Mzeo Gynzhe

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This pale, shadowy Miqo'te is a chef, a tattooist, and a reluctant staff-for-hire. Born to a remote tribe in the Shroud, she now calls Limsa and its inhabitants her home and adopted family. Mzeo can usually be found loitering around Limsa between shifts at the Bismarck or the odd freelance assignment.
((Balmung server//Eastern Time))

Mzeo Gynzhe-That cat from Limsa

~ A Brief History ~

"Born in a remote portion of the Shroud, Mzeo Gynzhe was part of a tribe well known for their prowess in hunting. Specifically, they had some of the most skilled archers around. It was of no small annoyance to her fellow Keepers then, that she completely shirked the bow, choosing instead to indulge her talents with aether manipulation. She was family though, a competent cook, and rather handy in the gardens, so this was tolerated.

As she grew older, she started venturing outward. A merchant of sorts, who would sell the surplus fruits of her botanical efforts to travelers in order to help support tribal endeavors. Further and further she travelled, hungry to see as much of Eorzea as possible, until one day she ended up in Limsa Lominsa. She was so completely enamored with the coastal juggernaut, that upon returning to her tribe she announced her intentions to leave and return to the city. She had found her home.

Once in Limsa, she continued leveraging her mercantile savvy, and eventually enlisted with the Maelstrom. Upon completion of basic training it was obvious to her superiors that the gifts she possessed, that had once brought her much scorn, could be honed into a valuable weapon with the proper guidance. To her disappointment, she was to leave Limsa for Ul'dah to train at the Arrzaneth Ossuary.

She was never quite happy in Ul'dah, and according to her instructors a pretty terrible student. Sure she learned quickly enough, but when it came to anything that didn't involve actual application of skills, she would seem quite bored. Shirking assignments, fighting with fellow students, missing curfew, showing up to lessons hungover...

It's of no great surprise then, that she never officially finished her studies."

~Excerpt from the tomes of an eccentric billionare collector of information in Ishgard

~ General Appearance ~

Usually dressed in dark clothing, with a left arm full of self-applied sigils/tattoos, and the most intense green eyes, she might initially seem intimidating. To her dismay this will immediately be counter-acted by the fact that she stands just over 5 fulms tall, with a boyish crop of black and blue hair, and couldn't cut an intimidating figure if she tried. She appears to be quite athletic and agile, with visible muscle definition. Also, depending on her mood you might perceive her outward demeanor as confident, mischievous, rebellious, and occasionally flirtatious.

~ Introductory RP Info ~

Looking for: MRP ~ Long-term ~ Relationship RP ~ Walk-up conversation ~ Roles in stories other than my own!
Eternal Bonding Status: Seeing Someone ~ Unavailable
Server: Balmung

Open to all kinds of RP. I'm pretty laid-back (maybe a bit shy!) and am just as happy sitting on a pier chatting, as I am helping out with more intricate scenes. If I'm not busy with something in game I will more than likely be happy to RP with you! If you feel like interacting with this fireball machine of a Miqo'te, just search me up on Balmung and send me a tell ^^

((please see OOC Notes tab for more information))

~ Personality, Etc. ~

Mzeo tends to keep to herself unless in the presence of friends/acquaintances, and can at times seem fairly stand-offish and pensive. If she is familiar enough with you to open up though, you will find her to be laid-back and friendly. She's usually happy to just mill about Limsa, enjoying her favorite city. Then there is the side of Mzeo seen less often, which can be quite impulsive and volatile, and tends to get her into trouble on occasion.

~ Disposition ~

Mzeo might be hard to approach, but is easy to get along with. She can be a bit "all over the place" when you're interacting with her, but that's just the product of an overactive mind.

~ Morals ~

Fluid morality. Mzeo keeps an open mind and rejects black-and-white thinking. Acknowledging that it is impossible to know the right course of action without considering all variables in a given situation, she prefers to judge in the moment.

~ Motivations ~

An adventurous sort, you get the impression that Mzeo is desperate to take in as much of this world as possible. Simply seeking out and doing things she has never done before just to see what it's like. A total experience junkie.

~ Strengths ~

She may be hesitant to get close at first, but should you manage to breach the walls she's put up, you will have found a loyalty that no calamity is going to break.

~ Weaknesses ~

Mzeo can be prone to intense mood swings, and those sharp, inviting green eyes hide a temper of 1000 flares should anyone cross her or her friends.

~ Quirks ~

Spend enough time around her, and you may notice her "tune out" for a spell, as if the lights are on but she's just not there. She can also get fidgety on occasion if she has to stand still for too long.

~ Faves ~

Foods: Being from Limsa she naturally loves seafood, but preferring to keep her diet lean, Mzeo will usually opt for a hearty salad.
Drinks: When out she will seek out beers/ales of all kinds, giving preference to those she has not tried yet. She also home brews her own berry moonshine, which is her go-to for kicking back with.
Colors: Blacks, blues, violets -- throw in some red for good measure

~ Residence ~

Mzeo is a nomad at heart, doesn't like to stay in one place too long, and can feel at home most anywhere. Despite her wandering tendencies, she currently keeps an apartment in The Lavender Beds to use as her "home base" when she needs to escape and/or entertain a guest. She dreams of one day owning a small plot in the Mists of course, so she can always be near the city she loves.

~ Tattooist ~

An accomplished tattoo artist, Mzeo has always enjoyed tattooing herself since her teen years. Then one day a sailor returning home saw her working near the fishing guild and wanted one themselves. She finds it meditative and never charges for them. Her ink is probably on half the docks in Limsa.

~ RP Hooks ~

You want an escort for an exploration - Mzeo is an extremely curious soul. If you're offering a job to help explore somewhere she isn't familiar with, you probably won't even get charged. She's just in it for the experience.

You need something blown up - Need a skilled mage at your side? Combat is not her first choice, but if your reasons are to her liking, she will more than likely be able to help you.

You think she's cute - What~?! ~looks around in mock innocence~ Never know til ya try!

You want some of "that" liquor - Maybe it's the home grown berries, or maybe because it hits like a meteor. Whatever the reason, her home brewed recipe is popular, but she can't sell it in the markets...openly.

You like to party - So does Mzeo. ~throws a couple flasks in her bag~ Let's do this!

You want a tattoo - Her talents as a tattoo artist are well known around the Limsa locals! She may not be immediately available, but if she can't get to you right away, she'll be glad to talk about what you are looking for and to set up a time!

You like dining at the Bismarck - Mzeo is excellent in the kitchen and works as a sous-chef of the Bismarck. If you are looking for her, it might be a good place to check!

~ Rumors & Commentary ~

NPC Rumors

Some of these rumors may be untrue, speculation, or greatly exaggerated.

Common Rumors - Use these freely!

■ "That liquor she sells? It's rare, and ain't quite legal...but the Lominsans love it. Supposed to be as potent as a Garlean cannon if you can get yer hands on it." ~ Lominsan Sailor

■ "I think she lives in the Shroud, although I've always seen her milling about Hawker's in Limsa." ~ Hyur Merchant

Uncommon Rumors - Use sparingly or ask first!

■ "She never quite fit in with her tribe. They were all archers! She was a firestarter. So one day she just took the nomad's life out of there." ~ Gridanian Miqo'te

Rare Rumors - Please ask before using!

■ "According to Maelstrom officers, she's a talented mage, but I hear she was forcibly removed from the thaumaturge guild before completing her studies. What would warrant such an action?" ~ Ul'dahn Noble

■ "Those tattoos on her arm? I swear they change shape. More than decoration if you ask me." ~ Maelstrom Soldier

PC Commentary

Feel free to add your own commentary to this section.

Player Character Commentary

■ "Rumor 1" ~ Rumormonger.

■ "Rumor 2" ~ Rumormonger.

~ OOC Notes ~

The player behind Mzeo

Hello there~ I've been doing this for a while! Played my first MMO back in 2001 when I got sucked into Anarchy Online. MMOs that followed include Lineage II, Final Fantasy XI (THF/NIN baby!), Matrix Online, EVE Online, Earth and Beyond, World of Warcraft, Guild Wars 1/2, The Secret World, Star Wars: The Old Republic and some others I'm sure I'm forgetting.

Outside of the virtual realm I am a web designer/developer to pay the bills, and get into DJ-ing as a hobby. Also a road trip/travel junkie who enjoys going to new places to see shows or maybe just for the hell of it!

Important: I strive for equality and respect in any interaction. Regardless of race, nationality, ethnicity, disability, sexuality, gender identity, and whether it's OOC or IC; I will treat/identify you and your character as you wish to be treated/identified and I expect you to do the same in return.

RP Relationships

I find long-term RP relationships to be very rewarding! I am open to everything from casual friendships to more romantically involved interactions, and really enjoy exploring characters in such a manner. However, please respect OOC/IC boundaries. I am not my character, and my character is not me. I am not looking for anything IRL through my character. Respect this and we'll be good!


Nights and Weekends, Eastern Time Zone

Mzeo's Orchestrion

Music fuels me, and by proxy, my characters. My tastes are all over the place, but noisy, gothy, beat-heavy, and experimental are all good places to start! Here is an ever-growing list of tracks that for one reason or another happened to pique Mzeo's interest. I'd like to think that some of these are in her ears while she's making her way in Eorzea ~ ^_^

~ Mzeo Gynzhe ~
Pronounced :: muh-ZEE-oh GIN-zjee
Nicknames :: Mizzi (close acquaintances only, rarely used)
Race :: Miqo'te - Keepers of the Moon
Gender :: Transgender (she/her)
Age :: 28
Height :: 5 fulm, 4 ilm
Weight :: 125 ponze
Name Day :: 14th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon (5/14)
Deity :: Llymlaen, the Navigator

Hair color :: Black/blue
Eye color :: Green
Complexion :: Fair
Piercings(visible) :: Two in her left ear, one in her right ear
Marks or tattoos :: White facial markings, a light scar across her right eye, and a sleeve full of black tattoos on her left arm

Grand Company :: Maelstrom
Occupations :: Sous-chef(Bismarck), Tattooist, Mage-for-hire

MBTI :: INFJ - The Advocate
Alignment :: Chaotic Neutral

=== Base template by User:Abelia Kir Armiger and free for use! ===

♥♥♥ Template edits by Mzeo Gynzhe and also free for use ♥♥♥