N'hadiya Khei

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 N'hadiya Khei
Nhadiya bust.png
Far from home and further yet to go.
Gender Female.
Race Miqo'te.
Clan Seeker of the Sun.
Citizenship Aldgoat Tribe (former).
Age Twenty-four.
Guardian Azeyma, the Warden.
Nameday 13th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon.
Orientation One on the Kinsey Scale.
Height 5 fulm, 2 ilm.
Occupation Adventurer, Huntress (former).

N'hadiya Khei -- or Hadiya, daughter of Khei, of the Aldgoat tribe -- is a Sunseeker Miqo'te whose origins lie deep within the Sagolii Desert. Brought up in a traditional Sunseeker environment, she had never anticipated the turn that her life would eventually take. Yet circumstances have now found her venturing past the borders of the N' tribe's territory, renouncing a 'family' that had forsaken her in pursuit of her beloved siblings and the ideals that they had both shared. However, Ul'dah is nothing at all like the closeknit community that she had grown used to. Now she finds herself far from home in a confused, overwhelming, and even intimidating land, with further yet to go.

Pronunciation & Nickname Notes! ]  N'hadiya's full name is pronounced as follows:  "NAH - dee - yah KAY". However, her given name by itself -- Hadiya -- is pronounced "AH - dee - yah". The initial aitch (H) is silent, save for to other miqo'te, who would likely pronounce her name the same albeit with a slightly throaty, hissing tone added onto the initial stressed syllable. As such, in terms of nicknames, she is commonly called "N'hadi" or "Adi" by those close to her.

[OOC Note!] This page is under heavy construction. I'm also generally new to wikis, so please be patient while I do my best to flesh out N'hadiya's character page. If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message!

Character Information


N'hadiya is an average height and build for her kind, standing at around 5 fulm 2 ilm and weighing in around 110 - 120 ponze. She inherited a good number of her mother's attractive features -- a soft facial structure, full lips, and wide, bright green eyes. Her skin is considerably tanned from a marriage of genetics and a life lived in the Sagolii Desert, which goes beautifully well with her long and dark brown hair. Yet despite her attractive features, she doesn't quite come off as 'dainty' or 'delicate' as some would perhaps assume. She has an air about her that gives the impression that she can very much hold her own.




Fighting Style

While still living with the tribe, N'hadiya was given the standard education in how to hunt, chiefly with shortbow and spear. Though proficient enough to hunt with either weapon, she dropped both in favor of hand-to-hand weaponry upon leaving the tribe. She simply prefers the more up-close way of fighting, not to mention that she finds the art of pugilism to be more 'elegant'.

Armor & Weaponry

As a pugilist, N'hadiya favors light armors that do not restrict her movement. Leathers are particularly favored. Likewise, she favors bladed hand-to-hand weapons over blunted, but is equally proficient with either. 


The Early Years

N'hadiya was born to N'hakhara Rhalo and N'khei Nunh, their second child and first daughter, three years after the birth of their son, N'hazir. One year later, a third child and second daughter - N'hamira - became part of the family. They belonged to an off-shoot of the N tribe of Seekers of the Sun deep within the Sagolii Desert of Thanalan. Though their tribe was only moderate in size, their community as a whole was very closeknit, and loyalty to one another and to the tribe as a whole was a value instilled in every child from an early age. Unlike other Sunseeker tribes, this subset of the N tribe was very much unaccepting of and even hostile towards those would would leave the group for any reason. Much akin to their totem animal, the Aldgoat, they concerned themselves only with the well-being and inner workings of their own 'herd' and chose to shun the outside world. If not for bits and pieces of wordly news reaching them from adventurers and merchants bringing much-needed trade goods to their territory on occasion, N'hadiya's tribe would have been almost entirely isolated from the rest of Eorzea.

Likewise, the three siblings -- despite the typical childhood squabbles and bickering -- grew to become nigh inseperable. N'hazir loved and protected his two younger sisters, and in turn, they practically worshipped the ground he walked upon. However, it became apparent very early on in N'hadiya's life that her mother, who was a staunch believer of the value of traditional Sunseeker tribal life, favored her over her much more free-spirited, worldly siblings. Whereas N'hazir and N'hamira possessed an uncanny interest practically unheard of in their clan with the world beyond the sands of the Sagolii Desert, N'hadiya was content with their simple life amongst the dunes. While N'hazir listened intently to tales of faraway lands and peoples from outsiders passing through their territory and while N'hamira fought with her mother every step of the way during their upbringing and grooming into future huntresses and matrons of the tribe, N'hadiya put all such thoughts of leaving their homeland far from her mind and focused on becoming the obedient daughter her mother clearly wanted.

Before the Calamity

When N'hadiya was fifteen, only four years before the Calamity, her elder brother finally renounced the N tribe and left home to become an adventurer. She was heartbroken to see him leave, and to add insult to injury, their family suffered a good deal of shame because of it. While once they were held in high repute, backs turned on them as soon as the shame of abandonment was cast upon them. Even more bewildering to N'hadiya, though, was the way her mother simply acted as if she no longer even had a son. It was as if he had died as soon as he had announced that he would leave them to travel the world. While he would frequently send letters and packages and even return home on short visits when time allowed, much to the joy of his younger sisters, N'hakara wouldn't even acknowledge him in the slightest much less allow him into her home. The girls were forced to meet their brother elsewhere and to read his letters in secrecy if they wanted to know what the other had done and where he had traveled to while he had been gone.

During the last year before the Calamity, as the red moon Dalamud grew ever more swollen in the skies, the letters and visits from N'hazir became more and more scarce. The missives that did reach them spoke of the conflicts going on past the desert's borders -- the summonings of Primals, the descent of Dalamud, and the invasion of the Garleans. N'hazir's talk of the beauty and intrigue of the world beyond turned to worried ruminations of what might befall Eorzea and her people should these foul events not be put to a halt. As time marched on, the two young women became extremely worried for their older brother. Finally, just months before the Calamity, the letters stopped entirely.

After the Calamity

The N' tribe was not spared the widespread destruction brought by the release of the Elder Primal, Bahamut. Most of their territory was destroyed or warped, forcing them from their longtime homelands. They were forced to wander for almost a year before their tribe found a new, albeit smaller, piece of territory to settle upon. During this time, both N'hadiya and N'hamira held out hope that they would hear from or see N'hazir again. That hope kept on for years, no matter how often their mother liked to tell them that he 'may as well have died years before any of this even happened'. 

Two years after the Calamity, N'hamira begged her to leave the tribe with her - to find their lost brother and to become adventurers to help people, rather than hide in the desert and let the world pass them by. Terrified at the thought of leaving the familiarity of home and disappointing their mother, N'hadiya refused and begged her sister not to leave. Yet the younger Sunseeker would not be persuaded and reluctantly left without her.

Heartbroken all over again, N'hadiya held out hope that she would find comfort in her mother and her tribespeople. However, her mother - stubborn as ever - simply disowned her youngest daughter as she had her eldest son and claimed that the only family N'hadiya had left was her brothers and sisters of the tribe. However, they too provided little more than open ridicule and even hostility towards her after not only one, but two members of her family had deserted the tribe. N'hadiya, once thought to be well on her way to becoming a high-priority to be partnered with the Nunh and perpetuate their tribe, was quickly passed over for others and pushed to the very edge of their society.

Unimpressed by the way her remaining 'family' was treating her and desperately longing to see her siblings again, N'hadiya finally made the decision to leave her homelands whilst talking with a group of adventurers passing through their lands. She convinced them to take her with them to Ul'dah, renouncing her tribe the same way her siblings had in hopes of becoming an adventurer. 

Recent History

After a week of travel, N'hadiya finally arrived in Ul'dah. She finds the city overwhelming and confusing, what with all its different peoples and customs and cultures. Yet despite this, she quickly buckled down to get her adventuring career rolling, signing in at the Quicksand and taking on odd jobs to earn coin and perfect her skills.



  • Unsurprisingly, N'hadiya highly enjoys being outside in the sunlight.
  • Tracking and hunting are not only things that she is good at, but also enjoys.
  • The familiarity of other Sunseekers comforts her, especially after having left home and reaching the mixing pot of Ul'dah.
  • Due to the scarcity of water in her homelands, N'hadi considers large bodies of water and swimming to be luxuries that she enjoys whenever she can.


  • The unfamiliarity of non-Seekers oftentimes makes N'hadiya uncomfortable. However, due to her upbringing, she is oftentimes untrusting and occasionally even hostile towards Keepers of the Moon.
  • Large crowds of people, specifically non-miqo'tes, have a tendency to make N'hadi very nervous.
  • Very strong scents and noises make her very nervous and / or irritable, as they impair her senses greatly.
  • Overly pushy people brush her the wrong way, and overly submissive people make her feel awkward.


  • N'hadiya's chief desire is to find her older brother and younger sister, N'hazir and N'hamira. It drives her.
  • After leaving her tribe, N'hadiya wishes to learn more of the outside world. Though it intimidates her, she's challenged herself to find the intrigue and beauty in the lands and peoples beyond the sands as her siblings did.
  • N'hadi also wishes to become more proficient in the art of pugilism. To her, bows and polearms are simply hunting tools. Yet she finds the intricate, high-disciplined fighting style of pugilists very intriguing.


  • N'hadiya fears that her brother, N'hazir, was lost during the Calamity. Likewise, she is terrified that her sister met a similar fate after leaving home to pursue him.
  • Almost daily, N'hadi doubts herself as to whether or not she made the right decision to abandon her tribe.
  • Due to an incident in her younger years where she became lost for hours amongst the dunes of the Sagolii Desert, N'hadi has a fear of becoming lost and thus never explores a new area without proper precautions.
  • As a social creature, she is very afraid of being alone. Growing up in a tribe and surrounded by her siblings for most of her life, the sudden lack of both that she has found herself in has become a source of both sadness and fear.



  • [ N'hazir Tia  - Older Brother (Unplayed) ] . . . WIP.
  • [ N'hamira Khei  -  Younger Sister (Unplayed) ] . . .   WIP.
  • [ N'hakara Rhalo  -  Mother (NPC) ] . . .   WIP.
  • [ N'khei Nunh  -  Father (NPC) ] . . .   WIP.


  • None yet.


  • None yet.


  • None yet.


Common Rumors

  • None yet.

Moderate Rumors

  • None yet.

Rare Rumors

  • None yet.

PC Rumors

  • None yet.

Player OOC Information

N'hadiya's Player

Hi! I'm a long-time forum RPer (for over 10 years now) but a newbie MMO RPer. That said, N'hadiya is my first real attempt at breaking into the FFXIV RPing community on the Balmung server. I'm also a long-time FFXIV player in general, having joined in patch 1.19 back in version 1.0 of the game and playing ever since. My strictly OOC, game progression character is located on Excalibur. For the sake of keeping this short and sweet, I'll just say that if you're curious about me or want to chat OOCly, just send me a tell!

RP Style & Preferences

  • [ Chat Modes ]  I'm equally comfortable with private modes of RP (tells, party, etc.) and open RP in /say. Therefore, if you have any specific preference, just let me know beforehand!
  • [ Walk-ups & Tells ]  Generally speaking, I very much welcome walk-ups! However, there are times when I'm busy or otherwise pre-occupied and may miss your posts at me in /say. Therefore, if you see N'hadi around with the busy symbol, I would prefer if you send a /tell to ask for RP before posting so you can be sure that I'll see your post and that I'm up for RP. Likewise, there are times when I just don't feel up to RPing. If you see N'hadi rocking the AFK symbol, that means I am currently either AFK or OOC and not interested in RP at that point in time. However, that doesn't mean you can't /tell me if you're interested and set up something for later / chat!
  • [ Family Relationships ]  N'hadi has two unplayed siblings. While I wouldn't be opposed to them being played later on, I'm preferring to leave them as NPCs for now. I'm not actively looking for other family relationships at the moment, but I'm always willing to consider ideas!
  • [ Romantic Relationships ]  I'm not opposed to romantic relationships cropping up in RP, nor am I content with romantic relationships being the sole focus of all of my RPs. I am also not a huge fan of pre-planning romantic relationships and forcing them to happen. Basically, I see it as we RP and if the characters start going that way, I'm cool with seeing where it leads.
  • [ Mature Themes ]  Much like with romantic relationships, I follow the rule of 'If sexual-themed RP comes up in the natural course of the plot, it's fair game'. However, the majority of the time I may not be up for roleplaying out scenes of an explicit nature and would prefer to Fade-to-Black. In terms of other mature / dark themes, such as extreme violence, I'm totally okay with. Just let me know if you have anything drastic planned!
  • [ Combat ]  Admittedly, combat isn't my favorite thing to RP, but again.. If it comes up naturally in the flow of the plot, I'll play it. Combat RP for the sake of combat RP, though, is not my cup of tea. Not with this character, at least. But if combat-oriented RP does come up, I expect us to operate on the expectations of realism and courtesy. Don't auto-hit / godmode / metagame, don't control my character, and basically just don't be a jerk about it! 


This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea