Saika Kogane

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 Saika Kogane
Placeholder person.gif
Gender Female
Race Au Ra
Clan Raen
Citizenship Hingashi
Server Balmung
Age ???
Marital Status Single
Occupation ???
Height/Weight 5 fulms 2 ilms/???
Orientation ???
  • ???
  • ???

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Basic Info


Quiet Places
Kind people


Loud people
Strong alcoholic drinks


Alignment: Neutral Good
Vice(s): ???
Favorite Food: ???
Favorite Drink: ???
Favorite Color: Red

Appearance & Personality

Saika appears to be a slight woman, hardly built to pick up anything any heavier than daggers. Her frame is lithe and petite, though slightly athletic, showing that while she isn't a fighter, she's hardly out of shape. However, her frame shows little muscle definition and is rather soft. In the extremely rare case she might be seen without clothing, it would be noted her skin, where not covered in scales, is perfect without a single blemish or scar with the slightest pink hue to it. Her translucent pearly scales have a slight rainbow sheen to them when under certain light, outmatched in purity only by her silky, well-kempt, snow white tresses which hang freely and straight just below her shoulders. A pair of deep crimson, almond-shaped eyes stare out into the world around her with curiosity and interest, with slightly angular features to accent them. As is apparent with her slight frame, Saika tends to prefer more traditional Far Eastern styles of clothing over anything more form fitting. It's rather clear she prefers elegance over function, and, given her apparent lack in physical training, it suits her. With red and rose colors being her favorites, her clothing tends to reflect such colors. Despite her rather elegant style of dress, jewelry tends to be rather lacking on her person for reasons unknown.

Quiet and reserved is the best way to describe Saika's personality, having been used to a lifestyle that is essentially absent of any real action or conflict. However, just as there is an elegance in her clothing, there's an eloquence in every movement she makes, intended to be made with a purpose. Whether standing or sitting, she maintains an impeccable posture. The way she carries herself suggests she's well-educated, at least as far as education goes in Hingashi. To the stranger, she is respectful and kind, even if they are less so toward her. Anyone she doesn't know well, however, she keeps at an arm's length. While not easy to do, those who manage to get closer to her will be hard-pressed to find anyone more loyal to her friends. With everything else about the world, she possesses a curiosity not unlike that of a cat, even though she wouldn't likely invade personal space like Miqo'te with a similar curios personality. However, with something that catches her explicit interest, one might find her asking many, many questions. Aside from her rather positive and respectful nature, there seems to be a sense of sadness hidden well within her crimson hues. Rare it is, however, that it surfaces enough for someone to see it.


Blah blah blah



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◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)


Romantic Interest     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Poor Standing
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