Haila Wetyios

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 Haila Wetyios
[[Image:Ss (2014-06-09 at 11.43.29).jpg|250px]]
Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Lominsan
Place of Birth Limsa Lominsa
Guardian Azeyma, The Warden.
Age 23
Marital Status Unmarried.
Occupation Errand runner.
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Basic Info

"You may not understand, I'm not like the others." —Haila


Height: 5 Fulms, 7 Ilms

Weight: 125 Ponze

Complexion: Slim complexion, she seems frail at first sight, yet the way she moves prove that there is more than the eye can see.

Hair: Black

Eyes: Her left eye is red, a strange trait possible acquired during the calamity, whereas her right eye remains blue.

Particular Traits: Two small white tatoos right under both of her eyes.


Clothing Style: Long sleeved shirts if the weather allows it, if not, mostly vests with shorts. She wears long boots almost all the time too.




  • Walking around Ul'dah.
  • Crafting several jewerly pieces.
  • Fishing everywhere.


  • Watching the sea under the rain.
  • Crafting jobs and fishing.


  • Fighting.
  • Drunken men.


  • Color: Red and White.
  • Food: Mutton Stew.
  • Drinks: Mint Lassi.
  • Scent: Dandelion.
  • Place: The sea from Mist.
  • Festival: Unknown.






Nothing is known yet.


  • Personality disorder.
  • Progressive amnesia.
  • Lack of Mental strenght.


- Disappearing.


She is quite gifted still in the art of summoning yet it takes a toll on her body, forcing her to focus and develop a great talent on jobs that require for something to be crafted, specially goldsmithing.


When it comes to knowledge about arcanimas and history, her own self from before the fall of Dalamud may have known, yet due to her constant suffering from memory loss it is uncertain how far she may remember her previous studies, on thing is certain, her common sense is quite minimal compared to that of a normal person.


Final Fantasy Characters: None

Other Game Characters: None

Anime Characters: None

TV Tropes

I Am WhoInnocent Prodigy,  Forgets to EatOjou, Brooding Boy, Gentle Girl, Armor Piercing Question, Belated Backstory

Abilities and Skills


Although she does errands constantly, her social skills are somehow lacking due to almost no interaction with other people, she may seem refined and hold etiquette, but other than doing so, she cannot show affection nor other kind of strong feelings towards other people.



She is extremely well versed in the art of summoning, yet due to the side effect of an incident during the Calamity, this also takes a tall on her body, on recent happenings the moment she manages to summon a primal egi some crystal bits start appearing all over her hands due to the aether required to control such energy.


Family and Relationships


All what is written here bears absolutely no OOC feelings, and may be subject to change as the story develops. If your name doesn't appear in this list, I have probably forgotten, or my character just doesn't remember you. Please do not use these information to affect you ICly or mess with my character's feelings. Use of OOC information will be flagged as god-moding and I will not react to it ICly if I feel this is what you're doing.


Her parents perished to the Calamity, according to the Maelstrom files under her name, she may have family in Ul'dah, Serendipity possibly being her cousin, yet she is oblivious to all this.


Alex Sykes: She met him in the Quicksand during a strange talk about a Roegadyn that could be causing trouble around Ul'dah, seeing him as a poor tramp during that time, she offered him a small piece of bread for him to eat, causing the youngster to find inspiration in her actions and excitedly running off for "adventures". Many moons passed until she found the Miqo'te again this time around Lavender Beds during an errand, this time the starving boy had turned into a formidable fighter who seeks to become stronger and travel even more, Haila somehow feels proud of him after seeing how much he changed in such a short time and holds some respect for him despite not knowing a lot about his past.

Zaiaku Kurai: Her view towards him could be considered quite an odd one, both met in the Quicksand and held a small number of conversations when she was still fragile of her mind and amnesia kept coming and going. Although she barely remembers what really happened during a time he had control over her, she still finds herself drawn to him first as a curious child, and then gradually letting those feelings grow into that of "love" as she keeps reminding him she believes in his kind side, one which not many notice. Despite being aware of the dangers and probably the eyes she would attract if seen around him, she believes one just has to understand him and his reasons better, and continued to try and know him better in her own way. Nevertheless, both grew quite apart as time passed, making her start to wonder if she took a decision quite hastily without thinking of the consequences, she wishes to talk to him, but the betrayal in her words are enough for her to stay away from Zai, at least for some time until both of their emotions stir.

Ruah'a Bhowsu: Both met in the most random way possible, she was being followed by a tiny tortoise that caught the Keeper's attention, a performer, of humble origins from a clan back in the Twelveswood. She has seen him grow quite quickly the past moon while developing a close friendship with him, the culture differences between the two only give path to more self evaluation and a strange interest that, despite agreeing is something not to be called love, still draws them closer as time passes. Despite being quite a reserved Miqo'te, Haila considers Ruah'a to be the closest person to her for the time being and would do anything possible to see the alchemist apprentice's dream come true as well as helping him realize what he wishes for in the new life Ul'dah has to give to them.


Impresario Halloween: Although she sees him rarely or only during her work shifts at the Cafe, she is quite interested in him, specially since he never removed his mask and refuses to tell her further about how he noticed all the Dark Aether from around her or just avoids the question, despite all this she is just like a kid in the sense of being curious and stares into his pumpkin mask constantly as if trying to think of all the answers to her questions by herself, and making poor Impresario quite nervous while doing so.

Katiti Kati: The second in charge at the Piquant Pumpkin cafe, despite never talking, Haila holds quite a lot of respect for the lalafell, as she has seen her stand up to the troublemakers from the Quicksand who happened to be her coworkers as well, in a manner that has required little fight, quite the contrary of her who had her cesti ready in case something came to happen during the last fights in the tavern.

Gus Pumpkinweed: The boss of the Piquant Pumpkin Cafe, quite a remarkable lalafell if Haila would say so herself, she seldom speaks when working for him yet can't help but admire the enthusiasm and hard work he has placed on raising the reputation of his business. While she may keep her distance due to Gus being a bit enthusiastic to talk about coitus or watching her change (thing she was never sure wether it was a joke or not) she looks forward to keep on working under him, as the experience itself has given her quite many opportunities to talk to others.

S'vett Tia: An introverted Miqo'te, or so Haila thinks, she had seen him a few times during her first orientations at the cafe yet never spoke until she somehow found herself dragged into watching an illegal fight ring at the goblet, in which him and another worker of the Pumpkin cafe faced off. Up to this point she thought of him as someone quite serious yet caring for others as the poor Miqo'te seemed to try to hold back. Yet her suspicions somehow changed after a hunting organized by Gus, where all his workers were to join and hunt for a "Werewoof" during this time, Haila was witness to S'vett being quite a scared fellow, yet  thinks he may grow into a stronger person within due time, she feels curiosity and would love to talk to him more as she can see a caring heart in the Seeker.



Music Themes

Fate - Kokia

Arrange - Secession Studios

Stories - Code Geass

Note: Vocal Songs are attributed themes in which the lyrics seem to relate or partially relate to the character. They don't mean to resemble the character's voice. The instrumental themes are meant to give an idea of the atmosphere around the character. Songs with character names (example: "Tidus's Theme") are NOT meant to indicate that the character is like the theme owner. I just find the instruments and melody fitting, not the character the song was originally addressed to.


Note: This section is editable by anyone. Just keep in mind that the rumors here may be both true or false.


Name and Lifestyle

Name Etimology

Haila is the Arabic Yemen name which means "Something Amazing"


Little White Rose

Current Residence:


Before Dalamud's Fall

Teen Years

Daughter of a Doman refugee and a local arcanist in Limsa Lominsa, Haila showed to be quite a prodigy in strategy from early ages and her teen years. Earning the attention from the Maelstrom, whom invested under the consent of her humble family into training her to join them in her late teens, making her the youngest yet avid member of their force. Despite the constant underestimation and mocking from those older than her, she remained true to herself and proved to be quite a strong young woman. She took after the Maelstrom's commander Merlwyb and offered to be in the frontlines to aid the soldiers by designing better positions and strategies in the battlefield with the aid of a linkpearl. Needless to say, when the first fragments fell unto the field, it was something not foreseen, the young strategist stayed behind aiding what remained of their forces as hell raised around them as was thought to be among the many who had lost their lives due to how close she was last seen from the fragments falling while in fire, wrecking everything in their path.

Much to her superior's surprise, she was found a few days later, on a site that now reeked of Dark Aether, her body half cristalized onto a great cluster, as if it was trying to absorb her whole self into it. After being rescued she was sent into Camp Bronzelake along with a few more survivors to heal their wounds and decide later what would become of them. Shortly after this, the notice of her parent's passing during the Calamity came afloat, yet the Maelstrom hid this fact as they did not wish to cause more strain in such a young person.

After Dalamud's Fall


Her adulthood turned out to be something more of a childhood, as if she had just been born. It took a fair 2 years in order to get all her motor functions back after the crystalization of part of her body damaged most of it after the Calamity, despite this the main problem was, the corrupted Aether she had been exposed to was too great, causing a great damage to her memories, according to the ones tending her in Camp Bronze Lake, she could be just a kid who had learnt its first words when the journey to her recovering began. She seemed like a young adult at the eyes of many yet when spoken to, it looked as if she was just a child in the body of an adult. Lacking common sense and any memory from before being found, the young maiden was no longer fit to be one of the Maelstrom's most brilliant soldier. Upon realizing this, her commander relieved her of her duties with the Maelstrom with the intention of "giving her a normal life" as almost all her teenager years were spent in training to be of great help for the grand company. Being given a second chance to life her life in a better way, she was sent over to Summerford Farms, where it was hoped she would live a normal life while on the way of becoming a mature adult.

Even though she blended instantly, helping as an errand child, harvesting, or picking up whatever items were needed from Limsa for the farm and vice versa, in one of her many trips to the main city, she stumbled upon the Arcanist's guild, marveled at how someone could bring forward such a strange being as a Carbuncle, she begged their members to teach her some of this. Still, regardless of her petitions, she was not allowed to join, aware of her strange condition, the guildmaster requested to not let her within their numbers, yet she was still given a grimoire in order to apease her out of pity, her talent with strategy and such was no more, or it was rather dormant in her child ish state. And so, another year passed in Summerford Farms, her mind developing quickly each day as her body matured rather faster than her mind, yet making progress, the strange book she was given a year before was now faded from being read over and over again, and then put to practice during late hours of the night, it seemed as if her talent was still there, as she could now summon a Carbuncle and cast basic spells for Arcanists yet at the same time another strange symptom surfaced. As described by the workers who knew her, Haila was starting to forget things from the past, may be small errands or even the current time, illusions were clouding her eyes as well, as she would often speak to nothing in particular and even recite things nobody would understand in a foreign tongue, hearing about this, some researchers often visited her to determine the cause of this, none succeed until the day a group of people calling themselves the Sons of Saint Coinach appeared at the very door of the house she was staying at, requesting for her to go with them to help in the studies of the Allagan Empire as it seemed some of her strange talks and actions were similar to those described by ancient tomes found in ruins close to the very place she had been found after the Calamity. Much to the researcher's dismay, all the habitants of the place refused to let her go, turning it into a dispute that scared her and left only a negative emotion the moment she heard about them. As time passed, people were by now used to her delusions and coming backs, as it seemed to happen periodically, incredibly withing a couple of months she had almost forgotten the incident with Saint Coinach thought her negative emotions towards them remained intact.

vel the world and see its many wonders. Despite being rejected several times, the Arcanist's guild supported her after a reunion after 2 years, seeing how capable she was with arcanima, they deemed a shame for her to not have joined from the very start and let her go. Now with 2 organization's approval, she was bestowed her own chocobo with Lominsan flags and released into the world.

A Realm Reborn (Present, 23)

Barely after a year of wandering and seeing new people and customs, Haila's body started to deteriorate the moment she used Arcane magic, more specifically after summoning the very esscence of primals, ability she acquired during an expedition around the ruins of Mor Dhona when she was simply safeguarding some independant researchers in their quest for discovery. Her old grimoire, no longer fit for casting was replaced with an ancient one, gift from the Sons of Saint Coinach which she reluctantly accepted yet used only in rare occasions in order to keep up good health. Now 23 years old, she settled momentarily in Ul'dah where she took several jobs that involved crafting or gathering materials. Even though her prescence was mostly felt around the quicksand, nary a word was exchanged with others when she stepped inside either to dance in silence trying to "liven things a little bit" or when she sat on tables. This cycle remained the same until the royal Ball came up, although she attended she did not speak with anyone, yet caught the attention of a local Black Mage, shortly after the event took place and she reassumed  her constant errands around the city, that very same person followed her until they met at last in the Miner's guild, place that seemed to be the only one not reeking of nobles and over everything crowds, the two only shared a brief conversation yet got caught in each other's mysteriousness. The Mage presented himself as Mesigna Quelzar, always wearing a mask and speaking in a strange way, Haila was drawn to him, occasionally meeting him in Limsa and talking in many places in La Noscea. After a few meetings a sparkle of love was light up as the man, no longer a stranger asked of her to be his partner, first in confusion, quite a few moons had to pass until she accepted under the vow of "Belonging to that which accepts her for who she is". Her happyness with her newfound love was short live though, as not long after their vows under a bright moon took place, Mesigna disappeared, as if the sands had swallowed him. Haila looked for him quite often when wandering in the city, yet he was no longer around. Now heartbroken and hollow, she remains travelling yet coming back into Ul'dah constantly. Alone yet again, she refrains from practicing magic around others, as her summoning magic is considered to be a taboo to many and limits herself to doing errands pretty much everywhere she is.

Recent Events

- Quit dancing at the Quicksand due to the lack of spirit and coin she earned in return, "I could dance in the middle of the tavern in small clothes and no one would notice" was her comment when asked why she no longer did so.

- Met Gus Pumpkinweed and was hired as a Barback for the Piquant Pumpkin Cafe for events, despite her lack of social skills she is proving to be usefull at serving drinks along with her co-workers.

- Impresario Halloween, another worker of Gus noticed the dark aura from within her and the artifact Zaiaku used to control her fragile mind, the undercover Voidsent offered to help her and somehow released all the dark aether from her body, causing her to lose consciousness for a brief time and be freed from her "master"'s control along with the sudden recover of most of her memories from before the Calamity and regaining her mental strength now knowin who she really is.

- Confronted Zaiaku Kurai upon starting to remember small fragments of what happened between them, despite all of it, she decided to further try to understand him and ended up giving shape to feelings of love that he accepted in confusion due to her strange way of thinking and promised to not meddle with her mind ever again.

- Found Alex Sykes after a long time of not seeing the young boy, she is quite happy for him and wished to sit and share their stories for a while, yet he somehow has disappeared again, strangely among the crowds she has seen a lass that somehow resembles him but does not make any assumptions.

Other Notes

Wanted for Interesting Roleplay

  • Characters who posses knowledge of Arcanima.
  • Researchers.
  • Active Roleplayers.