Cecile Lancret

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Ishgard.jpg Cecile Lancret
The Neophyte Cleric
Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Ishgardian
Server Mateus
Age Twenty-one
Faith Halonic
Alignment Neutral Good
Personality Type INFP
Marital Status Unwed
Orientation Secretively Homosexual
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Standing at five fulms and six ilms, Cecile is not quite the shortest comparatively to her Midlander peers. She yet remains far from lanky, however. Her frame is lithe whilst yet appearing to be judiciously healthy, with the adequate curves that are to be expected of a woman her age. Her facial features are soft, bearing blue eyes of azure, a slender button nose and generous lips which are often painted in a light shade of red. She tends to keep her light blonde hair at shoulder-length for practical reasons, at times tying it up together in a messy ponytail.

Notably striking facial features would be the snowy mark on the right side of her face, drawn out of enchanted ink which she utilizes as a minor aetherical amplifier and deposit. She considers it a handy alternative and a reliable safety net when she finds herself unable to use a much more potent staff for the same purpose. On the opposite side of her face, she bears a narrow cut upon her left brow. The scarring indicating it to be relatively old, a childhood injury perhaps.

No matter what she wears, she seems to always be carrying a simplistic leather pouch upon her person. In which several phials are stored, a handful of gil, and a yet functional compass that appears to have seen better days, with its frame thoroughly cracked. An object which seemingly carries sentimental value for Cecile, as anyone else would likely discard the weathered item.



  • Books. Cecile is a massive booknerd. She's almost sure to be found holed up in a library and dusting up old tomes in her spare time, either for study or for fun!
  • Caring for the less fortunate and people in general. When the Dragonsong War was yet in full swing, Cecile would often make trips to the Brume and provide healing to those who required it after the frequent Dravanian raids.
  • Strangely enough, adventuring! Cecile is a curious soul, ever wondering what lies on the horizon. Now that Ishgard's turbulent days have passed, she plans to see more of the world at large.


  • War. Although she views it as an unfortunate necessity in some cases, she has also seen the untold horrors of it. The deaths, the maiming, the famine. She would rather see conflicts resolved diplomatically when possible.
  • Those that would diminish faith and the gods. Her Ishgardian upbringing has left her relatively touchy on that subject.
  • The vice of greed, and individuals solely led by it.


  • In combat, Cecile thrives when acting as a supportive role to the more capable combatants. Invigorating them with restorative magic and inspiring them to fight harder.
  • Her capability and enthusiasm to learn. She may be a fledgling cleric, yet she is determined to surpass herself.


  • Effectively socializing in big groups. She is an introvert at heart, large crowds and gatherings are not her forté. When she can, she will try to avoid placing herself in these situations. She can also struggle with taking charge.
  • Cecile has never learned how to swim, having developed a fear of large bodies of water in which she lacks footing as a result of very nearly drowning when she was a child.
  • She is, for the most part, martially inept. Thus making her unable to adequately defend herself should she somehow not have access to Aetherial means of protection.
  • Cecile has a remarkably poor sense of orientation. She's gotten lost more times than she can count.


Common Rumors

  • "Cecile?! Aye, I know 'er! Lil' blonde lass that helped mend me ol' knee. 'Tis a miracle, I tell ye!" - Overly enthusiastic elder resident of the Brume.
  • "She's a bit odd, isn't she? Doesn't talk a whole lot. Even my irresistible advances had no effect. Pfwah. Hate it when they play hard to get." - Male Ishgardian tavern-goer. Likely drunk.
  • "Kind soul, that one, and my, how polite! She always made sure to tip, too. I wonder what she's up to these days, hasn't come by in a while!" - Elder owner of a flower stall in the Ishgardian markets.

Rare Rumors

  • "Known her e'er she was but a wee lass buying her sweets here. What a looker she's grown into, aye. Scarcely even see the lass in the company of men, quite the shame!" - Far too curious owner of the 'Ishgard's Sweet Treats' candy and sweets store.
  • "'Tis a shame what befell her family. Sadly, a tragedy among many in this damnable war." - Ishgardian Knight stationed at the Cathedral.

PC Rumors

  • None yet!


I am a multi-paragraph roleplayer, but I adapt and mirror to my partner's style if requested. I do not expect those who roleplay with me to match my emote length or speed at all when doing smaller scenes, and likewise do not actively spam the chatbox with long emotes at public events. I will always prefer to do longer style emotes, but this is not a requirement.

Walk-up roleplay makes me nervous until I have gained confidence in a community I have not actively been a part of for some time. I prefer to set up scenes in advance, however this does not mean I want to script them—simply to plan to set aside some time to roleplay with someone prior to the scene.

Although I am not adverse to light scenes and slice of life roleplay, I prefer character building and plots fantastical in nature. Long-term stories are my bread and butter. As long as IC and OOC boundaries are understood, I am not adverse to erotic and relationship roleplay. Organic roleplay is what I value the most, so I will not force my character to do anything in a plot, no matter what.

I REFUSE to participate in any indecent RP scenes with players that are under the age of 18 regardless of character age. (But especially if the character is a minor as well.) Extensively, I refuse to participate in any active RP scene involving indecency to a child.

I enjoy mature themes and am OKAY with writing about most disturbing NSFW scenes. These include but are not limited to the following: violence, horror, gore, drug abuse, language, nudity, sex, sexual violence, physical and mental abuse, manipulation, psychological, torture, rape, abduction, human trafficking, etc.

I can be found on Discord! Do feel free to send an add my way if this caught your interest. Azzy#3573

This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea