Sirielle Lacoyer

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Gridania-transparent.png Sirielle Lacoyer
Placeholder person.gif
Gender Female
Race Elezan
Clan Duskwight
Citizenship Gridania
Nameday 10th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon, 1553
Age 24
Guardian Thaliak the Scholar
Place of Birth Ishgard
Server Balmung
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Height 6 Fulms 2 Ilms

Body Type Very Small with tiny ears

Hair Medium Length, Blonde

Skin tone Pale

Eyes Light Blue

Facial Features

Sirielle wears a touch of purple shadow on her yes and just enough color on her lips so as not to appear sickly. Sirielle bares a scar on her left cheek above the chin bone where she was hit by a broken cup when she presented it playfully to her father as a toddler.


Sirielle dresses modestly in ordinary clothes befitting a young lady of her age but nothing that would draw any kind of attention to herself as she finds herself nothing to look at and tends to be embarrassed when anyone looks her way.


Sirielle is very shy, quiet and introverted. She doesn't say very much and when she does it is with a very soft spoken tone. She usually does not speak unless spoken to, however when challenged on something she deems correct in her eyes she can have a sharp tongue, but never without provocation or firm belief that what she says is correct.

She does not challenge authority and finds it best to do as instructed because the people that have guided her life know best.

She is naive and very clumsy and unsure in most of her actions.

She is not stupid but she is not the smartest in her conjury studies. This is mostly due to her disinterest in the subject, but she learns quickly and does as instructed.

She enjoys being by herself writing in her journal, fishing, or spending time with her pet chocobo Ishy.


Sirielle is not a fighter by nature. She tends to stay in the background and lets others do the fighting while she heals the small wounds her basic conjuring skill will allow.

She has been known in the past to wield her sisters lance when nobody was watching her.

She's pretty good with a fishing pole.



  • Writing and drawing in her journal
  • Being alone and daydreaming
  • Fishing
  • Playing and taking care of Ishy her pet chocobo


  • People that challenge authority
  • Being without any family
  • When people assume she is stupid or slight of mind because of the things she sees in her book or her lack of ability in the art of Conjury


  • Being alone without J'septha
  • Not finding her purpose in the world
  • Her father



Father - Darvet Lacoyer - Dragoon soldier under House Dzaemal - Ishgard (1516 - ??)

Darvet was foremost a soldier. He spoke very little but was very tough and showed little to no emotion. He did not show affection and often shunned it. Darvet’s true nature showed the most when he was displeased with anyone including his family which included his wife and 2 daughters. He was not above using his brute strength to get anyone that crossed him back in line including those that he called family. He was stationed on the walls leading from Coerthas to The Black Shroud and spent little time at home and was often required to travel to other city-states for business. Upon his wife’s “death” in 1556 it became necessary for him to be a father to his children as they had no one else, so he worked mostly within the confines of Ishgard.

The last that was seen of him by his family was when he sent his daughters and their caretaker J’septha to visit family in Gridania in early 1557, mere weeks before the gates closed forever.

Rumor has it that he was a secret member of the Faces of Mercy and that he may have had a hand in his wife’s death. They also say that he sent his children away when their safety was threatened by the Archbishop.

Mother - Chereen Chaput - Servant - Conjurers Guild - Gridania (1530 - 1556)

A servant to the Conjurer’s Guild, Chereen was extremely shy and quiet and kept to herself most of the time. She was in servitude to the Guild and was often tasked with delivering supplies and food to the Ishardians manning the pass in the north shroud. She fell in love with one of the senior officers who was much older and fell for his unfortunate charms. She moved to Ishgard and bore him 2 daughters: Obiette and Sirielle. Neither of the children were born from the supposed love they shared but of more of his forcefulness upon her and this was the only regret that she had was that only on rare occasions and only in certain circumstances could he really show the man he was underneath all of the foulness he showed to everyone, but she dreamed that someday she would change him and make him the man she saw inside.

Her husband was not the nicest man and often she spent much time hiding bruises that she received because of crying babies, burned meals or shunning her husband’s advances due to the pain and bruises that would come or the fear of having to bare another child into the world they lived in. Nonetheless she loved him more than words could ever explain and would go to the ends of the earth for them regardless of her inability to show affection towards any of them. She had been taught at an early age not to let anyone see her true emotions and she carried that with her always.

When she met her husband she was learning Conjury whilst she served the guild but that was soon put to rest by his insistence that this was just simple child’s play and must be ceased if their relationship was to continue. He felt her place was with him and demanded she leave everything behind and serve only him in Ishgard.

Shortly before her death she could be found in the shop of a local merchant that many in the city believed was selling potions and using strange magic that none had ever heard. Her husband discovered her trips to this local merchant and ended it immediately, however shortly after while on a short trip out to a local hamlet she was mauled by a Thrustaevis and killed instantly.

Sister - Obiette Lacoyer - Lancer - Wood Wailer (1549 - ???)

The first born to Chereen and Darvet. She was born in Ishgard and picked up the lance at the age of 3. She saw her father and witnessed his strength and abilities and wanted be strong, smart and proud like him. She was his favorite and the one he showed more pride in. She could do no wrong.

She took after her father very much in the temper she had. She was quick to get angry and quick to punish those around her with her temper tantrums and anger. She was never afraid to use a lance to strike anyone that crossed her. She also used her temper to scold her mother and her younger sister but never in the presence of their father for she did not want him to see anything other than her perfection with the lance, and even still to face his potential wrath should he get angry for her actions. She had seen this once when Sirielle would not quiet her mouth when she was barely a walking babe. She watched Sirielle walk up to her da and give him a cup of milk and he slapped it out of her hand and that cup broke and a piece of the cup flew up to strike Sirielle in the cheek. A scar she would wear forever. She did love her little sister and was protective of her but not enough for Sirielle to notice that she really cared too much. She would however protect her to the death should the need arise.

When Obiette learned of her mother’s death from her father she was very angry. She could not believe that her mother would be careless outside the walls of Ishgard and never quite understood how it could happen that all the years that she spent out in the North Shroud she would be taken by a simple Thrustevis. It would never settle in her mind.

Obiette was even angrier was when she witnessed her father yelling at J’septha to take the children to Gridania to visit family. She had no knowledge of family. Her parents had never spoken of family before and they had never visited Gridania before. She especially didn’t want to be handled by J’septha. She felt that J’septha was a witch and was old and incapable of taking care of small children and that Sirielle and herself were sure to die before they even arrived in Gridania. She remembered that moment because aside from not understanding why, and the thought of spending that much time with J’septha, she saw something she had never seen in her father’s eyes…fear.

Once settled in Gridania Obiette spent almost every waking moment in the Lancers Guild, because it reminded her of her father and was comfortable. She was always so angry, there was no family in Gridania and when she questioned J’septha she got no satisfying answers as to why they had to leave. Just that it was the wish of their father and they must abide by it at all costs. Even after the gates to Ishgard closed in 1557 she continued to ask every day if that day was the day they would return home. Unfortunately, her life was now in Gridania and therefore in the Lancers Guild, which she joined once she was old enough to weild the lance properly and prove that she could handle herself, and soon after that include becoming a part of the wood wailers.

On the day that Sirielle found her journal while fishing she discovered something else. She was so startled by this discovery it sent Obiette into a fit of rage. That night she left the Wood Wailers and her little sister Obiette. Before she left she took Obiette down to the stream where she had found her journal and told her that she was upset and had to leave. She said that she believed their mother was alive and she knew she had to find her for them both. She believed that the truth was outside Gridania and she had to follow it. She promised Sirielle that she would never let any harm come to her and that she would be back for her someday. That night she left Gridania forever.


J'septha Tyqi - Miqote Seker of the Sun - Caretaker - House of Dzamael - Lacoyer Family

J’sephtha was the caretaker for Chereen Chabot. Rumors were that she was Chereen’s birth mother but no truth to that could ever be found and common family traits that one would assume were not apparent. She was with Chereen from childhood on and very motherly and protective of her. When Chereen was taken to Ishgard to become the wife of Lacoyer, J’septha followed dutifully for fear that harm would come to her very young charge. She feared that he was much too old for her and that he would hurt her somehow.

A place was found in House Dzamael for J’sephtha in caring for the young children of the lord of the house, until such time as the Lacoyer’s had their own offspring. At that time it became necessary to assist the child Chereen in the managing of her own children.

J’sephtha has very special abilities and is said to see things that the normal person does not see. She hides away in her armoire a journal of her own from the past and on rare occasions she has been caught writing in it and reading from it. On those occasions she was never punished as was the way in the Lacoyer house but was advised that it was not wise to dabble in such things like that.

Still J’sephtha’s one concern in the world was the welfare of Chereen and her daughters Obiette the one that lacked any kind of control and Sirielle, sweet precious Sirielle that had all the potential in the world if she would just embrace it and trusts in her.

J’sephtha was there when the children were told of their mother’s death. She held her tongue and turned to her journal when this happened and prayed to the Gods for a better life for Chereen’s children. She was also there when she was instructed to pack as much as possible into 2 small trunks and leave Ishgard at once with the children and travel to Gridania to visit family. She knew there was no family but she knew in the eyes of Darvit that there was something else, and that she knew for their safety she should heed his words.

She packed the 2 trunks and traveled with the children and settled in Gridania. She did the best she could with Obiette. Obiette was angry and was her father’s child. She would never understand his wishes and there was no way she could make her understand. J’sephtha tried her very best in the hopes that over time Obiette would learn to accept what could not be controlled and trust that everything that is done in the world is done for the best. Sirielle on the other hand was young and still had light in her eyes. She was too young to understand her mother’s death, only that she was not going to be there anymore. She also believed her father when he said they were going to see family. J’sephtha had spun a good tale to the girls about their family and how she was unaware that they had departed Gridania by the time they arrived. When asked about returning to Ishgard though she had to tell the truth to a stubborn Obiette that they had shut the doors and would not let anyone return that was on the outside. She will have to live with that for now.


None to speak of


Common Rumors

"She is always speaking about things that she sees in her journal but she showed it to me one time and it was something very different than what was on the page"

"She's always by herself, she must think she is very important and everyone else is far below her."

"Is she ever going to learn the spells that we all learned when we were just children?"

Moderate Rumors

"The woman that takes care of her is one of the Summoners from Limsa Lominsa." -passerby

Rare Rumors

"Mother is still alive Sirielle and I am going to find her and bring her back to us if it costs my life." -Obiette Lacoyer "Their father was an evil man that beat them all the time, just look at her face" -local merchant



  • Sirielle Lacoyer is born the 10th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon


  • Chereen Chapot was mauled by a Thrustaevis on her way to a local hamlet in Coerthas


  • Darvet Lacoyer sends his daughters and their caretaker J'septha to Gridania


  • Obiette Lacoyer leaves her sister Sirielle behind in Gridania in search of their mother Chereen


  • Sirielle Lacoyer departs Gridania and J'septha to show the things she has seen in her journal to the Arcanists in Limsa Lominsa


This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea