Yash'ua Amerantal

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Yashua symbol small.png
~ The Red Cleric ~

Yash banner (2).png

Ornament line.png

Basic Information

Name | Yash'ua Amerantal

Race | Au Ra

Clan | Raen

Gender | Male

Age | 28

Nameday | 27th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon


Occupation | Warrior, Cleric

Hometown | Namai

Place of Residence | Mist, Ward 9, Plot 6

Guardian | Menphina, The Lover

Alignment | Chaotic Neutral

Orientation | Homosexual


Height & Weight
Very tall even for a male of his kind with a thoroughly fit and well trained build.
Eye & Hair Color
His eyes are of a deep red tone, as is his hair, with bright yellow limbral rings.
Skin & Scales
Mildly tanned. From afar one could barely tell the scales from his skin.
Shape of Face
Thin face, down-turned lips, upturned eyes
Fashion of Choice
Situational. He appears more comfortable in coats, pants or shorts if the situation does not ask for plate or chainmail.


A change in his voice depending on mood, clear, deep and a little growly if angry, or warm and friendly most of the time.
Rubbing the back of his head when nervous, a deep frown when concentrating, prone to twiddling with things when agitated.
A glass of red wine every evening, never wears the same clothes twice without washing them, wakes up early, humms if he feels unobserved.
Favorite Sayings
“Death never takes a wise man by surprise; he is always ready to go.”
“Grain by grain a loaf, stone by stone a castle.”
“Liars need good memories.”


Chaotic Neutral
Chaotic neutral characters believe that there is no order to anything, including their own actions. With this as a guiding principle, they tend to follow whatever whim strikes them at the moment. Good and evil are irrelevant when making a decision.
According to chaotic neutrals, laws and rules infringe on personal freedom and were meant to be broken. This character is always looking for the best deal, and will work with good, neutral, or evil to get it; as long as he comes out of the situation on top. The chaotic neutral is constantly teetering between good and evil, rebelling, and bending the law to fit his needs.
They don't care what happens to others, yet will not necessarily go out of their way to harm others. If someone stands in the way of their happiness, they may kill that individual or move on to something else. Their priorities tend to change as they experience new things in life. They may even appear to adhere to another alignment for some length of time, only to switch at an inappropriate moment.



Yash has very few friends and is very protective over them, cherishing their company greatly and feels that it is his duty to keep any harm from them, even if it would cost his own life. To him, true friends are what gives him a purpose, a reason to be and he is very determined to fulfill his role as protector and guardian, while asking very little but respect in return. However, while he gives back as he was given and treats everyone who meets him with kindness the same way, he only rarely allows himself to open up to anyone.
Love is a feeling that Yash still has to figure out for himself. He rarely uses the word in any situation, not even to express that he enjoys something specific very much. He is very able to feel a deep affection for another, but has severe difficulties admitting any emotional bonds and feelings that he might have. He has very little experience with romance in general, also due to the strict focus on training in his past and lack of time to experience any deeper relationships during his travels.
Yash is a warrior at heart and is very committed to his profession. The training and trials on the long path to become a warrior were without comparison of greatest importance during those years of his life, which made it all the more a devistating matter to him when he was expelled from his family's home not long after passing his final appraisal and was forced to leave the town in which he grew up. Though, it did not weaken his devotion, dedicating himself to offer protection, a sharp blade and his healing talents to those who require them during his journeys.

Postivie Characteristics

Passionate, Indipendent, Observant, Optimistic, Intelligent, Honest, Headstrong, Committed, Adaptable, Caring, Calm, Reliable, Resourceful, Strong Willed, Pragmatic

Negative Characteristics

Over protective, Guarded about his past and personal space, Impatient, Vague, Withdrawn, Impulsive, Brooding, Jealous, Blunt, Unmindful, Aweful Humor


Snow, clear skies, rain
Red wine, mead, hot tea, rice, vegetables, apples
Red, white, bright colors, black
Listening to stories, watching people
Exploration, logic, learning new things
Kindness, honesty


Heat, storm
Bitter food and drinks, ale, fish, bananas, avocado
Pink, orange and all shades of them
To be idle, boring and narrow minded people
Staying in one place for very long, stupidity and Ignorance.
Garleans, pretenders, arrogance, dependence


Reading, mostly novels and other fictional work
Traveling, preferably with an aim
Music, he likes to listen to the bards and dance
Baking, which is just a pastime born out of the joy of eating sweets
Socializing, in smaller groups preferably


Friends, Acquaintances & Enemies

Romantic Attraction Physical Attraction Platonic Love Family Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure

Raven ava Yash.png

Raven Mordio ─ Best Friend (PC)

Physical Attraction.png Romantic Attraction.png Positive.png Business.png

SUMMARY: Raven and Yash have been close friends, and co-workers in various different jobs, for a long while. The Raen trusts his friend's judgement and considers him his closest ally. If he would want anyone to have his back, then it would have to be Raven. For a long time Yash had admired the hyur from afar, nourishing a feeling that was a bit more than mere friendship, but never allowed it to get in the way of their purely platonic relation. Recently however, the two of them made a deal to be more or less friends with benefits while also working together. Which let them spend more time together and may or may not result in more.
Slazar ava.png

Salazar Oronir Kha ─ Title (PC)

Physical Attraction.png Positive.png

SUMMARY: ............

Josachi Dalamiq ─ Title (PC)

Positive.png Business.png Deceased.png

SUMMARY: Josachi was his best friend and traveling companion. He used to feel drawn to him physically and he has been the first one in a very long time that managed to make him drop his guard and show at least an impulse of affection.

Kurou Amerantal ─ Little Brother (PC)

Family 3.png Positive.png

SUMMARY: Kurou is Yash's younger brother. The relationship of the two was always one of rivalry, dominated by jealousy and distrust for eachother rather than familial love. Kurou nearly killed him many years ago, which is something Yash could not let go only until recently when fate brought them together again and Kurou had the chance to reveal the truth behind the events of their past. Now they are accepting of each other and grew closer.
Syveril ava.png

Syveril Venimeux ─ Title (PC)

Neutral.png Business.png

SUMMARY: ............
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Ludger Aurion ─ Title (PC)


SUMMARY: ............
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Munokhoi Kharlu ─ Title (PC)


SUMMARY: ............
PH 100.png

... ─ Title (NPC/PC)

0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png 0 placeholder.png

SUMMARY: ............


(1) Tall, Dark and Handsome
(2) Seme


Sweet Dreams
Sweet Dreams - Emily Browning
Yash's Themesong
Keep the Streets Empty
Fever Ray - Keep The Streets Empty For Me
Miss You
Trentemoller - Miss You
Leave It All Behind
Cult To Follow - Leave It All Behind

RP Hooks


The Mist
Mist, Ward 9, Plot 6 is his best friend and partner's home. There is a fairly high chance to run into Yash here during morning or evening hours.

Other ways to find Yash


OOC Information

Personal RP Limits

I will play
Mature content and themes (violence, sexuality, drug / alcohol use, romance) as long as they're logical in a plot-driven encounter. Coarse and excessive language. Temporary injury and incapacitation. Temporary imprisonment. Most walk-up encounters.
Ask about
Long-term and/or permanent injury and disfigurement. Long-term captivity or imprisonment.
I won't play
Permanent character death or rape plots. I will also not do ERP only (it has to be canonical with the other RP).
I won't play
I do long term role-play and anything that happens in the RP will effect the characters for the rest of the storyline. IC actions have IC consequences.


Server & Timezone
Balmung, CST (UTC−5:00)
Gametime hours
Most days between 4pm till 5am, with breaks.