Pacifica Heare

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light of the sun, kiss of the rose
The bright crescent's moon, or the charming flower of the lotus? / The honey in a flower, or the lustre of the full moon? / A pure coral gem, or the pleasant chatter of parrots?

Omanathinkal Kidavo by Irayimman Thampi [1812], translation by A. H. Fox Strangways, from the book The Music of Hindustan



Tucked in a little village of the East Shroud, lives a little family of two; Pacifica Heare, an apothecary-slash-herbalist and her daughter-slash-student-slash-protegée, five year old Mimina Mina. The maid, well-learned in her deep knowledge of curative botanica, and of a careful analysis of a patient's particular needs and ailments, belongs to the Conviction, a group rooting from the very times of Sixth Umbral Calamity, where a group of devout believers of the Warden sought to use the fruits of the land, plants and beasts alike, as well as devout prayer to their lady Azeyma, in lieu of the White Magic that brought Eorzea down low. Now, thousands of years after the events of The Great Flood, the Conviction has been brought down from a great power, to a series of beliefs and tomes only strictly passed from master to student. As interactions between members of the Conviction are so limited they only amount down to the brief- but intense- couple of decades of tutelage between master and student, it is forced all members of the Conviction document down to every last drop of detail of information, so that future generations may reap the rewards of the foremasters' knowledge through tomes and books.

Pacifica's talents, then, are attributed to her late master, Mumuni Muni, who was in turn tutored by the famed M'aat Arojha; it can be said with much security, then, that what drives Pacifica forward is not quite to seize the fame and glory the Conviction kept, but to be able to make the late foremasters proud and to set an example for her own protegée and student, Mimina, who she hopes will want to follow the art that has been carried for an infinite amount of generations.


Dark of skin and upright of gait, Pacifica stands at five fulms and five ilms; her skin, though smooth at a distance, is fragile and thin at close inspection; her wrists are mottled and lace-patterned with the marks of her purple veins, and the facility for her to bruise or become affected by dark circles is high. As such, she often smooths out her skintone with a bit of make-up; just under her eyes, applied with a light hand.

Pacifica carries the smell of jasmines, sourced from a small cologne bottle she carries all the time, to hide the imaginary, imminent smell of illness that she is constantly paranoid about emitting. Not oft is she seen without a pair of jade earrings dangling from her ears; the design is simple, the pearls small, but the importance of them is clear due to the carefulness of which she treats them. As for her bone structure, her jaw is soft-lined; her eyes are upturned and her lips are full and the most notable part of her face. Her black eyes are not all that notable; on the smaller side and not of remarkably long lashes, they are often calm and soft-lidded, almost eerily relaxed and keen in a fashion of smug calmness. Her brows are full, often left unplucked; despite being a very thin and small child on her childhood, as of a couple of years she has gained more weight, something she is undoubtedly glad about. Rounded hips and a full bosom accompany a soft stomach. Her muscle definition is practically nonexistent, and it is quite easy for almost anyone to beat her in a hypothetical fight.

Aspects That Stand Out:
A beauty mark resting on the right side of her chin.
A tranquil, almost smug expression seems to be her resting face; relaxed lids and upturned lips.
A quite full figure, without resting too much on either light or heavy. Full chest and rounded hips, soft arms she is insecure about showing.


Pacifica is, in many aspects, a very contrasting person; while she is very concerned about the well-being of her close and cared ones, a deep philosophy of 'minding your own business' causes her to to keep her emotions to herself. Thus, she is secretive, and does not concern much with her distant neighbors' personal life- and expects the same, in turn. Prone to intense envy and wrath, she is not one to place her mind above her heart, and when scorned, she will almost never forgive with ease. Very supersticious and negative in her thought patterns, she can be described as a 'bitter' person by one who sees into her thought currents. While a deeply caring person to those she loves and cherishes, she can be a bit of a 'smother', and can quickly overwhelm with her manners of showing affection, and protection. Overbearing and overnurturing.

Despite her undeniable proneness to negativity and jealousy, she is a very strong sympathizer to her loved ones- and holds a quite strong sense of condolence; a naturally nurturing person who wishes the best for her -close- folks and is prepared to accompany them along the way. She is passionate, and easy to talk to; thoughtful, tender, and eager to help. Loyal to the Warden and the beliefs of the Conviction, as she appreciates being able to improve people's lives without burning herself out in the process; she often likes to check on past patients to see how they are doing. She’d be much more keen on adventuring or doing any sort of grand, exciting quests, yet at the same time she is a strong conformist who is content with what she has in life.

In her speech, she is witty, and believes that words of affection are the strongest means to forge a friendship. Likes to talk about politics, and gets very very passionate about her viewpoints- however, she appreciates friendly banter and small talking. At times, she is often short of breath for speaking too fast, and she often sighs of huffs to catch her breath before finishing speaking- it's embarassing for her, and she often covers her mouth so it is not as visible; or so she thinks.

Firm opposer of the phrase 'the ends justify the means', and very hesistant to cooperate with anyone who fares from Garlean lands. She is a firm believer of karmic processes, and avoids doing hurtful deeds- at times, not so much as to not hurt the other person, but to avoid finding her own comeuppance. Quite clever, yet easy to become distracted during lectures and academic purposes.


Cheesy romantic novels. 'Oh dear, an elezen maid deeply in love with a young miqo'te lad! But her highborn family, and his duties as a tribe member- what will happen!'
Tactile sensation of fabrics. Growing up, her master often went to Ul'dah to provision and buy foreign plants and substances- and often did Pacifica accompany her. Feeling silks, satins and velvet with her digits became a hidden delight for the girl.


Seeing elderly people eating alone. Although not knowing what causes it, a deep anguish and compassion fills her upon seeing lone diners on restaurants and inns- despite oft eating alone herself.
Extreme cold weather.Has never visited Coerthas, and does not plan on doing so.


Cooking.Despite being far from a most outstanding culinarian, she is passionates and finds deep enjoyment and solace in the process of cooking- and is very, very proud of her chicken stew and will absolutely have anyone try it at all costs.
Doman Paper-folding. After finding a foreign book kept by Foremaster Hanako Shirokawa of Doma, an obsession was born.


Witty. Quick of mind and though, she is quick to jest and perform a task successfully- even under stress.
Kind. Gentle-worded and of sweet wit, she is easy to talk to and gives off a comforting aura.
Clever. While not necessarily in the academic way, Pacifica is ingenious and quite capable to fend a problem off herself.
Nurturing. Almost motherly. Cares deeply for her folks, and feeds kind words and caring actions.


Envious. Very prone to jealously and envy, oft to those who has what she wants or needs.
Vengeful. Does NOT forgive with ease, and can hold a grudge for a very impressive amount of time- and will get her revenge, as petty or cruel as it might be.
Bitter. Often soaks in periods of self-pity and negativeness.
Supersticious. Averts her gaze upon seeing black cats, burns incense during new moons to attract good luck, sprinkles salt on the corners of her rooms to ward off evil spirits. It gets tiring.


Ensure Mimina's happiness - FIRST AND FOREMOST. While she would like it if she took after Mimina's mother and her duties, she will be happy as long as the little one lives doing what she truly loves.
Know what came of her brother. - Dead, or alive.
Secure a next-in-line in the Conviction. - When a thousand-year old set of beliefs hang son the extremely thin and wobbly string of successful master-and-student tutelage through generations, things get tricky..


Pacifica is, in many aspects, a very contrasting person; while she is very concerned about the well-being of her close and cared ones, a deep philosophy of 'minding your own business' causes her to to keep her emotions to herself. Thus, she is secretive, and does not concern much with her distant neighbors' personal life- and expects the same, in turn. Prone to intense envy and wrath, she is not one to place her mind above her heart, and when scorned, she will almost never forgive with ease. Very supersticious and negative in her thought patterns, she can be described as a 'bitter' person by one who sees into her thought currents. While a deeply caring person to those she loves and cherishes, she can be a bit of a 'smother', and can quickly overwhelm with her manners of showing affection, and protection. Overbearing and overnurturing.

Despite her undeniable proneness to negativity and jealousy, she is a very strong sympathizer to her loved ones- and holds a quite strong sense of condolence; a naturally nurturing person who wishes the best for her -close- folks and is prepared to accompany them along the way. She is passionate, and easy to talk to; thoughtful, tender, and eager to help. Loyal to the Warden and the beliefs of the Conviction, as she appreciates being able to improve people's lives without burning herself out in the process; she often likes to check on past patients to see how they are doing. She’d be much more keen on adventuring or doing any sort of grand, exciting quests, yet at the same time she is a strong conformist who is content with what she has in life.

In her speech, she is witty, and believes that words of affection are the strongest means to forge a friendship. Likes to talk about politics, and gets very very passionate about her viewpoints- however, she appreciates friendly banter and small talking. At times, she is often short of breath for speaking too fast, and she often sighs of huffs to catch her breath before finishing speaking- it's embarassing for her, and she often covers her mouth so it is not as visible; or so she thinks.

Firm opposer of the phrase 'the ends justify the means', and very hesistant to cooperate with anyone who fares from Garlean lands. She is a firm believer of karmic processes, and avoids doing hurtful deeds- at times, not so much as to not hurt the other person, but to avoid finding her own comeuppance. Quite clever, yet easy to become distracted during lectures and academic purposes.
Copy above this line only. -->



Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
" Oh, the healer with the little lalafell daughter! Yes, yes, a curious sight, is it not? I heard she- the hyur maid, the mother- was the protegée of Mumuni Muni herself, the apothecary. She saved my husband's uncle's life- apparently he had some sort of tumor growing, but Mumuni was quick enough to salvage it! Who knows how in the world she did it. Anyways, I heard the little lalafell girl that goes around the hyur maid is Mumuni's daughter, and she was taken in by her mother's student as a protegée herself. She seems to truly love her, always kissing her cheeks and carrying her around- she sometimes comes and plays with my little Roland!" - Mother of the village.
"Ooooh, young Pacifica? She's a good girl, yes, that one- see, I had a horrible back pain, oooh! Horrible, yes, yes! So my friend, Hacinta, she told me, "I used to have horrible digestion, but my cousin told me of an Ala Mhigan-looking maid in the East Shroud who can fix just about anything!" and so, dearest Hacinta went with the maidey, and you'll never guess- she was good as new! So I, myself, went to meet this famed lady.. My back was killing me, yes! It was horrifying! But the sweet little lady lit up some fine-smelling incense- not before serving me some fine tea and a good chat, she did- massaged my back down a bit- and cracked me right up! Oh, yes! Haha! How satisfying it was- crack, crack, did this old lady's back go- and never have I felt better! She gave me some peculiar herbs she told me to boil down to tea and drink every morning, so I did, yes- And I tell you, I'm good as new! My back is as strong as a young maid's! Oh, hahaha! Nophica bless that one!" - Elderly hyur lady from Gridania.
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"You won't believe what the lass gave me! I mean, I'm not angry.. It worked, aye.. But, I was so fucken' disgusted! ALright. So I had this weird itchin' going on in my back, right? So I go with the maid, quite pretty.. Not the prettiest I've seen but still pretty.. All good. She offers me shit; tea, snacks. All good. Then I explain, 'aight, I've got this weird itchin' going, ya got any creams for that?" So she starts askin' me all this shite, if I've been workin' around the Deepcroft or the manor or shit, so I go like, 'Yah, I had to do some rounds around the Deepcroft." So then tells me to wait, and she goes outside her hut. I hear weird shit going on outside, as in animal noises. Probably a dodo, I think? And she returns with a bowl filled with a dark soupish thing- and she tells me to take off my shirt. I'm freaked out by now, but do. She starts chanting weird shit- a weird, freaky prayer, I guess, and she pours something on me- I guess it was what was on the bowl.. but it's warm. And liquidy, and smells coppery-- this lass was pouring blood on my back! I'm freaking the shite out, but the worst thing is she starts to scratch my back- it didn't hurt, more like she was scrubbing. It was so fuckin' scary, mate. But at least the itchin' came right off- I have no idea what the fuck happened, to this day." - Alarmed Wood Wailer.
"Hmm.. Pacifica? Oh- the youngest of Frida and Mani. Her brother-the bastard, shite-eating boy, Duein. Little fucker went off and became a footsoldier for the Garleans. Why he did, no one knows- not like there's any benefits to reap from it. He killed his mother- well.. Didn't kill her, but she died of shame. Her daughter- never knew what happened to her." - Little Ala Mhigan man.
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Hmm.. That miss.. Dark skin, short hair? If it's who I'm thinking, she was the one who got into a fight a couple years back. Oh, it was horrible. There was blood everywhere, and she- a frail thing, she was- she was covered in blood. Her own blood, from her nose, from her mouth. Oh, dear. I think it was over something about the refugees- I don't know what happened after, it wasn't my shift." - Alehouse Wench. "


Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"Rumor." — Rumormonger.





Player Note
Hello! Thank you very much for stopping to read Chaie here's page- I really appreciate it!:'D I am currently most active in the Balmung server, so if you see me in game/want to RP please tell me, I'd be delighted to! I don't know what else to say other than Toy Story 3 was a good movie!
Personal RP Limits
I will playMature, strong themes, every genre, consented fights, etc! The usual!
I won't play Pedophilia, racism-evoking imagery/subjects, ERP for the most part.
Little Tidbits.
shet shet
fock shet


Potential Plot Hooks
pee pee poo poo i have to finish this
Character Lore Adherence
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo. Nunc facilisis tellus sem, at suscipit nunc semper sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula vehicula risus vitae molestie. Mauris dui dui, rhoncus vitae lacus vitae, varius blandit metus. Maecenas ipsum justo, varius at tortor sit amet, scelerisque elementum arcu. Maecenas consectetur libero in mi molestie facilisis. Nam nec lectus pellentesque, ullamcorper tellus semper, sollicitudin nulla. Nam eget nulla sed nulla tincidunt ultrices quis a sapien. Ut faucibus bibendum nulla, ut ultrices dolor convallis in. Nam efficitur dui nec dolor pretium tempor. Nam tempor vestibulum eros, sed eleifend odio congue quis. Duis laoreet sodales augue, at mollis risus malesuada et.
No changes required.

Name - Pacifica Heare.
Race - Hyur Midlander.
Age - Twenty and two.
Name Day - Twenty-first sun of the second Astral moon.
Deity - Azeyma, the Warden.

Alias: n/a
Citizenship: Currently residing in Gridania.
Occupation: Apothecary/herbalist, passionate yet unremarkable culinarian.
Hair: Jet black, neck-lengthed and unruly.
Eyes: Jet black, upturned. Quite defined dark circles covered with make-up.
Complexion: Dusty, dark brown.
Piercings: On earlobes.
Marks or tattoos: Symbol of the Warden on the palm of the right hand.
Alignment: Chaotic good.
Key Items: Pair of jade earrings, small containers filled with what seem to be dried herbs, oils and animal blood.
Favorite Food: Blood currant tart, Peiste stew.
Favorite Drink: Warm buffalo milk and water with honey.
Favorite Color: Loves vibrant oranges and pinks, but wouldn't wear them.
Template made by Abagail Graves; all credit goes to creator!