Sasha Jace

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 Sasha Jace
Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Girdania
Age 17
Nameday 9th Sun of the 4th Astral Moon
Guardian Oschon, the Wanderer
Occupation Huntress
Marital Status Single
Pronunciation SAH-shuh JAY-ce


Age: 17
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 120lbs
Hair: Straw Blonde, Usually kept in a loose ponytail with long bangs.
Eyes: Sky Blue
Complexion: Fair skinned with a light tan as she spends much of her time outdoors but the shade of the Black Shroud tends to protect her from an abundance of direct sunlight.
Build: Lean and well toned from years spent ranging the forests outside of Girdania with her Father and his friends.
Voice: Sasha has a bit of a peculiar accent owing to the mother she barely remembers.  (for reference, she sounds a little bit like Naomi Hunter in the origional Metal Gear Solid on PSone)
Style: Even as a young girl Sasha never really got into 'fashion' like the other girls.  She's always been a little bit of a tomboy, particularly after her mother passed.  It's not that she CAN'T dress up and play the role of the Lady, but she just would rather be out in the woods hunting boar with her father or his friends.
Distinguishing Marks: She has a small scar across the bridge of her nose which was gained in a tussle with a neighbor boy when she was twelve.


Sasha is a bit of a tomby, more keen to go out and shoot targets, fowl, or boar with her bow than she is to attend fancy parties or the like.  As a child she explored the Black Shroud instead of playing with dolls like her schoolmates.   She was often bored, and took to her letters and numbers very quickly, often comprehending her lessons before the rest of the children.  She comes from a upper-middle class family, so while they were not the wealthiest, her father did own land in Girdania and ran a rather successful buisness as a hunter.  She was brought up however to understand the value of a hard days work and despite her often lackadaisical behavior she is the first to take to a job and often the last to give up on it. 
She is most at home in the Black Shroud, the forest that encircles Girdania, ranging with the men and women of the forest city, putting her bow to work both as a huntress gathering meat and hides to sell at market, or in defence of her home against beastmen incursions.

As a child she was often known to sneak out of her father's home to sleep in the branches of the great oaks outside of the city.

This is not to say she is by any means rude or unrefined.  Quite the contrary; when it is required of her, Sasha is very much capable of putting on airs and playing the role of the 'proper lady', she just doesn't want to, a fact that was much to her father's chagrin before his passing.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Morals: Sasha is the kind of person who will get herself drawn into a tavern brawl 'accidentally' in an effort to protect someone who can't protect themselves.  She believes in fair and equitable treatment for everyone, but that doesn't mean she's loathe to kick someone's ass who is using their station to the detriment of others.  She has no patience for bullies.


The Outdoors

The Smell of the Forest


Thunder and Lightning

Sleeping under the Stars



Laughing with friends


Formal Events

Getting "Dressed Up"

Table Ettiquite


The Ixal


Color: Blue

Food: Eft Steak

Drink: Apple Cider

Place: The Black Shroud



  • Skilled Bowman
  • Skilled Hunter and Tracker
  • Apprentice Bard
A natural athleticism and unwavering determination mean that when Sasha sets her sights on a target, there is often little it can do to escape her arrow.
Sasha has next to no hand to hand or close quarters combat training.
Also chocolate...


  • Bowyer and  Fletcher(Carpenter)
  • Leatherworker
Owing to an upbringing focused on ranging and hunting, Sasha is quite adept at maintaining her own equipment, although she has little formal training.
Lack of experience or exposure to refined methods and techniques.  Most of what she knows is self taught, or was taught to her by her father.

Friends and Associates

She has a variety of friends and allies, but she's not sure if any of them qualify as close personal friends.


Sasha is currently employed by the Harbingers of Dawn free-company as a reconissence field agent and waitress.  She took the job in an attempt to feel useful, and help pay back a perceived bar tab.

She is currently a Sargent with the Order of the Twin Adders.


'If you can't run, walk.  If you can't walk, crawl.  And if you can't do that, find someone to carry you.  But never, EVER, give up.' - Albert Jace

There isn't much to say.  She had a rather ordinary childhood.  Her father wasn't a particularly wealthy or well known man, but he did well enough and did have some reputation as a skilled huntsman in Girdania.  Her mother was a beautiful, but sickly woman.  Anyone who knew Sasha's parents can plainly see the resemblance she bears to her mother, right down to her accent.

Sasha's birth was a taxing event for the oft ill woman, and tho she survived childbirth, she passed away when Sasha was only four years old.  Her father raised her the best he could, often trying to coax the young girl into 'womanly pursuits' but the young girl often snuck away from her weaving and ettiquite classes to follow her father into the Black Shroud and join him on his ranging expeditions. 

It was because of this, that on her ninth name day, her father gifted her a hand crafted shortbow and began to teach the young girl to hunt, track, and find her way.

When she was twelve, she got into a fight with a neighbor boy and ended up getting the scar across her nose.

Shortly before her fifteenth name day, her father was killed on a hunting trip by an Ixal.  That night, in a terrible thunderstorm, she tracked and killed all three of the Ixal responsible before the Wood Wailers found her and brought her back to Girdania.

On her seventeeth nameday, she enrolled in the Archer's guild, both to hone her skill with the bow and, hopefully, serve her home country and keep the people of Girdania safe so that no other children have to grow up without their parents as she did.

More recently she has begun traveling all over Eorzea learning how better to defend her homeland.  Her adventures landed her in some trouble with the Amal'jaa during which she was almost sacraficed to the primal Ifrit.  Because of her clear thinking and skill in combat with the primal, she was approached for enlistment with the Twin Adders of Girdania Grand Company, a position she has dreamed about for years.

Shortly after joining the Adders however, she undertook a job that resulted in her being severly wounded; an arrow was shot through her right shoulder severly damaging nerves and tendons in her right arm. 

Although healers who were on hand adminstered both first aid and healing magic immediately, the damage had been done.  She now cannot reliably hold an item in her right hand as sometimes her grip fails her.  She is working with a therapist in Ul'dah to help her regain control in her right arm and rebuild strength in that hand.  While waiting for her sessions with the therapist, she has encountered a man who is teaching her music, and she's learning to play the lyre and be more confident in singing infront of others.

With time, and some training and effort, she has regained strength in her arm again and is as capable with her bow as ever.  She has some skill with music, owing to the time spent with the bard she met while in physical therapy though she is still relucatant to do more than hum in the presence of others.


        • Common
"She's pretty skilled with that bow of hers. Seen her put two arrows through the same apple once. Pretty impressive!"
"I've seen her around yeah. She sells antelope meat and hides at the market pretty often."
"That girl has been through hell and back. But you'd never guess it by lookin' at her"
        • Moderate
"The sad blonde girl? Of course she's sad, nobody who smiles that much is really happy"
"She lost everything the year after Dalamud fell. Suppose she doesn't have much left to live for."
"I don't think she has many close friends. She's always here alone"
        • Rare
"A friend of mine, who knows a guy who's friend with an Adder says they found 'er in the twelves wood covered in blood"
        • PC Rumors
"I get to see her in that little waitressing outfit every week and she's got a backside that refuses to quit...Doesn't hurt that she's pretty bangin' to look at." ~Nyx Ashkala

Behind the Scenes (OOC Information)

Musical Themes:
A Walk in the Woods
The Funeral
Wanted for Interesting Roleplay: Anyone!