Arro Caine

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Arro Caine
Gender Male
Race Hyur?
Clan Midlander?
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Server Mateus
Place of Birth ???
Guardian Thaliak, The Scholar
Nameday 17th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon (Age: Twenty and Five Summers?)
Marital Status Single/Complicated
Occupation Academic, Explorer, Romantic
Pronunciation är-rō kəin


Height: 5 Fulms, 9 Ilms

Weight: 133 Ponzes

Complexion: Light Olive

Hair: Othard Blue

Eyes: Ice Blue

Voice: Modulated, Honeyed. Mid-tone range.

Clothing Style: Anything formal/Semi-formal that speaks of culture. Favors blacks, deep reds, and dark colors. Always wears heels of a height of at least 2 Ilms.

Laterality: Ambidextrous

Orientation: Pansexual, Female preference

Alignment: Neutral

Basic Info

"Since we are constantly creating our own reality, the least we can do is start being observant of what we are creating." —Unknown

A mystery at best, Arro Caine can be highly frustrating or entertaining to know; depending on one's tastes and how they suffer his love for seeming thrill-seeking and apparent arrogance. It's easy to call him just another bookworm in a more mundane setting though as he is constantly reading unless otherwise engaged.


Where Arro Caine hails from originally may yet rival some of the mysterious collapses of prior civilizations. What is known is that he appeared in Limas Lominsa some time prior to Dalamud's fall and quickly ingratiated himself with the Arcanist's Guild and Mealvaan's Gate besides. Showing fantastic competency for arcanima and the calculations derived thereof, he was quickly asked to assist as Assessor. Taking on the role of Assessor for some time, having sensed something that only he seemed to find meaning in, Arro has since retired from being an Assessor some five summers since the Calamity, though he does assist still on occasion. He also helps funding the Arcanist's Guild through his frequent publishings, though they tend to run far more scientific in nature than Aetherial despite his demonstrated knowledge on Aetherflows. Currently, he is often found on what he cites as "Field work" despite his frequent affirmations of not being a "Field Man", which seems to be categorically experiencing all of Eorzea that's able to be experienced. He also seems to be tracing the Warrior of Light's work, though at far too casual of a pace to ever meet such a busy person. Recently he has moved his research heavily into Coerthas and can be found partaking in the generous hospitality from The First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena thanks to making himself useful to the House Durendaire Knights stationed there and generally unsettling everyone with just how little he is bothered by the intense cold.


Studious, confident, and reserved might describe the Researcher Arro Caine. A great many will also cite arrogant and nosy as very fitting descriptors. He has also been accused of being a manwhore on at least one occasion at The Drowning Wench. During his work as an Assessor he was gentle but exacting, allowing for few misplaced items and deducing smuggling attempts with just enough frequency to avoid being noticeable. Bothered by very little, Arro can upset many who wish to take him to task when they find his words and innocent needling too much, and though he will frequently claim he is not a Field Man, he wields arcanima to devastating effect. Hence his confidence, though he has suffered the odd catastrophe or two, such as a tussle with the Lord of Crags that left him clamoring on the edge of the arena for the latter portion of a duel that his research team had to pick up the slack on. He values little in the way of personal space outside what he must give to be respectful once close to someone, and is the most shameless sort of flirt, a part of why the accusation of manwhore landed upon him. It is not something that he denies, rather instead spinning it into something that while many may call it a cavalier lifestyle; he cites that one should play as hard as they work. He likes to ask the questions of another person and will dance around answers constantly or outright avoid them when asked questions regarding himself or his origins. Out with company, it's not uncommon for Arro to affect a teaching or mentoring air while he's speaking as he genuinely loves knowledge and spreading it, hence his great love for books, and he does enjoy a good debate. He is also of a constantly good temperament, which some people also seem to find grating on occasion, but he pays such things very little mind as his endless optimism seems irrepressible and it shows as he will make light of a terrible situation whenever possible.


  • Arro is a member of the Arcanist's Guild.
  • Arro works with Y'mhitra (discreetly) on her Summoner research to aid the person she has given the Soul Stone to, a don't ask, don't tell partnership.
  • Arro has become an ally of the U Tribe in Southern Thanalan.
  • Arro has also been asked to limit his trips to their bathing spring to once per visit to the U Tribe due to the interference it causes.

Other Notes

Contact Enno#7961 on Discord(Likely will not answer immediately) for plotting or RP. Currently seeking light/medium RP to establish character more firmly and am willing to help others do the same.

What Arro is looking for are people to explore locales and dungeons with him, help advance his research regarding the various usages of aether by Eorzea, such as the differing ways that Conjury, Thaumaturgy, and Arcanima utilize aether for their various effects. He's also hoping for tutors on both Lancework and Archery. What he is not looking for however is a permanent romantic relationship, sadly. He would be willing to take partners for on/off circumstance or moments of convenience should both parties agree. Primarily he's looking for friends that will tolerate him and his persistent nature to know everything about them.

Possible Hooks:

Arro frequents dungeons and the Palace of The Dead for field research on the structures and the creatures that dwell within. It's likely he's asked to tag along with a group or hired a group to explore on at least one occasion.

He's often in Limsa Lominsa turning in findings to the Arcanist's Guild and browsing the shops for books.

The U Tribe in Southern Thanalan is a place he visits with surprising frequency, check the bathing springs first.

Y'mhitra is found at Apkallu Falls in Old Gridania, Arro can be found there comparing notes with her, preparing to do so either in the Carline Canopy, or taking a respite by walking around town.

In Ul'dah; Arro is either in the Sapphire Avenue Exchange, or frequently in front of the Quicksand, perhaps reading or people-watching.

Arro can also be found more recently at The First Dicasterial Observatorium of Aetherial and Astrological Phenomena in Coerthas, trying to barter for some fleeting glimpse at the stores of knowledge or being essentially a fetch-man for the Durendaire Knights that they might allow him to persist in staying there.

Given that he is a tremendous flirt; it's not surprising at all for him to seek a companion for the evening wherever he decides to lay his head for the night, and even more unlikely for him to refuse unless he has pressing business.