Ashley Tsun

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 Ashley Tsun
Gender Female
Race Hyur (Doman)
Clan Unknown
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Nicknames Ashe
Age 22 years
Height 1.5 m
Eyes Brown
Hair Varies (currently black)
Distinguishing Marks Often wears reading glasses. Ears pierced.


General Information

Full Name: - Tsun Aeri
Residence: - Ul'dah - The Goblet (Occasionally Gridania)


Ashley could accurately be described as "petite" - she is small framed and short, (although with a fairly athletic build), much like a dancer or endurance runner. Her hair is a light blonde with pink highlights which she will often claim is natural.


With strangers, Ashley usualy seems a bit on the awkward side, tending to be shy and bookish, or when warranted very formal. Still, she is warm and genuinely caring. To those she knows better, per personality can fluctuate between warm, snarky, or at times so cold as to boarder on sociopathy, depending on how well she knows the person and what the social situation calls for. She is well versed in the rules of etiquette, both business and courtly, though her ways tend to be more the Eorzean standard than Eastern, as she has had much more experience dealing with the Ul'dah aristocracy than that of her homeland.

Abilities and Skills

Ashley is well educated, being able to speak, read and write multiple languages. While not a genius by far, she is bright and able to pick up on new ideas quickly. She is also creative and able to think quickly on her feet and react to changing situations. She is naturally graceful and athletic - she exercises often and is slightly stronger than average for her size. Most of her athleticism is focused more on endurance and speed than strength, however.

She is a good dancer and it would seem has some training in gymnastics, along with a talented pianist. She also has some proficiency in hand to hand combat. When asked she usually shrugs it off as "a Doman thing".

Thought it is not common knowledge, the Tsun family is from a long line of Doman Shinobi. Like her father and mother, Ashe has been trained from a young age in the style of her family - an unorthodox form of Ninjitsu that blends the combat heavy styles of the Doman mainland with her families penchant for opportunism and social maneuvering. She is careful to gauge wither a fight is one she can win before entering it, and is not afraid to break off and save the battle for a day when the odds favor her. She is a firm believer in the philosophy of "No one should know you are carrying a weapon until it is lodged between their ribs."


Trashy Romance Novels
The Songbirds


Brutish people
Being "on the spot"


Favorite Food: Steamed Pork Buns, Strawberries
Favorite Drink: Barley Tea
Favorite Scent: Vanilla
Favorite Color: Purple


History(so far)

Ashley's parents immigrated from Doma when she was just young - around the time she was 1 or 2 years old she is told, from a small settlement on an island off the coast of Doma known for little save fishing and textiles. Her father, Kai Tsun was a trader, her mother a house wife, and after hearing early rumors of the Garleans starting to build up their forces, Kai gathered his family and what he could to travel West. Upon reaching Ul'dah Kai began to sell his "exotic wares". Doman textiles, clothing and tea became a new trend among Ul'Dah elites wishing for something new that they could show off to their peers. As the Tsun family became more wealthy Kai was able to start shipping over more wares, sometimes in less than legal channels.

