Luma Lee

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 Luma Lee
[[Image:Luma Lee.jpg|250px]]
The Adventuresome
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Lominsan
Place of Birth New Gridania
Guardian Oschon, The Wanderer
Nameday 12th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon (Age: 21)
Marital Status Unmarried
Occupation Postman
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Basic Info

"You are your own obstacle in the journey of life." —Luma


Luma is a silent, curious midlander, with the goal to venture and figure out all of Eorzea and it's landmarks. His father's goal of exploring all of Eorzea is very close and important to him once his father lost his life to the calamity. Before, he thought it was stupid and meaningless, but overtime he realized that his father's goal is the only thing connecting himself with his father's being. Luma occasionally stops to calm down his pounding head, he never knew why his head hurts sometimes, but he believes that as he ventures and finds new locations the pain is slightly easier to bare and deal with. His bardic abilties trained by his father are his skills of choice, he has quite the eye for archery and more-so for sightseeing.


Height: 6 Fulms, 3 Ilms

Weight: 175 Ponze

Complexion: Simple Complexion, he looks calm and wise, yet you get a strange vibe that not all is what it seems.

Hair: Dark Brown

Eyes: Light green, a trait passed down by his father. Symbolized to see all and to always be curious.

Particular Traits: Two small black tatoos under both of his eyes, representing his passion for seeing the unknown.

Voice: Softly deep and calming, like a gentle narrarator.

Clothing Style: Comfortable clothing such as loose shirts and pants, long boots most of the time and glasses depending on his vision.



  • Traveling around Eorzea.
  • Staring out at the vast unknown.
  • Listening to the ambience of the world alone or with anyone who is willing to join him.


  • Jokes and dancing.
  • Exploring the world.
  • Music.


  • Bullying and disrespect.
  • Being ignored.
  • Any and all violence.


  • Color: Red, Blue, Green, White and Black.
  • Food: Cinnamon Cookies.
  • Drinks: Mulled Tea.
  • Scent: Vanilla.
  • Place: Lighthouses.
  • Festival: Unknown.


To complete his father's goal of seeing all of Eorzea and finding a companion to keep him company on his journey.


He was not affiliated with any religion in all of his life, but he is willing to learn about more over his Eorzean adventure.



Applying pressure to his head due to mental pain.


  • Always wants things to match.
  • Self-Consiousness.
  • Shyness.


  • Being betrayed.
  • Losing his mind from the mental pain and forgetting his goals.


A quick learner of the bow, and even faster learner for the bardic abilities of song. The ability to travel for long periods of time across Eorzea without fatigue also seem to be a deeming trait for one such as him.


He knows not much of the world, only that he wants to discover it's secrets and landmarks. The lore behind the world is unknown to him, but he is willing to learn anything that is offered.


Final Fantasy Characters: None

Other Game Characters: None

Anime Characters: None

Abilities and Skills


He ventures often, so he has no knowledge about others or even how to interact with people. His only companion is the pain in his head, he seems polite but he is only supressing his migrains. Emotions are confusing for him, but he tries his best to say what he truely wants to.


Although he does not like fighting or violence, he took his father's bow as an eirloom. Since his father was a knowledegable adventurer, he had gotten his hands on the Relic Bow, Artemis.


He is knowledgeable with a bow, and knows many moves with a variety of arrow types, but to no use when he refuses to use them. Along with the bow, he knows bardic songs for Speed, Mana or Vigor.


More info about Luma is constantly being added as he progresses

Childhood (Age 6)

As a child, Luma was always fond of his mother over his father because he never saw him as much due to his goal of adventuring. The person known as his father was merely a man who would never be in the home, and never witness all the things a father should for a child. Luma's mother was the only parent figure he had growing up, and she had a hard time surviving as a lone mother with no way of supporting their family. Luma would always get his meals plentiful even though they could not afford it, and his mother would ignore her own hunger and body just to take care of Luma and keep him happy. Everynight, Luma would have pains in his head and moan in agony as they happened, his mother had no clue what was happening and he would not even remember that they took place when he awoke. Worried, his mother would send letters to his father and try and find where he is, bring him home to care for their child and figure out just what the pain was from. This would go on everynight, until a devastating event destroyed the only life he knew. The sky was dark, and chunks of molten metal crashed against the world. A large red moon stood high in the sky, showering meteors left and right towards Gridania, it was Dalamud. Gridania was falling apart, all the damage done by the lesser moon was destroying all it came across. A fire spread throughout the area, catching fire to everything it touched. Houses burning, bushes turning to ash, explosive tremors from the impacts and screams of the fellow Gridanians as their homes burnt to a crisp and their loved ones trying to escape with their lives, Luma's mother no exception. She picked him up from his bed with what little strength she had, and carefully brought him outside. It was too late however, she managed to save him but had her life taken from her as their home crumbled atop her. Luma had awoken quick enough to see a glimps of what had happened to his mother. He saw her hand reach out to him, him reaching out to her, but burnt wood and ash blocked them and only the sounds of snapping wood could be heard.

Silence was around him, but he could hear the rumbling of the tremors and damages done by the moon. He had no idea what had happened, only that he was confused, scared, worried, afraid, and alone. Emotions rushed into him as he witnessed the only life he had get taken from him by the calamity, the heat burning up his face, the light blinding him and the shaking making him freeze in his tracks. Luma was scarred. His mother lost her life from the fires, and his father...nobody knows where he even is let alone if he is alive. As he thought about his father, a pain rushed into his head. He grasped his forehead and screamed in pain as his fellow Gridanias rushed over to him and pulled him to safety. Luma had the pain of losing his mother and the confusing migrains going off in unison. He knew not what the pain meant, only that he wanted it to stop.

Adulthood (Age 20)

Over the years, Luma had grown into a fine man. Living in a Gridanian Inn for most of his life, and helping out his people whenever he could. He still would get pains in his head from time to time, and they would seem to be getting worse, but he was trying to get used to it. One afternoon however, he received an anonymous letter from the local Postman of Gridania. It contained many letters, and a package. The package contained a bow, unique and resembled a harp, along with many letters un-opened sent from his mother to his father. Luma was expressionless, he knew exactly who this package was from and what it meant. Without hesitation, Luma had taken the bow and a satchel full of supplies before walking away from the Inn. His adventure begins, a clean slate. Nobody knowing who he is or was from this point on. Leaving everything behind him, the Inn, the friends he had made, and even the grave site of his beloved mother. He knew the package was sent from his father, so he had to figure out if he had died from the calamity or if he is merely living his days somewhere in Eorzea. He has many questions for him, and the thought of his father made his blood boil for the chance to meet him once again after all these years. Luma had to admit however, he realized the moment he set foot into the world that it was a beautiful place. He knew completely why his father had left and ventured out into this world, and Luma wanted to do the same. Luma's goal was to see all of Eorzea, and to also find out what had happened to his father. Knowing nothing about the world and what secrets it had hidden, he set a course for a sea-side city known as 'Limsa Lominsa' that was offered by the Innkeeper before he set off.

Present (Age 21)

It's been a year since he left that Inn and recieved that package, he finds himself staring out into the world from the high towers of Limsa Lominsa. Pain aching his head from time to time, and the attempts to make the pain subside. He knew no one from Limsa Lominsa, nor did he know where to head off to next. The only thing he did know, is that he needed a job so that he can continue to stay in the Inn. He had asked the Postman Kupo for a job as a Postman, and got accepted on the spot due to explaining his stamina and admiration for the world. Luma had a life ready to be built, but he had the feeling something was missing.

Postman Luma


Luma Lee, the recently hired postman, had been assigned the task to deliver a letter given to the Maelstrom. Since the Maelstrom has their hands busy, the new recruit postman would see to the task of delivering this mysterious letter to the recipient. As he was leaving the area he noticed there was no sender, and the recipient was no other than the woman he had met earlier near the docks. Luma was interested and was already planning on meeting her once again, so he went off to the docks and lay wait in the Fisher's Guild in search for the girl.

Recent Events

Luma had spent sometime admiring the ships in Limsa Lominsa, when a woman by the name of Haila Wetyios spoke to him and questioned his being there. It was raining, and the rain caused the pain in his head to increase drastically, but the time he spent talking to someone about himself made him glad to have met someone, and maybe even a friend.

Luma had recieved a letter by the Maelstrom after being hired as a postman by the postmoogle. The letter had no sender, but a familiar recipient. So he awaited near the docks of the Fisher's Guild in search for the rightful owner for the letter.