Evien mal Sheol

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 Evien mal Sheol
Evien mal Sheol.jpg
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Dalmascan
Citizenship Dalmasca
Age 54
Nameday 5th Sun, 1st Umbral Moon
Current residence Valnain
Birthplace Rabanastre
Occupation Aetherochemist for Garlemald's IVth Legion
Job Sage, Alchemist

Evien mal Sheol is a Miqo'te from the imperial-conquered kingdom of Dalmasca, but has "betrayed" his countrymen (not that he sees it that way) to happily work as a mal-ranked researcher for Garlemald.


Evien was born in Rabanastre, capital of the prosperous trade nation of Dalmasca. A natural-born genius in the ways of manipulating aether, in his boyhood he was found by a visiting Sharlayan and invited to the island nation for schooling. In Sharlayan he became an expert in the field of aetherochemistry (using aether to modify lifeforms), so much so that when Dalmasca was conquered by Garlemald during Evien's young adulthood he was recruited into the IVth Legion's science division and quickly climbed the ranks to mal. He was happy to do so, as Garlemald's funding and resources gave him more opportunities than he could ever achieve otherwise. Raised in Dalmascan culture, when he met his love Celhi they chose to be a simple couple instead of the usual Miqo'te tribal lifestyle.

Despite not being native Garleans Evien's rank afforded his family a nice life in the IVth Legion's base of operations, the port city Valnain, because of Legatus Gabranth's openness to other races, though his wife Celhi died of illness shortly after giving birth to their daughter Invia. Evien was often seen as a traitor to the Dalmascan cause, but he does not see it that way; after all, has not the level of technology and understanding of aether rocketed since Dalmasca was conquered? He is only helping them prosper!

Evien's daughter Invia would eventually leave Dalmasca to "become a hero", something Evien dismissed. Even though he truly does love her, they had a rather large fight and falling out over the matter because they fundamentally disagreed about Garlemald. Evien continued to research in Valnain until he was assigned a more dangerous task: aiding the fight against the Bozjan Resistance.

Aboard the massive airship the Dalriada, as a force led by the Bozjan and Dalmascan resistance leaders fought the IVth Legion's officers, Invia had an emotional confrontation of her own with Evien. When the Diablo Armament went on a rampage and destroyed the ship, despite everything that had happened, Invia shielded her father from the explosions and raining debris. Though on the verge of death, Invia knew she had saved someone she loved...only for him to do shortly the same. Taking auracite that the IVth Legion had gathered and stored on the ship for research, Evien used the miracle-granting stone to give his life for his daughter's. Invia was brought back from the other side at the cost of her father's life, and as his last act of love toward his daughter, saved from the destruction of the Dalriada and spirited back to the Bozjan basecamp.



Tall, thin, and with facial features that can only be described as 'bony', Evien is probably the dictionary image of a Garlean scientist. His clothing and greying blond hair are always kept impeccably clean. He carries a pocket chronometer on his person, and the inside cover has a portrait of his daughter when she was young.





  • Evien truly does love his daughter, even if they had a large falling out.
  • Curry



  • Theater
  • Aether manipulation



  • His daughter Invia Sheol is estranged, as she fights for Dalmasca's freedom (among other things) while Evien is content to remain a Garlean scientist.
  • Evien's wife Celhi died shortly after Invia was born.




This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea and slightly modified.