Levenin Refure

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Levenin has spent much of his life from childhood dealing with rampant anxiety and low self esteem, a gift inherited from his father. His parents and various caretakers often could do little to soothe him, and loneliness wasn't a stranger too far behind. Though unable to connect with other people, he eventually managed enough to soar through education with promise. Friends were few but that only gave Levenin more resolve-- to find a way to help others, to make it to where they never had to feel the same as he did. No one aside from his family had ever given him anything so perhaps deep down, he was looking for approval just as much as he wanted to heal the world of her weariness. Unfortunately, his talents didn't lie in medicine or alchemy-- the latter of which shamed him even further because of his mother's renowned skill in the art. For a period of time, it was as if he'd never find his purpose.

This worry only grew as he aged, his schooling nearing its end and a goal still nowhere in sight. Desperate to make something of his life, he left his only home of Ul'dah for another city-state. Surely the guilds in Limsa Lominsa or Gridania had something to offer. Anything he could do. But after multiple failures, Levenin returned home again with nothing to show for it. The personal shame and embarrassment he endured was unbearable, despite his family showing nothing but support. He couldn't stand to show his face around them. This spurred him on to leave once more, only this time he hasn't been back in years. Since that day, Lev has grown from an adolescent to an adult while on the road in strange places.

Eventually, he made one last ditch effort and visited the north, in Coerthas. He knew very well Ishgard would never let him enter its city limits at the time (during the Dragonsong War), but it was the one place he hadn't tried yet. A fateful detour at the First Dicasterial Observatorium to escape a snowstorm introduced to Levenin his calling— the art of astromancy. As if written in the very stars he'd spent so many nights under, his dream could maybe be achieved. The following months were spent harnessing time and space in the palms of his hands, stumbling through bone-chilling snow and plenty a xenophobic Elezen alike-- his presence only tolerated because of strength in numbers. Eventually he left Coerthas after a few years, telling others it was for warmer weather and to escape the threat of the dragon horde. "My training can't go any further here," he'd said-- all a lie to cover up an abusive relationship he'd had with another female astrologian for some time. Lev wasn't quite ready to go home yet, but he couldn't stay in the Central Highlands and endure her treatment any longer. He had something to prove. This relationship would later prove to only exacerbate his problems with socializing.

Until the day comes where he feels worthy again to face his family, Lev refuses to go home. For the time being, he's given up his nomadic way of life to settle down in Ishgard now that it's out of the clutches of war, far off from anyone he might know. Though he used to go where needed as a freelance medic, applying his talents to those who asked, the Astrologicum has become his new residence. It's the most permanent place he's had to stay in years and he works hard every day to keep under the sponsorship of a local minor noble house. Lev hopes now he can help the Ishgardians recover from their plight, as well as hone his talents after so many years of going at it alone. Unfortunately for him, he hasn't quite gotten used to the snow and cold yet. Besides his studies, he still travels around quite a lot under the whims of his eccentric employer.


Levenin isn’t intimidating in the slightest, mostly because of the way he holds himself— he’s constantly looking small, trying to take up as little space as possible. He’s thin, with hardly any muscular definition to be found. It's painfully obvious he's never touched a weapon in his life. Lev stands at 5 fulms and 9 ilms (5'9"/175 cm) and weighs 135 ponzes (135 lbs/61 kg). His hair is a rich russet brown, longer in the front than it is in the back, with long locks extending past his ears and down to his jaw. His eyes have the epicanthic fold associated with those of Asian descent (in this case, because of his Yanxian heritage), and they glow a soft lavender purple. His most striking facial feature is the mole under his right eye. He has many others elsewhere, including on his back, hips, and chest. Otherwise, his skin stays clear and fair under the influence of healing magic.

Though normally hidden from view, on his back across the left shoulder blade is a scar left over from an incident when he was tending to a wounded soldier. In a fit of confusion and fear, Lev was mistaken as an enemy and stabbed. He recovered fully from this but is still understandably shaken if it's brought up. Although not noticeable to an outside viewer, his left eye is slowly losing vision over time due to it once taking a direct hostile spell. It's been a number of years since it happened, so chances of reversing or stopping the damage are slim, and eventually Lev will lose sight in it completely.

Though Levenin tends to wear blacks while on the road or on the job, he wears a myriad of colors and patterns whenever the chance rises. Hats with large brims aren't uncommon, since they block out the harsh Thanalan sunlight he's accustomed to (and also because he likes them). He’s never without piercings in his ears. A stylized tattoo of a ewer is located on his back/the base of his neck, to represent his patron deity. Lev isn't much for accessories but has a very particular preference for cropped tops, and leggings or thin, tight-fitting pants for casual wear. However, since coming to Ishgard, he's been unable to wear such things in favor of keeping warm with a big, fluffy coat (and he absolutely drowns in it).


A sweet but awkward man, Levenin spends his existence trying to keep as quiet and out of the way as possible. If forced to be social, he remains soft-spoken and polite. He’s often prone to stuttering when nervous, which is his natural state of being about 90% of the time. He's also an incredible pushover with very little spine and has a problem with having low self esteem in every aspect of his life. Though shy to a fault and filled with more anxiety than is healthy, Levenin has absolutely adored the friends he's made over the years, as few and far in between as they were. He'll spoil you with more love than you could possibly ever need if he's comfortable around you. He’s completely loyal to those he loves and trusts, though this usually means he ends up looking after others more than himself on occasion.

Levenin delights in everything creepy, crawling, and gruesome (the workings of skeletons and spiders being his absolute favorites). He also has an affinity for gardening and although he can't really brew his own potions, he is quite familiar with what recipes require certain herbs. If he stays anywhere for an extended period of time, he usually often crowds his living space with pots and pots of plants, to the chagrin of any roommates he may have. Currently, he's getting pretty good at making hot tea to deal with the Ishgardian winter, but would love to learn how to cook actual meals one of these days. Actually, he'd love somewhere besides a loft to live in the first place-- perhaps on a quiet farm one day.

Despite being truly altruistic at heart, he’s still very awkward and socially inept around nearly all he meets. He’s incredibly polite and rumor has it he’s never swore even once. A hopeless romantic, Lev’s love life unfortunately isn’t very stable and he's more likely to have one night encounters than an actual relationship-- a vice for temporarily forgetting about his troubles, though it only serves to hurt him in the end. The closest thing he has to love is his plants, who he looks after like children. Levenin has dealt with generalized anxiety disorder since childhood, and developed PTSD after his abusive domestic relationship. Lev often talks in his sleep, sometimes sleepwalking if he's having a particularly bad episode. He is the oldest of three siblings, and was inspired to go into the medical field after his mother, who is an alchemist who specializes in healing salves. She was also the one who imparted to him knowledge of the Doman/Hingan language, which he can speak conversationally.

Note: Lev, as already mentioned, has anxiety and PTSD so is very spooked by loud or aggressive people. He has a stutter that comes out when especially nervous. He's prone to panic attacks and self harm (which he'll heal right after), but he makes a huge effort to make sure no one knows this. A character who hangs around him for an extended period of time might find out about either by accident, but it's definitely not something that'll just happen. I'd ask anyone to be patient with Lev, as you (hopefully) would be in real life.


Medicine and human anatomy
Sweet foods
Bugs and creepy crawlies
Tarot and divination


Loud noises
Aggressive people
Heavy lifting


Gardening and botany
Studying (anything related to magic)




Easy to cry and upset
Has a tendency to neglect himself
Falls in love too easily
No backbone, not assertive in the slightest
Cannot stand to be alone


A sense of purpose
To feel “worthy” enough to go home
Self improvement

Family Romantic Friend Acquaintance $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure
Nicolas “Nico” Refure, father. ()
Character's Thoughts: "."
A Midlander Hyur hailing from Gridania, he was a simple man who later settled down in Ul'dah to deal in finances and numbers. It was he who unfortunately passed on the anxiety to Lev. For the most part, he's a loving father but oftentimes fails at being supportive for his kids. He wants to help them through their issues and tell them everything will be okay... but he's exceptionally terrible at it. NPC.
Machi Jia, mother. ()
Character's Thoughts: "."
A Hyur woman hailing from across the sea in Yanxia. She left well before the Garlean occupation to find a better life outside of her small farming community. She had the smarts and talent to eventually study inside the city-state of Ul'dah, where she became an alchemist and eventually met Nico. Underneath her quiet and serious demeanor is a woman fraught with anger issues, and when she explodes, nobody is safe from the fallout. She constantly worries she's too stern with those she loves. NPC.
Ezra Refure, brother. ()
Character's Thoughts: "."
The middle child of the family, Ezra is also an angry individual. He just doesn't handle it with tact like his mother. He's nearly always in an openly sour mood and doesn't have many friends. Currently, he's also involved in finances for a living like his father, but absolutely hates it. He holds a grudge against Lev based on various childhood grievances, so even as an adult, he still hasn't really grown up. He sees himself under the shadow of his brother. NPC.
Jorunn Refure, sister. ()
Character's Thoughts: "."
The youngest and the only girl. She's somehow the only well-adjusted Refure child and also plans on going into conjuring studies when she's of age, partially because she hopes she can find Lev's whereabouts. She's known for being very stylish, with her look changing all the time. Ezra is her favorite punching bag, and the fact he hates being teased only makes it easier. NPC.
Margaux de Roxienne, employer. ( ★$ )
Character's Thoughts: "."
Levenin's employer of sorts. She's the baroness and current head of House Roxienne, a minor noble family in Ishgard. After making him a ward, she's been the one to fund his studies at the Astrologicum while also sending him about Eorzea to gather information based on her every whim. She aims to bring Ishgard and the other city-states closer together by fostering an exchange of knowledge, and by inviting people into the previously isolated city. NPC.
Name, Relation. ( symbols )
Character's Thoughts: ”.”
Insert stuff here.



Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
“Be patient when talking to him. He has a bit of a stutter.” - Apprentice Astrologian
“Don’t look too hard, but I’ve seen a tarantula crawling around on his shoulders. He talks to it like a man would talk to his dog.” - Ul'dahn Guardsman
“He speaks a language that I hadn't heard anywhere else in Eorzea, at least until I heard the Doman refugees speaking it too.” - Spry Sailor
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"I've seen him healing his arms every now and then. I have no clue how he gets them scratched up all the time." - House de Roxienne Retainer
"I spied it once when I accidentally walked into his tent-- a nasty-looking scar on his back. Probably from a blade. Not sure how a medic would get something like that." - Meandering Maiden
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"I caught him shagging that Miqo'te girl they hired as a scout the other day. Right behind the partitions where they treat for injuries. Didn't think the lad had it in him." - Awe-struck Archer
"One time, I followed him after he excused himself suddenly, just out of curiosity. Poor man was shaking and trembling, acting like he was gasping for air. I feel like I shouldn't have seen it." - Penitent Pathfinder


Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"Rumor." — Rumormonger.



Player Note
Lev isn’t part of an FC yet! If you're looking for my Tumblr blog, I have an FFXIV only blog here, where I post all of my screencaps, memes, etc. Lev’s specific tag is here. My Twitter is @nama_llama
Personal RP Limits
I will play Mature themes (sexual, crime, etc.), travel, shenanigans, world building, socializing, slice of life, romance, friendship, business deals, quests, AUs-- I'm open to most anything!
I won't play Rape plots, serious bodily harm/injury without a significant character development reason, random/gratuitous ERP, BDSM (I'm really not into it), obscure/weird/gross fetishes, romance plots with anyone under age 18. Please ask if unsure.
Discord is best, since I’m usually at work during the day. When I’m logged into XIV, I’m probably catching up an alt on MSQ or raiding on my main (mostly applies when new patches drop). You won’t really find Lev just hanging around town unless we’re specifically supposed to meet up somewhere.

Contact me at namaisthewonder#3153 (though say who you are, or how you found me first!). I work nights Wed-Sun. I’m on CST time and am up pretty late, so anyone else who runs on the midnight oil would be a good fit! Mature RP is totally welcome, but I prefer my partners to be 18 or older regardless of content we play. I’m welcome to both in-game and Discord RP.

I want more long term RP over casual, so I keep the number of active RP partners I have at any given time to a small number, especially since I do RP on two characters now.


Potential Plot Hooks
Hooks aren't limited to these and will likely be updated in the future. Please ask about stuff if you're curious! I’m a shameless shipping whore and am up for finding a match for Lev.
Astromancy: Levenin hasn’t encountered too many other astrologians who aren't native Ishgardians (or the rare Sharlayan) during his travels. He’s always happy to meet a fellow star reader, especially if they're a foreign outsider to the art like he is. For anyone seeking to know their futures, Lev can do readings for them (to various degrees of accuracy), as well as tracking via the stars. If your character is looking for something (an item, a person, love, fortune, etc.), they might find him useful.
Traveling: Lev used to essentially live on the road, usually making temporary homes in the comfort of an inn or a campsite when gil ran empty. Even now, he has no permanent home, save for a loft he's allowed to use as part of his service to a minor noble house in Ishgard. However, he could probably be convinced to take a job outside of the city, as it's how he makes that extra few gil to potentially save for a more homey abode. Bonus points if there’s a reason for him to leave Aldenard altogether, especially since he’s never been out Far East, and he'd have interest in visiting the land of his heritage. Lev would love to discover more about Coerthas and Dravania, since he's had little chance to explore both regions.
Work: This goes hand in hand with the former bullet point. Does your character have a job for him? Healing? Fortune telling? Pretending he’s your boyfriend so your family will stop asking you when you’re going to settle down? Lev can be convinced into doing damn near anything, so long as the gil is worth it. A man has to eat, after all. Perhaps your character is his newest client who will give him an excuse to go somewhere warm for a while.
Casual Encounters: Lev is a hopeless romantic, but often has rather horrible luck with holding down a relationship. He falls for others easily. This can backfire (and often does), as encounters are quick, fleeting, and frequent. His one long-term relationship ended up with him abused (part of the reason he ultimately left Coerthas the first time). A stable relationship where he can learn to trust and not feel like he has to meet a minimum benchmark to be “worthy” would do wonders for his self esteem. This doesn’t have to be limited to romance at all, either! Since he used to travel so often, keeping in contact with friends was difficult and he has yet to bond with anyone in the Astrologicum. He could definitely use a few buddies.
Character Lore Adherence
I like to adhere to lore as much as possible, so if your character plays too freely with it, it might be a dealbreaker. That said, when it comes to backstory or events of the past in the XIV timeline, I play a lot more loose with the lore there. I'm not the best with dates or timelines, so I totally understand letting that stuff be more open. This also applies to places on the map we haven't explored yet (i.e. Thavnair, Ivalice, and Garlemald). Until we get more concrete lore for that, I'm totally into imagining what it might be like to live somewhere, ethnicities/cultural inspirations, etc.

Basically, as long as your character doesn't feel like a stereotype out of a shonen anime, we'll probably be fine.

Name Levenin Refure
Alias Lev, Nin (by family)
Race/Clan Hyur Midlander
Age  24 years
Deity Thaliak, the Scholar
Citizenship Ul’dah, currently living abroad in Ishgard
Occupation Medic, assistant/student at the Athenaeum Astrologicum
Orientation Bisexual
Relationship Status Single
Server Balmung (CST)
Alignment Neutral Good
Traits Polite, soft-spoken, anxious, selfless, knowledge-seeker, idealistic
Flaws Cowardly, no backbone, socially awkward, prone to panic attacks, low self esteem

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