Kalahira Nira

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 Kalahira Nira
Gender Female
Race Miqo/Lala Hybrid
Clan Seeker/Dunesfolk
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Server Balmung
Nameday 22nd Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon
Age 19
Orientation Pansexual
Guardian Halone, the Fury
Alias Kitten
Marital Status Dating

[Page is an ongoing Work In Progress.]

Kalahira Nira, known primarily by her nickname Kitten, is an Angel of the Higuri Regalia and the head of Public Relations. She spends her days talking to people and building friendly relationships with everyone she encounters (or as much as she possibly can). She also bakes her own snacks, which she often hands out to people for free so she can see people smile.

If you are shy, don't admit it in her presence! She will drag you around to make you meet people! ^-,^

OOC NOTE: The 'Whiterose' part of her name in-game is NOT used, it's simply there because of the FFXIV Name System. Please don't refer to her as 'Miss Whiterose'.

OOC NOTE: This page applies to both my Balmung and Mateus characters.

OOC NOTE: I'm not interested in ERP. If you came here looking for that, turn away and don't waste your time.

OOC NOTE: This character bends lore. If you prefer to RP with people who don't falter from what is canon, don't waste your time with me.

Character Information

♥ Appearance ♥

Kitten is a hybrid between a Dunesfolk Lalafell and a Seeker Miqo'te. As a result, she possesses features found in both of the races, making her a bit of a physical oddity. Because of her differences to those around her, she is commonly insulted and looked down upon. Most people dislike Hybrids simply because the idea of two separate races having a child is a taboo idea, but it does happen. Kitten is simply lucky to have the life she has, as most hybrids are made into slaves in other lands. This stops them from being seen in public most of the time.

It is argued that her father was a Lalafell and her mother was a Miqo'te simply because of how prominent certain features are, though there is no proof of who filled which role.

On her Dunesfolk side, Kitten possesses solid pink eyes with no pupils, a Lalafellin-shaped head, and the shortness to go along with it. She is actually shorter than most Lalafell, standing as only as tall as where the shortest of adults' eyes rest. [IE: In-game she's only as tall as where her eyes are on the in-game model].

On her Seeker side, Kitten lacks Lalafell ears and has large Miqo'te ones instead, or at least they appear large on a Lalafellin head. Her shoulders are narrow compared to her hips, which are fairly wide, giving her a pear shape instead of a popoto shape. Her arms are thin and her legs start off thick from her hips, then end thin down to her feet. She has sharp finger and toenails, reminiscent of claws, though not sharp enough to cause any real damage. She has a noticeable chest compared to other Lalafell, putting her at around the size of a b-cup. She needs to wear specially crafted bras in order to support her oddity amidst other Lalafell. Finally, she has a long, very fluffy white tail that drags along the ground behind her. She takes measures to stop it from being stepped on, but she isn't always successful. She will often wrap it around herself between her chest and stomach to prevent said stomping of the tail. She also has an elongated sharp tooth that sticks out constantly from her left upper lip. It is more obvious when she's smiling, but when making a straight face, it can still be spotted poking out from under her lip.

She has pure white hair that grows down to her chest, and she apparently lacks eyebrows. She will try to be animated in order to express how she's feeling, and often relies on her tone of voice to hint her emotions... like most people. Quirking an eyebrow or squinting her eyes, for example, don't do much good for her. She also paints whiskers on her face because she thinks it's cute. She does not appear to have any blemishes, cuts, scars or otherwise damages to her skin.

Two of her most apparent physical features are actually caused by magic that was cast on her. Many months ago when she had amnesia, she wanted to learn new things as much as possible. As a result, she'd allow herself to be used as a test dummy for new spells, so long as the spells themselves were not intended to kill the target. (Said spells were all performed IC by other players). While most of them had no lasting effects, two of them did. The first is the one responsible for her shortness. The spell was intended to be used for infiltration through passageways that enemies would not consider possible. It caused her to shrink to the size of a bug for an entire day, which made certain things very difficult for her (such as going up and down stairs). While she didn't remain permanently the size of a bug, she noticed all of her clothing was too big for her when she returned to 'normal' size. The second spell is responsible for her large belly. A spell was created to simulate a pregnancy so new mothers could see how the process would affect their bodies without actually being in that state, thus allowing them to prepare for it for when they actually try to become mothers. The spell fills the body with a buildup of aether. As Aether is the force of life, it made sense to use it to project such a spell onto a person. Unfortunately the spell became a permanent one for Kitten, so now she must resort to magical methods to hide her condition. Some have remarked that she looks like she's carrying a Roe child, and while she used to become upset by such comments, she's simply learned to accept her state for what it is. She is unable to hug people from the front and must do so from the sides, she cannot lean very far forward without toppling over, and she has trouble going up and getting down stairs. She walks with a very apparent waddle, hinting that she is clearly burdened by her situation, but she always maintains a sweet smile and a cheery attitude when talking with others. She is very good at hiding that her situation is difficult for her.

Like with the specialty bras she must wear, she also must wear large dresses and other form-covering outfits to accommodate her other conditions. While she's made peace with how she looks, she's not one to flaunt her looks to others, nor focus too heavily on them.

OOC NOTE: I must reiterate that I am not interested in erp. Kitten's appearance is apparently liked by some people for other reasons, which has led to me getting some pretty unsettling tells. Please don't be a creeper.

♥ Personality ♥

♥♥ Personality Strengths ♥♥


While a lot of topics go right over Kitten's head in conversations, Kitten has shown to be extremely capable of learning new crafts and becoming adept at them faster than many around her. In only about a year, she has learned so much that she has gone from living on the streets and fighting to possess a single gil, to having a home she is proud of, a job she is wonderful at, and many skills by which she uses to help others who used to be in the same situation she was in.


Facial cues, emotions and the like are things she can pick up on very quickly, even from those she doesn't know very well.


Kitten likes to do everything herself, whether it's cooking, cleaning, learning something new, or simply getting around. She doesn't like to accept help for simple things that she knows she can do herself, which includes (but is not limited to) fighting her own battles, getting up and around, finding lost items, cooking, cleaning, construction, camping, etc..


In her quest to know all, she has a tendency to link similar patterns together in her mind. Whether it's related to tracking, combat, conversations, magic, etc., Kitten has a tendency to question what's been presented to her. She used to be very trusting, but now she is careful about anything and everything that seems like it could be dangerous (especially when related to magic or ancient artifacts).


She absolutely loves talking to and meeting new people, and in her experience with talking to so many people, she's learned patience, empathy, compassion, wariness, etc. And as a result, she has become a very careful wordsmith who is quite good at getting the truth out of people and/or stopping people from getting upset with her or others. She is very good at finding logical solutions to problems so an issue does not devolve into violence. (Works well with her Inquisitive nature).


When she needs to be, Kitten has no problem standing up to opposition for the betterment of those around her. Bravery doesn't necessarily mean Kitten is on the front lines in a battle - it can also mean Kitten isn't afraid to be blunt with people and tell them what they need to hear rather than what they want to hear. Kitten will sometimes criticize her friends for their behavior with the hope that they will change, and it's not easy for her (or anyone else) to give friends a little bit of tough love. Additionally, Kitten will often stand up and fight to protect those around her even if she herself is not a very good combatant.


Probably her greatest strength is how she has a 'never-keep-me-down' attitude. She is capable of deflecting some of the worst insults, ignoring people who are needlessly cruel to her, and always able to warm the hearts of those around her by being that happy ray of light that people occasionally need in their lives. Always willing to offer a treat, offer a hug, or simply to be there for others, Kitten's attitude is almost always cheerful and doesn't often let cruelty get to her.

♥♥ Personality Weaknesses ♥♥


While she's met some rude and blunt people, Kitten never truly believes that anyone she meets will actually try to do her harm... until proven otherwise. To this day, she's only made one enemy because she's so devoted to only seeing the good in people.


While she typically is very cheerful, the spell she's afflicted by can cause her to switch to different moods in an instant. Because of her powers (see misc), Kitten has been known to have a full nuclear meltdown when friends are hurt or seem to get hurt, causing her to go on a rampage and potentially hurting or even killing those who were responsible. While she has recognized her errors and has started teaching herself to become more patient, she is not infallible and she most likely will explode again if she's pushed to her breaking limit.


She might be considerate enough to respond to people when they speak of the gods they follow, but Kitten does not believe in the Twelve. As per her independent ways, she typically believes that praying to a higher power won't yield results, and that people must be prepared to get up and do things themselves if they want something done. She will only ever reach out to the Twelve if it means respecting her friends and their wishes... but she may never find herself believing in any of them.

Socially Awkward

While she's intelligent, she has a hard time speaking to people and understanding what they're talking about. Having lost all of her memories (including who she is) a year ago, she has been striving to learn as much as she can every single day. But because she still knows very little compared to those who grow up learning everything, she can seem dimwitted when around others. This can lead to some pretty awkward situations, where jokes can be lost on her and simple ideas just go over her head.

♥♥ Misc ♥♥

Echo Blessed

Kitten has two forms of the echo. The first is one that allows her to quickly pick up on and use new languages, allowing her to decode ancient texts as well as converse with those who do not speak Eorzean. The second is one which allows her to get a glimpse into the past of someone else's life.

Extreme Aether Power

Kitten's nuclear meltdowns can mean trouble for everyone, as Kitten is tied to aether in a way where she can pick up on new forms of magic without knowing the how or why things work. She's very in tune with her surroundings and very respectful of the world around her, which has led to great skill in thaumaturgy and conjury. Some suspect she is a black mage or white mage, but nobody has been able to provide substantial evidence to those claims. In any case, if Kitten has a meltdown, she will lose control of her aether and can potentially harm innocents, friends, etc. around her. With her attempt to learn greater patience, Kitten has also done her best to cease using thaumaturgy at the risk of hurting people again... but she doesn't know how aether-tied she is and that losing those powers isn't as simple as choosing not to use them.

[OOC NOTE]: I will never use Kitten's Echo or Aether abilities unless I have sent a tell asking for permission to use such things. They are mostly there for story purposes.

♥ Additional Information ♥

♥♥ Greatest Skills ♥♥

  • Cooking (Natural Cook)
  • Wilderness Survival
  • Masonry
  • Archery
  • Sewing
  • Trapping
  • Dowsing
  • Singing

♥♥ Lesser Skills ♥♥

  • Lockpicking
  • Armorsmith
  • Goldsmith
  • Carpentry
  • Leadership
  • Melee Combat
  • Engineering
  • Botany

♥♥ Likes ♥♥

  • Cooking
  • Camping
  • Singing
  • Playing her magical flute (doesn't count as a skill due to its magical properties)
  • Giving brownies to people
  • Making new friends
  • Adventuring
  • Idle chit-chat

♥♥ Dislikes ♥♥

  • Unnecessary insults and/or rudeness
  • Arguing for the sake of arguing
  • Alcohol (Unless it is very, very difficult to detect because of other tastes)
  • Being forced to stay in one place or do something she doesn't want to do
  • People talking about sex around her, especially when it pertains to her own sex life
  • When her friends do something stupid that she needs to fix (What? Again? Really? You're grounded!)
  • Seeing people hurt, upset, or otherwise in despair

♥♥ Weaknesses ♥♥

  • Unhealthy food
  • Heavy & sluggish due to spell
  • Compliments
  • Sweethearts and cute people
  • Beautiful outfits

♥♥ Fears ♥♥

  • Spiders
  • Lightning
  • Thunder
  • Other loud, booming noises
  • Deep, murky water

Plot Devices

This section is devoted to providing other RPers with information about the character in ways that allow you to approach the character or to use her for your own role plays. Whether you're a hero, a villain, a mercenary looking for work, or just some random passer-by, these should help you find ways to interact with the character.

♥ The Rumor Mill ♥

Just like with any character, there are rumors surrounding them. Some good, some bad, some flattering, some not so much. I won't be following the typical formula of common, uncommon, rare, etc. that most people's profiles have on here. Instead, if you want to set up some kind of RP or encounter with the character, you can say you've heard any of the rumors you read below (including Player ones):

♥♥ NPC Rumors ♥♥

  • "She's called the Garlean Slayer. What? You want to know more? What else is there to say? She kills Garleans enough to have earned a nickname for it. Now go bother someone else!"
  • "I saw someone give her a Ninja soul crystal in Kugane, but with the way she dresses, behaves and looks, I don't believe she's ever bothered to learn or do the crystal any justice."
  • "She gives out brownies to the people of Ul'dah daily! I've received enough that I think I need to start dieting. If you like chocolate, you should ask her for one!"
  • "Yeah I know her. Calls herself Kitten to seem cute and innocent, but her real name's Kalahira. You might've heard the stories... 'bout a black mage going around and murdering innocent people for personal power. What? Don't believe me? Call her by her real name and see how she responds."
  • "I'm pretty sure she's a White Mage, but I don't have any solid proof. But if you look at the way she dresses, the staff she carries, the way she always talks about her time in the wilderness, and her blatant confession of studying conjury and being naturally gifted in it, it's just all too much to be a simple coincidence. Tell me I'm wrong. Someone should contact the authorities."
  • "I think she works with the Voidsent! I've seen her delve into places that are infested with the devils, and she comes out completely unscathed! How is it a target as big and obvious as her isn't noticed by those creatures?!"

♥♥ Player Rumors ♥♥

  • Empty at the moment. Add your own if you like!

♥ In-Game Occurrences ♥

These are potential plot starters that have garnered attention or popularity through her actions via role play in the community. If you have a character who would suit the role of the antagonist for these stories, feel free to approach Kitten and begin the story.

♥♥ Bad for Business ♥♥

Kitten has been giving out free brownies and hosting a soup kitchen in the city of Ul'dah to support the poor, downtrodden and desperate, as well as to see people smile. She creates and provides these brownies daily, and the soup kitchen monthly. With so much attention surrounding these free confections, some businesses are starting to struggle in order to compete with her generosity.

Some business owners want to simply sell their products, whereas others want to exploit the desperation of the poor for cheap labor. Kitten's habits may bring her more trouble than she expects.

♥♥ Revenge for the Fallen ♥♥

The rumor about Kitten killing innocent people is half true, half false. Kitten was possessed by the spirit of her mentor, Oni. While in possession of her body, Oni used her intense aether connection to gain more and more power with the intent on using it exclusively for himself. They planned to become a god, an immortal to be feared and worshipped. As a result, in order to force their superiority over the masses, they'd kill innocent people in order to gain said control through fear. But when Oni was removed from Kitten, so too were the memories Kitten once had of herself. This is where her amnesia stems from. And while Kitten might not remember her past, those who have lost a loved one or a family because of her will be seeking revenge for what she's done.

While Kitten tries her best to distance herself from the name Kalahira for the reason of her past bringing trouble her way, it is not something others can so easily forget. Someday, someone will find her and try to bring her to justice.

♥♥ Unlimited Battery ♥♥

This delves into the spells that affect her physical appearance. If you find that particular aspect of the character weird, please skip this story option.

As a result of Kitten being known as the Garlean Slayer, she has undoubtedly attracted the attention of the Garlean Empire for her countless acts against them. It is already known that there are under cover spies and double agents for the Empire operating within Eorzean territory, but who they are and where they operate is unknown. It is very likely that the Garlean spies have been keeping tabs on her and reporting back information about her to their superiors. Of the things they would note is: her body having so much excess aether that it's caused her body to swell up. Given the experiments the Garleans performed to extract aether from subjects for their experiments, it would certainly be wonderful if they could get someone who has two forms of aether to harness. One being personal, the other being whatever excess amount she gathers up. The Garleans would no longer need to hunt for more subjects if they had one who could be extracted endlessly without the subject dying!

♥♥ Cashing In ♥♥

It's no secret that Kitten is not much of a combatant, preferring only to fight if she has no other choice. She's so sweet and trusting that it'd be very easy to lure her into a trap! Additionally, she often states that she is an Angel for an organization known as the Higuri Regalia! And if the information about the Regalia is to be believed, it's that it is owned by a rich and powerful Prince! Rich being the most attractive part about them. How much would they pay to get one of their Angels back? How much more to get them back in one piece? And how much more to get them back unharmed? This plan can't possibly go wrong! ... Right?