Yato Kamo

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 Yato Kamo
Why do i desire the touch of something that no longer exists?
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship No Legal Citizenship
Guardian Halone, The Fury
Age 20
Orientation Homosexual
Nameday 1st Sun of the 1st Astral Moon
Grand Company Twin Adder (formerly)
Current Residence Lily Hills Apartments
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Yato is a lissome young man with a youthful face that on occasion has led to him being mistaken for younger then he actually is (has been mistaken for a 16-18yo but is actually 20.) often carrying a tired expression on his face and in his overall demeanor. He has a fragile build for the most part, only showing faint signs of muscle development. Yato's face, specifically his cheeks have a habit of becoming red be it from embarassment or other means. Being doman his features make it apparent if looked at closely (that being said due to not being aware of being doman his aesthetic choices tend to stray from the normal doman aesthetic making it hard to tell sometimes) In the past his hair was black and was a bit more styled and kept, then due to an altercation with the garleans in Azys Lla a glamour he was not aware was placed on him was removed and his hair became white. Yato has gray eyes that arn't seen very much anymore, in the past he would always be seen with glasses but after some time in Othard and Gyr Abania he's now always seen with a blindfold/bandage/wrap looking garment completely over it his eyes. Still able to see 100% the accessory appears to have magicks allowing him to clearly see in peace while to anyone not him it would come across as him in a blindfold.


Yato mainly leans towards darker colors, mostly black, his preference to work during the night rather then the day being part of that reason. He's usually seen with some sort of high-quality mage attire or student-esque outfits often bought from various merchants not easily accesable by haru, although she often brings him these articles of clothing but doesn't tell him where she acquires them. On occassion Yato will wear coatee/tabard -type tops or even ponchos, but most of the time those are left for casual outfits, when he doesn't wear much combat gear and is more pedestrian. Most of his clothing options tend to have some sort of tight/slim fit to them usually avoiding loose-baggy clothing Yato prefers his clothing to hug his body tightly to avoid accidents due to garment malfunctions. Apart from his generally dark themed garments the only other special note to his outfits is his knee-length black socks with a very hard to notice insignia sewn into them, although not usually visible unless his outfit exposes his legs it still a consistent clothing item in all his outfits.


Yato is a quiet young man but mostly maintains a calm personality although he can sometimes be described as very emotional , his way of hiding his shyness is usually trying to mask it by acting calm and cool (not that it works very often). Yato suffers from insomnia which results in his tendency to seem like he's constantly tired which often results in him complaning about anything he's doing (such as being ordered around too much or finding what he's doing tiring.) . his emotional tendencies also on occassion will cause him to act rashly or put himself in dangerous situations which leads to him getting hurt or making things harder for himself and/or those around him.


  • Bread - Bread is a chocobo yato has had with him since it was fairly young, the chocobo is fully capable of fighting and yato frequently trains with it eventho its used more for transportation purposes then fighting. ( but on the rare occassion that it is used for fighting it usually can hold its own against physical combatants.)

  • Hatchling - Theres a baby chocobo hatchling Yato ran into on its own in the forelands that instantly grew attached to him, usually when Yatos not out and about in dangerous locations and is just casually in the city he'll let the hatchling come along with him, it usually always finds its way back to Yato regardless if they get seperated but whenever Yato does leave it and its not with him it usually has no problem sticking around Bread.

  • Allagan Node - An allagan node Yato with the help of haru had repaired he refers to it as "Pod" and it usually accompanies him when theres Magitek or Allagan related technology around. It contains all the records Yato has unearthed about the allag's aswell as other various knowledge yato has given it as well as very basic mundane knowledge i.e: Weather,Time,Airship Hours etc. (He's also made sure only specific voice recognition and codes can be used to meddle with it to avoid information he's placed in it to go in the wrong hands)



Yato excells at combat due to his childhood training (although he isnt aware of this nor is he aware that he personally excells at combat) although usually tends to avoid unecessary combat (mostly due to the fact that if he's in a situation where he might be required to fight its usually a situation where he's trying to lay low and not draw attention to himself i.e gathering information inside the main citys.) Regardless of Yato mainly choosing to avoid combat he's tailored himself to be fully capable of fighting if necessary often being able to hold his own against tanks and various other offensive classes although against physical classes he usually takes a more tactical approach due to his small frame and his combat being centered more on magic making him very vulnerable to them. Because of his origins Yato has always had a strong affinity towards any kind of magic (i.e In the past his specialty being Healing or restorative magicks.) As of late he's been seen with a staff with a stronger affinity to offensive magic although Haru has been rigorously training yato to also be able to fight with a sword claiming it as a way to honor his mother.

Having a strange affinity to Ice related magic Yato has on occassion attempted to form weapons using Ice, though he isnt very proficient at it yet. He has some form of acrobatic combat prowess to compensate for times his magick is not available to him and/or for close-quarters combat (although his small frame makes him choose more strategic moves even in close-quarters due to not having the mass to take many physical hits) his high stamina and mana also allows him to keep up during prolonged fights but his physique causes him to fall behind if against a close quarter centered enemy or one who's build is much bigger than him.

Other Abilities:

  • Runes/Glyphs- After studying old tomes he came across Yato learned how to weave his magic into special hieroglyphic characters or symbols allowing him to slightly enhance abilities on people and/or weapons, create barriers, and mark individuals to keep track of them.



  • Solitude - Yato Enjoy's having time away from people, it usually allows spending time obsessing over various allagan paraphernalia or looking into old allagan remains he can go out and study.
  • Animals - He has a really high affinity to animals, befriending them quite easily and often enjoying their company over other people.
  • Libraries - Yato is quite fond of libraries especially ones he hasnt been to because of the ocassional slim chance that he might find books or records relating to the allagans that he might not have seen yet.
  • Books - He has his own library set up in his apartment filled with books he's acquired on the allagans aswell as a couple novels and journals he's grown to enjoy too.
  • Forests - Often enjoying taking walks in them, Yato has a tendency to wander in forests quite often sometimes finding it relaxing enough to sleep in them.
  • Rain - Although not quite fond of the ocean or bodies of water (mostly due to his inability to swim), yato has a fondness for rain often standing in it or working in it resulting in him frequently getting sick.
  • Snow - Much like the rain, there isnt a clear reason for why Yatos affinity leans toward snow, but he's usually in a much happier mood in said weather.
  • Chocobos - No reason or explination for the obsession but Yato loves chocobos finding them adorable and often enjoying their company immensely.
  • Sleeping - Suffering from insomnia Yato is usually beyond relieved when he finally manages to fall asleep although those around him might not be very happy about it.


  • Large Crowds - Often feeling anxious around crowds of people along with not liking not having a clear view of his surroundings Yato tends to try to avoid them and socially public places unless they have quiet less-populated locations.
  • Heat - Yato is someone who favors cool weather and hates the heat. it usually keeps him in a bad mood (making alot of his visits in Ul'dah not very pleasant for him.)
  • Ul'dah - Bad Experiences have left a very sour taste in his mouth about ul'dah, he isn't ever very happy being there but he won't make such a big deal as to require leaving if he has a job there.
  • Lalafells - Finding them and their height strange Yato's met too many Lalafell who turned out to be nothing but trouble to the point where he has trouble trusting them.
  • Garleans - Finding them and their methods disgusting, that alongside a couple less than favorable encounters Yato shares no sympathy for them often heartlessly murdering them (including the ocassional passive ones) without hesitation.
  • Soot - Considering it the lesser mans black dye, Yato isn't very fond of Soot black dye often going for Jet Black for all his Black dye needs (although the reasoning behind his strange elitism in the colors not really having an explination.)
  • Blind Optimism - Easily gets upset at those who attempt to see the bright side in everything instead of looking at situations for what they are due to past encounters (and possibly do to seeing himself in them in the past).


  • Chaotic Neutral


  • White Magic (Conjurer) - Often used the fact that he was proficient with restorative magick as a justification for staying in support positions
  • Black Magic (Thaumaturge) - Mastering it with the help of Haru he tends to lean more towards the offensive magic at the moment
  • Interest/Obsessed in everything Allag (so much so that it has caused him to have multiple run-ins with garleans and various dangerous creatures)


  • Bad at keeping allies up to date often "disappearing" without warning for short times
  • Horrible obsession with stuffed animals




Kiku Tenai: A childhood friend of Yato's he would play with occasionally when he was brought along to visits in Ul'dah. Yato would often use this time to sneak off with the Miqo'te and they would play. After they grew they stopped seeing each other and Yato had almost forgotten about him until Yato stumbled into the Miqo'te in Limsa Lominsa one day and they rekindled their friendship, currently due to an unfortunate turn of events they have no connection to each other although Yato frequently uses Harus shady connections to ensure his friends safety and keep up to date with the Miqote's antics.

Haru Tokai: At first coming forth as a myserious woman with alot of personal knowledge on Yato and those around him Haru eventually revlealed to yato the truth that she is actually related his mother making her his aunt (Although specifically Haru was Yato's mothers step-sister explaining her being an elezen and Yato being a hyur). Haru, being the reason behind Yato currently even being alive shamelessly uses the fact to have him comply with her requests without hesitation. Although the woman very much hates Yatos existence she refuses to kill him because of her sister, blaming him for the choice leading to having his mother killed Haru honored her final request and saved the boy. Haru mainly tends to lean toward villainous paths adding onto Yato's unease. Often working with garleans, black market individuals and various other shady organizations, Haru's actions are hard to read making her a very hard individual to rely on shes sometimes even seen helping groups like the brass blades or the yellowjackets and other members of the Eorzean alliance. Although Haru Tokai is still an alias and she refuses to tell Yato her real name she is currently training Yato in the same combat style his mother fought in.

Firuze Fall: An old member of the Kingdom once ruled by Kiku's Family. Yato and Kiku stumbled onto him while being chased through Ul'dah once and brought him along with them. After Yato showed him a bit of healing magick and deciding to open up a school he disappeared without a trace, Yato believes someone had views that didn't support Firuze's school and had him killed.

Canelo Izo: A hunter that saved Yato when he recklessly overused his black magick injuring himself gravely, after being saved by him and nursing him back to health Yato and Canelo developed a friendship going as far as consistently keeping in touch via Linkpearl. Yato will occassionally call on him should he need the extra offensive help and Canelo will call on him should he require the support of a healer or a mage, or if he has an unexpected accident, requires medical attention or he stumbles onto anything allagan related. Although they do frequently "call" each other just to catch up and spend time together.


Garleans: On multiple occasions Yato has been captured by the garleans and tortured and they've gotten in the way many times at Yatos attempts to explore Allagan ruins. (Due to Haru's dark sketchy connections with the Garleans Yato has involuntarily agreed to do jobs for them and work under them ocassionally as he attempts to raise his trust with them as a way to allow him to enter Othard without trouble)

Uldah (Immortal Flames): Although not necessarily enemies with the city itself Yato never feels safe in ul'dah nor does he feel safe around Immortal Flame soldiers after an incident where Immortal Flame soldiers were payed off to attempt to kill him. He often insults them and doesn't trust/like people affiliated with the Ul'dahn Hierarchy and such.

Ishgard (Knights): Yato is well aware that his interests in exploring Dravania and the surrounding areas around Ishgard have made him somewhat of a target for claims of being a heretic nonetheless he doesn't let the Knights in Ishgard intimidate him and continues his exploring occasionally running into a few corrupt Temple Knights trying to set him up/kill him


"Yato's memories were warped, so all of these 'past' memories never really happened."


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True Past



  • Common Rumors

- "See that strange white haired boy over there? heard em talking about some'a that "allagan" stuff he might be wha cha lookin for? " - Ul'dahn Black Market Merchant

- "That kid over there in black has no business being in these parts? gonna get that pretty face o'his roughed up" - Ul'dahn back-alley Bum

- "See what he's wearing? now im not the wisest person alive but he's definitely not from around these part's." - Quicksands @Ul'dah

  • Moderate Rumors

- "He has a real soft spot for chocobo's has a bunch of stuffed ones too, like a little kid." - Haru Tokai

- "Now that boy over theres' got magic ya don' see ever day seen em around here and there and eventho lil' guys small for a midlander he's got some mightly big magic." - Lominsian Pedestrian

- "Word goin around says that weak lookin Boy was seen around with some shady folk, and that he 'aint that weak either keep an eye out for em probably nothin but trouble." - Random Yellow Jacket

  • Rare Rumors

- "That one over there with the white hair stands out from all the others, the wife said they saw him last night with some sort of Robot, think he a garlean?" - Suspicious Ishgardian black market broker

- "He covers his tracks up well but he's defiantly the one that was seen with our blonde haired target, command says he has some history with us aswell wonder if we'd get double the reward for bringing them both in?" - Garlean Spy


Personal RP Limits:

  • What i will play- Friendships, Mature or Dark themed content rivalrys and even romance (if you'd like these to be pre-established feel free to send me a message and we can see if we can work something out). I'm especially fond (although not limited to) anything relating to the allags and/or anything relating to allagan technology. Somewhat involved plot stretching past multiple sessions is welcome aswell.
  • Ask About:

Romance (ERP): Yato being gay means that he'll only have sexual interactions with other men (no Fu pls). Romance in an attempt to form a relationship is probably going to be a nope, Yato isn't someone who can commit/manage to be in a relationship due to his lifestyle. Mature or Dark themes where sensitive topics are touched upon during ERP are fine so long as said intentions/topics are discussed and boundries are placed.

Injuries: More long-term complications i.e: Injury, being captured etc will have to be discussed in detail.

What i won't RP:

  • Permanent character death.
  • Permanent injury and disfigurement/dismemberment or permanent captivity or imprisonment.
