Umi kanzato

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Gridania-transparent.png Umi Kanzato
"So Annoying"
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Gridania
Age 22
Sexuality Undecided
Occupation Conjurer
Guardian Nymeia, The Spinner
Namesday 13th Sun of the First Astral Moon



Mostly seen in the forest of Gridania, she spends very little time in the large cities, although when she does she is often complaining about the crowds and the harsh heat or cold. Although most of her tribe can be placed as playful and welcoming she isn't the type to simply smile and open her arms to a complete stranger, thus she is always on edge and never trust anyone. With a narrow view on life and the way things should be handled, this young Miqo'te is very straight forward, she will ask very awkward questions, try to pin the person down and believes very strongly in moral manners and standing. Although she was raised in the woods she can be easily confused as a city cat which she takes high offense to.


Umi is a tiny Miqo'te who is unaffected by her height, perhaps one of the shortest in her whole clan. Whatever curves she might possess are modest, but usually covered up by over sized shirts that hide most of her body, besides the skirt that she wears that nicely shows off her well built Miqo'te legs.

With pale skin in contrast to the deep blue that her hair is made up of, the few purple strands seemingly making her skin glow in the darkness. This goes on saying that her red eyes make her look more evil that what she really is. Although she is a laid back person she tried to keep her hair and clothes very neat and in order, thus she doesn't like to do the dirty work.

Besides the normally clothing, Umi is attached to anything that is the color blue or a lush green, although she would never be caught wearing green. With her funds normally gone she has a very hard time funding her other lover for the soft fabrics that she often comes across, this proves a problem for her only for a little bit but during those times she is often cranky and can get annoyed very easily.


When most people look at Umi they are forced to smile just to be nice, after all the glares she could send are not bright and friendly. Her bad mood demeanor often creates a tense air about her causing many people to shy away from or leave her alone, and just above a normal person would do so very happily. However, she's incredibly loyal to those she cares about, literally to the point of death, and She would, unhesitatingly, jump in the way to save someone she knows without a single thought of the danger. Umi is often very truthful and though many would look at this as a good thing the gift of truth in her mouth could lead to a bad thing. Unafraid of asking questions most wouldn't due to politeness, Umi has a knack for prying for information and bringing up topics many would be too shy about approaching.

Umi relationships with people is very bad, in fact she can't even get out a hello without more crude words flowing right after! Her world is enclosed around trusting the truth, what your eyes and ears hear, it is rare for her to trust anyone else but herself or her tribe.In spite of this, Umi can be very trusting once she gets to know someone, this can cause problems because, since she had never had a friend or someone to care for, she becomes possessive. She doesn't know how to act around people and shy away from other friends or people she personally doesn't know, this brings another wedge between her and the people around her causing a large gap that she is not willing to fill. This leads to the question that perhaps she is hiding something that causes this social problem.

Taking her studies in healing and Herbs very seriously, Umi pushes her self beyond the point of breaking, she hardly sleeps and even though she has a bed and room is hardly there resting. This makes her body very weak compared to most of her clan, while others can run free for miles Umi will be lucky to make it a few feet, this is perhaps where her hate for others come into play, to her so many people for granted what they have and still want more. While she is often noted to be mean or cranky, Umi can be actually very nice when she wants to be, just don't wake her up. On the times that she does sleep, Umi sleeps for hours upon hours before getting up and repeating her process, this causes her not to be a morning person and to simply break down when someone wakes her up, but catch her in a good mood right after her morning sugar fix and you'll be in heaven! This is a part of her that she tries to hide from everyone.

Her love for animals and sweets out weigh her hate for the Seekers of the sun, even the males surprisingly. With many dogs and cats owned by her in her tribe waiting for her daily visits, Umi can't help but hate everyone else that tries to come between them, this is perhaps one reason she hates serious work. Often playing with cats like a child would, she can be heard talking to it and sometimes singing, she is very nervous about doing this in public but cute things seem to be attached to her by the hip once she finds them.



Because of Cae's innocence and bubbly personality, she can easily be underestimated.

With Umi normally in cities, reading or simply spying on people, what does she need combat for?

One would think none correct? With a staff in hand she threw her self into learning healing and how to become a full conjurer, though she made many mistakes along the way. With no one at her side she tends to stay out of the enemies reach standing just from her reach and theirs before cursing them and then entrapping them in the earth before they could touch her. However, her attack spells are weak and if she gives too much of her Mana to her guardian it would spell her doom by hitting the monster in the head repeatedly. Normally she would use someone else as a 'meat shield' and simply claim when they get overly hurt that they should watch themselves better, claiming no fault on her own. Truth be told Umi is scared of death of fighting, although she talks big and teases people all the time she would most likely wiggle her way out of a fight if she could, after all her most powerful spells are her healing and she would rather be doing that then fighting something that someone else could.



Romance Novels
Freshly Cut Grass
The Ocean Waves
Stories of Lore


Being ignored
Males with no Manners
Seekers of the Sun
Serious Work
Extreme heat
Raw Fish


Magic (particularly healing)
Getting into trouble
Getting out of trouble
Cheering people up


Favourite Food/Drink: Anything sweet
Favourite Place: Gridania
Favorite Weather: Rain
Favorite Season: Spring
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Scents: The Fresh Ocean air; Forest Leaves


Romantic Interest     Sexual Desire     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing

Friends & Acquaintances


Enemies & Rivals






Theme Song: TBD

TV Tropes: TBD

Alignment: Neutral

Feel free to send me a tell if you ever want to RP!.