James Rhymes

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 James Rhymes
Jame and kisza.png
Above image drawn by me!
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Gridanian / Ul'dahn
Age 27
Name Day 23/04
Occupation Botanist / Accountant of Nal
Free Company Nal
Sexuality Uncertain, likely homosexual


Reaper James Rhymes is a short tempered botanist who works out of the guild in Gridania. He lives in the lavender beds in a small apartment with his partner Margret, as well as a more recent addiction of a brightly coloured miqo'te. An incredibly private man, he tends to keep mostly to himself and engulfs himself in his work and research with the guild and has many patches of flowers scattered around the shroud he refuses to let other botanists harvest from.

He had seldom or never been seen outside of the house as a child, often only leaving to go run about the foliage or go to school, or to sneak off for lessons in music. Orphaned at 16 summers, he dropped out of school and had taken up botany as a profession as a way to make gil and keep himself off of the streets, however, he still ended up homeless while he studied and took up an apprentiship. He was glad to find that his interest in botany and the natural world he had growing up was still very much alive, and had totally engulfed himself in his studies from then to the current day.

He lived homeless for quite some time in those years of study, and many in gridania - having never or rarely seen him before that time - often assumed he was just a new addition to the city state and beggar to quickly look away from and pass by.

Currently, he is a well respected and knowledgeable botanist within the guild, and has taken to expanding himself further by joining Nal, a company run by a wealthy lalafellen man, as a way to pay off debts to the Order of Nald'thal he gained due to unknown reasons. He works there as an accountant, and has managed to have his debts paid and has decided to continue to work with that company. His main source of income is his botany, and without the debts over his head, he has had much more spending money.

Most of his time spent is in botany, and he is more or less on call with Nal for work, leaving him with plenty of days off to learn and train, however, he finds himself filling his days off with work regardless.

OOC NOTE: Much and more has happened in his life in the past and currently, however, all of the information above is what can be gained through rumour, friends, or those around the botanists guild/gridania who had seen it all happen. Much of James' life is kept private, though the above information is free to use and know(with some digging or asking around, of course!), deeper information must be gained by interacting with the character. There is never a guarantee that characters will get along or get further information.


He has no immediate family, and he does not talk about them.


Name: James Rhymes

Full Title: Reaper James Rhymes, Botanist of Greatloam Growery

Age: 27

Home: Gridania

Current Residence: Lavender beds / Goblet

Occupation: Botanist / Company accountant with Nal

Talents/Skills: Botany, music(violin), first aid(non magical), training marauder/axe combat

Theme song: [link Title]

Server: Mateus

Alignment: True Neutral

DnD Stats: str: 18 | int: 11 | wis: 10 | dex: 7 | con: 15 | cha: 14

Blog:[[ http://bigballz713.tumblr.com/%7CPersonal Tumblr Blog]] xxxxx James IC tumblr blog

Art Blog: Adrien-Draws-Stuff -- Tumblr art blog


Height: 5'6"

Race: Hyur, Midlander

Eye Color: Bottle Green

Hair Color: Black

Hair Style: Feathery and getting long enough to be wavy, two braids on the right, just down his neck in length.

Skin color: White, tanned

Distinguishing features: He is covered in scars, and has triad numbers carved into his chest. He is fairly short, and bulky with both muscle and a layer of fat over said muscle. His build looks half between a midlander and a highlander, however he is a full blooded midlander. He has facial tattoos.

How he dresses: James has two sets of clothing: one set is his work clothes, which is uniforms from the botanists guild as well as tattered clothing that he doesn't care about enough to keep from being further torn or ruined from his work. The second set is finery, various suits and dress shirts and polished, lovely shoes. He has recently been buying new clothes and armours, much of it casual and easy to wear and move in.

Mannerisms: He smokes, stares often, and almost seems to zone out much of the time when alone. He is not very engaging in conversation and can come off as strange. His emotional responses to things can be mildly or wildly inappropriate, or he could be completely catatonic. He doesn't speak much with his hands or with much facial expression, though when riled, scared, or angry, he tends to pace and emote more. He is not a very physically affectionate person, and isn't touchy.

Hobbies: Music, poetry, house making/cooking, gardening.

Speech patterns: He speaks in a disinterested monotone most of the time, almost sounding annoyed with every word. He speaks shortly, usually giving one or two word answers to full questions. Even when interested or excited about things, he finds it hard to put emotion into his speech.


Educational Background: Formal education(dropped out early), studied botany extensively, currently training marauder

Intelligence Level: Average to below average. He excels in music and plant sciences, however in other areas he can struggle.


  • James keeps his own gathering log, and has been filling it in himself. (I am drawing each page of this log with pictures and written in eorzean script, if you are interested in what his journal looks like, please follow this link!! Gathering Log (chronological order, if you would like recent > past, please remove /chrono from the end of the url!)
  • James' chocobo, Fleur, is a big rose pink dummy! He's playful, affectionate, goofy, and very loving. He was once a race chocobo, though James has no idea how good he was at it or how much he won or lost, eventually he was put to stable and James adopted him.
  • His house is FULL of flowers and plants that he grew himself, and he's running out of space to put it all.
  • He has been working as a botanist for 11 years, give or take a few months.
  • He is training to be a marauder in his spare time and on days off.
  • He does not have good social graces, and can come off as awkward or rude.
  • Very few people he considers friends.


Some links to fanart here!

20180913 175535.png


  • (OOC note: Rumours may or may not be true! Common can be used freely, moderate can be with some asking around, rare needs to be looked into before using IC, if you're unsure, poke me and I can give you an npc they might have heard it from and we can plot! :D IC rumours at the bottom can be true or false as well, and were written by people who have interacted with James. Anyone is free to add their own rumours about him! Those are ALL free to use IC in rp!)

Common Rumours(Easy to overhear):

  • Easy to lose his temper, that one. High strung.
  • He's never had an apprentice, he should really get one, he knows what he's doing.
  • He has a really weird way of showing affection, lots of trash talking... I can't tell if he's serious about it, though.
  • He really loves flowers, we can barely convince him to go get lumber!! >:(
  • Pink chocobo.....

Moderate Rumours(Moderately easy to overhear):

  • He worked in the Order for a while, paying off debts or something.
  • Whole family dead or something.
  • He talks about this Margret all the time, but I've never seen him with her... Maybe she's not real.

Rare Rumours(Difficult/rare to overhear):

  • I hear he can be violent, he makes a lot of threats.
  • He must be on drugs, I see him just watching things that aren't there.
  • Heard him say bugs in his belly were broadcasting his thoughts? What...?
  • He did some really heavy shit to get that much debt to the Order, probably killed somebody.

PC Rumours (Feel free to add!):

  • "I saw him chop off a guy's ear once... Seemed all too happy to do it too. But also he let his chocobo sit on him with no repercussions. All in all a mixed bag I'd say." R'heeza
  • "He knocked my kneecaps out once. I haven’t washed my kneecaps since" Eigengrau Mankhad
  • "..." NAME HERE
  • "..." NAME HERE
  • "..." NAME HERE