rumor." — Rumormonger.



Player Note
I myself am married in real life with a child that I will admit pulls me far more than one would expect. That said, I am always open to aid with plots that may or may not result in the death of my character(s). My FC, the Visionaries, is a plot progression tool that I encourage you to use to push your own plots as needed. Most members are more than willing to do so. Know that aggressions shown IC are never at the hands of ME as the player. So do not be afraid to whisper about how to advance a plot if a fight is required. (I also have no problem with my character taking a dive, if the plot calls for it.)
■ Player is an adult and may engage in mature or adult-only content.
■ Player assumes all forms of responsibility for Niraan's actions both IC and any fallout given from said actions. It is encouraged to address and inform the player if his actions are hurting an active plot.
■ Any player caught using information from this profile which is categorized as “Ask First” before obtaining permission, or who uses IC information for OOC purposes, risks the complete discontinuation of IC and OOC interaction with Niraan/Niraan’s Player, and, if applicable, any of said player’s alts.


Potential Plot Hooks
Son of Maral, son of the Moks: Niraan's next major arc(solo) will be his journey to obtain a status worthy of claiming his mother's tribe name. If this is to come to pass, he would officially change his title to be addressed as such.
Ending the Hand the Feeds: Niraan's next major arc(FC) involves the seeking and destruction of the very hands that seek to manipulate the Visionaries. Following this, the company shall become a non-profit organization that would provide aid with little to no money put down for the services.
Character Lore Adherence
I deal heavily in "ifs" with lore. Since the world is constantly evolving, I see no reason that even some fanon(not real lore) is used, provided it has logic to it's inclusion(example being a sickness that attacks only one race, despite it never having been used). That said, it is up to YOU to introduce this concept to the other players involved and augment if it presents too much of an issue. See the group meta if you are not sure what your plot idea may do to the group as a whole.



Respect is a two way street, but it should always start with you giving respect to another person. We are all here to have fun and no one likes to be treated like crap, so do onto others as you would have them do onto you, and also be mindful of your fellow 14 players. If you start to get trolled, either block them or/and report them, don't snap back, just let them make the mistakes and be the one to look bad. If they are curious about Roleplay, let them try their hand at it and if they are not doing so well, let them just try. Ask, privately if they like some advice if they continue to stumble after a few rounds, but give them a chance and always be willing to help them grow.


We are all adults here, well, most of us I'm sure. If you have a problem break out oocly, try to work it out in private, don't bring it to public. We all have our issues and sometimes we may rub shoulders the wrong way, but the rest of the world doesn't need to know it about. If you have trouble working it out privately or don't feel comfortable dealing with the problem yourself, contact an officer/leader to be a mediator between you two. No one likes OOC/RL drama and no one likes to see friends go at it, while sometimes we can slip up, out of the fact we are just human, but try to just remember to keep it in private conversation, step away if it gets to heated to cool down, and just try to work things out.


Don't do it, please? Rumor Milling or spreading around OOC rumors can break down a community or really hurt someone when many of those rumors could be false. If someone tells you about Joey is always a jerk and can't be trusted... Keep it to yourself. Don't go telling Sam, Sue, and Max all about Joey and hen they in turn do the same, when you may all find out later, Joey is a really good guy! Its just the way he portrays his character. Truth, after all, always finds a way to the surface, so let Joey show who he really is and don't go around spreading possible lies. Even if maybe those rumors were once true, it doesn't always apply to the NOW, as people can also change and no one should have baggage held over their heads.


We have new players sometimes join our ranks, those who don't have long years of RP experience. This is great! New blood to the Roleplay is always good to see! However, sometimes new blood doesn't always know the courtesy rules like we do. They will make mistakes, they will slip up, and sometimes fall flat on their face. For those that have the experience, your job is to help mentor them and as a community, have patience with them and help them. If they are unsure about something, do your best to help explain it to them. If you see them constantly doing something that is kind power-gaming or godmoding, reach out to help express how that is not really curdious to the other Roleplayer. Sometimes they just don't realize these are things and other times, they don't even know what those words are. Just think back to when you first started and how you knew nothing till many years later. That is some of these new roleplayers, so give them a hand, and let our actions, our curtosey to one another continue through, because they to, may one day, be the torch carriers for our community.


OP Characters

An individual that uses situational circumstances without the expressed consent of participating parties involved to further the impressing of their character (be it positive or negative) for personal gain. This is different from a Meta Character as the latter utilizes external source information to further the impressions of the character.

OP Situations
This is often viewed as the 'perfect world' where the situations are beneficially situated to cater to one's goal without inclusion of external 'world' elements. This is not tolerated.

How to avoid either scenario?
Know your character. Know your audience. Know your setting. Have a basis. If you are a fresh character that is new to the world, you will not instantly know your surroundings. If you are inexperienced in swordplay, you are not going to instantly know how to defend yourself. Base your actions on 'attempts' especially if there is uncertainty regarding the other party's reactions. This is why we have 'rolls', to provide a relatively fair likelihood for outcome UNLESS something other had been set by participating parties. This means, first and foremost, communicate with those involved. Of there is even a hint of external conflict based on player decisions, address it before escalation.

As a reminder: We are adults. No one is OP. All are vulnerable. None are without fault. Keep this in mind and please act accordingly.

Niraan Profile 01.png
SERVER – Mateus
NAME – Niraaan
RACE – Au’Ra
CLAN - Xaela
TRIBE – Buduga
NAMEDAY – 22nd Sun of the 4th Astral Moon
DEITY – Halone

OCCUPATION – Visionary, Mercenary
ALIGNMENT – True Neutral

HAIR COLOR – Black with Green Highlights
EYE COLOR – Black with green limbal rings
MARKS/TATTOOS – Very faint scarring on his chest area that spells ‘Celina’ if one concentrates hard enough

KEY ITEMS – Click here to enter text.
FAVORITE FOOD – Meat of any kind, the bigger the slice, the better
FAVORITE DRINK – Regular Ale and Rum
FAVORITE COLOR – Purple, usually dark