Jet'a Vahn

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Jet'a Vann
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keepers of the Moon
Citizenship Ul'Dah
Place of Birth Southern Black Shroud
Guardian Rhalgr, the Destroyer
Nameday 22th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon (Age: 25)
Marital Status Single
Occupation Member of the Rose of Sharon
Pronunciation Jhet-ah Vhann
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Basic Info

"I'll keep searching."

—Jet'a Vann

First son of a Moonkeeper small family whose name is hardly ever heard of, Jet'a appears to be nothing but a traveling sorcerer. He shows an overall quiet demeanor, and is not inclined to share his thoughts openly or make comments in general. Very reserved over his past and motives of traveling, he prefers to keep a low profile and not make himself a reputation amongst adventurers.

Of a rather cold expression, probably toughened by the harsh experiences of his past and training, he shows little of his body; they who somehow get to see him without a cloak will notice a toned but rather smooth built, with little to no muscles although with several old scars.

His speech seems to hardly betray any kind of emotion unless very specific topics are touched, and while he doesn't hesitate to speak openly when questioned, he'll hardly scoff or directly insult someone. The rare times he does so, one can be certain the target is always a male, as he comes from a matriarchal society and was taught to consider females, Miqo'te in particular, as superiors. He also shows a complete lack of sense of humor, either because he doesn't get jokes or doesn't want to bother trying to understand them.

He didn't participate to the Battle of Cartenau, so he hasn't been sent forward into the future as some other adventurers lately seem to claim to have been. Apparently pledging to no nation nor Grand Company or deity of whatsoever sort, Jet'a won't say to belong to any place in particular: that, as most of his past, seem to fall in a kind of topic he doesn't wish to share.

He prefers to travel alone, with the sole company of 'Golden', a dark brown unicorn that he rescued in the North Shroud a long time ago ((Sleipnir Mount IC interpretation)).


Height: Very tall for a Miqo'te. (Almost 5.7 fulms)

Weight: In shape, with lean developing muscles.

Complexion: Tanned, slightly ashed, but not enough to be called dark. ((Row 19, Column 5))

Hair: Dark blue with black highlights, that he let grow down to his shoulders. He has a fringe partially covering half of his face.((Base Row 20, Column 8; Highlights Row 20, Column 8 ))

Eyes: Of a sharp shape ((Type 3)), with large ice blue irids. ((Row 19, Column 2))

Particular Traits: 

  •  A teardrop tattoo on his forehead.
  •  Dark blue tribal marks on his cheeks. 
  •  He has many scars on his body, in particular a large one on his right shoulderblade. However, due to his adopted clothing style, the only one on sight is an X shaped scar on his nose bridge.

Voice: Quiet, smooth and slightly deep. With his voice Jet'a conveys calm, and depending on the situation, intimidates. ((Type 4))

Clothing Style: Very heavy. Jet'a doesn't like to expose his own skin for his own motives. To better blend in the nocturnal environment in which he usually moves, he prefers to wear dark colors.

Laterality: Left-handed when writing, right-handed for everything else.



  • Staring off in the distance from high places. He says it helps him think.
  • Preparing ingredients for his alchemic concoctions.
  • Reading.
  • Writing notes.
  • Long, slow-paced horse rides.


  • To travel at night time.
  • Sceneries. 
  • Flute misic. 


  • Sunlight.
  •  Men disrespecting women.


  • Color: Ink Blue.
  • Food: Dried berries.
  • Drinks: Mint Tea.
  • Scent: Unknown.
  • Place: Unknown.
  • Festival: Unknown.


  • To hunt down and slay black marketeers, in particular those involved in slave trade.


He doesn't seem to worship any deity in particular at the moment.


At his current state, he could be defined Neutral Good, though he can have some Chaotic Good swings.


Jet'a is the strong silent type. He speaks only if needed, but when he does he'll likely say something important. He is a strict, determined fighter with a dry wit. As a hunter, Jet'a devotes his life to carry over his purpose while trying to protect those who depend on him, putting the matters of those close to him, or his family, before his own. This may be seen as a somewhat reckless and self-inflicting behavior that will often put him in danger.

Beneath the quietness Jet'a is angered and disgusted over the events of his past, and still mourns the loss of his family. He regards himself as a failure for letting the last female carrying his family name go lost. He has little respect for the Twelve likely due to his harsh past, where no merciful god seemed to gaze upon him or his family in their time of need.


Nothing is known yet.


  • Pretty antisocial.
  • Isn't likely to tag along in playful behavior.


Nothing is known yet.


Nothing is known yet.


He looks to be intelligent above average, although this may actually be more something inspired by his seriousness and maturity than anything else.


TV Tropes

Abilities and Skills


  • He seems to have a particularly developed eyesight in the darkness. As a downside, he is sensible to the sunlight.
  • As a miqo'te, he developed a great sense of smell in order to survive in the wilderness.
  • Fairly sharp hearing.


  • Because of his job, Jet'a often finds himself having to resort to any tool within hand's reach as a weapon to carry out his duty. As such, he has taken all these long years training in little of every art, and always seeks new schools of war.
  • Expert in: Daggers, Polearms (Staves and Spears), Thaumaturgy.
  • Advanced in: Swords, Archery, Martial Arts.
  • Amateur in: Great Axes, Conjury, Arcana.


  • Black Magic
  • Thaumaturgy


  • Alchemy

Family and Relationships

All what is written here bears absolutely no OOC feelings, and may be subject to change as the story develops. If your name doesn't appear in this list, I have probably forgotten, or Jet'a just doesn't remember you. Please do not use these information to affect you ICly or mess with Jet'a's feelings. Use of OOC information will be flagged as god-moding and I will not react to it ICly if I feel this is what you're doing.

The Status of Vann Family since the Calamity

Kokorune Lilirune: Adoptive Father / Mentor

Still Nightshade: A roegadyn female who travels with Jet'a. Jet'a doesn't seem incline to share details on how he met her or why she follows him around, but the two seem to cooperate like they've known each other for a long time.




The Alchemists' Guild


Jet'a travels to Ul'dah to join the Alchemists' Guild at the age of 16, thanks to the recommendation letter of his mentor Kukurune. There, he focuses himself solely on self-improvement, spending days at the guild and nights over books to complete his studies. Ignoring the pleasantries of social life, his talent and devotion to the art quickly catch the guildmaster's rare attention, who takes him as one of his few selected assistants. Jet'a's alchemy quickly grows popular in Ul'dah, granting him high profit and a successful career in three years, a very short time. This was all in his intentions, as he planned to make as much money as he could to buy his family back from the slavemaster that still kept it captive. However, as rich as he may have become, all his plans are shattered when Dalamud falls on Eorzea, leaving nothing but ashes and ruins where the mansion he knew his family was kept at once was.

The Thaumaturges' Guild


Jet'a joins the Thaumaturges' Guild after meeting Still Nightshade and making a deal with her. Instilled with new hope to find at least his sister, sole survivor of the Calamity, he breaks the laws of his family and accepts to sin his soul with the taking of other living beings' lives. He is no fighter, but he has a good intellect, and is not afraid to dwell with the void. The Ossuary welcomes him among its adepts after a very brief trial, and there Jet'a pours all his determination and desperation, taking control of the void powers and accepting the darkness within. His studies eventually reward him, also thanks to the training with peaceful beastmen, to give full form to black magic and become a real Black Mage.

The Rose of Sharon


The Rose of Sharon's leader, the Althaea, had already chosen Jet'a the moment they had met. When Jet'a visits Wineport and meets the Gardener for the first time after two years, he is a changed man, a seeker of truth. The Gardener explains to him of what their association does, and in a very brief time, Jet'a accepts the invitation and decides to carry forth his plan with the support of this organization, lending his powers at its service in return.

Music Themes

Note: Vocal Songs are attributed themes in which the lyrics seem to relate or partially relate to the character. They don't mean to resemble the character's voice. The instrumental themes are meant to give an idea of the atmosphere around the character. Songs with character names (example: "Tidus's Theme") are NOT meant to indicate that the character is like the theme owner. I just find the instruments and melody fitting, not the character the song was originally addressed to.

Generic Themes

Jet'a's Theme #1: General Theme

Jet'a's Theme #2: Battle Theme

Jet'a's Theme #3: Boss Battle Theme

Jet'a's Theme #4: The Oath ("I will save her.")

Jet'a's Theme #5: Traveling in Thanalan

History-related Themes

Jet'a's History #1: The Capture in the Shroud

Jet'a's History #2: Deportation to Ul'dah

Jet'a's History #3: The Escape

Jet'a's History #4: Returning as a Free Man (The Other Face of Ul'dah)

Jet'a's History #5: Dalamud Cometh

Jet'a's History #6: The Advent of Bahamut

Jet'a's History #7: Losing All Hope (After Calamity)

Jet'a's History #8: Meeting Still Nightshade

Jet'a's History #9: Resolve (Becoming a Black Mage)

Friends and Foes Themes

Jet'a and Still #1: Fighting Side by Side

Jet'a and Blade #1: Jet'a vs Blade


Note: This section is editable by anyone. Just keep in mind that the rumors here may be both true or false.

"I've heard of a Miqo'te kid with a scar similar to that one on his face. Think it was the son of a merchant in the outskirts of Ul'dah, or something like that..."


Name and Lifestyle

Name Etimology

As all the other males of the Keepers of the Moon Clan, Jet'a inherited his full name by his mother,Jet Vann. The 'a indicates he is the first son of the family. Vann means 'water' in an old dialect once adopted in the lands his ancestors came from, and is likely a reference to the dominant blue color in his relatives' appearance.


None yet.

Current Residence

He is a wanderer, so he cares not to keep a residence as of now.

Before Dalamud's Fall

Birth and childhood (0-12)

Jet'a was born in the South Shroud, in a small family of hunters with a small territory costantly besieged by swarms of bandits and other hunting clans and tribes attempting to claim it. The Vann family is one of the strictest families when it comes to Keepers of the Moon's matriarchal society. A legend is passed from Matriarch to another, of how Menphina had granted women, her vessels of birth, the power to lead to Heaven the souls of their victims. The preys of a male instead, would be doomed to wander the land until the end of the time. Jet'a accepted his role of a male within the family without reserve, staying inside the camp, and going outside only when ordered to, to assist his father and uncle in gathering supplies to keep the community steady and working, while the females always took care of any fighting.

Jet'a's view of the world around him was drastically changed shortly after his sixth winter....

Fanfiction: A Cage of Light and Stone

Teen Years (12-19)

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After Dalamud's Fall

Adulthood (19-24)

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A Realm Reborn (Present, 24)

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Other Notes

Wanted for Interesting Roleplay

  • Old acquaintances.
  • Chewtoys he seems unable to get rid of.
  • Anyone!