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--HEAVILY in progress--



Imagine, if you will, that you are face to face with your greatest enemy. It could be your childhood rival, it could be a sibling, it could be a bandit on the road, it could be your dentist. Perhaps, somehow, you are so bad at maintaining your dental hygiene that a physically unfit middle-aged man who's taken the Hippocratic Oath feels compelled to break said oath just to take you down. You come to blows, of course. You underestimated this kindly fellow's propensity for battle--little did you know that in his private office back at home, he has a full array of lengthy texts about the philosophy of martial arts--and there you are, losing to a dentist. With blood and tears streaming down your face, exhaustion burning your muscles and pain wracking your bones, you fall to the ground in a delirium.

And then you see him--your savior. A mysterious stranger, who you can only see through the corner of your eyes. Nothing could possibly prepare the dentist for what this stranger was about to do him--not his texts on combat, not his years of schooling, not even his perfectly-maintained set of pearly whites. This wayward wanderer begins to freak on your adversary with an ape-like fury that will mentally and physically scar Dr. Dennis for life. It's only right, he had no right to try to kill you for the grand crime of forgetting to floss.

Just as quickly has he has arrived, your savior, Kerrath the wayward barbarian, has left. You wonder if it even really happened.

I wasn't sure what to put in the General tab here. Please forgive me.

Appearance & Personality

The first thing you'll notice about Kerrath is that he is tall and well-muscled, often wearing thick leather and fur armor that is as stylish as it is functional. His entire body is littered with scars from a few too many times where he was asked, "Hey, wanna fight?" He never says no to this. He really should, more often.


I have a large number of RP contacts that no longer play. I'll fill this out eventually. If you bump into this and want me to make a note of your character, let me know.


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OOC Notes

Listen, I'm gonna make this really simple, and really short. It's very difficult to make me mad. You--my prospective RP contact--can pretty much talk to me about anything. I'm not here to give anyone a bad time. I have fun by assuring that my RP partners have fun.

Discord: Kerrath#6596 Tumblr:


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