Shaori Starbreeze

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 Shaori Starbreeze
The Spirit Caller
Shaori Starbreeze
Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Unknown
Citizenship None
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Age: 19 years
Current Residence: Vesper Bay, Ul'dah
Occupations: Spirit Caller, Attendant


Height: 5 fulms, 4 ilms
Weight: 130 ponz (approx)
Eye Color: White (left), Blue (right)
Build: Her body shows little sign of muscular definition, with well-rounded proportions. She is unremarkably average.


Shaori finds more comfort out in the open air than inside a closed off building. She has a strong love of the sea, particularly because of her upbringing, and will often spend time just gazing out over it. In social settings, she tends to remain somewhat solitary. Her lack of normal speech has made it difficult for her to make friends. Though sometimes shy, Shaori is quick to offer a kind smile and does her best to be as polite as possible.

By making physical contact with someone in certain places, typically by touching their face with her hand, she can speak directly with a person through their spirits. When in this state, her left eye changes color based on the person's personality. She often exhibits traits of that person mixed with her own while in this state. Because of the potential intimacy of this contact, she usually seeks permission before touching someone, but will touch without permission when threatened.



Though her true origin still remains a mystery, Shaori was first found by the Starbreeze family of traders in the port city of Vesper Bay. She was bundled up in a basket, hidden away in a crate on the docks. It was seemingly by accident that Jorras Starbreeze stumbled into that crate, a strong gust blowing in and throwing his own crate off balance. Jorras stared confused at the baby, seeing her mouth moving, the tears in her eyes, and even heard the heavy breaths of her wails. But there was no voice of any kind, not even the faintest cry. When he asked around town, nobody seemed to be familiar with the child. Not willing to leave the helpless child, he took her on board his ship, The Shooting Star, making her the newest addition to their family.

Shaori spent her entire childhood on The Shooting Star, save for the few days at a time they were in port. Though her family accepted her as their own, she was always an outcast among them. While the other children ran around the deck, screaming and playing, Shaori would sit on the edge of the ship, her feet dangling over the side, gazing off into the distance. Whenever he had time to spare, Jorras would sit down beside her, staring at the horizon with her. He would ask her what she was looking at, and her answer was always the same. "Do you not see?" she would respond, using what words she had managed to learn of the Eorzean sign language. "See what?" he would question with a smile, humoring what he thought were the fantasies of an over-imaginative child. "Sad people." She was seeing the spirits of those lost at sea, drifting eternally on the oceans with no respite. Sprites splashing about the open sea, some playful, some malicious. An entire unseen world was visible to her, just a piece at a time.

The Calamity

Her family had the misfortune of being on the open seas when The Calamity struck. As Dalamund descended onto the world, the seas raged with never before seen fury, claiming countless unsuspecting ships and pulling them down to the depths. The Shooting Star was just one of many such to suffer the cruel fate. Shaori watched with despair as her home was torn asunder by massive waves crashing into its hull, horror as she watched the water sweep away everyone she had ever loved. Even her father, for all his strength could not escape the pull of the furious ocean. She had little time to mourn their loss before the waves returned to claim her, the last of the Starbreezes. The sheer force of the water was enough to render her unconscious as she sank into the sea.

It was a surprise to her when her eyes reopened, staring at the reassuring twinkle of the stars in the sky. She was drifting along the surface, alone, without even a hint of the wreckage of The Shooting Star. Her body was weak, unable to move on its own, and consumed by pain. A strange voice echoed in her mind, bidding her remain calm and still. It was an elemental, a spirit of the waters, carrying her along the surface. Somehow, she could talk back to it, not with words, but with her mind and spirit. For days, she exchanged thoughts with the spirit, exploring the depths of this strange connection and about her nature in this world. Defying all natural odds, Shaori survived to drift all the way back to the shores of La Noscea, thanks to the kindly spirit. Shaori asked how she could repay the spirit for saving her life. It answered with a charge, her calling in life. For her to help ease the suffering caused by crashing of Dalamund. To seek out spirits where she could and bring them at ease. Not just of the elementals, driven mad by the disruption of the Aetherflow, but of life itself. So many had died to such tragedy, unable to pass on peacefully. It was her duty to help them.


She set out from the coast she washed up upon towards the city of Limsa Lominsa. It would be a long journey by foot, and she had nothing but the set of tattered, soaked clothing on her body. And for the first time that she could recall, she was completely alone, with nobody to turn to for help. Would anyone else be able to communicate with her? These thoughts weighed heavily on Shaori's mind as she walked, her legs still weak as she trudged across the La Noscean country side. It was barely even dusk of her first day before she had sunk into despair. With barely the survival skills to make a fire, let alone hunt or even forage for food, Shaori wondered how would she even make it to the first town. As night fell, the answer became clear. Like her time on the ship, she could see glimpses of the spirits wandering the land. Sailors, farmers, fisherman, hunters, people of all walks of life. She could turn to them, helping ease their suffering so they could pass on, and learn from them the skills she needed to survive.

When she did finally make it back to Limsa Lominsa, she found the city harder to manage than the outside world. She could communicate with the spirits, call on them for aid in her survival, but most people around her could not understand her sign language. Only a rare few managed proper communication with her. It didn't help that the people around her treated her with suspicion. The strange girl with the changing eyes, thought only to be a rumor of travelers on the road was suddenly real to everyone. While nobody acted against her, it was difficult to find anyone willing to help her. Disappointed by the lack of hospitality, Shaori decided to leave the city once she acquired all of the supplies she needed to live out in the wilderness alone. After those days, she spent as little time as possible in towns, only long enough to get what she needed.

As her travels continued, she learned that practical skills were not the only things the spirits had to offer her. She had always proven aware of the Aetherflow, as was apparent by her ability to touch spirits. But she did not know that she could also manipulate the flow to weave into spells. At first, she could simply close a cut, or ignite a spark for a fire. But over the years she learned to harness this ability into stronger spells, providing her a means of defending herself from attackers. Or killing those who proved a danger.



The ocean
Spirits, especially Carbuncles
Cakes, Pastries, and other sweet confections
Being outdoors


Flying, mostly getting air sick
Corruption (spiritual)
Wiggly things (worms, squid, etc)
Feeling trapped


Playing the flute



All known family is deceased.


Tirisse Sunsinger: Elezen Chocobo Knight that has befriended and taken in Shaori. Shaori chose to serve as her attendant to repay all that is being provided. Also promised to protect Shaori in her travels.
Rinette Molkoh: A curious Miqo'te she met in Ul'dah. Rinette took her to the Sanctum of the Twelve in the Shroud, a holy place that filled Shaori with wonder and awe. She looks forward to being shown more of the Shroud, hopefully with Rinette as a new friend.
Lan Darklyn: Miqo'te male that sought out Shaori in Vesper Bay. Concerned about nightmares that were haunting him, he asked her to help determine the cause. The experience has left Shaori unsettled.


Common Rumors

"Isn't that the girl the traders said they keep seeing out in the wilderness?"
"I've rarely seen her sit inside. She usually prefers to sit on the balcony outside."
"Girl ne'er has a bit a coin on 'er. Don't know how she's able to get nothin'."
"That left eye of hers keep changing color. What kind of magic is that?"

Moderate Rumors

"Stay away from her, she'll steal your soul if she touches you."
"I swear I saw that girl eat an entire cake by herself. The whole thing in one sitting!"

Rare Rumors

"She...she just touched his face. And then...there was this black thing. It was like a disease. It just grew and grew inside him until it killed him. But when she touched me...I heard a voice, telling me to go home to my family. To apologize for everything I've done."

PC Rumors

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