Dural Shieldsplitter

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Dural Shieldsplitter
Dural fullbody.jpg
Dural Shieldsplitter, Ala Mhigan refugee
The Wanderer
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Highlander
Citizenship Ul'dahn
Age 28
Nameday 31st Sun of the 4th Astral Moon
Guardian Rhalgr, the Destroyer
Height/Weight 6' 5"/252pz. (Sans armour)
Occupation Freelancer
Alignment Neutral Good
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Born to a name now known only to a few remaining survivors of his village, Dural is a Highlander born in the mountain ranges in northern Ala Mhigo who finds it hard to let go of what was once taken from him. The search for something to fill the void has taken him all across Eorzea, and no doubt will lead him down further and stranger paths in the coming years.



A friendly, if initially imposing, worn Ala Mhigan refugee of early-middling years. Easy to smile, fond of the 'occasional' drink, and something of a slave to his moods/emotions.


Height Weight Eye colour
6' 5" 252pz. Blue
Build Markings Distinguishing features
Stocky and muscular. Suitable for heavy physical work. Clan tattoo covering a portion of the right side of his face Two facial scars. Numerous body scars/wounds.
Physical appearance (Body)
A mountainous shadow of a Highlander, Dural's physique is that of someone who's been pushing themselves physically all their life. Heavy-set and broad-shouldered, while standing in at an impressive 6 fulms and 5 ilms, there are no doubt larger Highlanders out there, but Dural still stands as tall as he does proud of his classical Highland figure.

Given that it's been a little over two decades since Dural first picked up an axe, and that the size of those axes have been increasing over time, his musculature has developed into something rather impressive to behold; the thick knotted mass of muscle covering his arms, shoulders and upper chest clearly showing the amount of physical strength that the dark-skinned man can bring to bear should the situation call for it.

The theme of thick, heavy muscle carries on across the rest of his figure; subtlety is not a word that can oft be applied when describing the northerner. His abdomen, lacking the overly defined definition that some of the more vain adventurers of the land posses, is instead several slabs of flat muscle. The Highlanders legs carry the same sturdiness and durability that would rival the oldest of trees, his hands overly large and caloused. As ever, the downside to all this great physicality and presence is that Dural simply cannot rival the whiplike speed of many of the smaller races.

His is a body built to give and receive punishment, resulting in carefully controlled, heavy, slower movements whether those movements be throwing a punch, or merely walking across a room - while it's true that he can move fast when the situation calls for it, it's not a speed close to the majority of Midlander's or Mi'qote that dart about Eorzea. The only upshot is that Dural seems to just be able to go on forever, possessing a stamina to make even a Chocobo jealous.

Physical appearance (Head)
Everything that held true to Dural's body continues to remain in effect here. His facial features would never be called pretty, but they do hold a certain rugged attractiveness for those who fancy such things. Broad of chin, jaw and brow, each line and angle appears as if it could once have been chiselled from stone sat atop a thickly muscled neck.

His skin, still dark yet roughened from years of exposure to the elements sits tight across each of these heavy features, tighter still about the three scars marring his features. Of the scars, only one appears recent - a thin line slicing down across several of the tattoo'd "blades" adorning the right side of his face and neck. Of the two remaining older scars, each are thick and faded with time, one slicing across the bridge of his nose and narrowly missing his eye as it crosses onto his cheek, the other cutting a ridge across the left side of his lips, from chin to cheek.

As mentioned, adorning the right side of his face sits a simple but striking tatoo, inked in a dark blue, spanning out in several thich arcs, sitting above and just beneath his eye, across his cheek, and down onto his jaw and neck.

Voice and speech
Possessing a depth and volume to match his size and bearing, Dural's voice rings out like the tolling of a sizable bell. However, while a bell often rings clear and true, Dural's manner of speech can on occasion be something of a challenge to understand due to the frequent clipping of words. Thankfully, the careful, almost ponderous pacing of his speech tends to alleviate the issue to a degree. Except when he's excited, then it's been known to be quite a challenge. Or after a few flagons of mead, then too.

Behavior and Personality

Behavior and Personality

Loud and perhaps, occasionally brash, Dural's been known to speak his mind in public regarding most matters. Sadly, it's not always been in the most helpful or appropriate manner, although restraint has been shown on occasion, oftentimes with the Highlander falling into silence and donning a small smile, evidently content to merely watch and listen to those about him until such a time as he has something to add.

It -is- quite possible that the loud and brash personality is merely a tool, a social defense mechanism, But you'd never catch Dural putting much thought into such topics. Publicly.

As an aside, it's not rare to see the Highlander fidgeting in some manner, whether it be tossing pebbles, twisting a tankard around in his hands, or tapping his foot to some unknown tune in his head. A lack of motion or action doesn't seem to sit well with the Highlander a lot of the time.

Rare exceptions have been known, however. After a particularly long day, the large Highlander has been spotted crashing out at the foot of a tree/rocky outcropping with an old, frequently repaired book and a fond smile lighting up his heavy features. Whether or not the Highlander can read it is anyone's guess, but he seems fond of the item regardless.




Axe in hand, Dural is a fearsome sight to behold on the battlefield, displaying some of the traits of the famed Warriors of old. Heavy sweeping arcs blend seamlessly into one another, the Highlander able to display a grace and agility unbecoming of his size and frame once he's united with a beloved heavy blade, always moving forwards in the assault. Dismissing the marauding mans smoothed, chained movements as lacking in any strength or power however, is a mistake likely to cost a man, woman or beast a limb. His chosen name of Shieldsplitter being more than just something to sound impressive, the towering Highlander displays a great knack for bringing his blade down just so upon a shield as to cleave through the thin layer of protection to sever the arm beneath. Wooden shields have been known to splinter entirely, the metal frame buckling, whereas bucklers and even full towers eventually crumple and fold beneath the repeated battering of the raging warrior.

Dural's form, one hand near the head of the weapon, one resting around the halfway point of the shaft, affords the dark-skinned destroyer a surprising amount of control over the clumsy, weighted axes he tends to lean towards and thus lends itself well to an impromptu defence; He displays little to no concern with his wellbeing in combat, opting to absorb just as many blows into his mixture of padding, plate and chain armour as he is to parry or deflect with the weapon. Years of practice have taught the Highlander the best time to use his body to soak up the worst of a blow, and when to cease his assault and put the body of his weapon in the way of his own instead, as testified to by the lack of recent scarring.


Deprived of his beloved axes, Dural's tendency in hand to hand is to bring his entire form into the fray - the Highlander often using his entire body as a weapon, throwing himself bodily into a foe, or perhaps a knee. Or an elbow. Or his head. Oft times, even teeth have been brought to bear against whatever he happened to be facing down if the opportunity arose. While there is some degree of discipline to Dural's movements in hand-to-hand, his form is worlds apart from the famed Monks of his homeland.


Likes Dislikes Hobbies/Talents

The cold
Snow and rain
Oddly, also sun and comfortable levels of heat
Scenic vistas
Good company
Having something to 'do'
Drinking. Goes well with the above two points.

Overly smarmy, insincere, holier-than-thou types

Mining. (The farther away from civilisation, the better)


Romantic Interest     Trusted     Liked     No Opinion formed     Disliked
Family and Close friends Friends and Acquaintances Others and Disliked

Hagar Stonehew - Father (Deceased)
Siganda Blacke - Mother (Deceased)
Lewwel Shortblade - Brother (Deceased)

Aria Benett
Where t' begin... afore ah met the lass, ah were pretty 'appy t' accept that life were gonna be one short, fun blast afore ah 'eaded north t' try an' retake Ala Mhigo. Weren't gonna get close t' no-one 'cause all ah 'ad t' offer were the widows black. Then Aria turns up t' 'eal me nose after that scuffle on the beach, an' ah'm smitten on first sight. Second time, ah couldn't 'elp meself, ah were selfish, an' asked the lass out on a date, an' she said aye. Since then? Ah've come t' know things about the lass that 'ave 'ad me rethinkin' what ah've been fightin' for. Not wantin' t' sound soppy, 'cause a manly man like me shouldn't be doin' that, but ah think ah'm fightin' fer 'er more'n Eorzea, now. Lass 'as me 'eart, it were 'ers the moment she lowered 'er defenses an' let me see the spirit within'.

Mimiru Miru
Ah've taken t' the lass like she were me own sister. Short, fer me sister, but love the lass t' bits all the same. She's got the 'eart'ah someone twice 'er size. More, ah guess. Twice 'er size ain't all that much, bein' a Lala.

Magdalena Duskwight
Head of the Travelers Guild at the time when I found 'em. Another Highlander, somethin' 'bout her accent felt... familiar. Couldn't place it for a sodding age, but as'n it be turnin' out, we both be hailin' from the same village. Which... ain't a thing, anymore. Not after the Garleans took Ala Mhigo. Anyroad, after I parted ways from the Travelers, lost contact and ain't seen or 'eard from 'er since. Or, thinkin' about it, about 'er. Which be worryin'. Damn shame, she were quite the lass. Feisty! Man could get used to that.

Daiyumi Maeda
A spritely an', in me own discernin' an' 'umble personal 'pinion, rather pretty Miqo lass I met during a gatherin'a the Travelers. Paraded 'bout fer us all in 'er swimear. Bloody fine show that were, lemme tell ye! Certainly 'ad our collective attention. Lost contact when I went an' parted with the Travellers t' go off an' do what needed t' be done. Pretty sure it were my loss.

Darte Skyfire
'nother Highlander, and one I got quite the admiration fer, too! Now there were a man who could 'old 'is drink. An' 'e often were drinkin' too, when I knew him. Man 'ad more drinks on 'is person than most inns I've seen. Rumour has it 'e cut down these past few moons, though. Bloody shame. Still, so long as sobriety ain't made 'im borin', 'e should still be an alright sorta fellow.

Lukas Valenwood
Used t' be the martial saint'a the 'arbingers, 'though I be thinkin' that's mostly 'cause the other one up fer vote weren't there. Ain't sure where 'e is now though! Came across as, well... somethin' of the stereotypical Elezen fella. Wouldn't be surprised t'learn he's from Coerthas next, too. 'ad a manner much in line with Thazar, but mebbe a li'l less uptight. Mebbe. Ain't gonna 'ave much of a chance t' find out, now.

Thazar Dragonswrath
Uptight, possibly 'as that lance'a 'is stuck up 'is arse in me 'pinion, and 'e speaks in a way that that -strongly- reminds of a Midlander lass I knew, afore the Calamity. Very proper, an' all that. Seems like a genuine sort though, and pro'lly someone ye can be trust t' stand at your side in a fight. I likes 'im.

Keiran Aislinn
Unsure what t'make'a this Miqo. Quite 'ot-'eaded, it seems. An' distant, and generally gave the 'pression'a being a bit of a grumpy sod. Or 'e jus' be thinkin' he's better. Gonna need more info afore I go with me gut feelin' on this one.

Faye Covington
Everyone be lookin' up to 'er 'bout 'ow much of a "Lady" she bleedin' well be. Ain't a fan of 'er since findin' out 'ow she treated Tasa.

Nolan Karaan Nolan
The other grumpy sod who were up fer strategist. Or tactician. Or whatever the saint post were for. Don't know enough t' work 'im out, yet.

Ohk'a Rizai
The Miqo maneater. Ain't got no idea if'n 'e were serious 'bout wantin' that other Miqo, but gotta admire the lads stones! Gonna 'ave t' speak to 'im some more, but seems a'ight.

Amitiel Custos
A'ight, I -tried- t' like 'im. Honest! I don't be makin' a point'ah dislikin' people 'til I've 'ad a few meetin's with 'em t' make sure I ain't jus' misjudged, but I be damned if this miserable sod that looked like 'e dropped from Titans loins ain't earned me dislike. Every time I be seein' 'im, 'e's been a miserable sod, 'n then when I finally try to be nice an' talk to 'im proper, I offer 'im me 'and in friendship, an' the bleedin' arse turns 'is back an' moves off! Bloody sod ain't gonna be gettin' no drinks from me, I can be tellin' ye that fer nothin'! 'ope 'e ain't with the martial branch. I ain't gonna turn aside a comrade, but things run smoother when ye can like an' trust the people ye be fightin' with!

Barbarccia Valadis
Wish ah could say ah could trust 'er as far as ah could throw 'er, but ah can't even give 'er that much. Ain't 'appy with the way she treated Mimi, 'ow she's treatin' An (Although ah guess ah jus' don't care as much 'bout that), an' 'ow ah always end up agreein' with 'er, despite what ah may 'ave set out thinkin'. Lass is poisonous.


Common Rumors

  • "So, the fella jus' up an' leaves like, ain't seen fer a moon at the least, an' then turns 'imself back up in civilised lands, lie, lookin' all 'aggard. Strange fella."
  • "For someone who claims 'e don't want no relationships, 'e's an 'ell of a flirt. 'course, that could just be 'im bein' polite? Manners, or summint?"
  • "Simple sod has -no- talent for Aetherial manipulation whatsoever. The oaf seems to think he can get by just swinging that tree chopper about."

Moderate Rumors

  • "Dural? Aye, I know the man, fought alongside him during Archon, less than a moon back. Scary sod when riled, seems to have some personal issues to resolve with the invading forces."
  • "Oh, him? Yeah, I know him. He's started dating that... is she old enough to be a lady? Don't think she looks... well... just ain't my place to say. She acts old enough, at least?"

Rare Rumors

  • "Heard him talking, man seems obsessed with taking back Ala Mhigo, and don't give no damns about surviving the liberation neither."
  • "So, plenty of folk from 'is town went an' died that night. Dural got two'ah them bullet scars, but I've heard tell there were other survivors. Not all chose to turn tail and flee from the Empire, from what I've overheard."

PC Rumors

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((Soooo much WIP for this section.))
