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Zoz Of Blades
                                       Zoz Of Blades 

Ex-garlean soldier Of Garlean Empire secret weapon know as B-L-A-D-E not much is know about this now known Mercenary grew up as a Hyur Midlander taken from his family as a boy to be raised and serve in the Ranks of the Imperial Legion years of hard work and labor took its toll on Zoz but Zoz never flinch or gave up in fact the extra labor pushed Zoz to work harder and soon be chosen to serve in the Imperial Ranks .

Zoz Quickly surpassed in any trial the Imperial Legion threw at him he completed each of his mission soon he was chosen for a special secret rank know as B-L-A-D-E Zoz took on each of the blades missions that he was sent with only 5 men only coming back with zero and alone earning the tile Zoz Of Blades .

On One mission that would be his last he was to take hold of a military secret weapon of the Empires enemy on the eve of completing his mission he and his men where cornered at first they had the upper hand but soon after were overwhelmed soon all 5 men fell to there death Zoz cornered facing death choose to retreat to his ship and escape. With the judgement of the Imperial Legion of the failure of his mission looming over his mind he choose to live in exile only being know as a Mercenary for Hire.