R'kan Nunh

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R'kan Nunh  

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Just a Simple Miqo'te R'kan is a simple Miqo. He likes to brew his potions and keep those around him healthy and whole. He is very lighthearted and loves to joke. R'kan prefers to have others laughing and smiling rather then stressing about day to day annoyances.


Nature Especially the forest and clear sunny skies. He loves to lay in the sun and relax.

Music Secretly loves to listen to the harp or flute.

Brewing Nothing quite beats the satisfaction of a sucessfully brewed potion.

Helping Others Once again....healer.


Bullies Having been a Tia in the tribe for a long time under an abusive Nunh, R'kan cant stand those who abuse their station.

Ghosts Very few people know that R'kan is terrified of the supernatural. He rarely ever goes near anything that may be haunted.


Acute Senses As with most Miqo'te, he has an acute sense of smell and hearing.

Calm, Patient, and Resourceful R'kan stays cool under pressure due to his Job and makes use out of all items in his surroundings if he needs something in a pinch.

Calming Presence R'kan's easy going personality makes him quick to be trusted by his patients.


Cold Having grown up in the Peaks, R'kan is very susceptible to the colder weather. When he is out and about, he is seen wearing a rather long coat or his warmer winter sweater.

Combat ....ahem.....Healer.

Too Trusting Since he is always willing to help others, a lot of people have taken advantage of that, with quite a few times leading almost to his death.


With a focused gaze and a few second channel, R'kan can prevent death and cleanse most aliments. He is also skilled for long time recovery from diseases and sickness. When he has down time, he brews his potions and salves to help him heal as many as he can. He has a great memory for potion recipes, so he can often brew many of them at one time.

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Some ways you may run into, or know of R'kan:

  • Helping Others: Well, he is a healer, always willing to help those in need.
  • Potion Brewer: He finds brewing potions relaxing.
  • Bounty: He "may" be wanted in a few city-states, possibly.
  • Tavern/Bar: R'kan does enjoy a cold meade or Sake from time to time.
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I'm not R'kan As awesome as I hope he turns out to be, please keep in mind that I'm not him and he's not me. I plan to keep OOC and IC feelings, thoughts, and opinions separate. If R'kan doesn't like your character, it in no way means that I don't like you. And vis versa.
I have a real life. Gasp! As much as I wish I could sit and play FFXIV "all day erryday", I can't. I have a career and friends and puppers that I love to hang out with. Please don't take offense if I have to cut off an RP because I've been called away to work, help a friend with a dungeon, etc.


I will NOT
  • Permanent character death: Don't want to remake a character, so no thanks.
  • ERP: Tis just another form to RP for me.
  • Do fight scenes: I do the /random rolls for combat.
  • Mature topics: I don't take offense to coarse language, or more mature topics, so those are fine in conversations and RP.
  • Most walk-ups: Unless I'm queuing for a dungeon, or afk, I'm happy to have walk-up RPs!

Gender - Male
Race - Miqo'te
Clan - Seeker of the Sun
Age - 37
Orientation - Pansexual
Marital Status - Single
Server - Mateus

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