Tivahlt Grimmgeist

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 Tivahlt Grimmgeist
Placeholder person.gif
The Gentile Wanderer
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Esil'Heihm
Age 27
Nameday (will be finalized in phase 4)
Guardian Menphina, the Lover, though he doesn't know it.
Orientation Pansexual
Occupation None
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Basic Info

Full Name: Tivahlt Grimmgeist

Pronunciation: TIV-alt GRIM-gaist (last syllable rhymes with "iced")

Nicknames: Tiv, more sure to come as he interacts with others.

Aliases: Formerly "Tiva," used briefly prior to Dalamud.

Birthplace: Esil'Heihm, an island nation in the middle of nowhere.

Current Residence: Any spare room he can find.

Other Notes: Tiv hates his full name, for various reasons. He rarely lets someone know it, and he won't be happy if you say it.


Height: 5'7"

Weight: 130 ponz

Build: Lithe, but with a little bit of muscle.

Skin Color: Pale with a blue tint. Clearly does not have an intimate relation with sunshine.

Eye Color: Yellow, with a faint glow.

Hair Color: Deep purple with tips of blue-ish white.

Hair Style: Generally unkempt. It looks less like an actual style, and more like someone took a knife to much longer hair and then tried to fix it haphazardly. The front hangs over his eyes, occasionally obscuring his vision enough that he needs to flick it away. He claims that it adds to his "mysterious wanderer" look.

General Clothing Style: Though as a self-expressed homeless wanderer his clothing is often reduced to "whatever he can get," he keeps whatever outfit he is wearing very clean and precisely fitted. He almost never has a button unbuttoned or a fold out of place. When he wears what he actually prefers to wear, it usually errs on the side of formal, but with enough comfort that he can (usually) fit in with the rest of the crowd.

Voice: Very smooth and just a little bit flirtatious. He is very well spoken and picks his words carefully, always trying his best to be cordial, even when he's excited or scared. He rarely ever raises his voice in anger, but when he is riled his voice becomes much rougher, almost like a primal growl.

Other Notes: (will come when appearance is finalized)


Note: This is for educational purposes only! The odds of any of this information being widely known are so low that calculating them would be pointless. The primary purpose for this information is to make Tiv's history easier to write, by putting the more wordy exposition in its own section.

It is also a testament to what happens when I go off on a tangent and no one stops me. The "Intricacies" section especially is full of information that no one will ever need.

The Basics

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My Life as a Kid

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Death in the Family

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Gruesome Trials

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Invasion and Escape

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Welcome to Eorzea

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Battles at Home

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My Life as a (Fake) King

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Run Away!/Back to Eorzea

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Abilities in Battle

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Abilities in Daily Life

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Just a joke!


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Other Notes


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