Kisha Taluun

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Gridania-transparent.png Kisha Taluun
Drawn by Imogen-Moberly
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper
Citizenship Gridania
Age 33
Birthyear 6th Astral Era - 1546
Nameday 30th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon (30th of September)
Occupation - Freelance Conjurer

- Associate of The Scions of the Seventh Dawn

- Corporal within the Twin Adder (Reserve)

Guardian Menphina, the Lover
Alignment Neutral Good

Appearance and Personality

A somewhat weathered Miqo’te woman, tall on her feet and legs for one of the feline people. Although Kisha can mostly be seen sporting a dark blue outfit robe which appears to be decorated with small blue, gold and red details along with a simple felt hat in the style of Limsa Lominsa. She is often also seen wearing either a pair of glasses or an eyeglass monocle. Her black hair is tied into a simple knot though it appears to be somewhat messy and weathered, especially if she travels through somewhat uncivilized areas. Her dark grey complexion makes it difficult to read her features in poorly lid conditions, along with her equally dark blue eyes.

Kisha's personality is equally hard to pinpoint. To strangers and while being in a foul mood, she can be considered a cold, hard and distant personality who only cares about facts, knowledge and little about emotions or empathy. The advantage this gives her is that she is often a beacon of reason during an emotionally laden meeting. However, those present at such a meeting may find her actually hard to speak with due to the fact she always chooses for the 'calculated most optimal outcome choice' instead of actually showing empathy and risk to aid those in need. Towards friends Kisha can be a bit more welcoming and warm, but it takes time and effort to get to that level. Furthermore, she has the tendency to often 'verbally' shoot herself in the feet and get right back to the 'cold and haughty' level of conversation. Finally, it appears Kisha has a habit of showing more friendliness towards what could be considered 'Eorzean exotic males' in that she is more prone to start a conversation with them rather than the 'ugly ones'

6th Astral Era - 1546 to 1563 - Years of Study

Stories taking place in this timespan
The Golden Chocobo - When Kisha's childhood friends were abducted by Garlean scouts.

Kisha was born 33 years ago as the daughter of Mirina Taluun, a well-regarded Sharlayan Keeper Miqo'te Conjurer and headmistress of several classes of apprentices. Though Kisha knows little of her father, she does know that her existence was the result of a 'one-night-stand' between her mother and a Seeker Gladiator known as U'nahr Tia. Kisha had a very sheltered upbringing during her first decade of life. Although she had inherited the wisdom and clarity of her mother, Mirina actually wanted Kisha to become even better at the art of Conjuration and often pushed her daughter to extreme lengths to accomplish this. As such, Kisha's first 15 years of life can be summarized in but two words: Study hard. However, even in these relatively mundane years for her, there was one event that caused Kisha to hate The Garlean Empire for the rest of her life. Shortly before the evacuation of Sharlayan in Dravania, Kisha and some of her friends got trapped by a scouting party of Garlean soldiers. Although Kisha managed to escape using her Conjuration skills which were years ahead of the rest, her friends were not so lucky and they got abducted. Kisha never saw them again.

As Sharlayan got evacuated, Kisha of course travelled with the rest of her fellow students back to their ‘homeland’ but decided to return to Eorzea at the age of 17 to write a thesis on ‘Garleans and their rumoured connection to Ascians’. Though her assignment was thought to be ‘insane’ and her theory ‘improbable’ by her masters, she decided to stick to her plans regardless, seeing it as an ideal way to get away from the 'yoke' of the headmasters. After two years of research her thesis assignment failed as she was naive enough to think any Garlean would speak with her willingly about such claims. The Sharlayan University felt Kisha had to be taught a lesson for not listening to her master’s advice, and thus was excommunicated for a year.

6th Astral Era - 1563 to 1572 - Years of Criminal Behaviour

After Kisha received her letter of excommunication, she ceased to get any financial support from the Sharlayan. This prompted her to look for other means of income. Seeing things in a practical sense, Kisha decided to look for other work which eventually lead her to take certain jobs in The Black Shroud. Not wanting to tie herself down to an entire Grand Company though, she didn’t join the Twin Adder. This ‘free-spirited’ approach did mean she was often having difficulties staying afloat financially. Thus..she made a calculated risk decision and started to work on illegal endeavors. Through her training as a Conjurer, she also received instructions on the concept of 'Glamour' and being in obvious financial peril, Kisha decided to glamour small pieces of iron into counterfeit Gil coins.

Her career as a counterfeit Gil creator proved to be rather successful and she quickly gathered a number of fellow ‘conspirators’ to her side from all sorts of unsavory parts of Eorzea in the following years. Her fellow colleagues saw her as an ‘arrogant know-it-all’ but didn’t complain too much as Kisha was just very good at producing not only fake coin, but of a good quality at that. Though Kisha turned out to be quite ‘wealthy’ from this trade, in the end the Twin Adder discovered her activities and came down hard on her. Following a year of forced labor and a severe beating which included a punishment of 25 lashings of the whip, her sentence was cut short by the Calamity and the ensuing events.

7th Umbral Era - 0 to 6 - Years of Redemption

As Eorzea was in turmoil following the Calamity, Kisha’s crimes were not forgotten, but she did get a chance to redeem herself which she grabbed with both hands. She assisted the Twin Adder in aiding those dislocated and injured by the destruction for the next two years. Her deeds were recognized but due to her obvious earlier criminal background, she would never be able to rise very high up within the ranks of the Adds. It was at this time that Kisha was given an offer by her commanding officer to join the newly formed Crystal Braves. She needed little encouragement to accept the offer. Following several months of hard work serving within the Braves, her service was cut short due to the events after the Royal Banquet in celebration of the Defense of Ishgard. In the chaos that ensued following Teledjii Adeledjii's betrayal and that of the Crystal Braves themselves, Kisha managed to escape back to the Shroud. This was a time where she was at her lowest due to the fact that she was seen as a traitor by both those supporting the actual ideals of the Crystal Braves and the Scions as well as those believing that the Crystal Braves were the actual traitors. Without the aid of the Adders, the Crystal Braves, Sharlayan or anyone else. She turned to working for various Free Companies, though never staying with one for too long due to her somewhat arrogant character.

7th Umbral Era - 6 and onwards - Years of Manipulation

Several months later and after it was revealed that the Scions and various members of the Crystal Braves were framed, Kisha's position was restored in the Adders and a formal apology was given to her by her former Adder Commander. Although Kisha rejoined the ranks of the Twin Adders, she was also given an option to become a part of the Scion's information gathering network following the restoration of the organization in Ishgard. In time, Kisha's work shifted more and more towards serving the Scion's and it's interests though she didn't make this publicly known. One of the network's initiatives was to organize various Free Companies throughout Eorzea to aid in the coming struggle against both Garlemald as well as to combat Primal activities. It was with this assignment in the back of her mind when she elected to join the Winter's Wake Free Company of which she currently still is a member.

Quirks and Rumours

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
■ "She always glares if I ask if she wants to have a bag along with her vegetables, saying I should remember for once" - Gridanian Grocier
■ "That woman served time in the Gridanian military, forced I heard." - Gridanian Sergeant
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
■ "That cursed woman hoodwinked me and all the other merchants in Gridanian, bloody fake coin!" - Gridanian Merchant
■ "Hm, I think I read her name once in Sharlayan correspondence on Garlean research" - Sharlayan Student
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
■ "She served under me a few years back, had to keep a sharp eye on her: Penal Service you see. She thought to outsmart the whole of Gridania with her fake Gil coin." - Gridanian Commander
■ "Hah, oh her. I've heard of her. About 12 years ago I think, she slept with half of Sharlayan's male researchers because she wanted to test them all to see who would give her the strongest and most intellectual child. She was never satisfied. *chuckles*" - Former Sharlayan Student
Romantic Interest Attraction Good Standing Poor Standing

Name: Kaitlyn Nelhah : Keeper Miqo'te Female: - "An enigma on which I can hardly put my finger on. She seems to care deeply for the company but also has a responsibility towards her own tribe. She must be rather stressed following the extermination of her home village by the Garlean Empire. On the other hand, she is the key to enabling this company to indirectly serve in the Scions' best interests."
Name: O'Ray Thia : Seeker Miqo'te Male: - Hrrr...I really do like the look of him, that chest... If only I could lure him into my room and take advantage of him. Unfortunately, it appears he is too happy with a different woman every month. Such a waste of talent and opportunity."
♥X Name: Xa'hla Nelhah: Keeper Miqo'te Male: - *sighs* "He could have been a good lover. Sadly, he decided to leave for a fruitless endeavor similar to that of the Coeurlclaws. Such a waste"
Name: As'elena Hyun: Seeker Miqo'te Female: - "A very fond friend of mine, most likely the one I am able to do the most business and..plotting with as well as she truly understands the danger of the Garlean Empire."
■ Reading
■ Researching
■ Plotting
■ Gil
■ Knowledge
■ Silence
■ Gridanian Torturers
■ 'Dumb' folk
■ Garleans
■ Backstabbing
■ 'Shouty' folk