Chani Fhae

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 "Blinny" the Treasure Faerie
”Is life always this hard, or is it just when you’re a kid?”
Your Go-To Girl!
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Unknown
Age 15 at ARR
Namesday 13th Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon
Birthplace Gridania
Guardian Nymeia, the Spinner
Occupation ... Mer... chant... Delivery girl!
Class/Job Subject to change: Scholar, Alchemist, Botanist
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Cima Fhae (technically II) [see-ma • f/r/-ay; translated treasure faerie (alias: Blinny)] is a... well, that is... Fhae specializes in the procurement and trade of goods. Simply put: you want it, she can find it. At a price. And try not to ask too many questions - you could get a kitty cut.

"Is it a needful thing?"
Theme Song

Basic Info

  • Height: 4 fulms 5 ilms (Growing, requires moar fertilizer)
  • Weight: Approx 70 ponz (She's actually a feather in cat's pajamas)

A slight sprite of a creature with an elfin countenance, Fhae is like... a cute shadow... a wisp of smoke, a... yeah. No hint of a swordsman in her. Athletics? Hah. She's a runt. Her twig-like frame is riddled with scars, scratches, burns, bruises - the whole shabam, really - and it makes you wonder: "What has this Miqo'te gotten herself into?"

She is addicted to pipe-grass among various other substances and can be found with a glazed, glassy, hard, or absent look to her otherwise downcast, dark-circled eyes. She clears her throat often and has a cough despite a voice that sounds like gentle rain.

If I get to pick a pig-tail hairstyle in character customization, that's what she's getting.

Fhae has a black-and-brown grungey-meets-hippie flare to her fashion: some boots made explicitly for stomping (or none at all), fishnet-to-tribal-pattern stockings and armlets, waist-cinching belts, and short cropped attire or flowing, gypsy-esque clothing - to name a few, the degree of her "clash" actually depends on her mood and the occasion. On a bad day she's a boy.

Due to a "misunderstanding" of... some variety, Fhae had the tips of her ears and tail cut off and now they're... pretty stubby. She pretends it is not so.

Besides that, she adorns what remains of her ears with two bulbous earrings - a waning red moon on the left and blazing blue sun on the right. These shapes and their colours represent the loss of her anonymous mother, the moon, and father-figure, her sun. Around her neck she wears a choker and bell-pendant - tinkling like wind-chimes with the subtlest of movements. And when she feels like it: beads, string, flowers and silver wherever she can dangle or tie it.


Fhae was born in Gridania in the year 1562. Her mother died from giving birth and Fhae still doesn't understand why her mother even bothered migrating to the city-state in the first place if she was just going to up and die on her. Was that her idea of a better life? Fhae scoffs.

The white mages, being all righteous and such, sheltered Fhae the orphan and eventually an apprenticeship was attempted. Except Fhae didn't have a knack for that text-book-repeat-after-me-teacher's-pet stuff so the lessons ended at eight years. Her talents lay in the talk-of-the-town, reconnaissance on the adventurers and the happenings of the world. One conversation led to another and at ten-or-so-years-old, Fhae found herself leaving her home-state with a particularly tough-looking Roegadyn "explorer" (who was stoned out of his gourd and thought she could make a half-decent lackey). He took her to the hustley-bustley desert city of commerce, where she learned a thing or two or several (and information she doesn't relay readily and neither will I.)

Then there was the port-city, and she got her first taste of the salt-breeze. What I mean is her first gulp of sea-water. She sailed on ship after ship as a deckhand, and then she was among pirates! My, it all escalated so quickly. She wasn't an exceptional sailor in any regard and had a tendency to get sea-sick. On a positive note, she loved the minstrel ladies and lads aboard those ships, and got to visit exotic lands! In any case, they returned to the port eventually and the Mister Sea Wolf left her behind not shortly after (not that cruelly, though she kind of sees it as so - it was a voyage, and he couldn't afford to bring a kid along).

He never came back. So, through her "connections" and her "friends" she established something of a life for herself, and mostly sticks to her own company. She listens, though. She's always listening. And wandering.


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  • 1572. Cranberries and Walnuts - x

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  • 1575. Farewell, Fohcs - x
  • 1576. Senseless - what a long, strange trip it's been.
  • 1577. Faeries and Tails - the adventure begins.


Little Miss Badass Trope

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral ... Maybe evil. Dunno.

"What a... dreadful girl."

A mouse of a Miqo'te under every-day circumstances: quiet, timid and independent. She's a recluse, preferring to hermit and lay-low unless her work demands otherwise. When it comes to interactions she can be perceived as "batty" or strange if she's feeling polite, but typically... offensive. And unpleasant (ex: smiling is a rarity/the frowniest of frowns, smirks and sneers are commonplace). You're only her friend if you're a benefit. Or if she's high as a kite.

Fhae experiences anxiety in the lime-light and digs the night for its absence of folk and blurring of identity. Of people, she is intuitive when it comes to reading the motives and desires of others. She isn't like other girls her age and can handle dark, morbid stuff well (marked by her dry, adult humour), but that isn't to say she's not a kid. The better you know her, the more childish she is. She has a Peter Pan complex.

She's a cat of material possessions and considers herself a "collector," but thrifty; conserving her gil wherever she can. She also prides herself on being her own provider. Fhae's clueless in areas of "common" knowledge: politics (some kitties just wanna see the world burn; Fhae's an anarchist) and cultures to name a few, but street-smart and savvy with things like botany and mechanics. She displays interest in chemistry and history. She learns by physical and verbal but can't seem to get her head around a book.

  • Freedom
  • Music and instruments
  • Logic... and fairytales! But don't get the two confused.
  • Destruction, mischief and mayhem
  • Math, odd numbers
  • Studying (which she associates with books; poor reader)
  • Authority and law
  • The righteous and holy
  • Losing/spending gil
  • Culture, religion
  • Horticulture
  • Alchemy
  • Treasure, shinies, rares
  • History
  • Tinkering: bombs and toys, sometimes a two in one
  • Physical strength
  • (Debatably) latent temper/irritability
  • Substances/Addiction
  • Bards, adventurers, explorers
  • Silver-tongues


Finders, Keepers.

  • Eyrifohc Styrsyn: "Fohcs."

Other Notes

RP Preferences

Character Inspiration: Mathilda Lando Alia of the Knife O'Malley the Alley Cat Triela Hit-Girl Hanna Heller

Fhae operates under the guise of a "courier." In sketchier scenarios, she claims to be the "runner" or "fence." In both cases she is the "middle man." She refers to her occupation as "Finders, Keepers," and can be discovered through grapevine marketing. A friend of a friend of a friend of yours. To hire, it is encouraged that you send word (safely) through friends or via carrier pigeon (except Fhae can't read...). Or something. Will work out the details on a later date.

Also, obviously, no reaaal gil is required for this role-play idea, I just wanna have an excuse to mingle with all sorts of character breeds (and have fun doing it!). The price of her services would be pretend-gil or shinies of some-sort or another. She collects rabbit trinkets.

I'm not sure what my schedule will be like at the time of release, but I hope to be able to invest a good chunk of my time into gaming and such. This should work with my character concept as Fhae doesn't (necessarily) exist as a journeying companion (though adventure is FTW and I'm gearing her more towards Scholar meow) and will be making appearances in small doses (I'm hoping medium doses, but...), due to the nature of her business and anti-personality.


  • "Exotics," which kind of/not really entail the below
  • Antiques and counterfeits
  • Substances; drugs; medicines - organic/chemical
  • Weapons - explosives
  • Companions (I'm talking about those parrots with the funny feathers)

Wanted for Interesting Roleplay

If your character fits any of these thur things here and you find yourself interested, feel free to message me on the RPC or via IG (when ARR is officially out). Whether the relationship is predetermined by us or established through role-play, I don't really care. Just don't be shy to approach me!

  • Clients, customers and business associates: If your character needs something of the black-market variety, Fhae can help them out. If your character supplies something of the black-market variety, Fhae can help them out. Under, over, and under the table.
  • Law enforcement-types: The law and Fhae don't really see eye-to-eye.
  • Doctors and medicine-men: Fhae is accustomed to the "rough life" by now, but that doesn't mean [when she holds her own in a stick-up] she doesn't need medical help.
  • Tutor: Someone to teach Fhae how to read print and rune.
  • Jeweler: To make her gemstones into jewelry for easy, prettier summonings.