Lukas Madrazo

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Lukas Madrazo
You already know what the fuck it is.

Lukas schematics2.png
Name...Lukas Madrazo
Alias...Luke, Luke Mad
Deity...Oschon, the Wanderer
Occupation...Sky Pirate
Alignment...Chaotic Neutral

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Lukas profile sketch.png

Lukas stands tall for a Midlander Hyuran male, standing at a good 5'11.5, almost six fulm but no cigar. He's got an athletic lean build, weighing about 180 ponze. Tanned skin that gives away the fact that he's from La Noscea, jet black hair along with yellowish-gold eyes. He's also got a bit of stubble on his chin.

Scars & Markings: Lukas wears various scars along his body due to the lifestyle he lives, none of the scars look too life-threatening; a cut here, burn there, etc. His main visible scar is on his left cheek which goes all the way to his nose. He got it from an ex lover of his due to him not being faithful, woops. He also has a tattoo on his upper back back of a solid red star, no deep meaning behind it, he just really likes the color red and star shapes.

Voice: - For the most part, Lukas speaks in a calm, semi bored sounding tone. There are times where he'll raise his voice if he's super excited or something, but nine times out of ten, he's chill.

Voice claim - Robin Atkin Downes

Clothing: Usually Lukas is dressed in a leather jacket, gloves and boots along with a red scarf around his neck. He's often seen wearing his trusty goggles with red lenses and a bomb earring. The earring is actually a bomb, but a weak bomb that's more like a firecracker.

Luke ship.png

It all started when Lukas was about twelve years old. Lukas had been living in an orphanage with several other kids his age, due to the fact that his mother had died years prior and his father had been thrown in jail. The orphanage was on a farm out in Lower La Noscea, most of the other kids seemed content with the lifestyle, though there was a small group of them who had bigger dreams. For the longest, the group simply wished and dreamt of what it would be like to have a life of their own, but didn't act on it, that is until one of the older ones figured it was time to stop letting dreams stay dreams. Lukas admired the conviction the older one had, to be so sure about stepping into the unknown was inspiring to Lukas, so he helped rally up the other kids who were on the fence about the whole thing. One fateful night, this group of about seven boys ran away from the orphanage, taking clothes and food with them as they head to Limsa Lominsa to start living for themselves.

The group made their way to Limsa Lominsa and ultimately went their separate ways, the eldest of the group ended up joining the Maelstrom. Lukas was unsure of what to do at this point, he'd been in Limsa for a few days now, homeless and running low on the food he brought. Simply running away from a regular lifestyle to live a regular lifestyle of working seemed kind of pointless to the kid. So, he discovered stealing for himself and decided it was what he was destined to do. He was a small kid and could squeeze into small areas without getting noticed. Lukas would later join a gang of thieves and stick with his newfound brothers and sisters for years until the calamity came.

Once the calamity was over, most of Eorzea was in a rebuilding state and thieving became much more popular, competition was rough and plenty of times you'll always run into someone more desperate than yourself. Once Lukas became eighteen, he decided he couldn't just limit himself to Limsa any longer, so he began to travel around Eorzea, thieving where he could. One of the places he'd became popular in was Gridania, as that's where he earned his first bounty, though he didn't let that discourage him. He fell in love with the skies upon his first time in an airship and decided his goal would be to own one of his own someday. After some hard work of thieving, Lukas managed to get his hands on an airship.

Now, Lukas is twenty-four and a Sky Pirate, though depending who is around him, he may introduce himself as a simple Treasure Hunter or Merchant, sounds more legal that way.

Whilst many sky pirates seek to pillage and plunder, Team Red mainly takes to the skies in search of treasure and freedom. Under the command of Lukas Madrazo, the crew navigates the Sea of Clouds.

Airship gogo 2.png

Team Red began with Lukas Madrazo and Luna Quinn, two thieves from the La Noscean area. The pair fell in love with the skies during their first voyage upon a passenger airship and decided there and then to acquire a vessel they might call their own. After many adventures and a few close calls, they had amassed a sizable hoard of plunder, and sold every last piece to purchase a derelict Highwind Skyways ship marked for disposal. Now calling themselves Sky Pirates, the two gathered together a crew and set out to make a name for themselves. During the course of their adventures, they'd gained a significant amount of plunder that they simply couldn't haul around on a ship all the time. So upon selling it, Team Red purchased a small shop in La Noscea which which they've named the "Red Star Pawn Shop".

Team Red now uses the pawn shop as a means of selling whatever loot they may come across and a way to recruit others who may be interested in joining the crew.

Burnt lukas.png

Upon assisting Rayla with her revenge against the men who killed her husband. The mission itself was a success, the crew with newfound downtime went to take care of personal errands.

Lukas was commissioned by a shop owner in Kugane to retrieve a legendary sword that had been sealed away in a cave off in Yanxia. The man was offering Lukas a generous fifty thousand gil. Lukas of course took the case and made the trip, he hauled a small one-seater airship across the seas to Hingashi and made his way to Yanxia. He ventured deep into the cave and found the very sword he was searching for, only to run into a small group of Garlean Soldiers who had come for the very same sword.

The soldiers demanded that it was a gift for Zenos, however Lukas wasn't about to just hand it over. Luckily he carried a few smoke grenades on him and managed to escape the Garleans without having to engage in serious combat. Upon returning to Kugane, Lukas met with the shop owner and just as the deal seemed to seal, Lukas decided to see if he could squeeze a little extra money out of the man by mentioning that Garleans wanted to take it and give it to Zenos. Upon hearing the name Zenos, the shop owner quickly backed out of the deal and shooed Lukas out of the shop. So now Lukas is stuck with a "legendary" sword that nobody wants to buy.

Laid back, with my mind on my money and my money on my mind.

  • Gil
  • Technology
  • Sleeping in
  • Flying
  • Sweets
  • Triple Triad


  • Cold places
  • Voidsent
  • Citrus-y Flavors
  • Bitter stuff
  • Politics
  • Nosey people


  • Voidsent
  • Being stranded
  • Another calamity
  • Deep sea creatures
  • Losing his dominant hand
  • Cursed stuff

Don't see your name?
This is a constantly growing list, don't take it personally if I haven't added you yet.


Alessandra Madrazo - Mother
Lukas doesn't have much memory of his mother, as he was only seven when she passed away.
Salvatorre Madrazo - Father
A memory Lukas hung onto was that his dad was taken to jail shortly after his mother passed and he hasn't seen him since. It confused him as a child and now he thinks it's best if he didn't know.


Luna Quinn - Partner in Crime
A quirky Hyuran girl that Lukas met by accidentally hitting her with his chocobo.
Rayla Black - Crazy Pirate Veteran with Cleavage!
While Lukas believes Ray's a bit more ruthless, in some ways he looks to her as a sort of mentor. Outside of typical work they do together, she's good company and always voices the darkest ways of solving problems. A bit of a sociopath but that's okay!
Mandy Arixan - Adopted Sister
Pseudo-sister met in Pearl Lane. Lukas helped her out when she was homeless and they've been cool ever since. Now whenever the two are around each other there's usually a few immature pranks that go around.
Naomi Kett - Old Friend
Former free company mates, they still manage to work together every now and then.
Evelyn Masker - Trusty Engineer
Lukas and Evelyn go back a bit. With an awkward start of testing boundaries and getting a gun to his face to now great friends who bicker and fight every now and then. She gets on his nerves sometimes with how stubborn she can be, but there's definitely a special place in Lukas's heart for her.
Kri'sie Crimson'lion - Kri'stupid
A close friend of Lukas's, at times it can be questionable if they're friends or enemies..
Suuka Haishin - Mask Kid
A shrimpy Raen man-boy. He's pretty much a lackey and we think he enjoys the abuse.
Selan Tzintch - Not Sure How To Feel
Selan is a strange girl that Lukas isn't completely sure if she wants to kill him or be pals with him. She recently learned where he lives and it makes him a little uncomfortable.
Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category!


◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!

    "I've never seen him eat anything other than sundaes." - Momodi
    "Ol' Lukas used to get in a lot of trouble 'round here back in the day." - Limsan Fisherman
    "He says he's a Treasure Hunter but he's obviously a pirate." - Random NPC who knows Lukas

◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!

    "I heard he makes bombs. I gotta see if he sells 'em." - Random Sky Pirate
    "I heard he's got a bounty. You'd think him the type to be more careful." - Regular loiterer in Pearl Lane

◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!

    "Heard his old man is some kind of obsessive scientist." - Worker at Summerford Farms


◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!

    "Lukas. What a guy; sappy for a Sky Pirate that's for sure, but he's grown on me. Don't tell him I said that though, or I'll make sure ye can't walk." — Dex Cogstride.
    "Luke? Yeah, he's pretty much the worst person I know. I once saw him kick an infant." — Selan Tzintch.
    "Rumor" — Rumormonger.
    "Rumor" — Rumormonger.
    "Rumor" — Rumormonger.

Songs used set a mood, lyrics may not reflect the views of my character. Please mind your speakers when clicking the links.

Personal RP Limits

I will play mature content and themes (violence, sexuality, drug / alcohol use) as long as they're logical in a plot-driven encounter. Coarse and excessive language. Temporary injury and incapacitation. Temporary imprisonment. Most walk-up encounters.
Ask about long-term and/or possible history of our characters for RP hooks.
I won't play Strictly for ERP.
■ If an aspect of RP makes you uncomfortable in a scene we're playing, please send me a /tell, letting me know. Communication is very important, more important than potentially keeping immersion.
Links Out
Links that lead off the wiki, but are technically relevant to the character.
■ Artwork done by: Benaroya Yuria
■ Discord: Lukas#0867
Time Zone/Server
■ American- Pacific Time UTC-08:00
■ Balmung