I'zhana Rhel

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I'zhana Rhel
❝Wither do you wander? Up, down, near or far, here, there or yonder?

Alias... Zhana, "Z"
Birth Name... I'Zhana Rhel
Age... 29
Gender... Female
Race... Miqo'te
Clan... Seekers of the Sun
Orientation... Heterosexual
Marital... Talking to Artigan Schezar.
Deity... Azeyma
Practical joker
A bit dense
"She goes on without a care in the world. I fear one day it will become a problem for her." Emeline Redwyne
"Delightful! Talented! Beautiful! The very picture of what a young Ul'dahn ought to be! Quick to be loved and easy on the eyes! I recommend anyone to give her stories a try... of course, I might know a story or two as well, if you're seeking a storyteller." Orwen Hooper
Artigan Schezar
Aurelion Ejderha
Orwen Hooper
M'korhi Aht
J'atohl Tia
Tennin Fuller
Oria Mavekix
I'zhana is a traveling story teller who collects stories from every city-state in Eorzea.
I'zhana is an aspiring machinist. Currently being taught by J'atohl Tia.
I'zhana is a grown woman. I feel this is important to note when role playing a Miqo'te.
Wiki made by D'lyhhia Lhuil. Base layout taken from Atreus del Alumet.

It's nothing else but fantasy. But one day it will all come to life.❞