Aeterna Staroux

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Revision as of 04:23, 30 August 2014 by MiKairi (talk | contribs)
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  • Theme Songs
  • Creator's Notes

  • Miqo'te | Female | Twenty-Two | Taken | Mercenary | Petite | Slightly Insane





    Aeterna is an easy to approach person. She might seem guarded at the first attempt to talk to her, but she will slowly ease up. She is very attentive - being able to try and double cross her is quite hard, unless the person has gained enough of her trust. Despite being an easy to approach and happy person, she can get into arguments just as fast, due to being stubborn most of the time. If she is proven wrong, she gets quite defensive instead of letting go. People often get fed up with her instead of trying to work things out; not that she minds, either way. Friends are hard for her to make, but she feels as if Cero is the only thing she needs in her life.

    She doesn't care what others think of her. If someone tries to challenge her, she'll accept it, loving any opportunity to show someone up. Despite her scarring and past, she believes she can take on almost anyone, and is foolish for this reason. She is quite protective of loved ones and will risk life and limb just to assure someone's safety if she really cares about them. On the other hand, if she happens to find a stranger who is in danger, she will turn her back if she finds the situation to be threatening in any aspect.


    Aeterna has dark purple hair, and grey skin. She has bright green eyes that have a cold, piercing gaze. She can be seen as unapproachable just by this alone. She has the typical Miqo'te markings, and a rather fluffy tail. She's a little shorter than most Miqo'te, and her body is rather petite. There are an assortment of scars across her back, chest, and thighs. She tries to keep these out of view typically, very reluctant to strip down to anything that doesn't cover her. If one were to manage to get her into attire like this, they would notice that the scars are quite old despite her age. They would also notice that even now, it was obvious that they were deep incisions, and are likely to have been life threatening at the time.


    Weaponry: Aeterna is quite skilled with a sword. She's taken up gladiator training years ago, but unlike most gladiators, she discarded the shield and took the time to learn how to dual wield properly. Unless in a fight where she has to show this, she will not show that she knows this, preferring to keep it hidden and use it as a secret weapon against someone rather than go all in at once. She keeps a larger sheathe on her, that looks intended for one large sword, and keeps two swords in it for emergencies.

    Speed: Due to being a petite person, she is very fast. She can make strikes before people realize it if they let their guard down for even a moment. She can keep someone on their toes and wear them out if given the upper edge quite easily, and is a hard to take on opponent due to this. From extensive training, she can also dodge quite easily, though someone who is skilled can manage to pin her and catch her off guard if they time attacks right.

    Intellect: Craziness aside, she's a smart person. She learns to adapt to situations and try to make them to her favor, even if it might seem impossible at the time. She often will manage to turn something around, even if it might look like she's going to lose. Due to her attentiveness, every place she might end up fighting in, more often than not, is used to her advantage because she finds something she can use. She isn't dumb enough to charge an opponent, unless severely provoked by something that might make her panic.



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