Twi Kahkol

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Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to contact me if you want to be added for relationships or rumors.




"You need to decide what you want for yourself, my little lost leaf." - Twi's mistress, Lady Ito.
Twi's premise is simple: she was born into the Tumet tribe, but she failed her sacred tree ceremony during her 10th summer. It was the Kahkol tribe who found her and cut her free. As one can imagine she has a severe inferiority complex about this, and sometimes wonders if she even deserves to be a Xaela because of her weakness.
Her mistress doesn't refer to Twi as a little leaf fondly: she does it purely to remind Twi that up until now she has lived her life only as others have told her to. Like a leaf carried wherever the wind deigns it to go.
But she isn't all doom and gloom! Despite her general insecurity over her heritage, she is proud to bear the name the Kahkol tribe gave her. She was inspired by their generosity, their understanding, and their mercy. How they viewed the world was very different from the Tumet, and her time spent with them made her question everything she had been raised to believe (primarily when it came to pride and prejudice. Book pun not intended!). So she became a very hard worker in an attempt to pay them back for giving her a second chance at life, which included running errands for the traders at Reunion.
Twi was only with the Kahkol for four years. There was a merchant couple from Kugane that would frequent Reunion. They were incredibly interested in the cloths and patterns used in Steppe fabrics, and upon seeing that Twi had an interest and a knack for making such materials, the couple requested that Twi return home with them as an apprentice.
Twi would then spend nine years (ages 14-23) living in Kugane. She learned how to read, write, and how to balance ledgers along with her sewing. Once or twice a year she would return to Reunion to trade on behalf of her masters and keep up with the changes in the Xaela's craft. However with each passing visit Twi's anxiety only grew: every year she seemed more and more removed from her people and her culture. Which played into her fears of not deserving to be a Xaela at all.
This fear came to a head when one of her more recent trips unveiled that the Buduga tribe had decimated the Kahkol's home, which lead to their near extinction. While Twi is grateful that she was spared, it was a hard news to accept nonetheless. She no longer had a home waiting for her in the Azim Steppe if she ever wanted to return. It was the final nail in the coffin which lead Twi to believe she had no place with the Xaela.
You can imagine her complete and utter shock when she came to Eorzea then! She sailed to Eorzea to study foreign trade on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Ito, only to realize that there was a plethora of Xaela to be found. And with them came the customs of the Steppe.
In general, there are two primary character arcs that I have in mind for Twi that will dictate her actions and general character growth. They are:
You cannot forget or run away from your heritage.
Twi never once believed she would run into so many Xaela, let alone so many from the Tumet. She is utterly PETRIFIED that history will repeat itself and her interactions with her fellow Xaela will only bring her pain should she reveal her origins. However Twi will have to get over this one day if she is to grow as a person.
You must decide what you want for yourself and your future.
For the bulk of her life Twi has simply lived the way others have told her to. She didn't free herself from the Sacred Tree: the Kahkol cut her free. She didn't quite care where she lived, and simply moved to Hingashi because the Kahkol encouraged her to broaden her horizons. The Kahkol were then ripped away from her. She now stands to inherit Lady Ito's business and become a recognized lady of Kugane. But does she want that? Or will her time in Eorzea bring about a new path that she'll want to follow?


This section will be a bit sparse while I still look into glamour styles for Twi. However in general she prefers outfits that are easy to move in. Clean and simple with bright colors are always her favorite go-to's. Though if she can snuggle into a warm poncho she'll gladly do so. It makes her feel more safe and nostalgic.
Aspects That Stand Out:
She always has some kind of cloth flower pin in her hair. When the Kahkol gave Twi her name she was given flowers along with it. So she'll forever have a soft spot for them.
She's tall for an Auri woman. She stands at 5 Fulms and 2 Ilms. You can imagine her surprise upon leaving the Steppe when she realized she was still considered tiny even by a woman's standards!
Twi has a good deal of scarring on her wrists and ankles. She was born a Tumet, and when she struggled against the ropes used for her Sacred Tree ceremony it caused some serious burns (even a bit of avulsion). They have mostly healed with time, but if one were to get close enough they could easily see them. Because of this Twi usually takes care to wear long sleeves or gloves that go over her wrists. The only time this is not the case is when she visits an onsen.


Twi is a soft spoken and polite young lady. Her time with the Kahkol and with Lady Ito made her question (and eventually reject) the prejudice and pride the Tumet had originally instilled in her. Because of this she's a very open-minded person. She knows how horrible it feels to be judged and feel helpless, and so she strives to help others when she can. That being said: Twi faces intense anxiety that makes it incredibly difficult for her to make friends. At public events and gatherings you'll often find her wandering towards the food tables or a comfy corner by herself. She would rather people watch than force herself onto others. She's also not used to physical affection: there wasn't much to be found in the Steppe, and Hingashi culture is rather reserved when it comes to PDA. So as much as she'd love to hug and cuddle, she freezes in place at the thought of it.


Flowers: Any and all kinds.
Fruits and fruity flavored foods.
Miqo'te ears: Yes, you read that correctly. Twi has to keep herself from staring at them. She would love nothing more than to pet them, but she won't admit it.
Playing with hair: Short hair, long hair, it doesn't matter! Twi loves petting and stroking the hair of her loved ones.


Bullies: Self explanatory. Though with time she's willing to get to know them IF they show they're not just a dick for the sake of being a dick.
Moogles: She's terrified of them thanks to a recent incident. Which pains her, because she does think they're cute.
Sour foods
Shouting: Especially if a man shouts. There's caveats to this, but in general Twi startles easily. She's also not one to shout herself. The Proving Grounds doesn't bother her much because USUALLY it's for show rather than anger. That and she can mentally prepare for it because she knows it's coming.


Reading:Ever since she learned how to read Twi became a ravenous reader. Got a collection of books? She will stare in awe and wanting.
Sewing: Especially little cloth accessories. It helps ease her anxiety.
The Flute:Other than reading and sewing, Twi is very interested in learning how to play the flute!


Aetherical: She's not the strongest or the fastest adventurer around, but she does have a knack for aetherial spells.
Quick Witted
Willing to protect others: There may not be much she can do, but she finds it easier to stand up for others than she does herself. She will put on a brave front if it means making her friends feel more at ease.


Avoids Confrontation: On paper that's not a bad thing, but Twi is utterly terrified of making people angry at her. Chalk it up to years and years of various Xaela reacting angrily to learning she's a failed Tumet.
Has a tendency to not ask for help: Even if she really needs it. Goes side by side with not wanting to anger others: she doesn't want to be a burden. She feels she has been one her whole life. So she's swung the opposite direction and is independent to a fault.
Crippling fear and anxiety: Fight or flight? Neither. Twi straight up freezes when she's terrified. Has also faced panic attacks in her past.


To be stronger and more reliable - Simple and sweet: Twi wants to become someone others can finally depend on. She'd also like to actually make some friends in Eorzea. But she'll have to get over certain anxieties for that to happen.

Stories and Written Works

This is where any and all pieces I write for Twi will go. All links will take you to a Google Doc. I will not write about other player characters UNLESS I have explicit permission to do so.
The Promise: 10 year old Twi decides to remain with the Kahkol.
First Kiss: The story behind Twi's first kiss. A look into some of her anxieties with dating and marriage as well.
Family Involved Romantic Platonic Physical Friend Acquaintance $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure

Please let me know if you would like your character to be added to my relationships list!

Shiramun Tumet, Biological Father. ( )
Character's Thoughts: "To be honest, I don't remember much of my father's face. I do know I inherited his eyes: those I remember. Their glare was piercing when he watched the Rope Binders secure me to the sacred tree. There are times where I miss curling in his lap as a child."
An NPC character made for Twi's backstory. Shiramun was a relatively loving father. A gentle giant even! Some would even say he coddled Twi to her detriment. He died in combat three years after Twi failed her ceremony. It was only a few months before the birth of her sister. Twi is aware of his death now.
Anggir Tumet, Biological Mother. ( )
Character's Thoughts: "I always thought my mother was a fierce woman. There wasn't a hunt or battle she didn't take part in. She always looked the most comfortable when holding a spear."
An NPC character made for Twi's backstory. Anggir is a fierce huntswoman that lives for the thrill of combat. She was often conflicted when it came to Twi, and would sometimes lash out from fear of losing the child. She'd stroke Twi's hair when she'd fall asleep. She died giving birth to Twi's younger sister.
Enkhtuya Tumet, Younger Sister. ( )
Character's Thoughts: "It's still hard to believe I have-...had. Had a younger sister. It's even harder to fathom that I would learn of her through Ser Kindoron. The world truly is a small place! I have to wonder now: did Nhaama orchestrate this path for us? Or mayhap was it Enkhtuya herself? Regardless...dear sister, I am so, SO sorry for the cruelty you faced. We never had the chance to meet, but I sincerely hope you are well taken care of in Nhaama's garden."
Enkhtuya is an NPC created by the player behind the player character Kindoron Tumet. Twi never met Enkhtuya, and didn't even know she existed until her colleague at Opal Imports (Kindoron) realized that Twi was Enkhtuya's kin. In truth Enkhtuya failed her coming of age ceremony just as Twi did, and so she is referred to by name out of loving sentiment. As of this edit Twi isn't sure how to feel about her younger sister other than pity. And perhaps a bit of guilt. Would things have changed had Twi never left the Kahkol?
Odburga Ito, Mentor. ( $ )
Character's Thoughts: "My Lady Ito can be awfully stubborn. Obtuse, even! But I'm always grateful for her...blunt advice. She taught me everything I know about self defense, and she helped me realize that I wasn't alone in this world. I'm so glad I met her!"
An NPC character made for Twi's backstory. Odburga is an Ala Mhigan refugee who fled when the nation fell. Her travels eventually brought her to Kugane, where she met and fell in love with her husband. She's a brash, uncouth, but giving Highlander woman who challenges Hingashi's subtle xenophobia with a bright smile. Taught Twi the art of fencing and red magic, as well as accounting.
Hajime Ito, Mentor. ( $ )
Character's Thoughts: "Ser Ito and Lady Ito are always a comical pair! Where she's loud and boisterous he's far more quiet, and mayhap a bit too calculating at times. I've only seen him anger once, but it was rather frightening. His swordsmanship is lovely, but nothing compared to his needlework."
An NPC character made for Twi's backstory. Hajime is a born and raised Hingashi Midlander who owns a small clothier service in Kugane. He's a rather easygoing fellow! He was a skilled swordsman, but circumstances made him a ronin that needed to change the direction of his life. He always had a talent for delicate needle work, and is responsible for teaching Twi how to sew with more fragile textiles. He was also the one who taught her how to read.
Jagadai Kahkol, Tribe Elder/First Guardian. ( )
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship.
Person Name, relationship. ( ) - Title.
Character's Thoughts: "Jagadai...I was so cruel to him when we first met. Yet he was patient with me. Never blamed me. He was the first to make me question the beliefs instilled in me as a child. I owed that man my life. Nhaama in heaven, I don't deserve to ask anything of you, but please...take good care of Jagadai."
An NPC made for Twi's backstory. Jagadai was one of the oldest members of the Kahkol when Twi joined the tribe (he was in his early 60's at the time). He was one of the Kahkol who found her passed out and still tied to the sacred tree. He cut her free, and is also the one who gave Twi her name. He was her guardian for the 4 years she lived with the Kahkol. Also the one who encouraged her to leave with the Ito's and live in Kugane. He died of old age and sickness, and Twi does know this.
Person Name, relationship. ( ) - Title.
Character's Thoughts: " ."
Description of their relationship.



Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec et leo lorem. Pellentesque tempus quam elit, quis molestie elit luctus non. Quisque ac massa et sem ornare tincidunt. Ut vitae rhoncus mauris. ."
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec et leo lorem. Pellentesque tempus quam elit, quis molestie elit luctus non. Quisque ac massa et sem ornare tincidunt. Ut vitae rhoncus mauris. "
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec et leo lorem. Pellentesque tempus quam elit, quis molestie elit luctus non. Quisque ac massa et sem ornare tincidunt. Ut vitae rhoncus mauris. "


Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"Rumor." — Rumormonger.



Player Note
I'm a VERY heavy user of OOCly communication before and during roleplay (if partners are fine with that). I value consent, safety, and understanding far more than I do immersion. No amount of immersion is worth either party being confused, anxious, or uncomfortable.
Because of my stance on this I will want to ask you a lot of questions! And I hope that you will feel comfortable asking them in return. It can be anything! Doesn't matter if it's something as simple as asking for permission to try out a scenario with Twi, to things much more grave such as you feel unsafe. I won't know if you won't tell me! Please /tell me anytime!
I must also add that if you wish to RP with me then it is MANDATORY that you are capable of keeping RP and real life separate from each other. This is especially true if you want our characters to pursue a romantic plotline. To be perfectly blunt: if we RP together more than we talk OOCly, then I don't know who you are as a person. And you don't know me. Our CHARACTERS are in love, not you and me. Our CHARACTERS are enemies, not you and me as individuals.
I'm always down for making new friends through RP. I met my best friend of 10+ years through RP. But we stayed friends for so long because we actually took the time to get to know each other as people, not just our characters. We also respected each other's boundaries. This is why I highly value OOCly communication. Being transparent and honest about what we want for ourselves, our characters, and our time together is how truly fun and engaging memories are made.
Personal RP Limits
I'm more or less willing to try various kinds of RP. My experience with roleplay so far has been primarily through forums and chatrooms, and so I have a tendency to respond faster than might be comfortable. As always: please let me know if I'm overstepping any boundaries! As for what I'm willing and not willing to RP, the general gist is as follows:
I will play: Slice of life themes, combat RP (once Twi is feeling more confident in herself), dark and mature themes, romance, injury and imprisonment/kidnapping (though definitely ASK about those first!), and I'd be down for adventure RP. So far I've been really enjoying going to various events, so the restaurant and bar scene has been fun too! (Though I think that falls under Slice of Life)
I won't play Permanent death, rape scenes, or ERP. More on that in the "Romance" section.
On Romance
Twi is open to romantic RP. HOWEVER, there are some caveats to this:
■ Point 01: Keep RP and real life separate. This is non negotiable.
■ Point 02: ICly Twi is very wary of entering a romantic relationship. Twi always assumed she'd just be arranged by the time she turned 25, so it just isn't on her radar. It will take some time for her to warm up to you. In short the romance must have time to organically build up between the characters involved. This is ESPECIALLY true if you are a male Xaela, and even moreso if you are a Tumet or a Buduga. Most Tumets in particular have been horribly angry at her for what she never became, so she's already petrified of dealing with them. The Buduga were responsible for decimating the Kahkol, and Twi is no saint. She will be bitter. Getting her to become comfortable in either scenario is going to take time.
■ Point 03: trans characters or "boyish" male characters using female avatar models ARE 100% OKAY! However the boyish characters must be at least 18. I don't care about what's lore correct with Eorzea at that point. Twi's 23. The character must be at least 18 or it's not happening. On that note the player/mun (YOU) must also be 18 or older. That is non negotiable.
■ Point 04: Polygamy is fine! Welcome even. However ALL partners involved with Twi in particular must be capable of following point #1. You must also be willing to respect currently involved partners OOCly as well.
■ On ERP: There will be none (as of the most recent page edit). I'm open to possibly expanding into ERP once I've formed contacts I'm comfortable with that value OOC consent. Twi is an adult, therefore she's probably going to have sex. I know that, and I'm fine with that. However I just don't have any interest in writing smut at this point in time. Kissing, cuddling, innuendos, flirting, and "fade to black" scenarios that imply characters are going to be intimate are fine. As always: ask me if you're uncertain. Twi is not used to physical affection either. So just like a romantic plot isn't going to happen overnight, neither will sex. Twi will not wrestle in the sheets with your character without building some serious trust first. This could be subject to change in the future once I'm more comfortable RP-ing in FFXIV and depending on how the characer develops.


Potential Plot Hooks
Twi is still a relatively new character, so this section is bound to change!
■ Twi was born into the Tumet tribe. She never received a name from the Tumet, however perhaps you recognize her face? Remember that Twi is 23, so if your Tumet is old enough to have been around her there's a chance for recognition.
■ The Kahkol cut Twi free when she failed her ceremony. So if you are a Kahkol then same deal: you might recognize her face or her name. It should be noted Twi was only with the Kahkol until she was 14.
■ At the age of 14 she became the apprentice of a Hingashi couple that ran a clothier service in Kugane. As such, she's lived in Kugane for 9 years. Maybe you remember a shy, but eager Xaela girl running errands around the city?
■ As of this writing Twi works part time as a combat medic for the Mateus Proving Grounds gladiator tournament. Maybe you're a fighter or a fellow medic? Patron? Or you're a spectator that happened to spy her in the alcove or at the socials?
Twi now works for Opal Imports! Mayhap you've seen her make deliveries or help serve people during Opal's lounge nights?
■ I try to go to a lot of events so, if you're interested, being at the same event is absolutely a good enough hook for me!
Character Lore Adherence
I'm still learning about FFXIV's vast lore. As such it's possible some of Twi's details might not be quite lore friendly. I'm more than willing to tweak a few things upon correction! However after a certain amount of time roleplaying some facts may end up set in stone. As always: feel free to contact me and see. I'm personally not too big a stickler so long as your character isn't overpowered or all-knowing.
Place holder text

Wiki profile 02.png
Name - Twi Kahkol
Race - Xaela, Au Ra
Age - 24
Name Day - N/A
Deity - Nhaama and the Hingashi Kami

Citizenship: Born in the Azim Steppe. Lived for 9 years in Hingashi.
Occupation: Waitress and delivery girl for Opal Imports, Combat Medic for Mateus Proving Grounds.
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Dating someone
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Blue/Blue-green
Complexion: Fair. Reddens easily.
Favorite Food: Comfort foods like noodles and dumplings. She does have a sweet tooth, but she tries to hide it.
Favorite Drink: Various teas. She's coming to like fizzy drinks though ("It pops in your mouth!?" ).
Favorite Color: Purple.
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