Kitani Tayuun

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Gridania-transparent.png Kitani Tayuun
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper
Citizenship Gridania
Age 20
Nameday 27th Sun, 2nd Umbral Moon
Occupation Whatever
Sexuality Pansexual
Relatives Brother: Fionn Tayuun
Guardian Nymeia

Basic Info


Bouncy music
Ambient sounds




Birth Place: The Shroud
Natural Hair Colour: White
Natural Eye Colour: Pale Lilac
Virtues: (coming soon)
Vices: (coming soon)
Favourite Foods:
Favourite Drinks:
Favourite Colours: Yellow, Red, & Deep Pinks

Appearance & Personality




Kitani's story deal with issues such as...
Sexual Abuse
Mental Abuse
Physical Abuse
Suicide Attempt


Kitani left her clan behind a long, long time ago, disappearing in a hurry before she was expected to form a clan of her own. She travelled around from place-to-place, taking on various jobs to pay her way.

Closeness with others, and all that it brings, we things she longed for. Especially to love, and be loved. But her clan upbringing made her question the motives of others - especially males. And so, she put on a highly independent front, and worked hard to keep everyone she met “at arm’s length”.

Things changed however, when she met a man name Zaantair aboard a ship they had both found work on. Kit kept to her usual routine, but the charming Zaantair seemed to know all the right things to say, at the right times, and she began to open-up to him the more she learned about his own distaste for clan life, and the hardships caused by the bad reputation it sticks them with.

During their six moon term aboard the ship, the pair enjoyed, what seemed to be, a flourishing relationship. And when the time came to say “goodbye” to that job, Zaantair asked Kit if she would accompany him on another sea job, so that they could remain together. And, of course, she agreed.

What she didn’t realise (until it was too late), was that this ship actually belonged to Zaantair. All those on board, save for the lowest ranking, were longtime crew-members of Zaantair’s. People he had known, and sailed with, for many turns.

When he revealed this fact to Kit, he played it off as it being a surprise for her - a ship all their own, on which they could sail wherever they wanted, and be together always. It was like a fairy tale…

However, after catching him with items that belonged to the ship and crew they last worked on/with, it soon became clear that Zaantair was little more an petty thief - though he would have you believe him to be a big-time pirate.

Kit’s questions were met with more lies to begin with, and in her desperation not to have everything fall apart on her, she made excuses to believe him… for a while. But other cracks started to show in his stories, and his personality. The words and mannerisms in which he would refer to Kit changed, as did his treatment of her.

She found herself feeling more like a possession. And as she found herself with more and more reason to question Zaantair and his motives, she found herself in trouble for it. When she raised concerns about things she had overheard some of his crew laughing and joking about, she found herself confined to his chambers in an attempt to keep her from hearing more. She would go hours without seeing him. Locked in there. Alone.

And when she questioned his love for her, his answer was always to bed her - whether she seemed willing or not. And for moons, he had tried to make her believe herself to be paranoid - that all her doubts were in her head, left over fears from her clan upbringing.

But enough was enough, and she had to ask him what was really going on. She demanded it - the truth. And, perhaps he was tired of playing the games, or perhaps he just felt he had already won, but he told her. In no uncertain terms.

She was his - in every way.

He had worked hard to reel her in. He had caught her. And he was entitled to her.

And since boarding his ship, he had fed her, he had housed her, and he was entitled to her.

It was there things really started to change - now that he had no need to hide his truth self anymore. He knew very well that she was stuck aboard his ship, with nowhere to escape to. Even when they docked, he would have her bound, and keep her locked-up, to avoid any escape attempts. And any time she managed to get loose, her defiance had consequences.

The day she finally managed to escape, or rather, the night, was during a time when Zaantair and the majority of his crew were enjoying a few drinks in the Quicksand of Ul’dah.

By now, Kit had become proficient at slipping his ties, and had been teaching herself to lock-pick. And now they were docked again, she was going to get out of this hell.

It was only by the quick tapping of her boots as she sprinted across the deck, and the sudden splash of water as she dove overboard, were the remaining crew alerted to her escape - and she didn’t stick around to be caught again.

At last, she was free. Battered, bruised, and exhausted, but free.


It had been a good few moons since Kitani took back her freedom, and she had taken-up travelling again, going back to working odd jobs here and there, and finally get getting back on her feet again.

But it was during a warm night in The Shroud, that she was to come face-to-face with Zaantair again. What started as a quiet stroll, soon became a desperate sprint, as he and three of his crew chased her through the woodland.

With low-hanging branches to swing from, and fallen logs to jump over, Kit used everything around to aid her, but eventually found herself tumbling to the ground, her legs suddenly entangled in bolas.

She pushed herself up again as quickly as she could, and scrambled about in an attempt to free her legs, but it wasn’t long before the four men towered over her. Zaantair in particular wearing that smug grin of his, knelt down infront of her.

“Now this won’t do.” He sounded so casual as he untied her binds, but as soon as she went to move, he grabbed one of her ankles tightly and stared her in the eyes. “Did you forget who you belonged to, little stray?” And with a glance to his men, he stood-up again. “Perhaps you need reminding.”

Kit suddenly felt her wrists being grabbed and pulled as one of the men held them above her head he pinned them to the ground. In a panic, Kit began kicking out her legs, trying to hit anyone she could, all the while trying to pull her wrists free too. But it was all a futile effort, as the other two of his crew took hold of a leg each.

Ignoring all of her physical and vocal protests, Zaantair took great pleasure in “reminding her”.

And when his work was done, he stood tall as he looked down on her, and offered a hand out to her, as if he was the good guy come to rescue her now.

Still shaking from her ordeal, face soaked from her tears, and covered in patches of dirt all over from her struggles, Kit lay on her side now, almost in a fetal position, it took all she had just to turn her head to look at him, teeth bared as she silently refused his offer.

“Alright. Enough games.” He gave a shrug, and in what seemed like one swift motion, pulled the knife from his built, and brought it down across her tail, pausing only to push his weight onto it until the bone cracked and snapped.

Either he couldn’t hear her screams, or he reveled in them. And when she couldn’t scream anymore, he held his new prize up for her to see.

“One day you’ll realise the mistake you made.” He grinned that same grin he always had, as he knelt over her once again. “And it’ll be too late. But don’t worry, a part of you will always be on my ship.” He let her lifeless tail brush against her cheek. “Heh. If you’re lucky, you’ll die from the blood loss. I mean, who would want to live looking like, no, being like you are? No one really wanted you before, and there’s no way in hells anyone would want you now.” Getting a little closer, to whisper into her ear, he said; “Now be a good girl and stay put until you bleed out. Because if I have to find you alive again, I’ll have to take it you want more of me.”.

And with that, he stood back up and walked away with his men... and with her tail.


Moons had past since her last encounter with Zaantair, and in that time Kit had undergone several changes within herself. She spent many a day and night hidden in a room at the local inn, not wanting to see anyone, or for anyone to see her. She had no need or want for food, and her nights were plagued with nightmares of her assault.

Her only reason for finally venturing outside, was at attempt to drown out the “noise” inside of her head. She needed a distraction, and eventually, this would lead to her taking up work with the Amalj’aa clan known as The Brotherhood Of Ash. She had met with them before, a very long time ago, and provided entertainment and motivation in the form of dance. This time, however, she was here to fight for them.

Loonh Gah, a miqo’te within the Brotherhood, had never taken much notice of Kitani in the past, but after monitoring her behaviour, took an almost immediate disliking to her. She saw no bravery or honour in Kitani - only recklessness and suicidal tendencies. And she wasn’t wrong. Kit had no fear of death, because she welcomed it. And each fight was just another that could end her internal suffering.

There was no doubt Hamujj Gah could see this, but he could see more within her than Loonh could, and his hopes for Kitani were that she would overcome her struggles and become stronger for it.

But more moons passed, and Kit wasn’t getting her way. No matter what mission she went on, no matter who for, no matter where, no matter the obvious disadvantages she chose... she was still alive. She could still smell him, still hear him, still feel him... she could hardly bare to touch her own skin these days. She avoided mirrors. Everything about herself made her feel sick. She was disgusting.

And one evening, when she just couldn’t take it anymore, she headed into The Shroud, deciding to “take care of it” herself. When she was sure no one was around to catch her, she took a knife to each of her wrists, and she continued to wander, figuring that keeping the heart pumping was the fastest way to bleed out, and find her peace at last.

When the blood loss finally did take it’s toll, she passed-out on the ground...

But death would not come for her this night, and when she awoke, she found the wounds on her wrists to be nothing more than scars now. Confused, sad, and angry, tears began to flow, and she screamed out only one word as she pushed herself up into a kneeling position... “Why?”.

Why was she still alive? Who did this to her? Was her suffering such entertainment to the world!? Her death was her choice! Nobody else’s! It was the only choice Zaantair hadn’t made for her - and now even that was taken away from her.

But no.. that wasn’t really true... Zaantair had made that choice for her... he even told her to die...

Bringing her knees up to her chest, Kitani lowered her head as she continued to cry. Her sobbing was interrupted only as one of her ears began to flicker; she could hear the trickling of a nearby stream. Sniffling, she looks in the direction the sound is coming from, placing her hands on the ground as she relaxes her pose. The grass felt soft under her hands. And she could smell the clean air that surrounded her. And, looking up, she could see the stars in the night sky.

She could even sense the Elementals around her... something she hadn’t noticed for a long, long time now. In the grand scheme of things, this fixed nothing, but it filled her with some sense of peace, and gave her the time she needed to think, with her mind quiet for the first time in moons too.

She lost track of time as she lay back in the grass, watching the stars, but it was at some point this night, that she decided to go back to her birth name of Kitani, having been known as “Yuki” since she left her clan. It was her way of trying to bury all that had happened since she met Zaantair and, hopefully, never be found by him again.

It was time to get back on track. Kitani, wasted no time in travelling the world again. She became the life and soul of every party, and she wasn’t about to slow down for anybody. The only influence she allowed Zaantair to have on her now, was as a reminder to always keep moving, so that he couldn’t find her, and so that she wouldn’t end-up getting too closer to anyone ever again.

To look at her, with her bright smiles, sassy manner, and brimming with confidence, no one would ever guess the hardships she’d been through. Even the scars on her wrists were hidden at all times by whatever wrist band or clasp she chose to wear. And her tail? She was born that way, of course.



"Please seek me out and remind me to add you if you don't see yourself."

Love Friendship Crush Good Standing Poor Standing


"Please seek me out and remind me to add you if you don't see yourself."

Love Friendship Crush Good Standing Poor Standing

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