Katsuro Wakahisa

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At first glance, Katsuro is simply another Hyur Midlander, possibly in his late 30's. He’s on the short side for one of his race, with his 5 fulms and 6 ilms, though he can command respect despite the fact. And under those clothes, his body has been honed with years of training in both martial arts and the way of the sword. He's not bulky though, his slender form more adapted for speed and agility. Katsuro’s body is a canvas of old scars, some barely visible while others are meant to stay as reminder of past mistakes. All of them come from blades but for one very recent scar on the left side of his abdomen; If he was lucky to avoid any bullets, or simply chose his fights wisely, is a mystery.

He has almond-shaped, dark crimson eyes and keeps his black hair short in that 'just out of bed' style. He’s usually clean shaven but it's not uncommon to see him with a 5 o'clock shadow; it all depends on his mood or if he had the time to shave, really. He’s rather self-conscious about his look, choosing his attire carefully, and seems to enjoy showing off the full-sleeve tattoo on his right arm, depicting a black snake surrounded by red flowers. He wears a few pieces of jewelry; on his left ear is a green jade claw earring - a memento from his mother - and on his index finger of the right hand his a ring with the symbol of the port city of Kugane. And quite recently, his left hand is now adorned with his wedding band - two intertwined snakes, one of rose gold and one of silver with gems at their heads.

Aspects That Stand Out:
Full-sleeve tattoo on right arm depicting a black snake
If visible: red dragon tattoo on his back between the shoulder blades
Crimson eyes


Early life

Born in the city of Kugane, in the Hingashi region, Katsuro lived a happy childhood. His father had a small dojo with its regular students, teaching martial arts. Her mother also did her share of work around the place and, though they were not rich, they never went hungry either. Overly sheltered, young Katsuro never realized he had it easy and thus he had no grand aspiration in life but only to succeed his father as master of the dojo one day. At least that’s what he’d keep telling himself. But the full-sleeve tattoo on his right arm might tell another story…

Ala Mhigo’s fall to the Garlean empire in 1557 6AE sparked fear all the way to the Far-East. Katsuro was barely entering adulthood when the unrest spread to his home city with the whispers of resistance. His father was among them and decided it would be best for his family to leave than risk punishment for being acquainted with him, should the Resistance fail. To this day, Katsuro is not sure if his father survived and keeps on fighting, was taken prisoner, or if he met his end. As heartless as it may seem, both he and his mother mourned him as if he was no longer of the living, for they knew they might never see each other again. As they fled the city, they met with a small group of refugees and managed to get out of Othard but not without a few casualties.

In their forced exile from their homeland, Katsuro’s mother would end up badly wounded, attacked by beasts turned far more aggressive than usual. It seemed something was in motion in the world, a foreboding of dark times to come. Without medical supplies or any healer within their group, her wounds aggravated and she finally breathed her last a few weeks later. Still, in the months that they travelled with the other refugees, bonds had been forged and one man among them accepted her last request - to see her son safely to Ul’dah. Sun Hyeon was his name and he’ll keep his promise to Katsuro’s mother.

Also a practitioner of martial art, Sun Hyeon will care for young Katsuro like a father and effectively become his adoptive family once they’ll settle in the City-State. The young man that Katsuro had turned into would have it hard in their first years in their adoptive homeland, trying to find a meaning to his life now that home and family were gone. He’ll get in trouble more than once before walking a wiser path... but not necessarily a righteous one.

Tired of living like a beggar, he’ll accept any kind of odd jobs. He’ll also hone his skills in battle, hunting monsters to both help culling their numbers and keep the travelers safe, selling their parts for some extra coins.

The path ahead

Katsuro’s adoptive father was a resourceful man, far more than the boy could imagine. He knew of his protégé’s behavior, but he also knew quite well he’d not be able to stir him from that path. And could he really resent him for that? Maybe, had he himself being 20 years younger, he’d have done the same thing. But he was old now – healthy and with all his wits about him – but still old. This wasn’t a battle he could fight and expect to win. Thus he trained Katsuro the best he could until the boy became a man and surpassed the master. Sun Hyeon knew Katsuro aspired to be more, to carry the sword like the samurai he so idolized when he was young. But money was scarce and used for food and the necessities of life; they couldn’t save enough to even buy a sword. Thus the young man fought the only way he could, with his fists, to bring down the beasts roaming outside the city walls.

Years tickled by and Katsuro took on larger monsters and increasingly dangerous jobs to put money aside. Rumors circulated, that he was the guy to go to for any odd or even morally gray task… he rarely refused good money. Until that day when a strange, unmarked letter arrived, that led him right into the jaws of the Red Dragon…

The Red Dragon

A crime syndicate operating out of Ul’dah, their leader – a fiercely red Au Ra by the name of Akuma Yatsurigi – would stir enough interest in Katsuro to win his loyalty. Their righteous goal, or so Akuma would say, was to extend the syndicate’s connections and gather enough power, both monetary and military, to bring the fight back to their homeland and liberate Doma. A grand ideal to say the least but, having a way with words, his Lord and Master had indeed managed to bring all kinds of people to the syndicate. Katsuro would quickly climb the ranks of the organization, becoming one of Akuma’s Unseen – intelligence gatherer and assassins – and would even be offered a place as the head of the Oni, a special division regrouping only the most lethal and highly skilled combatants of the syndicate.

It’s an honor Katsuro would have to refuse, as his emotional connection to Veicette Ceaufie forced him to split his loyalties. The Elezen woman, being rather vocal about her hatred for Akuma, would eventually be kicked out of the syndicate as she’d made threats upon his life. Being unable to decide between the woman he loved and his fervent loyalty to his master, Akuma would allow Katsuro to leave the syndicate with his blessing, and the hope they would be able to work together again.

The Shadow Ward / Black Card Society

With the very substantial farewell money Akuma gave him and Veicette, the young couple had finally enough gils to move to Katsuro’s home city and buy a house in the Shirogane district. Once settled, Katsuro resumed what he knew best – hunting beasts for money – while hunting for a proper job. Surprisingly, it was work that came to them and not the other way around. Their ‘reputation’ preceding them, they were approached by the Shadow Ward, a group of criminals and vigilantes hunting other criminals, based out of Ul’dah. With nothing much to lose, they both accepted.

In their time with the Shadow Ward, the organization went through a lot of internal strife and reorganization, renaming itself the Black Card Society after their previous headquarter was demolished and burned to the ground by creatures of the Void sent after their leader, the Joker. By then, Katsuro and Veicette had managed to climb the hierarchy ladder, becoming King of Club and King of Diamond respectively. Things seemed to have settled, until Katsuro was met with a figure from the past.

Fèng Huáng Yǐng (Phoenix Shadow)

After many weeks of being followed, especially when in the vicinity of Ul’dah, and tired of playing that little game, Katsuro aimed to force his stalker out of hiding. It took a few more days and some testing, to better grasp the skills of this mysterious follower but, in the end, he was rewarded with his dagger at the man’s throat… Only to discover it was none other than his first Lord and Master, Ujitoshi Hagane.

A few weeks after this encounter, the first stones of what would become the Black Pearl spa were set down. The construction went extremely fast - someone had money and connections, this much was certain - and soon the foreign structure of Hingan design stood right next to the Black Card Society’s massive building, in the far reaches of the Goblet. This was both an advantage and a problem, as Katsuro had to use all of his skills to not raise suspicion about his frequent trips to their neighbors. But such was fate, that Hagane-dono had his eyes set on this empty plot for some time. The syndicate lived on amidst the shadow of this seemingly innocent facade. No longer dabbling into offering nearby commerces their ‘protection’, as they were very far from Kugane now, but instead a profit would be gained by gathering and selling information and secrets, as well as hard to acquire goods of all kinds. Paired with the profit of the spa itself (and the not so secret pleasure house in their backroom), the Fèng Huáng Yǐng was now a secret within a secret, within a secret. They’d be hard to target and harder to bring down.

For his renewed pledge of loyalty, Katsuro managed to secure a coveted spot for his beloved. Veicette would have control over the spa and its employees, getting paid in gil and information. In exchange, she would provide a fake facade to show the world, passing as the owner of the spa.

Only one obstacle was left before Katsuro… To become his Lord’s Shadow, he had to step down as the King of Clubs.


Katsuro seems like a man who has seen it all; very little surprises him. He appears to be in a somewhat perpetual state of calm or even a total lack of emotions. However, it’s quite obvious the man is all about self-discipline, both in his way of speaking and his mannerism. It’s probably the reason he managed to continue his martial training without any proper master.

This self-discipline seems to act as a form of ‘shackles’ he places on himself, thus keeping his true nature in check, or should we say, his taste for blood. He’s a dangerous man and he’s quite aware of it, which is why he tries to keep some emotional distance with people, making him very cold and detached.


Tea. His love for this beverage is almost an obsession.
Snakes. Probably one of the reason he has one tattooed all over his right arm. If it holds any spiritual meaning, you'll have to ask him.
Discipline. Both in himself and others.


Childishness. If you're an adult, act like it.
Recklessness. Don't involve others if you're that kind of person.
Bigmouth. Katsuro is a rather quiet person and he values silence. Those who yell, never stop talking, or get in trouble for not thinking before talking, get on his nerves rather fast.


Playing the Erhu. Though he shy away from the public eye, he plays for himself mostly to relax. It's a form of meditation in itself.
Meditation. If that can be considered a hobby...
Singing. Unless you're either close to him or extremely lucky, you'll never hear him sing. He does it usually when he travels alone or when at home.


Self- Discipline. Rigorous and unyielding, even on himself.
Loyalty. If you have earned either his respect, his friendship or if he is bound by duty, he will never betray that trust.
Humility. He'll gracefully accept his mistakes and he understand his limits.
Patience. He is a very patient man and can sit in one spot all day just to wait for the right opportunity to strike.
Honesty. Though I'd be hard pressed to say it was really a strength at this point. He'll tell the truth, even if it causes pain. He's extremely direct in voicing his opinion also.


Mercilessness. If he has a task to be done he will not hesitate to torture, leave to die or kill.
Withdrawn. He's definitely not a social butterfly and his lack of emotions makes him hard to approach.
Zealot. His loyalty can be frightening.
Dispassionate. His cold demeanor and lack of visible emotions gives him an air of utter detachment to anyone or any situation. If he cares about others is a well hidden secret.
Hematolagnia. Or at least a variant of. Probably a result of his turbulent past, he now finds great pleasure in battle, the smell and taste of blood pushing him into a 'blood frenzy' - a mixture of euphoria and physical arousing.


Get stronger - and perfect his skills and techniques.
Take control - of himself and his life. He's well aware of his mental illness and limitations and strives to overcome them.
Reclaim - his father's dojo in Kugane. Though at this point it would be more 'rebuild' as the place no longer exist.
Find peace - and a purpose. For now, his life is still a strange puzzle and he has no idea what it will lead to. Some part of him yearn for what most people want; peace and the feeling his life served a purpose.

Family Involved Romantic Platonic Physical Friend Acquaintance $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure
Yuuto Wakahisa, father. ( )
Kuro father.jpg

His father was a severe man, but not unloving. He believed in hard work and taught his son early on that even if you give your best, sometimes it may not be enough and that good deeds are not always rewarded. A perfect example of selfless devotion, for honor and righteousness, it made him overly protective, trying to shield his son from the 'evil' of the world.

Still, Katsuro respected his father, even though he resented him for not teaching him how to 'really fight' and prevented him from choosing his own path, which led Katsuro to secretly seek that knowledge in less than respectful ways. It is unknown if the man is still alive, as he stayed behind as part of the Doman resistance.
Ume Miyamoto, mother. ( )
Kuro mother.jpg
A gentle soul, always there to comfort her son but, like her husband, she also valued hard work. She was the one cooking the meals for the family and Katsuro remembers fondly the food she prepared as well as a lullaby she sang for him when he was very little. She died from her injuries while fleeing to Eorzea and enthrusted her son to Sun Hyeon.
Sun Hyeon, adoptive father. ( ) [Alt]
Sun Hyeon.jpg

A man of letters, originaly from Doma, who came to live in Kugane after his wife's death. He trained in martial arts as a way to find balance in his life and passed on that knowledge to Katsuro. He has no child of his own, as his wife was never able to conceive, and thus 'adopted' Katsuro as his own son when his mother passed away.

Even if not family by blood, the man fills the role of a father, but also of a close friend and mentor. Katsuro always looks up to him, with a mix of deep respect and familial love.

There is very little that can be hidden from the man, as he seems to have a 6th sense or a way to read people that is a rare gift indeed. Yet he very rarely judge others, as he knows there is always a reason behind every actions. (His wiki page)
Veicette Wakahisa, wife. ( ) [PC]

What had started as indifference and then annoyance, as the two couldn't stop bickering, eventually blossomed into something very unespected; The Elezen managed to claim Katsuro's heart as her own. One of the very few to know of his immoral obsession and to not turn away from him for knowing the ugly truth. They somewhat make a strange pair, with her being rather kindhearted - even if very blunt - and him reveling in blood and battle.

She's one of the very few for whom he'll remove that dispassionate mask and show his true feelings. Recently married and her with child, it seems they really were meant for each other.(Her wiki page)
Ichiro Kita, arch rival. ( ) [NPC]
A member of the Cursed Hand, a rival syndicate to the Phoenix Shadow, he'll become disturbingly obsessed with Katsuro. He'll be the one to taint Katsuro's past, forcefully forging the young man, through torture and abuse, into what he is today. For many years, having fled to Eorzea, Katsuro will be free of Ichiro's grasp, but the man will reappear in his life more than a decade later, as the Red Dragon would also come into conflict with the Cursed Hand.
Yuu Fujimoto, friend. ( ) [NPC]

Another refugee from Doma, Yuu travelled to Ul’dah in hope of a new life. A respected tattoo artist with a jovial demeanor, he had no doubts he could make it in this new city. The problem was that the land outside the fortified walls was far from friendly. With not enough money to buy the supplies he’d need to start his business anew, he managed to convince a few of his fellow traveling companions to brave the monsters outside but, as was expected, they came back with nothing to show for it but severe injuries. At least none lost their life, which was a miracle in itself. Kuro happened to drop on the heated conversation Yuu had with his sister about not going back out there. He offered his services as bodyguard but Yuu, though interested, couldn’t afford such service. Yet Katsuro accepted to be paid at a later date, when Yuu’s business started to flourish. Thus Kuro spent months working for Yuu, until the man had enough material to open his shop and regular clients.

But in the time they spent together, they became good friends and even, shall we say, ‘friends with benefits’ and this is probably what sparked the rumor that Kuro paid for the tattoo with his body, even if he had it since he left Kugane. It lasted almost 5 years, until Yuu met with his now beloved wife Etsuko. They remained very close friends, but the ‘benefits’ no longer occurred.

Yuu has a daughter named Lya.

Ujitoshi Hagane, Master. ( $ ) [Alt]

The fearsome Raen leader of the Fèng Huáng Yǐng syndicate. Uji took this surname as his own after many battle prowess. Nothing is known of his past and, if he ever shared that information with anyone, they are probably dead by now. All that is known is that he replaced the previous syndicate leader after killing him in a formal duel, when he was merely 24 years old. He brought a much needed change to the organization, ‘removing’ the bad elements and giving the syndicate a sense of direction.



Some of these rumors may be untrue, speculation, or greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
He's a refugee from Othard.
Both parents are dead.
Sun Hyeon became his adoptive father.
◢ Uncommon Rumors - More difficult to hear. Use sparingly!
He arrived in Ul'dah when he was 22 years old.
His father had a dojo in Kugane.
He's rather good at playing the erhu, so the neighbors say.
He's working on a new fighting technique! Heck I saw him practice the other day.
That's crazy talk! He's just dancing one of those Far-Eastern dances.
You sure it's not just some form of meditation? Think I read about it in a book...
Did you see that full-sleeve tattoo? I heard he paid for it with his body... know what I mean?
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
He was part of another syndicate, back in Kugane.
Wasn't he of the Red Dragon Syndicate?
I heard he fled Ul'dah because he's a wanted man... murder they say!
Must be damn lucrative. Think I saw him go into that high-class gambling house in the Goblet the other day.
The man can sing, and pretty well at that!


No necessarily rumors but ways to be linked to my character

You're a refugee from Kugane / Doma / Othard — Katsuro and his family didn't flee alone, but with a group. They could also have met with other groups along the way or met once in Ul'dah.
You're someone who asked for his services in the past, for any job really. Could be as simple and boring as peeling vegetables to collecting 'protection money' or even assassination.
You're a neighbor, an acquaintance or even a friend / rival. I have no problem with pre-established relationships. Just contact me.
You're part of the criminal scene. Information must circulate in one way or another. Even back in Kugane, Katsuro was already part of a rakuza syndicate and his criminal file has only grown since then.
You're part of the law enforcement. Again, Kuro has a long criminal history and he’s not above suspicion, nor is he untraceable. Just contact me first.
Your father spoke to his father - Aka, you heard of Katsuro from Sun Hyeon. The old man also has friends and acquaintances in Ul'dah and now Kugane/Shirogane and probably spoke often of his adoptive son.
You're one of Katsuro's 'victim', have heard of it, or were witness. Event, time and place can be discussed.
You're an old member of the Fèng Huáng Yǐng, the syndicate Katsuro was part of back in Kugane. Contact me prior.



Player Note
I've been roleplaying for over 18 years now. From text-based and forum roleplay to MMORPGs. I've managed a few heavy RP guilds in past games, been co-GM on many occasions as well. That being said, I'm pretty flexible and can adapt to both paragraph roleplay or the more fast-paced roleplay that came with MMOs. I'm also open to plot or event ideas, character hooks, pre-established relationships/rivals, you name it.
Personal RP Limits
I'm not very limiting, as long as it makes sense and that it's not the result of Godmoding, Powerplaying or Metagaming.
I will play Friendship/Rivalry, family, romance, ERP (If it's a natural occurrence of a long term romance and that it can further the bond between two characters! Of note, I do not force it on anyone. Fade to black is completely okay. Note 2: Kuro is currently taken, happily married and demi-sexual, so good luck with that :p But you are, of course, free to try ICly.), RP battles, violence, injuries, torture (I do not mind fading to black for that as well). I don't mind being the morally gray character.
I won't play ERP for the sake of ERP, excessive gore, permanent injuries or maiming (unless it was discussed prior and you have my approval), death. I rarely play the outright evil character either, as I find it more fun to walk the thin line between what is wrong and what is right. Edgelords and villains with no brain, stay away from me please.


Character Lore Adherence
I try my best to be lore abiding and I expect this of others as well, but I also know that in any games, there are gray areas and loopholes. I'm one to use such opportunities to get creative in the making of my characters. As long as this head canon is used respectfully and without the intention of making a character overpowered, I have no problems with people using those gray areas. I can, however, get wary of those 'extremely special snowflakes' or the very cliché characters but, if you can prove me wrong and that you did your research, I'm likely to change my mind ;)
Little Tidbits.
This character and its design belongs to me. Do not use any of the art for your own as they were either drawn by me, or commissioned specifically for this character.
This character's Face Claim and Voice Claim are obviously not mine. Face Claim: Jin Xiankui Voice Claim: Takeshi Kaneshiro
Inspirational, OOC and IC blog for Katsuro (NSFW): https://blacksnakeofkugane.tumblr.com/
Reference website for Katsuro (NSFW): http://blacksnake.myfreesites.net/

Kuro footer.gif
Avatar kurohebi.jpg
Name - Katsuro Wakahisa
Race - Hyur Midlander
Age - 38
Birthday - : 8th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon (Nov. 8th)
Etnicity - Far-Eastern
Deity - He worships the Kami and not the twelves.

Alias: Kuro, The Black Snake
Citizenship: Kugane & Ul'dah
Occupation: Unknown
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Crimson
Height: 1.70m (5'6)
Weight: 72kg (159lbs)
Complexion: Medium tan
Orientation: Demi-Bisexual
Piercings: Left ear
Marks or tattoos: Full-sleeve on right arm & a red dragon on his back, between his shoulder blades
Voice: Takeshi Kaneshiro
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Key Items: Jade claw earring
Favorite Food: Rice
Favorite Drink: Tea
Favorite Color: Black & Dark red
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