Xiulan Dalamiq

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Xiulan Dalamiq

“I offer the sweetest of liberations—that of the soul.”

Race au ra
Clan xaela
Age approx. 40
Deity dalamud
Orientation pansexual
Marital Status involved
Occupation shaman, diviner
Height 5 fulms & 11 ilms
Weight 165 ponzes

General ⁜


Clothing ⁜


Voice ⁜


Habits ⁜




Elegant clothing




Alignment: Lawful Evil
Birthplace: The Azim Steppe
Favorite Food: Raw goosefish
Favorite Color: Silver

Backstory ⁜

Xiulan Dalamiq is a self-proclaimed prophet borne of the reclusive Dalamiq tribe of Xaela. Their father, Adkiragh, was a powerful and influential member of the village, responsible for founding the religious sect in which Xiulan and their siblings were raised. Much of their adolescence was spent in tutelage, learning the ways of Dalamud that were—amongst the Dalamiq—beginning to die out. Their teenage years, in contrast, were dedicated to child-rearing, raising their siblings alongside their father's three wives. Suffice to say, their life has thus far been one of hard, thankless work punctuated by the brutal violence their sect asked of them.

Plagued by a roaming war band of an enemy tribe, Xiulan and their brothers and sisters were tasked with defending the sect. Believing their attackers—who behaved like maddened beasts in battle—to be cursed, their bodies—almost always mutilated beyond recognition—were often used to decorate the exterior of their khaa with the intent of warding off evil spirits. Many of these traditions were brought with them, outside of the Steppe, and even now their ger is ornamented with the trophies of Xiulan's more recent kills.


(easy to overhear)


(moderately difficult to overhear)


(very difficult or rarely overheard)


(rumors from other player characters)
Color Key
In A Relationship: Xiu is romantically involved with this character.
Romantic Love: Xiu is in love with this character.
Sexual Attraction Xiu is physically attracted to this character.

Platonic Love: Xiu considers this person family.
Friend: Xiu considers this person their friend.
Friendly Acquaintance: Xiu considers this person an ally.

Good Standing: Xiu doesn't know much about this character, but they like them for the most part.
Ambivalent: Xiu's feelings towards this character are conflicted.
Bad Standing: Xiu doesn't know much about this character, but they leave a bad taste in their mouth.

Dislike: Xiu doesn't care for this character, though they will interact if needed.
Hate: Xiu despises this character and wants nothing to do with them.
Fear: Xiu is terrified of this character.
Rivalry: Xiu considers this character a rival and will, either directly or indirectly, seek to compete with them.

Family Member: This character is related by blood to Zayaan.
Business: This character is either Zayaan's employer, employee, or coworker.
Deceased: This character has passed away.
? Unstable Relationship: It's complicated.

Batbayar Ghalkir ( ) Words

Ataashi Dotharl ( ) Words

Kaede Shikyo ( ) Words

Roluh'a Nelhah ( ) Words

Amaya Naeuri ( ) Words

Notes ⁜


In-Game ⁜


Outgoing Links ⁜


Template Bancroft Gairn
Layout reference D'lyhhia Lhuil
Other fiddling Misik'a Rahsi