Tris'tan Aonar

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 Tris'tan Aonar
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Unaffiliated
IC Posts
Age Suspected to be about 21
Marital Status engaged to Devin Grey
Occupation unemployed
Orientation gay (see below)

Wandering Mercenary & Miner

A chill breeze carried dust in off the high desert around Ul'Dah, the fine particles swirling like ghosts around the scattered buildings that lay in the ravine between Thanalan's capitol city and the cluster of housing wards collectively known as The Goblet. Once upon a time the Goblet had been the shining jewel of Ul'Dah, a promising new residential area that the city's leaders had commissioned to entice wealthy new business into the area. There was still evidence of the original free companies, and the old homes of their members, amid the buildings, but the days of glory had passed. They had been buried like the ancient ruins out in the desert. Others had moved in, expanded the Goblet beyond its original size, and new residences or businesses had been constructed. Most were built on the dying bones of older residences and fallen free companies, but on occasion the leaders in Ul'Dah designated new lands around the Goblet and new buildings would be filled as quickly as the land eager masses could lay claim to them.

Silhouetted on the rim of the canyon by the last light of the setting sun, Tris'tan Aonar studied the buildings that stretched out across the floor of the ravine. He had watched the Goblet undergo many changes since he had first seen it from that same vantage point several years before. The residential area had more than tripled in size from the first time he had wandered into the desert area from the Shroud, had grown and fallen and been rebuilt many times over. He felt a sympathy for the area, a shared history of hardships and pains, suffering and misunderstandings. Life had been unkind to both him and the Goblet, perhaps that was why he still felt a strong draw toward the place.

Or maybe it was the best place to find a good bar where no one questioned a person too closely when they sought a drink. Where the hard desert made for hard people who would not look too long at the bruises that from time to time marred someone's visage. With the wealth of Ul'Dah so close, the taverns of the Goblet were a good place for a man to find work as either a hired sword or miner, Tris had even found persons in need of his skill with armor and weapon crafting in the Goblet, making it a home even when he had no home to speak of.

He turned and reached out to grasp the front of the saddle on the small black chocobo that had waited patently behind him, easily hoisting himself into the saddle. Stormshadow was a smart chocobo and needed no guidance other than his master's quiet mood to know that it was time to head north, back toward the cool embrace of the Shroud forests, back to the area that Tris and his Beloved called home for the moment. The armor of both bird and rider clinked quietly against a collection of weaponry and mining tools, camp gear and a shield strapped over the items to guard against any rain that may fall as the miqo'te and chocobo made their slow journey back toward the darkest depths of the Shroud.

OOC Info for RP

This is for OOC use and reference. Please do not have any of this be information your character knows unless it is actually easily discerned by them and/or cleared with me in tells first. Thank you.

Character Info
Tris has a stammer that gets worse when he gets flustered or embarrassed. The stammer seems to be some kind of mental condition, however, since there are occasional, and very rare, reports of the quiet Keeper talking as clear as can be with no trace of hesitance or stammer to his speech. ((This is VERY intentional, and yes, there is IC reason why his stammer fluctuates.)) Most people who know him will tell anyone that inquires that the miqo'te is very quiet and reserved and while he seems to be very intelligent, he has a very noticeable stammer.

Depending on GMs opinions and general situation in RP: Those who are sensitive to aether won't detect aether if they try to determine how strong Tris' aether is. He may as well not have any at all... This changes with his stammer. The clearer he talks, the more noticeable his aether is. ((Again, this is VERY intentional and anything to do with Tris and his aether needs to be discussed OOC with me and whoever is the GM in charge at the time. NO he is NOT a voidsent. I just find and feel that it is best to work closely with GMs when it comes to this character's issues. My IC signal of aether changes are focused on his eyes, which get brighter and catch the light more when his aether increases.))

Over the past few years he has lived and mined in the Shroud, Thanalan, and La Noscea, and even made exploratory mining expeditions as far as the Sea of Clouds or the Azim Steppe.

Tris'tan is a mercenary, miner, and blacksmith.

At the moment he is a sword for hire, but Tris has worked with several mercenary freecompanies in the past. His skill is with the sword and shield, although he has a bad habit of deciding his shield is getting in his way and discarding it to hold his sword with both hands.

Tris is also skilled in hand to hand fighting and back alley brawling, although he has no formal training in any hand to hand combat styles.

When in the wilds he is skilled ((if prior RP dice rolls are any indication)) in finding trails or markings in nearly any terrain, possibly due to having spent his life in the depths of the Shroud, where noticing changes in the forest can mean the difference between life or death, and spending a major portion of his time walking the deserts of Thanalan mining for various ore, minerals and gems.

Books & Maps, oh my!
Few actually know that Tris is a bit of a book-a-holic. He has collected ancient books since he was a kit in the depths of the Sylphlands and has many tomes in his collection that were found journals or guide books left in abandoned ruins by explorers or adventurers. He taught himself the best methods for restoring these old treasures and keeps them safely stored in a climate-controlled apartment in the Goblet where he spends what time he can reading and repairing his most prized treasures.

A few of his books still hold drawings he added to them back before he was taught how to read, but now he can read and write several different languages and knows better than to just draw pictures in old books.

In addition to the books, Tris has a massive collection of maps, both new and ancient, that he has collected or made during his travels. Most of the ones he has made are focused on the terrain and mining resources of areas.

Leather and Smithing:
He is equally skilled in crafting strong armors and weapons or delicate trinkets for the home. He is fully self-taught in both metalsmithing and leather work, but his skill is of master level in both leather tooling and metal work - including goldsmithing.

As a miner he is known in the Ul'Dah mining guild as possessing a natural and envied talent for being able to identify the highest quality of gemstones without any training on what to look for. ((I actually RPed his learning mining with someone, and every time Tris uncovered new items he, for some reason only RNG knows, hit HQ on first try every time on uncovering gemstones.))

Living Situation
No one knows exactly where he lives now, but those who know Tris'tan will know he once had a small house in the Goblet where he tended to a veritable zoo of critters him and his fiancee had gathered, including:

  • Stormshadow and Returner - a pair of black chocobos
  • Tracker and Hunter - a pair of trouble-making red pandas
  • Nibble the rat
  • A bat
  • Blue the bluebird
  • A Doman Magpie
  • A butterfly

Tris was once a jockey and trainer and has several chocobos stabled at Bentbranch Meadows that were gifted to him by racing bo owners for his skills in both chocobo racing and training. Those chocobos are all still stabled at Bentbranch Meadows and the people there will only say that none of the bo's are for sale and that Tris' stabling fees are paid well into the future.

  • Storm
  • Wind Spirit
  • Quantum Storm
  • (unnamed fledgling)

Personal Info
Tris is engaged to his Beloved, Devin, but life being what it is the player is unable to be in the game for what has become an indeterminate period of time, so little will be said of this relationship or the engagement in RP.

Tris is listed as being gay, but that is mainly because that is the only kind of relationship he knows anything about. Should any kind of relationship or intimate situation come up in the course of RP his reaction would be based on the RP at the time, that said it should be noted that he is fairly naive but curious when it comes to such things.

Who knows Tris?
The person who knows him best would be Buscarron, but he does not generally tell anyone about Tris'tan, knowing the young miqo'te since Tris was a young child and knowing that Tris values his privacy. Other than Buscarron, Tris would be known by the poachers of the Shroud and by other miners from his mining work; all of who will only know they see him and his black chocobo around, but not where he vanishes to when they do not see him.

OOC Stuff for RP That Needs Said...

Things to be aware of OOCly:

  • DO NOT mix OOC and IC. I know some people have a hard time understanding that the things characters do or say are not representative of the things the person who writes them thinks, I have found this to be exacerbated by a person who has my quiet insecurities and is roleplaying a character with quiet insecurities. I, the player, am not Tris'tan, I know this, I expect my RP partners to know it as well. At the very least I expect for them to come to me if they are concerned about something that they read or overheared, if something causes them to blurr the line between IC and OOC, or if they have any other issues regarding me or my character. So far, every serious issue I have had in RPing can be traced to someone blurring the IC/OOC line and no one bothering to talk to me about it until it was too late. Please do not assume you know what is going on with me because of things pertaining to Tris'tan. Thank you.
  • Tris sits in the corner alone most of the time, his character type is not one to approach others, but I am always happy to RP with anyone who approaches.
  • I, the player, am a shy sort that does not like to bother people, so I avoid approaching most of the time - add that to Tris having that trait and .... Tris sits in the corner most of the time...(see above bullet point)
  • Tris is not expecting to make friends, and given his past I don't expect him to, so anyone that desires to be his friend has their work cut out for them.
  • Tris stammers most of the time, if you do not like reading a stammer let me know and I can note the stammer in narrative instead (remind me if I forget, I'm OLD :) )
  • I have a MUCH higher tolerance for dark and brutal topics than most folks seem to, so if things get too intense for you please let me now and the situation will be backed down. I try not to write too intense just to avoid causing trigger issues for others.
  • I will RP through anything. I do not RetCon things that happen.
  • Tris has a personality type where he will follow the lead of whoever seems to be the strongest leader in a group - that may or may not be the actual leader or the most physically strong person. That said, he is not the sort to intentionally undermine a leader, and if he gives his loyalty to a leader he will stand beside that person for life. Note that giving his loyalty is not the same as following someone because they are a leader or strong, he may follow a FC leader without actually giving them his loyalty.

I go into RP with the intention of having a fun, possibly fluffy, RP experience with others. Unfortunately, I have had others get upset OOC with me because of something that was said in RP or written in Tris'tan's personal journal. So, as much as I hate that some things need to be said, the following warnings need to be noted...

  • Tris is a shy and quiet miqo'te that does not like to discuss himself or his past and I caution anyone who pokes at it that I will RP through anything and I do not RetCon things that happen to my characters, so, if you poke into his past ICly please do not get upset OOC.
  • Tris is a broken character, both emotionally and mentally, and while I will RP intense things, others tend to have a much lower tolerance for physically/emotionally dark RP than I have.
  • Please send me a tell to ask before talking bad about Tris in public settings. I am perfectly fine with him having people mad at him or spreading false rumors or what-have-you, his character type seems to spawn that sort of stuff a lot, but real life is sometimes harsh and I ask that people please make sure I am in a mood to handle his being publicly attacked before starting any such RP, or, failing that, to please stop when asked (especially if the request is via OOC tells). Thank you.
  • I enjoy fun fluff RP, but I will RP through anything and am not afraid of dark topics or story lines.
  • I only RP adult subjects (including violence) with persons over 18, please do not start such RP with me if you are under 18.
  • While instant healing is a thing in dungeons, I prefer a situation where an injury takes some time to heal properly. Please do not God Mod your healer instantly curing either Tris'tan's injuries or his split personality disorder.
  • Tris has a split personality disorder. If you can not handle him acting COMPLETELY DIFFERENT in certain situations then please, let me know in advance and I will make sure that his second personality does not come out in the RP. Odds of anyone ever seeing it happen are extremely rare and (unless there is an EXTREME situation) there will be IC identifiers that it is going to happen, but I prefer to know before it happens if it is going to upset others. And no, as I said above, I do not want someone to meet Tris and immediately know his problem and magically cure him of it. It is a flaw I have worked into his character type over a number of years now and is a continuing part of his development as a character that makes his story a story that spans years, hopefully possibly decades, rather than just one evening's RP session.

PC Rumors

◢ (Rumors from the character's of other players)
"He's nice... and warm..." - Devin Grey
"Shy but has a good heart" - Kazuhiro Williams

