Kiht'a Nbolo

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 Kiht'a Nbolo
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Age 25
Height 5 Fulms 7 ilms
Weight 165 ponz
Sexuality Heterosexual
Alignment Neutral


Height: 5'7" ulms
Weight: 175 ponz.
Hair Color: Light purple with lighter purple streaks
Hair Style: Shoulder-length
Eye Color: Red
Skintone: Dark


Kiht'a is typically somewhat distant and detached, perhaps especially toward miqo'te women, though underneath this exterior, there is a kind heart. He does his best to keep this aspect of himself hidden while around most others; and presents himself as the ever polite, demure servant; albeit a little cheeky at times.

Kiht'a is actually fairly passionate about his studies and takes them extremely seriously, to the point that interference may incur his anger. He can be cold toward people who are disrespectful toward magic. Comparatively, he will almost instantly warm up to someone who is interested in magic in any capacity.


Kiht'a practices tarot, albeit the non-magical variety. He can be pressed into tarot readings on occasion. He has been traveling to learn more about magic, always eager to study more.