Sarnai Malaguld

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Sarnai Malaguld is a warrior hailing from the Far East - born and raised on the wild steppes of Azim and the Ryakgyr Peninsula. Though she has traveled far through her life she still strongly identifies as a tribal raen, no matter what she is forced to become to adapt to the situations she finds herself in. She wields a bow and sword with a well-practiced air, more at home in the wilds than in a city.

Her life has lead her to many places, seen her fill many roles - from a tiny spitfire hefting her father's sword against imaginary enemies, to a lone huntress on the wild steppe, to a fugitive in foreign lands. From a penniless vagrant washing up on La Noscean shores, to a Storm recruit, to a haggard mercenary. Perhaps to something more, still..

Not too long ago, Sarnai's life took a turn for the inconvenient. No longer in the employ of the Maelstrom, she lost her purpose and found herself falling back into the role of a wandering mercenary to keep her coinpurse weighted. Perhaps she's simply grown used to being told what to do and no longer remembers what it is like to be truly free. She haunts the streets of sprawling cities foreign to her, dogged wherever she goes by the furtive whispering of a strange etched stone she carries close to her heart...

Finding her own path has not been as simple as seeking a new calling and making a few friends, however. While she's taking some steps to try and better herself as a person and remedy some of her more glaring flaws, some startling revelations and unpleasant realities have made themselves clear to the woman. She suffers a deep sense of conflict and confusion, wondering just what this is all FOR, and if it really is wise to allow herself to go soft instead of being brutally tempered once more into a weapon without feeling. Her old goals and dreams, are they just foolish delusions of a life long since abandoned? Her new, secret hopes and desires, will they simply lead to self-destruction and losing everything she's so tentatively allowed herself to care about? How can she reach for such things, when she doesn't know how to hold anything without tearing it apart in her claws?

Ain't nobody out of the woods yet.


A keen eye may notice...
She smells like a mixture of ashes and styptics. Maybe with a hint of cinnamon?
She fidgets often with her scarf. She doesn't seem to ever take it off, even indoors or in hot locales.
Aside from the ash on her face, she looks clean, but scruffy... And absolutely armed to the teeth. There's no less than two knives on her at all times, regardless of what else she's carrying.
Her armor is deceptively well-made, but even her fanciest garb looks well-worn and roughed up. Perhaps she's on hard times.
[Medically Adept] The scars that Sarnai bears on her throat and torso clearly resulted from grevious injury. There is no way someone could have sustained an injury that deep without several vital arteries, organs and nerves being damaged. How is she still alive?
[Aether-Sensitive] Something's seriously wrong with Sarnai. Her anima is almost undetectable - it's like she's barely more than a corpse... And yet she walks, and breathes. Something she's carrying on her person seems to be radiating a vast amount of aether, though.. Perhaps it holds a clue?
[Dark Knight] There's a strange sort of energy about her. Familiar, but muted - another path-walker, perhaps?
[Xaela] Her face paint looks suspiciously like a mark of exile. But such a mark of shame would usually be scarred or tattooed onto an outcast.. Why would she wear it willingly? She can't possibly not know what it means, if she herself is indeed a tribal.

Sarnai is largely monochromatic in color. Every hair, scale and feature on her body is a uniform ivory-white, from her thick eyelashes to her short-but-sharp claws. Her skin is very pale, with only the slightest tinge of pink added from much time in the sun. Deep crimson eyes offer the only spark of color.

Sarnai is built taller and a little broader than most auri females - still somewhat shorter than a hyur, but much more solid. She is quite lean, but otherwise packed with functional muscle. There is no mistaking her build for anything other than the body of a warrior. There is the suggestion of natural curves to her form, but she would seem to be a bit too underfed and haggard to give them prominence. All in all, she is built much like a steppe tiger - solid, sleek, and powerful. Smeared across the centre of Sarnai's face is a grey blazon much like a cross or the hilt of a sword. Parts of it frequently rub off into her bangs, leaving them stained grey. From the burned scent, it seems to be mostly made of ash, and is quite water soluable. She is rarely seen without it, and protests at its removal - there is clearly some significance. Her horns are diamond-shaped in cross-section, and though they are quite substantial looking and come down to formidable points, they are not significantly less delicate than any other au ra's horns. Her right horn has a sizeable notch towards the upper point. Sarnai's tail is long and slender, terminating in two sets of barbs and a spaded tip. It is long enough that the tip may drag on the ground if she does not carry it properly, and is prone to expressive fits of movement and gesture.

Sarnai's scale patterns are slightly unusual, with very few present on her limbs and torso. The patterning on her dorsal stripe is particularly ornate and spreads across the entirety of her shoulderblades, stretching from the base of her neck to the base of her tail. More notable than her pale scales however, would perhaps be the scars that ravage the plane of her skin. Most are small and superficial in appearance, faded slices and nicks that may have come from sparring or swordplay, but there are two specifically of note that draw the eye immediately when exposed, for their particularly jarring appearance.

From the outside of Sarnai's left thigh to her right bicep, a deep, angry-red scar stands in stark contrast to her pale skin. From the way it wraps around the curvature of her body it is hard to believe the warrior survived. It looks as if she has almost been cut in two, if not all the way through. And encircling her throat, a similar bizarrely awful scar - this one looks almost like a deep seam between her scales, though the purple-pink of scarred tissue is unmistakeable. Both scars look as if they should have resulted from fatal injuries, and both have clearly left major weaknesses. Their prescence - and the fact Sarnai is still walking around quite the thing - suggests they're quite old, and yet they somehow don't look like they've entirely healed over properly. These scars are not normally visible under Sarnai's usual attire, her neck scar being concealed by a scarf she almost never removes, and her torso scars by her usual attire.

Aside from the paint on her face, Sarnai usually keeps herself and her gear as clean as possible. Visible wear and tear usually means something is wrong. In particular, she cares for her weapons obsessively - if something's wrong with her sword, something is VERY wrong with Sarnai.

Clothing - Sarnai prefers to wear practical clothing, with an inclination to things she can conceal some kind of protection into. High boots, loose shirts and leggings are her usual preferance for casual wear. She dresses for what she expects to deal with - as much as she prefers to wear medium-light clothing, she is also known to don a full suit of plate and chain when she's "working".

She tends to favor reds, greys, and browns in her wardrobe, but doesn't seem to have a strong preferance for color as long as it doesn't make her stand out too much. Sarnai doesn't adorn herself with any kind of jewellery aside from her neckscarf - and only that because it serves a practical purpose. This doesn't mean she doesn't LIKE shiny things, but she'd rather look at them on other people than herself, because shiny draws attention and Sarnai prefers the ability to lurk when she pleases.

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Coastal areas. Sarnai hails from Ryakgyr Peninsula, and spent much of her earlier years stalking the Bay of Yanxia. The sound of the sea reminds her of home, and the rolling shoreside plains that she once ran amok in as a tiny child.
Alcohol. Literally anything will do. She gets drunk very quickly, and uses it as a crutch in social settings as otherwise she is frequently too anxious to interact with others.
Herbal Teas. A taste aqcuired from her time spent with an old woman in Yanxia. She clings to the woman's words in times of restlessness, when she digs out her teapot - "It's all about the ritual. It soothes the soul."
Music. Most people like some form of music, but Sarnai is entranced by skilled use of instruments of any kind. She finds melody immensely soothing. Not sure if Sarnai's nearby? Play a flute or sing. She'll scurry out of the woodwork immediately.
Crafting. Sarnai is TERRIBLE at making delicate things. She's barely capable of sewing in a straight line. But she does greatly enjoy the calm that comes with simply making something, or more realistically - watching others craft.
Horses. Upon her fourth year of service to the Maelstrom, Sarnai was overjoyed to be presented with her own bay gelding, complete with blazoned barding. She named him Temur, and loves him dearly. Horses are something she has ridden ever since she was small, and few things make her as happy as simply racing across the countryside astride his back.
Au Ra. Sarnai was already half-grown by the first time she ever saw another race. She doesn't quite... "get" eorzean races and feels far more comfortable in the prescence of other Au Ra. Particularly Xaela. Particularly Xaela males. Not that she'd ever admit such a thing of course.
Friendly "Competition". Though very much adverse to inflicting actual harm on people whenever avoidable, Sarnai does enjoy a good locking of horns. She enjoys throwing down with those she's familiar with, viewing sparring as play and a means to get someone's measure more than an outlet of violence. She isn't generally interested in a fight with someone she deems weak, however - so being challenged by Sarnai is something of a compliment.


Ships. Sarnai gets mildly claustrophobic in tight quarters. When those tight quarters roll around and creak horribly in the grip of a storm... It doesn't help she's prone to seasickness. Truly, her trip to Eorzea was a miserable one.
Chocobos.Though she has since come to understand they're not in fact apex predators in the slightest, Sarnai still finds herself somewhat uneasy around them. Until she travelled to Eorzea, she had never encountered such a creature and refused to believe anything with such a solid beak was a herbivore.
Teleportation. One would think it's a wonderful thing to be able to attune and slip through aetherytes at will, but though Sarnai has the capability to make sizable journeys she lacks the inclination. Whenever she teleports, she invariably arrives at her destination feeling quite sick, with a strange ache in her scars. For this reason, she prefers to ride or walk.
Needless violence. Perhaps a strange one, given Sarnai's status as a mercenary and her willingness to get involved in action. But, despite how she often contadicts herself, it's the truth. Killing to survive, killing for sport, killing on command - she's done a lot of killing, but she finds no satisfaction in it and would much rather while away her hours in peace. But, she is also well aware she has few skills outside of combat or hunting, and so she is frequently forced into violence nonetheless. She's not happy about it. Well... She doesn't mind spirited dueling or sparring - she is Xaela-raised, after all. But she is very much adverse to killing or inflicting unnessecary pain on others.
Magic. Though she begrudgingly accepts its usefulness and automatically respects healers and conjurers, Sarnai inwardly nurses a distrust for mages as a whole and believes magic to be tools of the weak. There is a certain sense of irony to this... Not that she herself is aware.
Being Cornered. There aren't many things that will turn Sarnai vicious - she is generally quite amicable. However, getting in her space and not allowing her to regain it, or blocking her escape routes, are risky moves.
Physical contact. Paradoxially, she both craves and fears affection. The average punter in neutral standing would be safer petting a wild animal than touching Sarnai in any way. A good friend may find she melts, and then growls about it later because she totally didn't actually enjoy it and she was just distracted or something. Of course, if the gesture isn't a friendly one, you are much more likely to encounter a hostile response.


Herbalism. Though she is but a fledgeling herbalist, she is very familiar with identifying regional flora. So far, she hasn't actually learned how to do much more than make teas and poultices, but she enjoys picking (and eating) flowers anyway.
Gardening. A quick snoop around Sarnai's apartment would reveal potted plants and vases of flowers on just about every surface. Though they have a disconcerting tendancy to die when she's in their prescence for long periods of time, she finds being surrounded by wildflowers and herbs immensely soothing and wishes she had a garden to properly tend.
The Lute. Sarnai loves music - once upon a time, she met a Qalli man who showed her that everyone had a song inside them. While she struggles to get hers out, she still enjoys the attempt and often abuses a battered old lute when she needs something to focus on or help her calm down. She can occasionally be persuaded to bring out her lute in public or caught playing to herself in secluded areas.
Hunting. Whether with the traditional bow or her own take with the sword, Sarnai is skilled at tracking and bringing down game. She often spends many days in the wilderness seeking prey at the request of merchants or harassed farmers. She feels at peace when out in the wilds, as if she was a beast herself.
Cartography. She's a consumate traveller and loves maps. She might not be able to READ what's on them, rather limiting their usefulness, but she likes to chart her own and explore those set by others.


Swordsmanship. As a child, she trained with her elders. As an adolescent, she trained with wild beasts. As an adult, she trained with seasoned soldiers. From the greatsword to the shortsword, she's tried them all, though her specialty is a balanced style utilizing a Zweihander.
Archery. Sarnai is a good shot with the bow, and is patient enough to lie in wait for long periods of time. Though she much prefers felling game to men, she is quite capable of doing either from some distance away.
Fieldcraft. Naturally. What steppe-born soul doesn't know basic survival skills? Sarnai's skills however, go far beyond what most would ever deem nessecary to learn, and for good reason. She is at home in the wilderness with absolutely nothing as any other wild beast. The only place where she notably falls short is in desert climates - with which she has had little experience.
Even-tempered. Though she speaks like a ruffian on occasion, Sarnai is in fact a calm individual. It is difficult to rouse her anger or intimidate her with few exceptions. She prefers to defuse tense standoffs rather than fight, most of the time, and isn't prone to rising to bait.
Dark Arts. Sarnai seems to have a talent for manipulating Aether. While raw and unhoned, she has shown signs of being capable of using abilities of a strange, dark and defensive nature. Perhaps it has something to do with a certain possession of hers...
Amicable. Despite her many, MANY issues and flaws as a person, it is very rare for Sarnai to actually make an enemy. Though she doesn't often initiate conversation, when she does she has just enough wit and charm to coax most people into seeing her in at least a neutral if not friendly light. This is in part due to her desire to please everyone she meets - she doesn't WANT anyone to be upset with her, and worries over bad impressions. Her dry humor and own deep-rooted self-loathing generally helps keep her from being too offended by others in turn. She doesn't take things personally, and only committing a grave sin in Sarnai's eyes is enough to make her not want to even attempt to be cordial.


Permanent Injuries. The scars that carve across Sarnai's throat and her torso aren't just reminders of injuries that should have killed her - there is deep, lasting damage. As an example, resulting from the damage to her abdomen, Sarnai can never eat until she is full without subjecting herself to a large amount of pain and discomfort which lasts for hours. Running causes her pain and when exhausted, she carries a pronounced limp. Her voice sounds permanantly hoarse. No matter what she does, Sarnai carries the dull ache of her scars every day and every night - some days and nights are more trying than others. As if that wasn't unfortunate enough, they provide blaring weak spots - striking Sarnai on one of her scars would probably do some serious damage to her body.
Bloodloss. Sarnai displays an unnatural toughness in combat that allows her to shrug off many injuries, but one thing that she easily falls prey to is exsanguination. Her dark arts allow her to force her wounds closed for a time, but they can't do anything about blood already lost. What's more, the threshold at which Sarnai passes out from bloodloss seems to be rather low, perhaps due to the effort of holding her already riven body together.
Instability. Years of combat and living on the edge of life and death has left Sarnai with some... Issues. She jumps at shadows, flinches at nothing, and can be startled into a desperately aggressive response by something as simple as loud noises. While these little episodes might look silly to an outsider, in the moment every single one feels like it represent a very real threat to Sarnai's life. With her recent discharge from the Maelstrom being put down to Battle Shock, she finds herself suffering without a purpose to quieten her mind. It doesn't help she frequently suffers disturbed sleep and strange dreams that leave her feeling restless and anxious.
Power Incontinence. The crystal Sarnai keeps close forms a conduit for her to tap into dark aether within her. With proper training and guidance, there wouldn't be a problem with this - many a Dark Knight has walked the path without doing themselves too much harm. But Sarnai doesn't understand what it is she posesses, and she draws upon its power instinctively all the same. When driven to manifest the dark flame that smoulders within, she takes the risk each time that the backlash or strain it places on her body will consume her. Wounds that never properly heal, aether searing her flesh and senses, dizzying visions and delirium - her lack of training makes her a menace to herself almost more than anyone else.
How into write?. As a result of her upbringing, Sarnai is nearly illiterate. She knows her eorzean alphabet, how to sign her name on papers, and not much else. Her spoken word can usually get her by, but she is at a major disadvantage when reading is involved.
Social Obliviousness. Another quirk resulting from her upbringing - Sarnai has a tendancy to come across as socially awkward at times and frequently misunderstands people. She is utterly guileless when it comes to intrigue in particular, and often falls victim to completely missing the true intentions of others. Most of the time, this simply manifests in bafflement at the antics of others around her. She has been known to make terrible excuses and flee when said antics involve aggressive flirtation - Sarnai has absolutely no clue how to deal with the opposite sex. Or her own sex. Or anyone, really, having thoroughly repressed any and all such thoughts for as long as she can remember. For a seasoned warrior she still maintains an amusing level of innocence and naievity.
No, YOU'RE a lightweight!. The woman cannot hold her alcohol, at all. This does not stop her from trying and failing miserably whenever the opportunity presents itself. It's a miracle she's only been robbed a few times and not worse - at least she's learned to stop when the floor starts to run away.
Self-Flagellation Sarnai has serious, serious issues with her own self-image and frequently thinks of herself as nothing more than a worthless tool to be used and discarded. For a very long time, she did not even truly consider herself human - just an exile, just a beast. The end result of this is she all too greedily jumps on any chance to punish herself and if not forgiven for even a minor slight explicitly, will allow herself to be more or less crucified in her guilt. She is easily manipulated as a result, and what's worse, even if she recognizes it she would likely make no attempts to stop the person, seeing herself as deserving of the abuse. Nobody hates Sarnai as much as Sarnai does.


Belonging - Though she pretends to be content with her lot, the truth is that Sarnai misses her home dearly and doesn't feel like she belongs anywhere. She tells herself that one day, when she's strong enough, she'll return home and be the warrior and protector she wishes she could be for her family... But the truth is that she's afraid. Unless something happens, she will probably never work up the courage to return to Ryakgyr and confront her past - and accept that she may still have a future. Even something as simple as companions of her own, or a family, seem like a heavenly goal to Sarnai. Which makes it all the sadder that she continually self-sabotages these simple desires out of fear.
Strength - Once upon a time, as a little girl, Sarnai made a terrible mistake. Crying won't bring back the dead, but she can make sure that nobody else has to live a similar story. She seeks to better herself, with goals to become so strong and fierce that nobody would ever dare touch her or her kin. It was this singular desire that left her to leave home in the first place.
Justice - As Sarnai travelled, she began to see that there were many people who suffered the whims of those stronger than them. Slaves, beggars, outcasts, commonfolk - she watched from afar, and when she witnessed how so many simply swallowed their troubles, she resolved to nurture hate in their stead. It was shameful to accept your own weakness and submit to terror, Sarnai thought. But it was equally shameful to have the strength, be moved and yet do nothing, she decided. As if she needed further encouragement, that strange stone too would whisper secrets and sins and dreams of vengance to her... She is not afraid to throw caution and legality to the wind in the name of enforcing her own ideas of what is right. The only difference between justice and revenge is who carries out the punishment, in her eyes...
Purpose - Strength, belonging and general vigilantism may not seem like the most solid of motivations for a person to get by - and the truth is that they're not. Sarnai lacks the focus of dreams and aspirations, and does not truly know what she gets up in the morning for. Before her journey to Eorzea it was simple survival and a desire to aid those she encountered - and that was fine, because she was still young. Now that she's grown older and realised much of her life has left nothing to show, she questions herself deeply, and longs to find a true purpose.


Explosions. Sarnai was present for Dalamud's fall. She still remembers the searing heat of a sky aflame, the sound of explosions and clashing soldiers and screams. She remembers the smell of cooked flesh. She doesn't feel very lucky for having survived. Fireworks and explosions - particularly unexpected ones - set her off violently.
Poison. Perhaps paranoia would be a better word for Sarnai's distrust of any liquid that she hasn't closely watched being poured, but it has sensible roots. As a young woman, Sarnai was taken in by a woman who was quite rightfully called a witch by the locals - and she was fond of testing her alchemical concoctions on the Raen. While she bears no real ill will towards the old woman - she DID save her life - she still is VERY wary about drinking potentially contaminated substances and would sooner drink from a puddle than an unattended, opened bottle. Well, depending on how much of what she's already drank was alcoholic.
Failure. It would appear Sarnai has quite the complex going on. Possibly several. She hates failing at even the tiniest task, and becomes depressed easily when she feels she doesn't measure up to what's expected of her. The thought alone at failing tasks fills Sarnai with anxiety and she often tries to overachieve any request given of her, with mixed results.
Helplessness. Nobody can live a life as "adventurous" as Sarnai's and not take a fair amount of injuries that could pose crippling. In this woman's case, she has been quite badly maimed more than once and is really feeling the effects of abuse on her body and mind. But, the thought of being infirm and defenceless is truly one of the most terrifying things she can imagine. She furiously, vehemently denies any hint of weakness has taken within her body and would sooner die struggling pointlessly than ever submit to the thought that she's one lost fight away from being physically broken, but..
Betrayal. Sarnai is well aware she's not particularly good at reading people. She's also well aware people do horrible, horrible things to each other for profit and pleasure. Part of her desire to keep most others at arm's length stems from being afraid that trusting would be dangerous - for them as much as her.
Madness. As much as she likes to pretend she's fine, Sarnai knows something isn't entirely right. She'll deny it to the end of the world, but... She's been scarred in more way than one, and finds herself sometimes suffering spells of disorientation and delirium when she is angered that can't possibly be helped by her status as an unknowing dark knight. The idea that she can't trust the whispers of her own mind is terrifying to her - because if what she sees, feels, and thinks aren't actually her own logical thoughts, what's left? Would she know if she went mad? What if... What if?
Captivity. Sarnai is a wild thing, and without the ability to come and go as she pleases she very quickly descends into a bad place mentally. The thought of being a prisoner need not be literal - she is very reluctant to deliver restrictive oaths and long-term commitments to a cause also frighten her somewhat, as does service born of duress... Though this does not stop her occasionally forming shackles of her own making, she'll still inwardly freak out about it. And yet, she joined with the military. Another contradiction from a very confused woman.
Dying forgotten. While Sarnai has (more or less, depending on how depressed she is any given moment) already swallowed down the inevitability she's going to die alone, young and violently, one thing that truly frightens her to think about is that she might fall upon a sword one day and nobody would even know or notice. She really wants to imagine she has enough of a positive impact upon someone's life for them to at least miss her a little once she's gone, or wonder what happened to her...


Buuveil!. Sarnai has a tendancy to express displeasure by swearing in Xaelic, particularly when in "polite" company that she can fool into thinking she's not being rude.
Nibbler. Despite frequently looking half-starved, Sarnai never eats more than a few mouthfuls of food at a time. There's a reason for this - but it does look a bit odd when she's eating in a public setting.
Contrarian. Sarnai doesn't like being told what to do by someone she doesn't deem an authoritive figure or an employer. In fact, she will very frequently do the exact opposite, even if it accomplishes absolutely nothing for anyone involved.
This is Fine. Very little short of setting whatever perch she's found on fire will prompt Sarnai to move once she's settled. Bare steel flying in a brawl a foot away from her? That's fine, she'll just duck.
Scrub the sins away. Sarnai is quite obsessive about personal hygeine. The first thing she usually does after an outing, hunt or even when she's simply bored is to find a source of water and bathe in it - where water is unavailiable, she will substitute for dust baths. She has no qualms about getting filthy, but she becomes very pissy when she's unable to clean herself off in a reasonable timeframe. She is also fond of using alchemical concoctions of dubious safety to wash, which often leads to her smelling faintly of chemicals or herbs. But at least her scales are nice and shiny.
What do you mean corpses aren't currency? Perhaps as a throwback to her younger days, or perhaps just to confuse people for fun, Sarnai is fond of presenting "gifts" of pelts, hunting trophies and entire gutted carcasses as "gestures of good faith" or "trade offers". While this probably started off as an honest attempt to foster goodwill in wilder areas of the world, she has definitely started doing it at least partially because she enjoys watching more civilized people freak out at the dead tiger in their hall.
Congratulations, you're adopted. Sarnai doesn't like children. Or at least, that's what she'll tell you, as she inwardly decides to swear an oath of protection and pass them snacks. This seems to extend to anyone under 20, though she has been known to become protective over people almost the same age as her if she deems them "too soft" and in need of a guardian.
But my brother's black! Sarnai behaves, speaks, and thinks of herself as a Xaela to the point she will often accidentally refer to herself as one and not a Raen. Reactions to this are quite mixed, but she genuinely doesn't mean anything sinister about it - for a long time, as a small child, she even believed she was simply an albino and not a raen.
If it's got legs and ain't a table... A lone huntress in the wilds has to be opportunistic to survive. Sarnai goes a bit further and has been known to prey on anything that isn't a familiar race of Spoken. Why are moogles, qiqirin and namazu so plump and defenceless if they're not meant to be eaten? While she restrains herself in company, leaving her unattended and unnanounced with anything smaller than a sheep is probably a bad idea.
Put it on your fridge As Sarnai is unable to write or read in Eorzean, she has a tendancy to attempt to get her point across by using scribbles and diagrams instead where most people would be forced to write.


Sarnai's favored weapon is a foreign zweihander she had restored from a damaged, discarded blade. Like most of her things, she gave it a name - Amlalt, a xaelic word that means Promise. She often thinks of the weapon as a companion as much as a tool.
Likewise, Sarnai's bow has a name - Nogaikhazaj baina, or the Dog's Bite, as it belonged to her father before her.
Sarnai isn't particularly fond of keeping pets, but she has a few beasts as companions. Gyeilsuvag, her Yol, lives mostly wild in Othard's fanged crescent - Temur, her horse, she (attempts) to keep contained outside her apartment... Or at least out of people's gardens. Though she also owns a chocobo named Keelie, she only ever takes the bird on hunting trips as she is not particularly fond of them and he has a temper that gives her pause.
Sarnai is fascinated by primals, although she has never seen one due to the risk of enthrallment. She would probably risk it for a chance to fight one.
Voice Type - Hoarse, husky (Example; Sivir)

Family Involved Romantic Platonic Physical Friend Acquaintance $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral ? Unsure + Respected
Kharanogai Malaguld, Stepfather. (
+) -
Sarnai's Thoughts: "I can say sorry a thousand ways, for a thousand years, but it will never be enough. I'll become someone you would have been proud of, I swear... I'll be better. I'll be better..."
Kharanogai Malaguld was Sarnai's father figure. Though he did not sire her, he was present at her birth and raised her as if she was his own child. Sarnai deeply admired and looked up to the man, and it is he who sparked her interest in the sword. To this day, she carries his old hunting bow as a memento. He was a kind hearted and playful man, but a fearsome warrior - Something Sarnai hopes to one day emulate. Kharanogai was slain in battle, protecting his family to his dying breath. Sarnai blames herself for his death, for it was her naivety which brought about the events that led up to the fatal conflict.
Kiyo Aogane-Malaguld, Mother. (
+) -
Sarnai's Thoughts: "I know you didn't want to see me leave. I shouldn't have left. But I am a coward. One day, I will return, and I.. I will try to make up for everything."
Sarnai's mother fled a life of slavery while still pregnant with her. She was rescued from certain death at the hands of predators by Kharanogai, and married him a year after her birth. Though Kiyo's true origin is a mystery, she embraced life on the Steppe with full fervor and did her best to ensure Sarnai would never be at risk like she was. Though a quiet woman, she held a steely sort of determination and could cow a baras into submission when angered. Sarnai seems to have inherited much of her personality. Despite having lost her world in her husband, and losing her daughter to guilt soon after, Kiyo is strong. She endures - somewhere, far across The Wound, she will survive and await better days. Just as she always has.
Tarkhan Malaguld, Half-Brother. (
) -
Sarnai's Thoughts: "I miss him too. Stay strong, Tarkhan... Look after mother for me. I'll be back, I promise. I'll show you how to ride a yol and everything."
Sarnai's half-brother, six years her junior. While Sarnai was not originally thrilled about the idea of becoming a sister, she quickly grew protective over her baby brother and to this day would still be fussing over him had she not left home. Tarkhan, much like Sarnai herself, was a rambunctious child who showed the makings of a determined and vigorous soul. Sarnai misses him dearly. Of course, she only assumes he stayed home... It's been a long time, after all.
"Matsu", Witch of the One. ($ +) -
"I will forever be grateful for your aid, mistress. I don't understand why you did some of the things you did, to me and to others, but it is fair price. I owe you my life."
When Sarnai was shot and left to die in the woodlands of northern Yanxia, it was only by a stroke of fate that she should ever open her eyes again. This stroke of fate was penned by an old woman, who had been prowling nearby for alchemical ingredients. Though Matsu's true intentions with Sarnai were hard to gauge and she often treated the girl as little more than an object to test things on, there was a mutual if somewhat twisted level of care and affection there in the months that followed. Alas, Sarnai grew restless and did not stay long as her apprentice - though she left with Matsu's blessing, the old woman doing what she could to try and rehabilitate the broken girl into something more suited to survival out of the wilderness.
Glazhund Skoenlahzsyn, Former Squadmate. (+) -
"You didn't have to look out for me, but you did. Even if I felt like I was looking out for you, most of the time. I'll try and keep going. I'll be fine. I'll be fine.."
Glazhund was part of Sarnai's unit when she served with the Maelstrom. As the oldest member of the unit, and Sarnai the youngest by quite a margin, he came to be almost an uncle to her. Though he was far from the strongest fighter in her squad, he was probably the most perceptive, and much of the taming of the feral child came at his careful coaxing. For this, she has nothing but respect and adoration for him. After Sarnai's discharge from the Maelstrom, he was the member of her squadron whom she most dearly missed - however, she did not believe herself worthy of associating with her former comrades any longer and so with a heavy heart, now avoids him.
Brifard Carrin, Former Squadmate. (? ) -
"I didn't ask for your help, you fucking idiot! Why couldn't you have just left me?! Why couldn't you have just let me die? It's what I wanted! I'm... Not worth dying for..."
Brifard was an often-surly, rarely pleasant young man whom with Sarnai often butted heads during their time serving the Maelstrom. Four years older than she was, there was the sense of a sort of sibling rivalry between them and though Sarnai genuinely believed the man disliked her, his true feelings were far more complex - as he would demonstrate when the unit was ordered into the fray at Cartenaeu. As Dalamud fell, chaos reigned - falling pieces of Bahamut's prison, searing balls of flame, explosions set off from Garlean warmachina... These hazards almost claimed Sarnai's life after she was clipped with a Reaper barrage, and would have had Brifard not scooped the injured girl out of the line of fire and broken rank to carry her to relative safety. A blast of shrapnel tore through them as they ran, tearing open Sarnai's side and rending Brifard's lungs asunder. She still nurses an immense sense of guilt for being weak enough to have required saving, and much of her inclination to hold others at arm's length comes from her desire to prevent such a thing ever happening again.
Rioliene Muisanc, Former Squadmate. (+?) -
"You never did understand how I saw the world, did you? But then, we weren't in my world. We were in yours. And I didn't understand that for far too long. You're still a bitch. But you had a point."
Riolene was a young woman who took a sort of fascination with Sarnai after she was assigned to their unit. Though Sarnai was VERY skeptical about the lancer's intentions after a few comments about dragons, scales, and whether Auri scales could be sold off as dragon scales, she formed a tentative friendship with the woman which would turn sour later when their service brought many clashes of ideology. Sarnai was vicious and merciless as a soldier - Riolene was methodical, precise, with a great disdain for the young au ra's way of doing things. And yet, as much as Sarnai wanted to ignore the "prissy knife-eared bitch", the woman often spoke a lot of sense and lead to her beginning to question much of how she conducted herself.

This part is still MASSIVELY under construction and due to the nature of character development will change frequently. For the moment, only a few friends are listed until I fill it all in oh god.

Ongorson Amlalt, best friend. (
) -
"Together. As long as we're together we'll be fine, I promise. You'll never be abandoned again, okay?"
Sarnai's.... Sword. Yes, really. She named the weapon, and thinks of her zweihander as her friend and protector, to the point she will stroke or cuddle "him" when she feels like she needs comfort. When VERY drunk, she has been known to talk to her sword. She scavenged Amlalt as little more than a blunted, damaged wreck - and even before she had him restored, the weapon managed to save her life. Taking it as a sign she was meant to wield this blade in particular, Sarnai has kept him close ever since. Perhaps out of intense loneliness as much as anything.
Shinji Isogai, "Friend". (+?) - Heart Thief
"I-I understand. Or at least... I'll try to. I'll understand... Chamd zoriulj unakh ni teneg khereg, but I don't regret what we had. However brief it lasted. When you return... I will be here. Stronger. Better."
A chance encounter in a bar turned into a strange sort of rapport - despite Sarnai's bared teeth and protests (at least initially) the sassy Raen somehow managed to bulldoze past her defences before she quite realised what the hell hit her. Perhaps she simply sensed a fellow train wreck - perhaps it was just mutual loneliness. Whatever the rhyme or reason, Sarnai and Shinji swiftly grew close and their friendship blossomed into romance. But, it was too much and too fast - they were both broken, both caught at a time of great vulnerability, both blindsided by their own emotions. Despite the pain it inflicted on them both, Shinji made the call to seperate for the time being, to leave for Hingashi and attempt to wrestle his demons down while Sarnai in turn worked on finding herself. There's still the hope in the back of her mind that he'll return one day and make good on his promises - though only time will tell if she holds on to her feelings for him or if they fade away in his absence.
Her first love, and her first heartbreak - but though the wound she now nurses is still raw and bloody, she knows it had to happen. Shinji was a powerful force of good in Sarnai's life, inspiring her and teaching her that not everything that the world had to offer bore teeth that would rip her to shreds at the first sign of weakness. Even should he return and want nothing more to do with her, she would still see him as a trusted, respected, dear friend for whom she only wants the best.
Vanessa Selmer, Fate's Cross Bastion. (? + ) - The Younger One
"It's - strange. You have no reason to be nice to me. I always thought you were... Hmm. You've given me a lot to think about. I can't believe I had the nerve to act as if you were some lofty being above emotion..."
An imposing, stoic woman whom Sarnai initially decided to harass because she wanted to learn how to better fight mages. Vanessa showed little interest in Sarnai's attempts to prove herself worthy of the woman's attention - and yet, she didn't ignore her. Being ignored would have been something the raen would have understood better, honestly, but however confused by their interactions she is glad to have them nonetheless. Sarnai respects the woman greatly, and may have once thought of her as a model to strive to emulate. Lately, she's grown a bit more uncertain - Though Vanessa has surprisingly revealed a much more human side to her that Sarnai emphasizes with strongly, she can't help but be concerned that the grim fate this woman carries is one she's doomed to bear herself. But that's not going to stop her from associating, regardless - Sarnai always was a sucker for those who struggle, and Vanessa is a struggler through and through.
Kahna'a Nbolo, Fellow Fate's Cross Trainee. () - Cute Gay Ginger Cat
"You're a good lad. I feel a bit weird intruding on your cuddle time with Nezha though. I hope you two have a happy life together, though I don't really get why you were so uh, quick about it."
One of the first people Sarnai actually attempted to not keep at arm's length - key word being attempt. She's still fairly distant, but thinks of him as a friend of some sort anyway. She enjoys the man's positive attitude, though she feels she doesn't really fit into his world very well. She remains slightly uncertain what to make of him overall, but she views him with fondness and he has at least some degree of her trust.
Nezha Stoweheart, Fellow Fate's Cross Trainee. () - Broody Gay Cat
"Congratulations! Also, your glasses look goofy. But I didn't tell you that. Shh. Also we need to fight at some point!"
Another of the first people Sarnai attempted to befriend. Jury's out if she did a good job - she likes the lad, but her other obligations stop her from passing through very much, so she is content to watch from a distance and step in only if needed. That's what friends do, right? Loom until someone needs to get wasted or killed? Sarnai is frequently surprised by the young man's casual displays of camraderie, something she's still learning to understand.
Curu Southland, Fellow Fate's Cross Trainee. ( ?) - Angry Cat
"If you can't even respect your sword, how do you expect others to respect it? And you?"
An often abraisive miq'ote who Sarnai seems to run into frequently. While she's not typically fond of the needlessly loud or aggressive drunks, she believes that Curu's behaviour is a symptom of a deep malcontent and doesn't really mark it against him. After all, she's not a saint herself. After finding that Curu too has decided to throw in her lot with Fate's Cross for the moment she has become somewhat more curious about his intentions, but her own problems have kept her busy.
Ryu Matsumoto, Couerl Consortium. (+) - Big Loud Xaela
"Ryu! I'm sorry I never really get to speak to you much! And er, I'll try to be sober more often so that I'm not a nuisance when I do."
Though they usually pass as ships in the night, Sarnai likes Ryu quite a bit - though he's so LOUD, which is something she may struggle to get used to. Once more she proves herself too damn anxious to actually seek out his company often, which she worries may give him the impression she doesn't want to be friends. She does - his gentle nature, positive attitude and steadfast determination inspire her, and she wishes she could emulate such inner strength.
Gaspard Beraht, Couerl Consortium. ($ ) - Elezen that Needs Bitten
"I'm not your dog. Stop petting me!"
While Sarnai seems to have decided to adopt C.C in general, she remains perplexed by Gaspard. She doesn't at all dislike the man, for sure - she's aware he's perhaps not entirely honest, but overall finds him pleasant and is grateful for his tolerance of her prescence - at the same time she is mildly annoyed by his tendancy to invade her personal space, something that is a big no-no for her and would result in blood were he not a prospective employer. She tolerates his antics, but given she'd quite like a good scrap with his security team anyway he plays a risky game.
Quas'to Lihzeh, Couerl Consortium. (+ ) - Shifty Cat
"I'm noticing a pattern with roguish types lately... But you're a good one, I think I might like you. And your squad."
Sarnai doesn't usually go out of her way to interact with people - so casual quips traded from opposite sides of Couerl Consortium's buisness buffets before drunkenness and actual conversation can set in are an easy way to have her take a liking. Despite the fact he is quite openly not trustworthy and they may have possibly clashed in the distant past, Sarnai has taken a liking to the rough-edged miq'ote. Though she dissaproves of those who'd prey on commoners, she is ALL FOR his other kind of predations.
Kaseji Khitai, Couerl Consortium. (? + ) - Big Troubled Xaela
"We're not too different, you and I. It's a shame we don't get the chance to speak more often. I'd like to hear more of your tales.. And you do owe me a fight!"
Sarnai took a liking to Khitai near instantly for his bluntness, dry wit, and amicability. She shares his exasperation at constant badgering and quickly cottoned on that the man has a softer side after watching how he interacts with those who're struggling somehow - including herself, when a near-miss of an episode brought him to talk with her until she calmed down and opened up. Unfortunately, as much as Sarnai would like to pursue a friendship with the man, they are both frequently busy. She still thinks highly of him, regardless of some things she's come to hear.
Endo Thornblade, Fellow Bodyguard. (+) - Big Broody Xaela
"I just want to help you. I just wish I knew how to make everyone happy. I'm sorry I've caused you such turmoil.. You really DO need to trust me a bit more, though. I don't have any ulterior motives."
Though they bumped into each other a few times in passing, it was only when Sarnai decided to harass the man for training in the Dark Arts that they actually had the chance to acquaint themselves. Quite by chance, Endo and Sarnai then found themselves working together on a security detail. Though she doesn't quite "get" him entirely still, Sarnai would definitely count him as a friend and a trusted battle comrade. If he does not already have her trust, he is close to earning it... Though she does still feel no small measure of guilt over rejecting his affections. Sarnai cares a fair bit about Endo, and worries over his health physically and mentally. Unfortunately, she's still rather useless at expressing this in a useful manner.
Teoa Moschroca, Fellow Bodyguard. (+) - Fancy Sword Lady
"I don't care if you say your... Flec... Fletch... Thing doesn't explode, I am staying WELL back when we next go to battle. That was damn impressive. And a bit scary."
Teoa confuses Sarnai, but she doesn't mind. Though initially excited to see a 'fellow' Xaela and uncertain if she believes her story of how that came about, it wasn't until Sarnai began working as one of Hime's bodyguards that she was able to really get a measure of the woman. Sarnai holds a healthy amount of respect and wariness of her abilities with magic, and her ability to consume massive amounts of alcohol in a sitting. Some days, Sarnai feels like she can still feel the echoes of the terrible hangover Teoa and Shinji goaded her into obtaining with their drinking contest. Teoa frequently surprises Sarnai with her good nature and she is much grateful to count her as a comrade, mentor, and friend.
Melody Lynn, Fellow Bodyguard. (+) - Fancy Spear Lady
"You're so nice! And good with a spear! I want to fight you! But in a friendly way! Also thank you for being so patient with me!"
A fellow guardian, Sarnai's encounters with Melody aren't quite as frequent as with the others - she only really knows Melody as a mentor in Eorzean script, a fellow combatant and Teoa's partner. However, the woman has quickly earned her respect with her prowess in combat and her dry wit. Sarnai isn't entirely sure she understands the woman, but she thinks she might like her and is much grateful for the kindness she has shown her.
Hime Mitsu, Employer. (+) - Precious innocent girl
"Look... You MAY have been right with um, some things. But... Ah, nevermind. You're a good girl really. I'm here as your friend and guard should you ever need me."
Hime BAFFLES Sarnai. But it's a good kind of bafflement. Well, when she's not getting involved in her personal affairs - Sarnai will never understand why Hime is so insistent on trying to hook her up and doesn't really want to know either. But, she grew much more fond of the girl after being hired as one of her bodyguards, and likes to think of her as a precious small cinnamon bun of a friend to protect... Even if she does secretly wonder just where the hell the woman gets her money and who she's had killed for it. Though she fears being cast aside now that the hunt is over and their enemies are slain, Sarnai will be as she always has been - a loyal attack hound, steadfast at the heel of those who show her kindness.



Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"Ah, the pale-scaled warrior. Yes, she once visited Reunion fairly regularly. Sarnai is her name, of the Malaguld tribe. She occasionally offers guidance and protection to travellers and merchants. I don't see the sense in carrying a sword that large, but people say she's good with it." - Dazkar Merchant
"Hahaha! Don't let er spookiness fool you, that un's a good lass. Can't handle her ale worth a shite though! Imagine that, a soldier legless on two pints!" - Storm Corporal
"She's an unpredictable one. Some days she's cold as a stone, others she's positively chatty. Decent with a lute, but she usually clams up if you catch her at it." - Lominsan Shopkeeper
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"Came in off a merchant's boat from Yanxia without a gil to her name, barely able to speak the language I heard. She joined with the Storm... And then the Calamity happened. A lot of things got broke after that. Can't think of a worse first deployment than Cartenaeu, poor lass..." - Storm Sergeant
"We witnessed a lone Raen emerge exhausted from Bardam's Mettle, and a young male Yol descend from the skies to meet her. We know nothing of who she is or where she came from." - Oroniri Spearson
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"We thought she was a Dravanian at first, but she didn't seem to understand what we meant. A merchant tried to trick her into climbing down Witchdrop, to get rid of her. But, she survived, even if she fled immediately afterwards like there was wyrms after her. I wonder what she saw down there..." - Coldbrim Guardsman
"I saw them kill her! I tell you, I saw them tear her apart! That can't be the same woman!" -Yanxian Villager


Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"Rumor." — Rumormonger.



Player Note
This profile is still very much a work in progress. Please be patient! I'm fairly walk up friendly, just give me a message so I know you're there because I often tab out or don't pay attention. I don't bite and I'm quite flexible in how I play things. I'm very open to joining plots or events. Need an extra body for something? Feel free to hit me up.
Personal RP Limits
My limits are your limits. All I ask is that you remember IC and OOC are very different things and don't get mad if things don't go exactly how you plan. I play by the concept of consequences, and I will expect you to accept the same unless we work out something beforehand. If something I do, say, or meme about OOC or IC gives you pause or makes you uncomfortable, please let me know. The last thing I want is for you to have a bad time roleplaying with me! Don't hint, either, I'm an idiot and won't pick up on it.
I will play
Basically anything as long as it makes sense in context. I will play mature themes if it fits within the narrative and doesn't seem bizarrely out of character. Just give me a heads up if it's something very major that would impact my ability to play the character normally from that point on. If you're not sure, ask.
I won't play
Permanant death. Immensely lorebreaking or AU plots. Random oneshot ERP that serves no purpose in written context. Erotic themes involving characters or players who are minors, look like minors, or act like minors.
Little Tidbits.
While this profile, when finished, will contain a lot of information on Sarnai and her history it is by no means a complete biography. I have intentionally omitted several major details in the name of flavor, flexibility, and muh plot twists.
While all efforts have been taken to keep this character in adherence to what we know of lore, there is still a LOT of stuff we're not told about the FFXIV universe. I have taken some liberties and filled out some details where none existed before, though I do draw heavily on existing material and try to place it carefully so that I am not accidentally invalidating points of both my own or other people's characters.
I'm pretty much always willing to roleplay, unless I'm literally in the middle of something when you message me. Don't be shy about messaging me - Double tap me if I don't answer, I may have missed you!


Potential Plot Hooks
[Mercenary] If your character is in need of a hired sword or guardian, they may hear of a fierce Raen woman who carries the experience of both a Steppe Warrior and an ex-soldier.
[Pathfinder] If your character is in need of someone to guide them safely through hostile terrain and ensure they reach a remote destination safely, rumors of a skillful fieldswoman familiar with all manner of hazards and beasts may prove useful to them. As a bonus, she is imtimately familiar with the countryside of northern Yanxia and the Azim Steppe.
[Hunter] If your character has been needing to procure hide, pelts, trophies, corpses or simply have a threat eliminated, they may find what they require in the strength of Sarnai's sword arm or the shaft of her arrows.
[Maelstrom] If your character was a member of the Maelstrom in the past eight years, they may have bumped into Sarnai as a common soldier - Au Ra in Limsa would have been much rarer a sight back then.
[Malaguld] If your character was a member of the Malaguld tribe around 24 years ago, they may have known of a small band who split from the main tribe as the threat of the Empire became greater on the Steppe frontier and moved eastwards - Sarnai being a baby with them at the time.
[Xaela] If your character grew up on the central steppes or in the Arras, they may have seen a lone Raen child fending for themselves and fleeing all attempts at contact. They may also have noticed that the child bore a mark of exile, painted upon their own face in ash.

Character Lore Adherence
While creative liberties have been taken, everything that makes up Sarnai's character is rooted in confirmed lore. While this may shift as the devs hopefully release more information about the universe of FFXIV, it is unlikely to change so much that her lore clashes. What areas I have taken liberty with were done with storytelling in mind - within universe, it should still make sense regardless of minor shifts, and care has been taken not to trample on the lore of others.
No changes required.

Name - Sarnai Malaguld
Race - Au Ra
Sex - Female
Age - Mid-twenties (26 as of Stormblood)
Name Day - 16th sun, 3rd Astral Moon
Weight - 130lbs / 59kg
Height - 5'3" / 160cm

Alias: Ash, Snappy, Sardine,
Citizenship: Limsa Lominsa/N.A
Birthplace: Azim Steppe
Ethnicity: Tribal Raen (Malaguld)
Language(s): Xaelic, Yanxian, Eorzean (Spoken word only)
Orientation: Heterosexual
Marital Status: Single
Commonly found in: Limsa Lominsa, La Noscea, Mist, Coerthas, The Shroud, Azim Steppe, Yanxia, Kugane
Profession: Mercenary, Ex-Soldier, Guardian (Current), Fate's Cross Trainee (Current)
Hair color: Blonde
Eye color: Red
Complexion: Fair-skinned
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Key Items: Mysterious Soul Crystal, Steel Zweihander, Well-worn feathered bow, Parrying dagger, Small battered kettle, Coin purse (embarassingly light), Small travel pack
Musical theme suggestions:
Iwasaki Taku - Le Chant de Roma
The Witcher 3 OST - The Vagabond
Dzivia - Kostki Pad Imchom (Bones Under The Moss)

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