Miynmekh Qestir

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 Miiynmekh Qestir
Gender Female
Race Au Ra
Clan Xaela
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Age Early/Mid Twenties?
Marital Status Single
Nameday 1st Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon
Height 4'9"
Orientation ??

Like most other members of her clan, Miiynmekh Qestir (pronounced /mijɪnmek keɪstɪər/) refuses to speak. This stems from her tribe's beliefs that all words are lies, and that a man's actions are the purest form of communication. Although some other members of her tribe have been known to speak out of necessity when dealing with Eorzeans, Miiyn does not. This frequently results in unintentionally comedic side-effects, where she may be given credit for others' achievements or accidentally press-ganged into service with other adventurers. Regardless, Miiyn tends to outwardly go along with what's happening around her, even if inwardly, she might be seething at the inconvenience.

General Info

Short even by Au Ra standards, Miiynmekh was always good at blending into the background at home on the Steppe, even despite her shock of white hair. Unfortunately, this "talent" had all but dissipated upon relocating to Eorzea, as her scales and horns made her both frightening and fascinating to many. In an attempt to dissuade such reactions, Miiyn took to styling her hair in prominent Eorzean styles and opting for more traditional Eorzean styles of dress. Although she is now more comfortable with showing off her scales, many of her preferred outfits have long sleeves that help to hide her race's more obvious features.
Despite this, she stubbornly persists with the Qestir tradition of not using speech to communicate. Even so, she has learned to read Eorzean writings passably and can accomplish simple tasks such as writing her name. However, she has remained mostly disinterested in learning the intricacies of oral speech. As such, she sometimes misunderstands the intentions of others. Between this and her tendency to "go with the flow," she often finds herself getting swept up in the adventures of others.
Unlike most other Au Ra, Miiynmekh does not have limbal rings. She does have heterochromia of her eyes of blue and black, although it is very slight and often goes unnoticed, especially when compared to the smattering of stark white freckles that dot her face. It may also be noted that she has a slight degree of scarring along her back and around both ankles.
All of her MekhMekh's official assignments are handled through the Adventurer's Guild or her superiors in the Immortal Flames; incidentally, they also all involve being problematic to the Garleans. However, due to her love of exploring, she also takes on many unofficial assignments as well.
See also: "MekhMekh is forced to answer many annoying questions." and "MekhMekh has many secrets revealed."




Monk Training




Childhood Years
Miiyn never talks about her childhood on the steppes of Othard...of course, she also never talks, so it is difficult to know what she experienced or how it affected her...if it even did. It is known that her family consisted of two older brothers (Seruuntungalag and Jaliqai) and three younger sisters (Eke, Khutughtu and Tsenxer) as well as a single younger brother (Yesugei) that passed away very young. As more time passes, she worries that she is forgetting their names and faces.
Miiynmekh was raised by Ajinai, a talented weaver, and Tömörbataar Qestir, a hunter; however, she does not know which of the two is her actual birth-mother. Her father, Khogaghchin, held the role of the tribe's "witch doctor," mixing concoctions that could pass as rudimentary alchemy and baseline healing. As she indicates her brothers were her role models and refers more to her siblings than her parents, it is possible her parents were absent for some or all of her childhood. Regardless, she displays Ajinai's natural talent for weaving and Khogaghchin's dedication to the alchemical pursuits. Her hunting could use improvement...
Given her intense dislike of Garleans and their lack of presence on the Azim Steppe, it's unlikely she spent all of her childhood there as opposed to one of the frontier towns more affected by the Garlean occupation of Othard. However, given the intrinsic familiarity she displays with the Steppe, its peoples and its geography, it is equally unlikely that she was raised entirely away from it, either. Considering her parents' occupations (and apparent lack of presence in her early life) and the Qestiri presence in Reunion, it is probable her parents were engaged in the mercantile business.
Teenage Years
The Adventurer's Guild has records of a "Miiynmekh Qestir" from Othard appearing in their ledgers a few years before the fall of Dalamud. The adventurers she was with claimed not to know even her name before she had written it down to receive payment. They had simply found her in Southern Thanalan and asked her if she was a healer. When she had nodded, they had "encouraged" her to go exploring some local ruins with them. With stern reprimands about press-ganging non-adventurers into their employ from Momodi, the party split ways with the Au Ra. How she came to be in Eorzea from Othard was, of course, not noted.

Present Day

The next official record of the young Au Ra comes from the Pugilist's Guild in Ul'dah. The receptionist of the guild reported adding a "Miiynmekh Qestir" to their records, though the receptionist noted in the margins that the Au Ra was in the company of a feisty and flamboyant Miqo'te member of the guild and that the Au Ra did not appear overtly interested in the instruction that followed.


Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"Mii? She's my super enthusiastic monk apprentice!!!" -- Flamboyant Miqo'te
"Psst, don't listen to that Miqo'te. That Au Ra with her HATES monk training." -- Passerby
"Miiyn? She'll go along with pretty much any expedition, even ones that don't pay much!" -- Random Adventurer
"Oh I just ADORE that little orange raccoon-bear-squirrel critter she has! I'm dying to know where she got it; let me know if you find out!" -- Well-dressed Ul'dahn
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"Miiynmekh? Never heard of her...Oh, you mean my most trusted assistant, perhaps! The best ones never talk, you know! Now make yourself useful and hand me that vial; I'll have some errands for you lat...where'd you go, new assistant!?" -- Guildmaster Severian
"I saw 'er eyeing a flier on the board the other day. She was readin' it for well on a quarter bell afore she finally up and left in a huff. Don't know what crawled in her aldgoat; 'twas only a 'help wanted' flier!" -- Waitress at The Drowning Wench
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"The quiet Au Ra girl? Damned good at what she does, but if she gets stuck indoors too long, she flies off the handle and goes berserk." -- Bored-looking Elezen
"I visited her roommate once and accidentally went into the wrong room. She had a shrine to some exotic-looking goddess in there. Wasn't one of the twelve, though..." -- Suspicious Hyur Woman
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
"" - Player Name
"" - Player Name
"" - Player Name
"" - Player Name


Romantic Interest     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Poor Standing
Xiaochi Kuroinu - Miiyn probably wouldn't ever admit it, but this crazy monk is the closest thing she has to a friend. Most people get frustrated with her refusal to speak, but Xia just takes it in stride...or doesn't notice? It's hard to tell with her, honestly.
Koi & Acele Minao - An unusual twin sibling pair that Miiyn frequently hangs around with. The younger, Koi, has an odd protective streak that is both endearing and infuriating to MekhMekh. The older, Acele, Miiyn respects as a talented warrior.
Template by: Bancroft Gairn