Garryson Shipkeeper

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 Garryson Shipkeeper
"Want to hear a story?"
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship None
Free Company XI:7
Age 23
Patron Deity Althyk, the Keeper
Relationship A'reiel Mahsa

Appearance and Personality

Garryson is tall for a Midlander with developed, though not bulky, muscles. His hair is a rich auburn with an unnatural white plume. One eye is a similar unnatural white, while the other is a pale green. He has a pale skin tone, and scarring across his body. Silver earrings adorn his ears, two of which on his left ear are connected by a small chain. On his left wrist is a collection of beads he's never seen without.

His persona is sometimes a mystery even to himself. While he carries the mantle of leadership, he is still young and its weight takes its toll on him. A lifetime of betrayal and loss has left him more jaded than he once was. He genuinely cares about the people around him, but much of the time he does not show it outwardly. To him, some jobs are better done on his own than to trust another with it. An anchor to the once more caring person that he was is his lover A'reiel. She is his reminder that some things require delicacy, and that not all trust will be broken.

Garryson for much of his life wanted to be a martyr; to die for something. However, there are people in his life now that would not let him give his life so thoughtlessly. Sacrifice is still ingrained into him. He will give what is necessary to make the world a better place, even if he becomes hated for it. For reasons he's never fully divulged, he is constantly speaking of changing or saving the world. Whether from naivety or bravery, he dreams of a new Eorzea for all.

He has an obsession with stories. It is not uncommon to hear him telling a story, or asking someone else to tell him one. Perhaps in which the way he sees the world around him, his actions are driven to make himself the Hero of the story.


Early Years

Garryson was born in Limsa Lominsa. For reasons Garryson was too young to comprehend, his mother took her own life. This is something he carries to this day, feeling he is at least partly responsible. He lived with his father for a few more years until he passed away.

Finding himself alone as a child, he met a woman who took him in and took care of him. She helped him through the trauma of losing his parents, and taught him some of his first skills of surviving on his own. Becoming overly attached to her, he realized that he was getting in the way of her life. So one night he ran away and has never seen her again. One day he hopes to find her again and apologize for the way he left.

A Pirate's Life

In another chance encounter, he met a man named Arkus Lionhart. Arkus was the Captain of the Defiance, a pirate ship that fronted as a traveling circus. Garryson became part of the crew, and was taken under the Captain's wing. Through his teenage years he learned Arkus's philosophies on life and duty, and grew stronger as a person. Around the time of the Calamity, Arkus and the entire crew of the Defiance were killed. How it happened, and why Garryson was spared is a story he has never told anyone. To this day he searches for more information on what happened to Arkus and the others.

Calamity's Aftermath

During the initial rebuilding of Bahamut's destruction, Garryson wandered aimlessly. After some time he began traveling with a Highlander man. Who the man was and why they were traveling together remains a mystery. During this time, Garryson could be found doing peculiar jobs all throughout Eorzea. Roughly three years ago Garryson vanished all together.

Garryson has now returned to civilization, and is determined to play a part in Eorzea's affairs. He is starting to slowly spread the name "XI:7" a free company he is forming. Shedding much of the insecurities and doubt of his past, he sets out to make contact with the world's influential people. It is his time to make a name for himself.