Shiina Ayana

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 Shiina Ayana
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa (Previously Doman)
Age 24
Marital Status Single - Searching!



Shiina grew up as part of a good family. She was raised in Doma by her parents, who ran a simple boutique of sorts. From an early age, Shiina was learning how to handle a pair of scissors and a comb, and often helped out her parents with their shop. In addition to learning how to style, cut, and clean hair, she also became quite adept at scalp massages, which she learned while shampooing visitors. She prides herself on her skills in this, though she rarely ever brings it up.

As a child, she was also taught the basics of how to fight. While she didn't take to Ninjustu like many of the other kids in her class, she learned how to manipulate a pair of knives as well as any. During those years of training, she would often practice by herself at night, trying to keep up with the class. However, without a teacher, she actually learned quite wrong, and eventually dropped out of her lessons. However, she continued to train herself in her own 'wrong' way. Because of this, her fighting style was very abnormal for a Doman, but she was no less capable than any other fighter they had.

Her life was pretty peaceful until the invasion of Doma hit it's peak and the Garlean's invasion began to overpower them. During the last retreat, Shiina's parents were killed by the Garleans before they made their escape. However, Shiina made it to the boats and out with the other soon-to-be refugees. Despite the horrors that occured that day, Shiina cannot recall what or who killed her parents. Her memory is completely blocked.

On the boat to Eorzea, Shiina met a native Eorzean who happened to get mixed up with the Doman retreat named Shizu. Although Shiina was somewhat of an empty shell at the time, Shizu tried to comfort her the best she could - though she was quite bad at it. Shiina latched onto Shizu readily, feeling completely alone in the world at the time. The trip from Doma to Eorzea was thankfully not a very eventful one, and the ship landed safely. However, once they made landfall, a few of the Doman warriors that made it decided to head back out to sea to look for any stragglers, or those simply in need of help. Shizu, without a second thought, volunteered. Shiina followed her without thinking it through, still attached to Shizu.

During the first trip, Shiina ended up bunking in the same cabin as Shizu. And though it was a very slow process, Shiina slowly became less hollow as Shizu kept her company. It took several weeks before Shiina was of any actual help on the voyage, and she barely left the cabin at first. Given time, however, she eventually showed her face up on deck more often and became a helpful member of the crew.

Over the course of the next few months, Shiina became very close with Shizu. They spent a lot of time together, and Shizu taught her a lot about Eorzean life, and it's history and geography - anything that would help her make the transition to living there. Shizu and Shiina also traded their backgrounds, and personal stories as time went on.

On their 7th voyage together, the ship they were on was attacked by pirates. During the scramble on deck, Shiina took a nasty slash across her back with a Cutlass. The wound was deep, and cut a jagged line from Shiina's right shoulder down to just above the base of her tail. She blacked out from the shock almost immediately.

Shiina only came to three weeks later, and had to hear about the rest of what happened from Shizu and her ship mates. Shiina was cut just before the attack came to a close and the pirates were driven off. Shiina was told that Shiizu went nuts when she saw Shiina laying on the deck, and rushed to bring her to the infirmary under the deck. Once there, Shizu went to work, healing the wound, and it took her about 7 hours of nonstop treatment to get Shiina stable - and enough aether to cause Shizu to pass out after the worst had past.

Over the three week period she was out, Shizu rarely, if ever, left Shiina's bedside. While she did help out and treat other wounded in the Infirmary, she only left to eat meals when necessary. And when Shiina finally woke up again, Shizu slept for 22 hours, after the biggest meal she had had in three weeks.

A week after Shiina woke up, Shizu brought her back to their cabin, and they had a heart to heart. Shizu felt more attached to Shiina than to anyone she had been before, and Shiina felt the same. However, after a long talk about how it wasn't a romantic love, and what they could do about it, Shiina suggested adoption. Shizu gave it some thought, and decided to go throgh with it, once they made landfall again. In addition, after being hounded by Shizu, Shiina agreed that this would be her last voyage, and she would remain in Eorzea with some caretakers of Shizu's choosing.

When the arrived, Shizu tracked down her Free Company, and asked their leader, Hikaru Takeba, to keep an eye on Shiina. And after the official paperwork had been filled out, and Shiina was officially Shizu's daughter, Shiina moved into the Free Company's house.

However, during all of this, Shizu was approached by the captain that had headed the previous expeditions, and asked her to head their infirmary on the following trips, as their little band of rovers became much larger. Shizu felt that she was obligated to help, and talked it over with Shiina before deciding to set out again, leaving Shiina in the capable hands of the Hungry Wolf Free Company.

Shiina has since grown accustomed to living there, despite it only having been a month.


Height: Short - though you shouldn't tell her that.

Hair: Her hair color falls somewhere between black and a dark purple, with some darker blue/purple highlights. She traditionally has her hair back in a loose braid, but also favors headbands, as they remind her of Shizu when she's lonely.

Eyes: She has the Cat-like pupils of the Sun Seekers, and her eyes differ slightly in color. One is a dark green and the other a bluish purple.

Face: She tends not to bother with any real make-up, as she doesn’t have the time for it usually. She keeps her face well-maintained though, and her skin is beautiful. (And while she’ll never admit to it, she uses just a tad of blush).

Physique: Shizu isn’t built for close combat, per se, so she prefers striking from a distance with magic usually. That said, she isn’t lazy when it comes to exercise, which leaves her with a lean, slightly-muscled build.

Speech: Shizu tends to have a retort or comeback for everything, although she doesn’t use them all the time. Her manner of speaking is generally a bit more refined than what you'd find in, say, a bar, but she can get heated and wild after a few drinks.

Everything else: Shiina's body is a toned, lean fighting machine. She is lithe and agile, with quick, thin, nimble fingers. She has a scar on her cheek that she doesn't remember how she got, but also still carries a large, imposing scar on her back from the fight on the boat. She often hides her back because of it, and it quite embarrassed to show it to others.



Shiina is quick and agile, favoring knives during a fight. While she didn't take to Ninjutsu as a child, her essentially self-taught fighting style is very akin to that of the Rogue's Guild in Limsa. she uses quick movement to confuse her opponent before striking in an opening with the her smaller blades.

She has also begun learning the style of the Galdiators, but is learning from necessity that she is not sturdy enough to take the hits. Instead, she favors smaller shields that help her redirect blows instead of absorbing them. In addition, she uses her agileness to try to avoid what dangers she can.


Shizu’s strengths and weaknesses when it comes to adventuring trades are…

  • …her quick reaction times.
  • …her knowledge of anatomy (Thanks to Shizu) helps her target vital spots during a scuffle.
  • …her strange form of training has given her a very unusual style that surprises most other fighters.
  • …her training as a child still helps her in some ways, such as the ability to hide very well.
  • …her body doesn't lend well to taking hits, so she is not very sturdy.



  • Shizu
  • Drinking, especially Limsan Rum
  • Eavesdropping
  • Sparring
  • Sleight of Hand tricks
  • The thrill of danger
  • Women (Thank you again, to Shizu.)


  • Idiots
  • Weak Alcohol
  • Arrogance
  • Greedy Merchants


  • Color: Dark Blue/Purple
  • Food: Jerky
  • Drink: Limsan Rum
  • Place: At sea
  • Instrument: Flute


Shiina is a very adaptable person. Given the right situation, she can be whatever is needed most at the time. During tarven banter, she is quick-witted, and sharp-tongued. When someone needs comforting, you'll be hard-pressed to find a better shoulder to lean on. In romantic encounters, she is consistently good at fawning over her partner.

However, beneath this, she is actually quite the fragile person. The trauma she's gone through left her cynical and hollow when it comes to most interactions, despite coming off as friendly and personable. She's often lonely without Shizu, and misses her terribly. However, she'll only share these feelings with someone given the proper time and place.



Father: Haruki Misaka (deceased) Mother: Sayuri Misaka (deceased)

Adoptive Mother: Shizu Ayana



  • [Looking to fill position]

Friends from the Hungry Wolf.

  • Hikaru Takeba - The leader of the Wolves. Shiina is convinced that, despite his apparent ties to another, he is in love with Rhea, and often teases him. However, she is aware of his outstanding abilities, and knows she can rely on him in a pinch. Thanks to all the stories Shizu told her, she also has a fair amount of dirt on him, and sort of views him as a father figure...but not.
  • Rhea Zaheela - The second in command of the Wolves, as far as Shiina can tell. She enjoys teasing Rhea, and finds it to be very easy to startle and fluster her. Despite this, like with Hikaru, Shiina does respect her, and knows she's probably even more reliable than Hikaru, depending on the situation demanding attention.
  • Rezerb Elburn - Someone Shiina happened to meet that is also part of the Wolves. He mentioned not always being a Miqo, and that confused her but she is certainly intrigued by the man. He seems silly and a bit strange. Certainly a good drinking partner, she feels.