Krys'a Lyrabhe

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AlaMhigo.png Krys'a Lyrabhe
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keepers of the Moon
Citizenship Ala Mhigo
Place of Birth Ala Mhigo
Guardian Rhalgr
Nameday Date (Age: )
Marital Status Single
Occupation unknown
Pronunciation Will answer to Krys, Kris or Chris
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Basic Info

"Lad's usually not one to be at a loss for words, so I have to admire someone that can set him off his game." Syffrid Greywolfe

Usable by anyone who wants to find out information without talking to Krys'a.

  • Arrived in Ul'dah by overland transport escorting an older huyr highlander, Syffrid Greywolfe, who he refers to as his father.
  • Does not seem to carry a weapon.
  • Is almost always doing some kind of small trick of skill; either rolling a coin back and forth over his fingers or spinning coins on the table or other small tricks of skill. (If you approach for RP it is usually safe to reference some kind of slight-of-hand trick he is up to.)
  • Stands back and watches things a lot, seems mostly curious about other miqo'te.

How He Makes a Living

Krys'a seems to get his gil from his father and always seems to have sufficient gil for whatever he wants.

People Who He May Have Been Seen Talking To

NPC Rumors


"He has been criss-crossing the city asking anyone who talks to him about a missing sister."

"He arrived in the city with an elderly Ala Mhigan."

Less Common

"I heard his father paid up front in cash for a long term stay at the Hourglass."

"He stays in one of the better rooms at the Hourglass, one of their suites, with an old highlander."

Rare and hard to overhear

(to be added)

PC Rumors

Add anything you would like to share! May or may not be true about Krys'a. ;-) Please post IC and leave your Character's name, or at least something fun like "hooded figure" Note: This section is editable by anyone. Just keep in mind that the rumors here may be both true or false - or both!.

Current Residence

Krys'a stays in one of the Hourglass's finer suites with his father on a long-term rental of the suite.

End Of Discoverable Information

Anything below here should be considered OOC knowledge


  • Slight of hand tricks with coins and other small objects


  • Derogatory comments toward miqo'te
  • Derogatory comments toward Ala Mhigan refugees


Krys'a adopted the beliefs of the man that raised him and calls on Rhalgr The Destoryer as his guide and protector. It has not shaken his beliefs to have his own home of Ala Mhigo pretty much destroyed by the Garleans, he simply trusts that far worse will be returned upon the Garleans when the time comes.


  • slight of hand tricks like moving a coin over and under back and forth across his hand, or making coins vanish/appear.
  • con-games (3 card monte, cup shuffle, etc)
  • Acrobatics
  • Balancing knives on fingers
  • Juggling

Abilities and Skills


  • Knuckle guards
  • Knives
  • Swords

Krys'a is a born street cat that learned it is better to fast-talk his way out of fighting, than to face much larger highlander youths in hand-to-hand combat. He usually only provided backup support to his huyr brother and sister when his fast talking failed to prevent a fight.

When he does fight, Krys'a will use either knuckle guards, to prevent damage to his hands, or knives. He has some training in the use of swords from his father, but has only began to learn swordsmanship after they left Ala Mhigo.


  • Skilled in minor tricks, cantrips and other eye-catching bits of magic such as a stage performer would use

Fighting/Healing types:

  • Has never been around much of it, knows none.

Family and Relationships

This stuff is all OCC notes about things that have happened with Krys'a's IC meeting of other characters. If you use any information please keep it to IC knowledge, I will not be held accountable for any reaction Krys'a may have to information I do not recall having provided IC.


All of Krys'a's family is adopted. He has no idea who his parents were or what his past is beyond his father telling him that he was found in a back alleyway of Ala Mhigo when he was an infant.

Father: Syffrid Greywolfe

Mother: None


Unknown/undecided if he has more relatives.

People Krys'a Has Met

Note: While some may be able to go "Oh hey, that's my character" based on the vague identifiers, I try not to include by name anyone who has not already included me on their page or whose permission to mention here I have not already been given. If you desire to be added (or removed) please, make me aware of it. Thanks.

People Krys'a Seeks Out

(AKA: Positive)

  • Miqo'te lady

A Miqo'te lady Krys'a met that he has decided he could easily call friend. (Name and details are withheld until miqo'te's player gives consent to use)

People Who He May Have Been Seen Talking To

(AKA: Neutral)

Krys'a met Zeryr he realized that the elezen seemed like the kind to spend time at the end of Pearl Lane, so might have seen a girl of his sister's description. He feels strongly that Zeryr does know Talyn, but chose to let his father deal with the elezen while he continued to search the city. Zeryr was the first person, after several days of Krys'a's searching Ul'dah, to bring up the notion that Krys'a was failing to mention that the "short, black hair and amethyst-tone eyed sister" was not a miqo'te.

People Krys'a Avoids...

(AKA: Negative ... NOTE: If you are in this area please do not take offense, it only means that something IC made Krys'a prefer to avoid initiating contact and he will likely end up really liking you if he has a chance to get to know you better.)

(none yet)


(None yet)

Name and Lifestyle

Name Etimology

Krys'a does not know anything about where he is from or what his parent's and their clan were like, so his name is a fabricated one given to him by his adoptive father. (Reason for the name selections will be determined through RP sometime)


  • Kris
  • Chris


Krys'a was found in an alleyway when he was an infant and taken in by Syffrid Greywolfe. Krys'a grew up in Ala Mhigo in the company of thieves turned resistance fighters. He is a city-cat that dislikes being out-of-doors and particularly the unsteady feeling walking on sand causes him.

Before Dalamud's Fall

Birth and childhood (0-10)

Krys'a's life in Ala Mhigo...

The earliest memories Krys'a has are of living in an old warehouse in Ala Mhigo and his father and the other adults showing him slight-of-hand tricks.

He remembers monks of the Fist of Rhalgr working with his father and the other resistance fighters to drive the Garleans from Ala Mhigo.

When he was a boy him and his brother saw a young girl stealing food and chased her down, intent on trying to help her before the guards caught her. As soon as they had her cornered she turned on them with a wyvern's talon used as a knife and would have left Krys'a with a nasty scar on his face if not for the fast reflexes of his brother catching her hand. Krys'a dubbed her "Talon" and is still the only person to write her name with an O instead of a Y.

Teen Years


He remembers clearly the night his father and others gathered the street runners, thieves and assassins together with the resistance fighters and refocused the thieves to resist the Garleans in any way they could.

Krys'a aided the efforts as an information gatherer, spy and con-artist as well as doing breaking and entering work to steal documents or other items of interest, joining the small group within the guild whose task it was to work as spies or to sneak into off-limits areas and gather intel or eliminate targets.


The fall of the guild...

Krys'a remembers well the day that a member of the resistance cell led by hi father turned their loyalties to the Garleans and betrayed the Resistance from within. Krys'a was injured and taken from the chaos by his father and one of their friends, it was the last day he saw his brother or sister.

After Dalamud's Fall

Krys'a's recovery was a long one, during which him and his father stayed in hiding and tried to search for the others they had lost. Finally they heard word of a lass that matched Talyn's description in a port city and followed the trail down the coast to Ul'dah.

A Realm Reborn

After their arrival in Ul'dah they rented a suite at the Hourglass for an open-ended length of time and have been searching the city for any indication Talyn passed that way.

Other Notes

Wanted for Interesting Roleplay

Any Miqo'te players that would like to interact with Krys'a would be awesome.

Other than that I am open to any ideas or just to start with random walk-up discussion and see what happens.

I am agreeable to anything that is based on story advancement.