J'ferrhin Nunh

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J'ferrhin Nunh
let me be your killer king



Vital Information

Current Alias... J'ferrhin

Race... Miqo'te

Clan... Seeker of The Sun

Gender... Cis-Male

Age... 30

Orientation... Pansexual

Marital Status... Freeballin'.

Other Statistics

Nationality... Lominsan.

Current Residence... Ul'dah; wanderlust.

Occupation... Weapons-supplier.

Patron Deity... Rhalgr, The Destroyer

Alignment... Lawful Evil.

Eye Color... Gold.

Hair... Slicked back, auburn red with blonder/lighter highlights.

A bit of a pervert.


Cigars. Nothing like a good smoke.
Luxury. Livin' large.
Control. The foundation of a good business.
Guns. Never bring a knife to a gun fight.
Money. Who doesn't love some coin?
Gambling. The thrill of the big payoff.
Liquor. Nothing like a little whiskey n' vodka.


Thieves. Five finger discounts all around.
Being touched without permission. Gross.
Cheaply Manufactured Merchandise.
The smell of lavender.
People taller than him.. Neck kinks have never been more annoying.


Stares A Lot. Is he sizing you up? Looking through you? Fantasizing? Well, whatever he's doing it's pretty intense and kind of unnerving.
Blunt. Reflective of his thoughts or feeling on the matter; he'll say it, whether you like it or not.
Playboy. Not to be confused with fuccboi.
Egotistical. Trust me, you don't need to stroke it.
The Name Game. Nick-names, pet names, its something of habit that tails him wherever J'ferrhin goes. Most find it annoying or condescending.
Hard-Working. To the point where his business consumes a lot of social life, he strives to be the best - or at the very least, a rival to most suppliers.


Without a doubt, most will notice that the Seeker is a bit on the tall side - marking off at 6'0 fulm even, unlike most of his species in the male spectrum. Sun-kissed skin draws into mocha complexion which hearken to the life in the desert, or at the very least, on the sea tides of Limsa. A strong jawline follows up into a rich orange head of hair, slicked back in medium cut with a dab of bleached gold highlights. There's a small patch of hair that clings centerpoint of the Miqo'te's chin as well.

J'ferrhin is toned with an average build, balanced out from limbs to the core that hold the concept that he's more business-man than fighter. He walks with a certain air, a swagger of confidence and articulation that most perceive as arrogance - especially when he's swaying that long fluff of a tail. And finally, the most glaring aspect of physical features is the black patch covering his left eye; it's golden twin manages all the work in the long run.

On occasion, he is found to be holstering a customized pistol on the right hip. Daggers? What daggers? You're seeing things.

Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category!



"I see him at the Weaver's Guild once a week, never seen a man that bought so much damn fancy clothing." - Some Puttz in the Quicksand
"He runs some kinda supplier business, don't he? I heard the prices are decent fer' swords." - Barkeep in Central Thanalan
"Skirt-flippin' shite... -- I mean, he tips well. But he's still a shite." - Golden Saucer Waitress
"Always got another Seeker attached to his hip. Looks like em', probably his brother. Little fucker has a mouth I'd like to punch." - Captain Obvious of the Quicksand
"Ugh, those cigars he smokes are so gross! I can't even sit near him!" - Whiny Bystander
"Heard he took the horns off one of those blackscales once, bet you he sold it for a pretty piece o'gil." - Watchful Peasant

UNCOMMON - Use sparingly.

"Keeps some dirty company, but he seems well rounded with the Brass. I'm bettin' he pays them off." - Some Other Puttz in the Quicksand
"I hear he's got a second business goin' on. Maybe some black market stuff." - Street Urchin
"Once upon a time, I spit on his shoe n' he knocked me feckin' tooth out about three days later.. He got a short fuse, I bet ya, but he's good at hidin' it!" - A Dead Man
"Saw him show up with a bunch of women tailin' behind. He looked beat to shit, seemed like they been traveling." - Ul'dah Porter
"Ain't heard it from me, but I know some folks who bought some magitek off him. Shite is dangerous." - Anonymous

RARE (Please get clearance for these.)

"Our Nunh knows what's best for his family - even if that meant killin' off the dead weight of it." - J'nami Roso; Tribal Huntress
"He lost that eye to his da'. I ain't ever seen em' so mad before when it happened!" - J'kheia Yhena; Tribal Huntress
"Hired me to find some magitek relics n' old technology. Says he manufactures re-purposed versions t'the right coin." - Anonymous

◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!
"stuff goes here" Player Name
"Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutts" Player Name

Plot Hooks

- J'ferrhin runs a weapons-dealing business called "Red Sanctum". This means he supplies large quantities of fire-arms and melee weaponry. In-character, and publicly known, he extends his business to all branches of Ul'dah authority; the Brass, The Immortal Flames - and (not publicly known) even Ala Mhigan resistance fighters. Of course, shadier deals of the like are offered at higher prices, with exclusive contracts written for the companies involved.

- If your character is seeking militia weaponry, guns, magitech devices, you may have heard rumors or seen advertisement of J'ferrhin's company.

- If your character or company seeks magitek, you may have heard of his dealings before. *Rare hearsay.

- If you are a blacksmith, gunsmith, or anything regarding to the creation of weapons, ammo and devices - J'ferrhin probably will hire your ass if you do good work.

- Guards, hired muscle, etc, are also given job opportunities.

- Anyone in the underground market for weapons would have information regarding his business.

- Crooked authority figures in the Brass, Immortal Flames, or those of other nation probably have connections. He'd also bribe those types too.

- J'ferrhin has a younger brother who deals in narcotics and other unmentionables. He keeps this separate from his own business, but at times finds himself bailing his blood out from escapades of the Brass/Flames or even other citizens.

- NOTE: As a Nunh, it is his job to do the 'baby-making' thing and oversee territory for his Jackal tribe. I'd like to point out, for right now, his ladies are NPC only unless someone is interested in playing one of them or joining up with the tribe. His hierarchy is a bit different, and instead of sticking to the deep roots of the wild, Ferrhin has constructed his own rules and expectations of a more urban lifestyle. You may inquire OOC or ICLY if interested.


NO: OP untouchable fighting characters, Underage, Futa, Shemales, Traps, Female Nunhs; if you are playing a character solely as fetish material I will not interact with you.
■ Dark themed roleplay is accepted; including gore, vulgarity, macabre, and other themes. If it makes sense, it can happen.
■ Be communicative about your roleplay, I am not a mind-reader.
■ Unless stated directly by myself, any FC I am associated with is purely OOC.


Thank you all for letting me use/alter your codes. If it weren't for you my wiki would not look how it does.

■ Template was created by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.

Please remember to credit everyone when using this wiki. Thank you.