Averill Rooks

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"There's plenty of stories across Eorzea. I mean to hear them all."

Averill Rooks (Formerly Averill Tomus) is a vagrant Midlander, travelling primarily between Ul'Dah and Gridania. His relaxed, well-spoken demeanour belies educated origins, far from the typical ruffian who takes life to the road.

A hunter and an adventurer by trade, Averill finds strong pleasure in the company of other people; he likes nothing more than to hear the tales of those he encounters.

Gridania-transparent.png Averill Rooks
Hunting in the Shroud.
The Vagrant
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Gridanian
Age 26
Height 5 fulm, 8ilm
Weight 138 ponz
Profession Archer
Patron Deity Oschon, the Wanderer



Averill's boots have seen more roads than most. A vagrant from his late teens, he found purpose in the romantic life of a wanderer. Taking each day as it comes, risking life and limb on every adventure around the corner, sharing those adventures with the people one meets - these are the values that he holds dear.

Recently, his wanderlust has brought him to Gridania. The verdant Black Shroud claimed his heart the moment he took his first steps into the lush woodland, and he settled on the life of an adventurer. For the first time in many years, Averill found somewhere he could readily call home.


A Midlander of average height and stature, Averill's young face carries with it a well-travelled expression. He keeps himself clean and well-maintained, as far as his vagrancy allows. His dark brown hair, though long, is unobtrusive and practical, keeping clear of his sharpened green eyes.

There is always some kind of dirt on his clothes - mud on his boots, the slightest fading or fraying of his travelling gear. Try as he might to hide it with his demeanour, a careful eye can see his true nature as a wanderer.


Many would be hard-pressed to find a soul as relaxed as Averill. In the tavern or the heat of battle, he holds himself in such jovial airs that one might mistake him as completely oblivious to his circumstances. This is not the case, however; hiding behind the guise of his smile is a keen intellect, and a deep-seated fascination with other people. He will always, without fail, try and get others to share their stories with him, and he thoroughly enjoys the company of fellow travellers.



Averill's years on the road have blessed him with a rough proficiency in hunting. Though he has only recently accepted formal training, his talent with a bow is undeniable.

On the battlefield, he relies on agility and accuracy, stopping his constant movement only to confirm a kill. He prefers to hunt monsters as opposed to people, however, and his reluctance to commit murder is clear in his non-lethal approach to personal conflict.



  • Wandering the open road.
  • Fresh bread.
  • The Ul'Dahn marketplace.
  • Cactuar skin.
  • Alcohol - mainly with company.


  • Loss.
  • Restrictions or obligations.
  • Open water, or an inability to see land.


  • Hunting
  • Storytelling


  • Though by no means a fervent spiritualist, Averill holds Oschon quite fondly as his patron. Amongst the Twelve, it is the Wanderer he does his best to please with deed and thought.
  • His love of the open road is not entirely metaphorical. He loves walking both out of a passion for travel, and a minor fear of boats or other modes of transport. A chocobo is just about the only thing he trusts with his journeys.



Averill has no family that he speaks of. Indeed, there is very little of his past that people are privy to; he seems far more interested in hearing stories than telling them.


Ul'Dahn Relationships

  • Ardente Anima - A highlander Averill encountered at the Quicksand. Though they met only briefly, Averill holds a fond opinion of the man. Their friendship was tested by Ardente's arriving late to a commotion with Ayda in the Quicksand, a commotion that saw Averill's honour as a decent person sorely tested.
  • Ayda Elu'this - A singularly curious set of circumstances led Averill to his encounter with the Soaring Miqo'te. She barrelled into the Quicksand, tripped over the bar, fell into his lap and broke her nose in the process. ((This short arc is unresolved, so Averill isn't quite sure if this is a fortuitous meeting or not.))
  • Z'sonjha Mahji - A miqo'te who Averill met through Ardente at the Quicksand. They shared tale of travels and Cactuars over more than a few pints of ale, at which point he was forced to retire for fear of his waning ability to stand up.
  • Odet Polaali - A racist Roegadyn Averill met whilst nursing a hangover. Despite his initial misgivings about her attitude towards the Lalafell, he admires her dedication to bringing the best shows to Mih Khetto's Amphitheatre.
  • Ennara Calian - Averill suspects there's a bit more to Ennara's story than she told him at the Quicksand, but nonetheless respects her aim to aid the Doman refugees.

Gridanian Relationships

  • Rivienne Delacroux - This Wildwood Elezen nearly killed a bewildered Averill when they first met, mistaking him for an unwelcome poacher on Gridanian soil. Once that confusion cleared, Averill found himself playing host to a mysterious agent of the Adders, one who left him - unusually - with more questions than answers.


Whilst too relaxed to bear any particular grudges, Averill often recounts the tale of his scar - an unfortunate encounter with an Ul'Dahn thug by the name of Lykala left him with a mark that proved permanent.


Common Rumors

  • "He never sits still, that one! I reckon he's covered just about every inch of the Twelveswood, the number of times I've seen him walking."
  • "Averill? Oh, the chatty one! There's not a person he won't say hello to if there's a story involved."

Moderate Rumors

  • "Take this with however much salt you want to, but he says he's walked from Ul'Dah to Gridania, and back again. By the elementals, he's a curious sort."
  • "Mother Miounne practically forced a room at the Roost down his throat after he joined the guild. Something about 'keeping him from floating off'."
  • "He's awfully fond of that one table in the middle of the Carline Canopy. I wonder what for?"

Rare Rumors

  • "There's a Lominsan asking about a man who looks the spitting image of Averill. I wonder what he wants with him?"

PC Rumors

  • "He's a curious storyteller that isn't sated by my vague answers." - Rivienne Delacroux


Before the Road

The son of a Lominsan scholar, Averill Tomus lived in the shelter of the Arcanist's guild. Well-educated and well-fed, he drifted through his formative years with nary a want or care. His circumstances were such, that he could not fathom why he sat alone in the class, or why those who had fought harder to reach their position looked upon him with such disdain.

Disapproval did not limit itself to his peers, however. His father continually pushed Averill to take up the grimoire and join him as an Arcanist, but by the time he was old enough to properly study, apathy had seized his spirit. He spent his days in his room, watching sailors and citizens alike go about their lives. At the cusp of adulthood, despondency turned to juvenile rage; first ravaging his insides - for surely there must be something wrong with his character for Lominsans to ignore him - and then to his father. He raised him wrong. He was too soft on Averill. It took just one sour confrontation for Averill to decide that enough was enough; he fled to the fields of La Noscea, deaf to his father's cries.

By nightfall, Averill found himself lost, cold, and hungry. Far from Limsa Lominsa, with no experience of survival in the wilderness, he resigned himself to a troubled night's sleep. He would return in the morning - if he survived that long - cowed by his anger. He would surrender to his father's wishes and join the Arcanists. He would accept the solitude. As he felt sleep threaten to drag him to the grass, a gruff voice snapped him back into the waking world. A Roegadyn adventurer, travelling the roads, had seen the ailing teen at the roadside and approached. "Are you well, lad?" he asked. The boy nearly broke, there and then. A stranger had approached him. Tears stung his eyes, only to be shouted away by his saviour. Seeing his condition, the Roegadyn offered a deal - Averill would tell him his story, and in return he would help him survive the night.

They spoke for what seemed like many moons under the starry canopy. Averill began with his father, and the expectations he'd laboured under. The Roegadyn was far from a gracious host - he challenged the boy's words, chided his selfish opinions. When asked for his name, he answered Averill with a jumble of syllables he could barely comprehend. "Jes' call me Rooks," said he, "Everyone else does." Rooks made good on his exchange. He handed Averill a bow - a simple, study thing of maple - and taught him the bare bones of hunting. How to scout, how to kill and prepare a meal. He had never appreciated more the feeling of a full belly and a warm fire, however clumsy his attempts had been.

By the dawn, Rooks had talked Averill away from Limsa Lominsa. The adventurer instilled in him a life on the road, surviving off the land. Thanking his saviour, they parted ways.

Averill took to the road, abandoning Limsa Lominsa, and the desperate father he'd fled from. He took his saviour's nickname, and did not look back.

The Calamity

Two years passed. Through happenstance and some swift talking, Averill found himself in Thanalan. ((Pending))

Arriving at Gridania

Years on the road led Averill here, to the Black Shroud. The moment he stepped into the beautiful woodland, his heart felt at ease. He was sure that his time living under Oschon's values had brought him here, as a form of reward. This moment inspired in him a desire to walk every ilm of this verdant haven - and as a consequence, approach Mother Miounne for the opportunity to join the ranks of the Adventurer's Guild.

His settled life did not last too long, however, and soon Averill found himself wandering further and further afield, to the Thanalan wastes he had journeyed before. One night after returning to the Shroud, he settled just off the Gridanian gates, attempting to regain some of his experience as a vagrant. It did not end well; whilst out hunting for food he was accosted by one Rivienne Delacroux, a proud member of the Adders. She accosted him, threatening his life - it was only a swift mention of Miounne and his status as an adventurer that spared him an arrow between the eyes. They met again at the Canopy a few bells later, and shared company and drinks. Averill told her of his nature, but when the questions turned to her she left him with far from satisfactory answers. A quick exit cemented his curiosity in the woman.

The Canopy's Shadow


The Soaring Miqo'te

A few moons after his formal induction as a Gridanian Adventurer, Averill found himself drawn back to Ul'Dah. A quiet life among the boughs of the Shroud had brought him much, but a desire for colourful stories and curious experiences set his feet to itching. After clearing a short leave with the Guild, he sets off for Thanalan with instructions to contact Momodi of the Quicksand to further his work.

It is a journey he has taken many times, and the familiar Thanalan dusts bring a nostalgic smile to the Midlander. He hunts as he goes, eagerness shortening the trip to a mere hand of suns.



This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea