Suwan Buwan

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Sharlayan.jpg Suwan B. Mindwalker
Gender Male
Race Chimerical Hume
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Sharlayan
Affiliation Astral Advent (Current), Astral Agents (Former)
Title Occult Curioso Owner (Current), OSD Headmaster (Former)
In-Game Name Strange Mage

Character Overview

Raised and adopted by an elemental mage, Suwan grew up as a child magick prodigy. He has an innate ability to store vast amounts of Aether in his body. After his adoptive father's untimely death he left the elemental mages and sought out more mystical knowledge. He studied various known magick disciplines across the known land to try and find the right magick to bring his father back to life.

Suwan as an adult fell in love with a gunslinger who led him to join an Agency of sellswords who at the time were looking for mystical artifacts. Suwan’s unique psychic abilities helped the Agency and was offered a position. Quickly Suwan went up the ranks and found himself leading a group of eccentric mages who focused on missions dealing with the supernatural. His base of operations was/is his magick shop; the Occult Curioso.

As Suwan’s quest for finding the ritual to raise his father from the dead continued, Suwan found himself practicing forbidden Time Magick. This would lead Suwan to offering his adult age as a boon to a time god. For a time Suwan would revert between being a teenager, grown man, to a pre-teen and even a child. Eventually Suwan would meet his lost siblings that helped him stabilize his temporal age to that of a teenager.

Suwan now works less with the Agency as he started his own private practice as a Mage Detective and Occult Consultant to the public. Every now and then Suwan would help out the Agency if there was a mystical threat his unique abilities and magick could help with.

Most recently, Suwan has been giving lectures on theoretical Astromantic Magick that focuses on the Collective Unconsciousness at the symposium held by the Athenaeum Astrologicum in the northern nations.


Suwan is extremely intelligent and is analytical at his core. He has strong deductive skills. Logic motivates his actions and he enjoys solving problems. His intellect has enabled him to excel in the study of various Magick arts and a mixture of Science. He spends his free time reading mystical tomes and tinkering with various gadgets. He often travels to the Skysteel Manufactory and Athenaeum Astrologicum to keep current with the latest findings in those fields. His grasp of assorted Magick and Scientific techniques have helped him create OSD Talismans, Recording Crystals/Orbs and modified Astromantic Weaponry.

Suwan has a stylish proper demeanor about him. He comes off very polished, friendly and approachable. Suwan use to rely too heavily on Magick to solve all his problems. He was impulsive and sometimes acted on self-interest. Recently he has shown more self control over his Magick and greater respect for the natural order of things.


Suwan has studied several forms of Magick through the years and he constantly reads Magick textbooks to bolster his knowledge. Suwan draws his Magick power from three sources: the invocation of powerful Deities, the manipulation of celestial aetheric energies, and his own psychic resources.


Astrologian Cards

  • By invoking specific Gods/Goddesses and tapping into the power of the Six Heavens and Hells, Suwan can perform various augmentations and hexes. He uses his Divining Deck as a Focus for these spells.
    • The Balance Card: increase damage dealt.
    • Inverted Balance Card: decrease damage dealt.
    • The Bole Card: reduce damage taken.
    • Inverted Bole Card: increase damage taken.
    • The Arrow Card: increase attack speed and movement.
    • Inverted Arrow Card: decrease attack speed and movement.
      • Suwan uses the Arrow Card to amplify his Psychic locating ability.
      • Suwan has used the Arrow Card various times to amplify his Locator Spells due to the blessings of Llymlae.
    • The Spear Card: increases critical damage.
    • Inverted Spear Card: decreases critical damage.
    • The Spire Card: restores Stamina.
    • Inverted Spire Care: drains Stamina.
    • The Ewer Card: restores Aether.
    • Inverted Ewer Card: drains Aether.
      • Suwan has used the Ewer Card for various Mana Restoration Spells on other Magick users, most notably Lottie Forsaidh and Reks Blanc.
      • Suwan has used an Inverted Ewer Card on a Godlike Rysswilf. He siphoned the Divine Aether from Rysswilf and converted the Aether to bolster his own Magick spells. The Hex also set Rysswilf to his last threshold and fell from the sky.


Suwan needs to vocally chant his spells for them to have an effect. They can be long incantations and some require complicated hand gestures. Should he be gagged or bound he will be unable to cast. Suwan also needs the Divining Cards, Form Cards to cast his Augmentation/Hex Spells and equip Forms.


  • Suwan can sense/read thoughts and feelings of others. He sometimes has a hard time with large crowds due to the influx of impressions. Physical touch increases the connection. There is Psychic feedback when Suwan is being intimate with a lover. Suwan shares a Psychic rapport with his identical brothers, if they are harmed so will Suwan.
  • Locator and Detection
    • Suwan can sense most Spells if they are not hidden.
    • Suwan can tap into the Collective Unconscious to locate missing people. He was able to find his brothers this way. He amplifies this skill with the Arrow Card or the large Crystal in the Occult Curioso.
    • Suwan can see Auras around people and can tell their moods based on the colors. He wears sunglasses to diminish this effect.
  • Mind Links: Suwan can create Mind Links between himself and others. Suwan uses psychic communication heavily during missions to relay covert information. Suwan was able to Link the minds of 8 Agents at a Masquerade ball and also perform remote telepathy with Mikha Sunthistle who was across the continent without mental strain.
  • Memory Alteration: Suwan has erased Iyrnisil Aerstmerlsyn's memory of a demon attacking him and the events of an entire evening. Suwan was also able to restore the loss memory later. Suwan does not like to do this to others.
  • Mind Walk: Suwan has entered the minds of several people to aid them. Most notable was Suwan Mind Walking Sarij Rahzersyn's, wherein he spoke to Sarij's darkness inside his subconscious. More recently, Suwan used his Magick and Psychic abilities to help realign Sergei Harlenk’s damaged Aether channels. The two shared a deep rapport as they experiences memories from their past.
  • Mind Control: Suwan has forced an enemy to vomit and urinate by tapping into his bodily functions. Suwan has also induced sleep on several occasions.
  • Psionic Barriers: Suwan can cast Psychic shields to block psychic attacks and mental intrusions.
  • Psychic Healing: Suwan spent several nights mending Caleb Agron's mind back together. Caleb was captured by enemies who brutalized him physically and mentally. Suwan was tasked by Sarij to help heal Caleb's mind. Caleb was in a catatonic state and with Suwan's psionic abilities was able to help him recover from the mental trauma.

Suwan manipulates Fate by drawing on Celestial Aether. This allows him to manipulate space, time and probability.

Temporal Manipulation

  • Suwan can accelerate, slow and stop time to a degree.
  • Suwan has used Time Magick to alter his physical age thrice.
  • Suwan has traveled to 1 possible Alternate future timeline. He came back to the present timeline using his own power.
  • Suwan has displayed his Time Magick by slowing down time to halt large debris from slamming into Agents. The spell was large scale and Suwan needed to maintain the spell by being in a trance like state. After the Time Spell's duration ended Suwan had white patches in his hair.
  • Suwan has used Time Magick to STOP Rysswilf from attacking Agents. However the Time Spell had no effect on the God's eyes.
Suwan using Time Stop on Rysswilf's Shade.
  • Suwan has learned the payment for using forbidden Time Magick. Using large scale Time spells has caused Suwan to become elderly, revert to a teenager twice and recently turn into a child. Althyk restored Suwan to his true age and form after deep prayer. Suwan now visits the Keeper’s Stone every Moon. Recently Suwan has returned to the Agency as a teenager again.
  • Temporal Healing: Suwan heals by rewinding time to erase sustained damage from existence. (Regression of the target's state of health before damage was incurred.)
    • Suwan also heals by accelerating time to cause a rapid regenerative healing of the damage. (Accelerating the target's own healing factor.)
    • Suwan can also remove detrimental effects by rewinding the target's temporal state before the effect was cast. Suwan can also extend the duration of effects by manipulating Time.
  • Teleportation: By manipulating space-time Suwan can teleport himself and others. Suwan has Teleported large groups without much stress. If Suwan has been to a location he can Teleport there without use of an Aetheryte. Visually Suwan's teleportation is described as a dazzle of starlight.
    • Suwan recently showed the ability to create Portals. They have the appearance of a large bright ball of light made up of starlight, one must simply walk into the light to be Teleported away. Suwan found this method of teleportation less straining on his Magicks since he needed to teleport over 12 agents to Azys Lla.

Gravity Manipulation

  • Suwan can move objects by controlling the gravity around them.
  • Suwan’s control over Gravity has granted him Levitation.
  • Suwan can create Gravity Fields and offensively crush, lift or repel enemies.
  • Suwan has used Gravity Magick to suspend attackers in midair. Most notable use of this was when Ulfarr was being mentally controlled to attack Suwan. Suwan held his hand up and Ulfarr simply stopped in the middle of the air unable to move.

Aether Manipulation

Suwan casting a containment Spell.
  • Physiology: Due to Suwan's Chimerical Physiology he is able to store near limitless amounts of Aether within him. His body rapidly converts Ambient Aether to be used. Suwan's eyes glow white when he is converting and summoning forth Aether. Usually when performing high levels of Magick. Suwan is very attuned to Celestial Aether. He has said on multiple occasion “I can hear the song of the stars.” In fact when he was trapped inside Haukke Manor he found the song fading as he went deeper into the Manor. When Suwan is in close proximity with his brothers all their powers and skills increase. When the brothers touch their eyes glow white and massive amounts of Aether is released.
  • Throwing Cards: Suwan charges blank Divining Cards with raw Celestial Aether and throws them at enemies, they explode on impact.
  • Energy Projection: Suwan can throw bolts of Starlight Aether at enemies from his hands.
  • Barriers: Suwan can cast multiple Astromantic Fields of various sizes to protect from magical, physical and energy based attacks. The Fields are generated by tapping into the power of the Nocturnal Sect.
    • Offensively Suwan can generate Astromantic Fields inside objects and expand the Field so that the object explodes.
    • Suwan contained four bomb explosions inside Astromantic Fields to contain the blast damage.
    • Suwan's Fields seem susceptible to Time Magick. When Rysswilf cast a global Time Spell, Suwan's Fields held for only a moment before shattering.
    • Suwan uses the Bole Card to amplify his Astromantic Fields strength.


  • OSD Talisman: A metallic circular Mystical device that Suwan created. They function similar to Link Pearls and are used for long range communication between the OSD Agents. The Talismans do not use sound vibrations, it taps into the Collective Unconscious and simulates Telepathy to user who do not have such abilities, the Talisman projects thoughts. The Talisman does not function if it is not on one's person. The Talisman has been known to pick up stray thoughts. Suwan gives these Talismans to all OSD members and potential future members. Suwan can power down Talisman's remotely.
  • Owl Goggles: A device that Suwan uses to amplify his Detection abilities. Suwan uses the Goggles to analyze Aetheric energy levels and trace signatures. Suwan's most notable use of the Goggles was during a mission where a Mystical Dome appeared around an Ishgardian Fortress. Suwan was able to discern the nature of the Mystical Dome and help coordinate Agents to bring it down. During combat Suwan will wear the Goggles and analyze the enemies and give data about their power levels.
  • Recording Node: Suwan has a spherical device that follows him around. Suwan presses a button on his jacket to summon the device. The orb is a recording device. It records both visual and vocal. Suwan uses the Node heavily during Contracts to help analyze data and record the surroundings.
  • Image Crystals: Suwan can transfer the data gathered by his Recording Node into Image Crystals. The Crystals project images like a projector. Suwan uses these Crystals to give visual accounts of Contracts and Missions and can be faster to convey information if there was no time to write a Summary Report.

The Occult Curioso


The Occult Curioso is a Magick Shop run by the Mindwalker family. The shop sells various elixirs, mystical books and offers divination readings to the general public.

The Magick Shop is actually a facade to the entrance of a mystically Hidden Tower, named the Curioso Tower. The Tower is bound to the Mindwalker bloodline. Suwan B. Mindwalker is the current Master of the Tower. Suwan has commanded the Tower to be a welcome safe haven for mages and worthy guests. The Tower is a safe place for mages to practice Magick and learn how to discover and control their abilities.

The Curioso Tower is also the base of operations for the Mindwalker family’s crusade against the Circle of Anterus.


Originally The Occult Curioso was a Magick Shop owned and operated by Suwan Buwan Mindwalker. The small shop was part of the Astral Agent’s Estate housed in chamber 32.

The shop later became the base of operations for the Astral Agency’s Occult Sub Department. The OSD conducted mission based Contracts that dealt with supernatural and otherworldly threats to the public. Eventually the Magick Shop became a unspoken safe haven for Void afflicted individuals and extradimensional refugees.

Prior to the destruction of that Astral Agent’s Estate during an attack by a God like being, Suwan used his Magicks to teleport the shop away to safety. The shop was lost in the aetherial sea for many moons. With the combined efforts of Suwan and his siblings they were able to locate it and reclaim the shop.


The Occult Curioso Magick shop is located in Ishgard. The actual Curioso Tower floats in between space and time.


Only those with Talismans or Mindwalker blood can enter the Curioso Tower through a Magicked Rift in the Magick Shop.

The Tower is an ancient Sharlayan building that is a family heirloom of the Mindwalker family. The Tower was created and powered by generations of Magick.

The Curioso Tower has strange extra-dimensional rooms that defy physics. The rooms seem to magically change to the desire of any who’s blood is of the Mindwalker line.

There is a fully functional aetheric laboratory, a goldsmith room, a weapons chamber, a vault full of mystical artifacts, a vast library of Magick Tomes, a residence area and a cave like steam room. None know how many rooms there actually are.