Grey Everheart

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Grey Everheart
Grey Everheart.png
"The hells are you lookin' at?"
Basic Information
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Age 20
Height 6 fulms 4 ilms
Weight 240 ponze
Nameday TBD
Guardian Llymlaen, the Navigator
Occupation Dock worker, member of 'The Lucky Bastards' free company, odd jobber for Bastard's Honor
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Basic Info

Grey Everheart is the headstrong, foul mouthed Limsa Lominsa native taking up ranks in the mercenary free company called ‘The Lucky Bastards’. Most view him as abrasive, difficult and almost always disagreeable. He fights with his fists and feet as his weapons using varied styles of martial arts and brawling learned from sailors traveling from all free corners of Eorzea.

Appearance and Personality

Grey is a young man of 20 with wild black hair, bold blue eyes, tall height, a figure taut with thick muscle and fair skin marked by deep scars across his nose and his upper lip. He prefers loose, sleeved, open-chested tunics or slim cotton tank tops with slim leather trousers. He likes his boots thick and his gloves fingerless and knuckled. He wears only three pieces of jewelery—a silver band on his left hand ring finger, a silver stud in his left ear lobe and a silver pendant at his neck that ends in a figure hidden beneath his shirt. He is tattooed down the right side of his abdomen with the image of leviathan coiled around a spear, the tip of which is driven through his skull.

Grey's long years spent working around men and women with a penchant for slang and swearing have played a significant role in shaping his vocabulary. Fowl language is ever present even in casual conversation where talking is pronounced talkin' and going is pronounced gonna. Ain't and y'all work their way into his speech occasionally, but in a much more city street born fashion than the country bumpkin brand.

Most of the folks that frequent the docks or the local taverns around Limsa Lominsa have likely run into Grey Everheart on more than one occasion. Since his early teens he’s been rough around the edges, becoming increasingly more abrasive and aggressive as he aged as though birthdays were an accelerant. He lives with a very small-town mentality—content to live out his days working in the shipyard and the docks, mending broken sails and hauling around cargo from here to there. He doesn’t dream of adventure or yearn for excitement—he likes things the way they are. He chafes under the rub of change and fairly vocal about it.

He’s not a fan of the company of others—like his love for the structure, simplicity and familiarity of his life, he also loves keeping his list of known associates to those he already knows. He’ll let you know if he doesn’t like you (which is likely) and thinks nothing of voicing his opinion of your ideas (especially if he thinks they’re stupid).

Despite being as vocal about his dislike for a laundry list of people, places and things, he’s not as vocal about what goes on in his head, preferring to keep his internal dialogue just that. His feelings are his business and no one else’s.

Beneath his rough, hard to get along with exterior, though, lies the heart of someone who feels a subconscious need to be a protector. He’s very protective of the people he counts as friends—most especially his mother and Hachi Ten’ahn. Whether it’s their honour, their good name or their safety that’s in jeopardy, Grey is a fierce advocate for leaving things be—and when his curses and aggressive language isn’t enough, he lets his fists do the advocating. He’s not above helping others, regardless of how begrudgingly he does it, and will usually always step in for the little guy.


Grey is particularly private about his childhood. Even Hachi, who has been living with Grey and his mother since he pulled her from floating wreckage ten years ago, knows little of what happened before her arrival. Most folks know Grey was born and raised in a village just outside of Limsa Lominsa and was the first and only child of Bardas Gale—a once prominent mercenary dragoon whose skills waned quickly with age and were replaced by drunken rage, and Meredith Everheart—a kind, caring soul who worked at the local weaving guild.

After an altercation that ended in Bardas being thrown from their home and told never to return by a fourteen year old Grey, Grey took it upon himself to make up the loss of income in the house and began skipping his school classes so he could pursue work (unbeknownst to his mother, of course). He quickly endeared himself to the local dock workers—albeit after aggressively refusing to take ‘no’ for an answer. Day and night he worked at the docks, moving freight, fixing things that needed fixing, helping hands that needed help.

It was here that he began to build his foundation for his martial arts prowess. Sailors from all corners of the free world would pass in and out of the docks, and with them they brought knowledge of combat Grey had never been exposed to. Some nights he’d come back and work an extra shift in exchange for lessons which he in turn practiced for hours on end at home.

Not much has changed for Grey since his father was cut out of the picture. He remains in the same house he grew up in, doing the same work he’s done since fourteen, drinking the same drink at the same tavern he’s frequented since he acquired a taste for liquor, taking care of his mother and looking after Hachi. Grey’s life is simple now, and he likes it that way.



Other Notes