Eprisom Dantes

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Wandering swordsman whose love for the philosophies of war is matched only by his love for a good drink.




Eprisom is a wandering swordsman with a strong sense of justice, and a love for the drink. He often comes off as quiet, preferring to observe than to speak when in the company of those he doesn't know. Most often he can be found studying scrolls that have been handed down for generations, dissecting the philosophy and art of combat. Otherwise, he can be found wandering the land, taking on mercenary work as a means to survive and make a bit of money. In more recent days, he has taken a strong liking to botany and crafting with his hands; but even this is a means of understanding his environments and weapons more thoroughly to better his swordsmanship.


Eprisom Dante was born in the subterranean caves of the Black Shroud, amongst his Duskwight brethren. Born to a gifted physician and a renowned weaver. After his birth, his parents made arrangements to abandon their underground home to seek better fortune on the surface. But the winter before their intended departure his mother passed, having never fully recovered from the troubled birth of her son. Heartbroken, but not deterred, his father set forth on their journey with his still infant child. Many months of travel brought them to the steps of Ishgard. Through his skill as a physician, and the liberally greased palms of the back channels of the Holy See, he was granted asylum from the harsh climbs.

For the next six years, Eprisom's father worked tirelessly to help fight a war that was not his own. All the while teaching his young child art and science, scraping by as best he could. On the Eve of Eprisom's seventh Namesday, his father was sent on a mission to aide a forward advance, never to return. No word ever reached the young Elezen's ears about his father's fate. Although he continued to hold out hope that his father yet lived, he resolved to leave the Holy See to strike out on his own.

Little more than a year later, Eprisom left the safety of Ishgard to face the world on his own. After wandering for some time, he eventually fell in with a group of brigands that saw merit in his musical talents to aide in their misdeeds. Though there was always a lingering whisper of guilt in his mind, for years he justified his actions as a means of survival in the unforgiving lands of Eorzea. This carried him well in to his teens before a fateful encounter with a foreigner changed the course of his life forever...

While performing on the streets of Ul'dah, acting as a distraction for his cohorts to lift the coin from unsuspecting onlookers, their plan turned south. One of the younger pickpockets in their gang attempted to lift the coin purse from a foreign swordsman. Upon being discovered, the rest of the gang fled, while Eprisom charged in to save his comrade. Though his comrade escaped, he found himself captured in his place; at the mercy of a stranger. The arrival of the authorities sunk the young Elezen's heart, until he heard the swordsman declare that Eprisom was a pupil of his and that the ruckus was a misunderstanding. Wide-eyed, he listened as the swordsman spoke to him...

"Your heart Is pure, even if your eyes are clouded. You can do better for yourself, and this world. Accept me as your master, and I shall give you the tools necessary to make a change for the better. Or return to your pathetic, wicked life... the choice is yours." The swordsman was a man from the Far East, a samurai by the name of Bennosuke.

From that day forward, Eprisom dedicated himself to the Way of the Samurai. To draw his weapon in the name of justice alone, and to tirelessly pursue the art of war.

With the coming of the Calamity, having not seen or heard from his father in over 10 years, Eprisom finally resigned to the fact that he was likely dead. This roused him only to redouble his efforts in his studies, seeing it as a fitting pursuit that his father would have approved of; but also as a way for him to bury the sorrow that welled inside of him. In his efforts to tamper down his emotions, he began to forsake kindness and social niceties to focus on his studies. Much to the chagrin of Bennosuke. The more removed from the Calamity the world became brought with it new opportunities to pursue his art. Once again the swordsman began to wander, taking on mercenary work for the Grand Companies and private parties.

For years this went on. Striking down enemies of the Companies, studying his scrolls, and struggling to meet the ever mounting expectation of his Master. The harder he worked, the harder it was to keep the darkness that had been festering his heart at bay. Each passing moon brought a stronger reliance on the drink when he could not distract himself with a mission or duel. On an unassuming night within the Carline Canopy in Gridania, his mind already beginning to swirl within the bleak vortex, a chance meeting with a young Miqo'te would once again cause his life to change forever...


Eprisom is a Duskwight Elezen who stands rather short for his kind. Despite his height, he carries himself with a confidence gained from a number duels over the years; back straight, shoulders back and gaze ahead. Shorter grey hair and turquoise eyes compliment the pale tone of his skin. His short frame is built of strong, lithe muscles that have been conditioned from many years of training and surviving amongst the harsher climbs of Eorzea.
Aspects That Stand Out:
Scar on his forehead he keeps hidden by his bangs.
Turquoise eyes that glimmer with a want for knowledge.


Eprisom is a reserved Elezen at first glance. On meeting new people it is not uncommon to see him choosing to observe more than participate. But as time goes on, he has been known to open up and reveal a great deal of wit and snark. Drinking has been known to speed along this process exponentially. To those he cares for he will go to the ends of the earth to see them happy, at times at the expense of his health and well-being. He is a textbook over thinker, a trait which has been known to help him in his studies of philosophy and warfare, but has caused him no end of grief when it comes to his relationships with those around him. Prone to going days without sleep or eating due to a tendency to obsess, he has been grateful recently to have those around him that are willing to care for him and set him straight despite his objections. Though not one to hold personal grudges or show real animosity toward others, it has happened on rare occasion.


Reading. Eprisom can often be found enjoying a fine glass of spirits while studying his many scrolls that have helped shaped his view on the world and warfare.
The snow. Despite some of the memories it invokes, he has always found it a comforting sight.


Himself'. Most days, though he's working it.
Injustice. A natural inclination toward doing good, as well as the teachings of his Master have made him near incapable of standing for anything he sees as unjust.


NOTE.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo.
NOTE. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo.


NOTE. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo..
NOTE. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo.


NOTE. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo.


NOTE' - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo.

Family Involved Romantic Platonic Physical Friend Acquaintance $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure
Person Name, relationship. ( ) - Title.
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship.
Person Name, relationship. ( ) - Title.
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship.



Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec et leo lorem. Pellentesque tempus quam elit, quis molestie elit luctus non. Quisque ac massa et sem ornare tincidunt. Ut vitae rhoncus mauris. ."
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec et leo lorem. Pellentesque tempus quam elit, quis molestie elit luctus non. Quisque ac massa et sem ornare tincidunt. Ut vitae rhoncus mauris. "
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec et leo lorem. Pellentesque tempus quam elit, quis molestie elit luctus non. Quisque ac massa et sem ornare tincidunt. Ut vitae rhoncus mauris. "


Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"Rumor." — Rumormonger.



Player Note
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo. Nunc facilisis tellus sem, at suscipit nunc semper sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula vehicula risus vitae molestie. Mauris dui dui, rhoncus vitae lacus vitae, varius blandit metus. Maecenas ipsum justo, varius at tortor sit amet, scelerisque elementum arcu. Maecenas consectetur libero in mi molestie facilisis. Nam nec lectus pellentesque, ullamcorper tellus semper, sollicitudin nulla. Nam eget nulla sed nulla tincidunt ultrices quis a sapien. Ut faucibus bibendum nulla, ut ultrices dolor convallis in. Nam efficitur dui nec dolor pretium tempor. Nam tempor vestibulum eros, sed eleifend odio congue quis. Duis laoreet sodales augue, at mollis risus malesuada et.
Personal RP Limits
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo. Nunc facilisis tellus sem, at suscipit nunc semper sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula vehicula risus vitae molestie. Mauris dui dui, rhoncus vitae lacus vitae, varius blandit metus. Maecenas ipsum justo, varius at tortor sit amet, scelerisque elementum arcu. Maecenas consectetur libero in mi molestie facilisis. Nam nec lectus pellentesque, ullamcorper tellus semper, sollicitudin nulla. Nam eget nulla sed nulla tincidunt ultrices quis a sapien. Ut faucibus bibendum nulla, ut ultrices dolor convallis in. Nam efficitur dui nec dolor pretium tempor. Nam tempor vestibulum eros, sed eleifend odio congue quis. Duis laoreet sodales augue, at mollis risus malesuada et.
I will playLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo. Nunc facilisis tellus sem, at suscipit nunc semper sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula vehicula risus vitae molestie. Mauris dui dui, rhoncus vitae lacus vitae, varius blandit metus. Maecenas ipsum justo, varius at tortor sit amet, scelerisque elementum arcu. Maecenas consectetur libero in mi molestie facilisis. Nam nec lectus pellentesque, ullamcorper tellus semper, sollicitudin nulla. Nam eget nulla sed nulla tincidunt ultrices quis a sapien. Ut faucibus bibendum nulla, ut ultrices dolor convallis in. Nam efficitur dui nec dolor pretium tempor. Nam tempor vestibulum eros, sed eleifend odio congue quis. Duis laoreet sodales augue, at mollis risus malesuada et.
I won't play Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo. Nunc facilisis tellus sem, at suscipit nunc semper sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula vehicula risus vitae molestie. Mauris dui dui, rhoncus vitae lacus vitae, varius blandit metus. Maecenas ipsum justo, varius at tortor sit amet, scelerisque elementum arcu. Maecenas consectetur libero in mi molestie facilisis. Nam nec lectus pellentesque, ullamcorper tellus semper, sollicitudin nulla. Nam eget nulla sed nulla tincidunt ultrices quis a sapien. Ut faucibus bibendum nulla, ut ultrices dolor convallis in. Nam efficitur dui nec dolor pretium tempor. Nam tempor vestibulum eros, sed eleifend odio congue quis. Duis laoreet sodales augue, at mollis risus malesuada et.
Little Tidbits.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo. Nunc facilisis tellus sem, at suscipit nunc semper sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula vehicula risus vitae molestie. Mauris dui dui, rhoncus vitae lacus vitae, varius blandit metus. Maecenas ipsum justo, varius at tortor sit amet, scelerisque elementum arcu. Maecenas consectetur libero in mi molestie facilisis. Nam nec lectus pellentesque, ullamcorper tellus semper, sollicitudin nulla. Nam eget nulla sed nulla tincidunt ultrices quis a sapien. Ut faucibus bibendum nulla, ut ultrices dolor convallis in. Nam efficitur dui nec dolor pretium tempor. Nam tempor vestibulum eros, sed eleifend odio congue quis. Duis laoreet sodales augue, at mollis risus malesuada et.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo. Nunc facilisis tellus sem, at suscipit nunc semper sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula vehicula risus vitae molestie. Mauris dui dui, rhoncus vitae lacus vitae, varius blandit metus. Maecenas ipsum justo, varius at tortor sit amet, scelerisque elementum arcu. Maecenas consectetur libero in mi molestie facilisis. Nam nec lectus pellentesque, ullamcorper tellus semper, sollicitudin nulla. Nam eget nulla sed nulla tincidunt ultrices quis a sapien. Ut faucibus bibendum nulla, ut ultrices dolor convallis in. Nam efficitur dui nec dolor pretium tempor. Nam tempor vestibulum eros, sed eleifend odio congue quis. Duis laoreet sodales augue, at mollis risus malesuada et.


Potential Plot Hooks
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo. Nunc facilisis tellus sem, at suscipit nunc semper sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula vehicula risus vitae molestie. Mauris dui dui, rhoncus vitae lacus vitae, varius blandit metus. Maecenas ipsum justo, varius at tortor sit amet, scelerisque elementum arcu. Maecenas consectetur libero in mi molestie facilisis. Nam nec lectus pellentesque, ullamcorper tellus semper, sollicitudin nulla. Nam eget nulla sed nulla tincidunt ultrices quis a sapien. Ut faucibus bibendum nulla, ut ultrices dolor convallis in. Nam efficitur dui nec dolor pretium tempor. Nam tempor vestibulum eros, sed eleifend odio congue quis. Duis laoreet sodales augue, at mollis risus malesuada et.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo. Nunc facilisis tellus sem, at suscipit nunc semper sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula vehicula risus vitae molestie. Mauris dui dui, rhoncus vitae lacus vitae, varius blandit metus. Maecenas ipsum justo, varius at tortor sit amet, scelerisque elementum arcu. Maecenas consectetur libero in mi molestie facilisis. Nam nec lectus pellentesque, ullamcorper tellus semper, sollicitudin nulla. Nam eget nulla sed nulla tincidunt ultrices quis a sapien. Ut faucibus bibendum nulla, ut ultrices dolor convallis in. Nam efficitur dui nec dolor pretium tempor. Nam tempor vestibulum eros, sed eleifend odio congue quis. Duis laoreet sodales augue, at mollis risus malesuada et.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo. Nunc facilisis tellus sem, at suscipit nunc semper sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula vehicula risus vitae molestie. Mauris dui dui, rhoncus vitae lacus vitae, varius blandit metus. Maecenas ipsum justo, varius at tortor sit amet, scelerisque elementum arcu. Maecenas consectetur libero in mi molestie facilisis. Nam nec lectus pellentesque, ullamcorper tellus semper, sollicitudin nulla. Nam eget nulla sed nulla tincidunt ultrices quis a sapien. Ut faucibus bibendum nulla, ut ultrices dolor convallis in. Nam efficitur dui nec dolor pretium tempor. Nam tempor vestibulum eros, sed eleifend odio congue quis. Duis laoreet sodales augue, at mollis risus malesuada et.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo. Nunc facilisis tellus sem, at suscipit nunc semper sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula vehicula risus vitae molestie. Mauris dui dui, rhoncus vitae lacus vitae, varius blandit metus. Maecenas ipsum justo, varius at tortor sit amet, scelerisque elementum arcu. Maecenas consectetur libero in mi molestie facilisis. Nam nec lectus pellentesque, ullamcorper tellus semper, sollicitudin nulla. Nam eget nulla sed nulla tincidunt ultrices quis a sapien. Ut faucibus bibendum nulla, ut ultrices dolor convallis in. Nam efficitur dui nec dolor pretium tempor. Nam tempor vestibulum eros, sed eleifend odio congue quis. Duis laoreet sodales augue, at mollis risus malesuada et.
Character Lore Adherence
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam pretium at magna nec volutpat. Ut et fermentum erat, a eleifend justo. Nunc facilisis tellus sem, at suscipit nunc semper sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vehicula vehicula risus vitae molestie. Mauris dui dui, rhoncus vitae lacus vitae, varius blandit metus. Maecenas ipsum justo, varius at tortor sit amet, scelerisque elementum arcu. Maecenas consectetur libero in mi molestie facilisis. Nam nec lectus pellentesque, ullamcorper tellus semper, sollicitudin nulla. Nam eget nulla sed nulla tincidunt ultrices quis a sapien. Ut faucibus bibendum nulla, ut ultrices dolor convallis in. Nam efficitur dui nec dolor pretium tempor. Nam tempor vestibulum eros, sed eleifend odio congue quis. Duis laoreet sodales augue, at mollis risus malesuada et.
No changes required.

Name - Eprisom Dantes
Race - Duskwight Elezen
Age - 27
Name Day - 13th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon
Deity - Oschon, the Wanderer

Alias: "Epri"
Citizenship: Gridania
Occupation: Swordsman
Hair color: Grey
Eye color: Turquoise
Complexion: Pale
Piercings: Both ears
Marks or tattoos: Scar on his forehead (hidden)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Favorite Food: Raisins
Favorite Drink: Whiskey
Favorite Color: Purple
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