Mizore Dorne

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Gridania-transparent.png Mizore Dorne
"Remember you're a wreck, an accident. Forget the freak, you're just nature."
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of the Sun
Citizenship Gridania
Place of Birth Unknown
Guardian Unknown
Nameday 15th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon (Age: 20)
Marital Status Single
Occupation Archer, Duel Blade
Pronunciation Me-Zor-Eh Door-Neh
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Basic Info

"Even if the morrow is barren of promises, Nothing shall forestall my return." — Genesis

Mizore is a Seeker Miqo'te yet you wouldn't think that from her actions. She wasn't raised within a tribe of any sort or even by her birth family. She is silent around new people but when spoken to, speaks her mind clearly and sometimes that does manage to get her into trouble. She is all about pushing herself, and others, past their limits to show that they can still rise. Yet while she is about furthering herself, there are still shadows that shroud her path. She searches for something new in everything; People, Books, Weapons, Anything of the sort.

If one was to address her by 'Mizore' she will most likely not listen yet if you use one of her nicknames, or even give her a nickname yourself, she will react to it as if you were calling her by her real name. Her favorite name is still 'Snow' for reasons unknown.

Smart as a whip and quick to react, she isn't one to be under estimated. She will watch you from afar and try to learn what she can of you without speaking words. Yet if you wish to approach her, she may hold a very cold attitude at first, but others who know her can say she is quite passionate when it comes to friendship... In her own strange way.

"Be watchful of those in front of you but beware those behind you." - Anonymous


Height: 5'2

Weight: 110

Complexion: Ivory

Hair: Ebony with crimson or white streaks.

Eyes: Hidden usually; One is known to be an icy blue.

Particular Traits: Short ears for a Miqo'te.

Voice: [Coming Soon.]

Clothing Style: While she can be found in different armor, from heavy plate to free forming leather and cloth, her favorite choice armor for training involves sleeves which hold small holes around the area with a fully covered chest. Her common wears, however, are more suited around hempen or some sort of cloth, being rather open and breathable. She has been seen wearing shorts and skirts of different types yet are usually dark colors.

She is seen wearing glasses almost all the time, never revealing her eyes.

Laterality: Right



  • Training
  • Weapon and armor crafting
  • Teasing her brother
  • Looting


  • Tobacco
  • Rare Drinks
  • Teasing her brother
  • Testing new weapons


  • Bright Colors
  • Loud people
  • Orders
  • Weapons breaking
  • Know-it-alls


  • Color[s]: Black, Crimson
  • Food: Seafood
  • Drinks: Lemonade
  • Scent: Peppermint
  • Place: Home
  • Festival: Hallows Eve


  • To become one of the best weapon and armor smiths in Hydalyn.
  • To train and become one of the top in her class.


Currently, Mizore prays to no God; She feels that the Gods are no longer there or listening if they are. In her own words, 'They would have taken me out by now if they were paying attention.'


Chaotic Neutral



She is known to use expressions wrong. Example: "Looks like the dog got your tongue~" "I think you mean Cat.." "Why would a cat want that?"


  • Distracted easily.
  • Holds a short fuse for certain topics.
  • Brutally honest.


No fears to be noted; Yet.


Able to read people, being able to know who they are even if she can't see their features. She is also a good fighter and metal worker.


She may not look it but she holds a high intelligence. She is able to argue when it comes to her views but knows when to fold and being in the wrong. She is a quick learner and is open to new teachings, methods and training.


Final Fantasy Characters: Yuffie Kisaragi [Final Fantasy VII Series], Rikku [Final Fantasy X Series]

Other Game Characters: Yet to be determined.

Anime Characters: Yet to be determined.

TV Tropes


Abilities and Skills


  • Flexibility
  • Swiftness
  • Adaptability


  • Daggers
  • Swords
  • Bows
  • She wishes to learn how to use guns.


  • She leads on the fact that she doesn't know magic when she does know a bit such as with chi and energy.


  • Making her own armor and weapons.

Family and Relationships


All what is written here bears absolutely no OOC feelings, and may be subject to change as the story develops. If your name doesn't appear in this list, please correct me and I will change it quickly ^-^/ The more important people grow within Mizore's life, a picture will soon appear. I ask before posting any photos of anyone.

Relatives and Relations

Veroga Clades

While he doesn't hold any blood relation to Mizore in any manner, she still calls him 'brother'. At first, he was unwilling to go by it but it grew on him over time.. Yet the two would continue to enter mindless bantering to one another when she would introduce him as her 'brother', him trying to quickly correct her, soon ending in the two correcting each other with their own views.

Mated/Lovers/Dating    Romantic Interest/Crush/Affectionate     Sexual Desire    Friendly     Neutral     Hostile

[Kagewoe Erasus]: One of the first people she met after coming to Ul'dah. She believes she has known him from somewhere but isn't quite sure where. He is a kind individual to her and she takes that happily.

Lilithium Altair: The Free Wings Society Leader that Mizore likes to call 'Queen' after noting how she looked like a Desert Queen with her rare tan skin and blonde hair. She is the first person that can give orders to Mizore that she will follow through with.

Liandri Mei: A member of the same free company, Liandri, or she calls her 'Lili', is someone Mizore believes to have a friendship with and wishes to learn more of her.

Kaohastraal Aeseroix: At first, they didn't hold much words. But due to recent events, Mizore has come to see Ox in a new light. Hopefully, with his guidance, Mizore can learn more of her history. Yet that doesn't mean she isn't curious of him herself and how he knows such things.

Locke Rinannis: Someone she did a job with within the company. She enjoys his company, even if he is the silent type, and wishes to further their standings.

Adair Hawke: A man she met randomly and someone she can laugh with, or at, while in good company.

Rhashi Zahra: Team leader of her first job; Admires him for his strength.

Dante Thalmos: A happy-go-lucky man she met within the Quicksand and still sees every now and then to this day.


Free Wings Society

Music Themes

Note: Vocal Songs are attributed themes in which the lyrics seem to relate or partially relate to the character. They don't mean to resemble the character's voice. The instrumental themes are meant to give an idea of the atmosphere around the character. Songs with character names (example: "Tidus's Theme") are NOT meant to indicate that the character is like the theme owner. I just find the instruments and melody fitting, not the character the song was originally addressed to.




Note: This section is editable by anyone. Just keep in mind that the rumors here may be both true or false.

◢ Common Rumors (Easy to overhear)
"She seems like an okay kind of person. Doesn't know when to keep her nose out of business though. Could get her killed one day. Had to stop others from jumping her a couple times." - Mother Miounne, Carline Canopy Proprietress.
"Oooooh! I haven't seen her in awhile.. Tell her to come by sometime. I have the supplies she asked for. Was hard to obtain but once she starts something, she finishes it quickly and places a lot of care in what she makes. She says something about honor within what she creates." - H'naanza, Armor Smith Guild Master
"Yeah, I bought a few weapons off of her at one point in time.. Though they were crafted strangely.. Never seen the likes of it before.." - Ul'dah Merchant
"She seems to keep to herself often but she looks like she'd be friends with anyone. It makes me wonder.." - Momodi, proprietor of The Quicksand
◢ Moderate Rumors (Difficult to overhear)
"I've seen her spar before. Tricky one, she is. Very jumpy and I swear I saw her teleport." - Elezen within Gridania
"Seen her a few times; Once when she was rather happy and calm, another.. Made me think that she was on a killing spree. Very off putting." - Unknown gossiper within Ul'dah.
◢ Rare Rumors (Nearly unheard)
"Saw 'er and a few others get offa boat in Aleport. Wore weird clothin'.. Weird everythin'.. Say they be from distant lands but wouldn' say specifics. Ta the gates wit' 'em.." - Lominsan Sailor within Aleport.
"Cute girly, eh? Changed though since she picked up a strange dagger. Hid her eyes afta dat.. Found 'er mumblin' ta herself a couple times.. Interestin' marks on her back, though. Look like eyes of a demon peerin' at ya. Enough ta make yer blood run cold."
"Mizore Dorne.. I can tell you now, that isn't her real name.. I knew the real Mizore once. She was like a snow lily found only on the coldest of nights within Coerthas. That woman is not the one I remember."
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from other player's characters)


Name and Lifestyle

Name Etymology

Mizore Dorne: It is believed that this is not her real name. When she first arrived to Aleport, she gave no name but soon after, when others approached her, it was what she replied with, 'Mizore Dorne'.


  • Snow
  • Mimi
  • Nana

Current Residence

Free Wing Society

Birth and childhood (0-10)

Mizore can not tell you much of her child years, for even herself doesn't know it fully. What she does know is that she was an orphan and was raised by a large family and was full of hardships yet the fruit from her labors were well worth it. She assumes it was her 'family' that taught her of her weapons skills and the honor and pride she places into them.

Teen Years

Her Teen Years were just as blurred as her child years. What she does remember is the smell of iron and flames, the taste of blood and screams still ring within her ears to this day.


Her new life began in Aleport, getting off of a ship from distant lands. The first thought that traveled within her mind was that it was rather barren for a place she heard much of. And she can still tell you that it reeks of fish. From Aleport she traveled to Limsa and soon found herself within the lush city of Gridania. There, she learned of the Archers and soon sought to become apart of their training.


Currently, she lives within Ul'dah and performs tasks for the Free Company, Free Wings Society. She works proudly and believes she has made a few friends, yet the fact that she can not remember her past is a heavy burden upon her. She tries to learn more each day of the history she has forgotten but so far, has come to only dead ends.

Other Notes

Wanted for Interesting Roleplay

  • Villain Character For Story Plot
  • Friendly RP
  • Teachers for sword-users.